View Full Version : City Hall New Location
Thunder 01-05-2009, 04:41 PM The City of Del City will be moving to a new location.
The building (old bank) next to Sara's on 15th will house the new City Hall.
Good plan? Bigger space? Shocked?
This is also the location where residents will pay their water/garbage bills.
Millie 01-05-2009, 04:55 PM Why would anybody be shocked?
easternobserver 01-05-2009, 04:57 PM Is this supposed to be some sort of scandal? Who cares.
Redskin 70 01-05-2009, 09:21 PM The City of Del City will be moving to a new location.
The building (old bank) next to Sara's on 15th will house the new City Hall.
Good plan? Bigger space? Shocked?
This is also the location where residents will pay their water/garbage bills.
Is there a point to all of this?
If so please elucidate us...............
Millie 01-05-2009, 10:14 PM Okay, assuming this is a real topic and not the start to some sort of anti-Del City diatribe...
I didn't think this was news, as the move has been public knowledge for a long time now (saw stuff about it in the paper several months ago, seems like).
Good for them! The current building is showing its age from the outside and probably on the inside too. It seems to be a small place for the number of employees they have, and the current location is kind of awkward amidst all the retail/traffic/etc. in the area.
Also, might be nice for the city to have a physical presence in that part of town- the police will be staying on 29th Street and the fire/water place is on 44th. It will probably keep that neighborhood from getting more run down.
Thunder 01-05-2009, 10:37 PM I thought it was news, because I just noticed it when I drove by and saw the huge sign.
I remember discussion about having a new City Hall built, but I was shocked that they're moving to this location. I think it is a nice building, but I always thought they needed more space.
This will be fine until a new one is built.
Millie, you forgot about the Fire/Community on 15th.
I do know that a new police department was discussed. I haven't seen or heard of any new construction for several months.
Anyways, it is news, cuz mom didn't know about it and some family relatives just recently learned of it when I told them. I'm sure not everyone was aware of it.
Millie 01-05-2009, 10:56 PM I think the police dept will go where the current city hall is- they're going to tear it down or something? Don't remember the details, but it is probably in the archives for the Sun.
Millie 01-05-2009, 11:00 PM I found the article about the new police station.
The Sun - New station means more room for Del City police (
Thunder 01-06-2009, 06:33 AM Is there enough space when they tear down the old City Hall and convert all that parking spaces? Is the park behind it being torn down?
plmccordj 01-10-2009, 10:01 PM It is news to me and I live in Del City. Where did you guys hear about all this? When is this supposed to happen?
Thunder 01-11-2009, 07:07 AM It is news to me and I live in Del City. Where did you guys hear about all this? When is this supposed to happen?
Just drive by and you'll see a sign posted saying so and there is construction going on around there.
Lately, I've drove by it a few times and had a closer look. It looks like plenty of space with some 2nd floor offices. As someone had pointed out about the "40 employees", I still wonder if it will be enough space. It never look like that many workers in the current location.
Redskin 70 01-11-2009, 07:44 AM It is news to me and I live in Del City. Where did you guys hear about all this? When is this supposed to happen?
Hum, its been in the local papers, the Oklahoman and the Sun. Its been on several city council meetings on channel 20.
The plan is to move city hall from its current location, tear down the old building and build a NEW POLICE STATIONN at the current location.
I have talked with the mayor and council man of my ward about this and it is all done with out ANY tax increase and within a specified budget.............. I also understand they have a great picture of what the new city hall will look like but I havent seen that one.
They have been planning this since the roof collapse at the old police building in 2005. Sometimes if ya want an answer ya just gotta pickup the phone and call someone.
plmccordj 01-11-2009, 08:37 AM Thanks guys... I have Dish Network so I do not have cable. It would be nice if they would keep their web site up so those without cable can know about things. Ooops... I just checked the web site and they have finally updated it. I think this is great news because the city hall and police station were just better than a mobile home :).
The mayor works just down the hall from me at Tinker but I do not know him well enough to just go over there and ask him questions.
Thanks again
Redskin 70 01-11-2009, 09:45 AM The mayor works just down the hall from me at Tinker but I do not know him well enough to just go over there and ask him questions.
Thanks again
Most approachable person I have ever met. You dont hesitate to walk up to and introduce yourself...................He is the most helpful and wont hesitate to get you anything you want.............its ok he really is a great guy.............he even gives out his email addie, cell phone and homephone...............
Thunder 01-12-2009, 12:51 AM Redskin, can you ask him why the city refuse to caption any of their televised meetings?
While you're at it, can you ask the mayor why no one ever fix the bumpy (upper left) portion of the channel?
plmccordj 02-22-2009, 04:42 PM Redskin,
I was walking down the hall in 3001 the other day and my wife introduced me to the Mayor. He gave me his card and strangely enough spoke about my blog. That was a surprise as I had never met him before. He was very nice and approachable. I think he has done a lot for Del City since he has been in there. I am not sure if we have term limits or not but I will continue voting for him as long as I can :).
Redskin 70 02-23-2009, 06:58 AM Redskin,
I was walking down the hall in 3001 the other day and my wife introduced me to the Mayor. He gave me his card and strangely enough spoke about my blog. That was a surprise as I had never met him before. He was very nice and approachable. I think he has done a lot for Del City since he has been in there. I am not sure if we have term limits or not but I will continue voting for him as long as I can :).
Glad you met him. Nice guy huh. No term limits.
That was changed two years ago.
THats another story of how the business elite of Del City tried to control the town