View Full Version : Apartment Carpet

01-03-2009, 12:18 AM
How many on here experienced bad carpet in an apartment? Especially a new carpet that was just put into the unit.

Is it a new trend right now that apartment managements are putting the cheapest carpet available in all units that requires replacement?

I am in no way happy and comfortable with the new carpet that was put in for my place. Already, it fried my computer. I suffer thru daily (and nightly) shocks that gets as bad as heart-stopping. The light switches, the knobs on the sinks, and the rails.

Humidifier does not work.

I'm convinced that the carpet is so cheap, there is no anti-static protection.

With the touch of my fingers, the carpet is extremely thin and my vacuum suffered once already with clogs (junks from carpet).

I informed the office, but was told there was nothing they can do.

Well, are they legally responsible for the safety of my own health? Should they honor my request to put in new carpet?

Or am I the one that have to pay for a new carpet? If so, then any recommendation on affordable prices for 1,000 sq ft (minus the kitchen and bathrooms)?

I really need a carpet replacement. This cat does not look happy. He gets shocked more than I do.

It's so bad, I'll have to stable (to wall) wash cloths over every light switches. Wrap around the knobs on the kitchen sinks. Huge towels to wrap around the stairs rail.

01-03-2009, 12:25 AM
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

01-03-2009, 01:25 AM
It's not captioned. Another failed video.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
01-03-2009, 06:15 AM
Of course they're going to use the cheapest carpet available. It's an apartment, not The Ritz.

New carpet, cheap or expensive, is going to fill up your vacuum when it's new. Nature of the beast there.

I've got some high-dollar stuff in my house, and it'll shock you to know that I too get 3 inch long blue flames shooting off my fingertips as well. Still not as bad as when I lived in Denver.

Go buy 12 cans of Static Guard (the laundry stuff) and spray your furniture and carpet down. Dryer sheets can help too.

01-03-2009, 08:52 AM
lol...Electric Man... OJ - ha,ha...

01-03-2009, 09:14 AM
i don't think it's the carpet's fault for the static shocks, it's just that time of year. i shock my cats at least 3 or 4 times a day

01-03-2009, 10:03 AM
Their responsibility is to provide carpet, that is all, there is no level of implied quality, just carpet. They have always put the cheapest available carpet in units and not widely available in roll goods, it is usually a tile product because they can build it into the backing material. There is no way they would put in an Antistatic or ESD Carpet, it's just too expensive and not that effective below 25% RH, as BradR stated, it's the drier air this time of year that makes it worse. I was told by a manager in the complex that I lived in Dallas it was because they expect to have to clean it after a 6 month lease and replace it yearly. I was in my apartment down there for two years so they made money on that unit.

Static Smart Environments - ESD Flooring Glossary For Anti-static Floors (

01-03-2009, 09:45 PM
Will the Static Guard harm the cat and bunny? I rub any dryer sheet or a specific brand all over? How long will any of these last?

I never had such problem like this at Eagle Point. I don't remember being shocked once there for nearly 3 years. Kinda odd how much difference the air can be a mile or two apart.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
01-03-2009, 09:47 PM
I don't know how long it lasts. I just got used to getting shocked after a year or so and lived with it like the other few million people in Colorado.

01-04-2009, 03:58 AM
Get a hygrometer and measure your humidity it should be between 30 and 50 use the Static Guard and a humidifier 2 if you have a big apartment.
house plants also release moisture into the air.

01-04-2009, 02:16 PM
If you get houseplants, make sure you get ones that aren't toxic to cats and bunnies, since they can have a tendency to chew on plants.

01-04-2009, 08:56 PM
Yes, I had a big Ivy plant and I know that they are toxic to cats, but mine seem to know not to eat it. I don't have it anymore, thx to busy schedules during the past year, the plant lacked proper watering. :(

Right now, I have two plants, but I don't know the name of them. I call them Money Tree. I also have some Lucky Bamboo.

01-07-2009, 05:29 PM
i don't think it's the carpet's fault for the static shocks, it's just that time of year. i shock my cats at least 3 or 4 times a day

I do too - whenever they see me get out of the shower!:Smiley259

01-21-2009, 07:51 PM
I hate the carpet in my apartment. I get shocked 3-4 times an hour. Once when adjusting my thermostat I shocked it so bad it died for about 15 minutes. I also hate that my carpet is white, I just look at it and it gets dirty.