01-01-2009, 07:22 PM
Mine is to spend as much time with family as possible..Ok and maybe loos a few xtra lb`s
View Full Version : What is your New Years resolution? grantgeneral78 01-01-2009, 07:22 PM Mine is to spend as much time with family as possible..Ok and maybe loos a few xtra lb`s :bright_id old okie 01-03-2009, 09:56 PM Try to be more positive! [And keep the weight off I lost last year.] Karried 01-03-2009, 10:05 PM Stop stressing over business details so much... stop worrying about it and enjoy being a business owner instead of freaking out over every small thing. Be a more patient parent ... Start exercising again (and stay with it)! I'm getting the Core Rhythms dance DVD's.. that should help. I really hate working out so much, but I love to dance.. so maybe I won't notice that I'm working out. It gets harder and harder every year to stay in shape. Oh GAWD the Smell! 01-03-2009, 10:11 PM Eat more hamburgers and gain 20 pounds. I know...I aim high. grantgeneral78 01-05-2009, 05:37 AM Eat more hamburgers and gain 20 pounds. I know...I aim high. Man it must be rough! eat more burgers (sigh) :yourock: BradR 01-05-2009, 08:50 AM I just want to keep my job in this stupid economy. TaoMaas 01-05-2009, 10:11 AM To lose weight. I quite smoking a couple of years ago and gained 60 lbs. in the process. I traded one health risk for another. lol Bunty 01-05-2009, 03:52 PM To get another car, something cute to let the top town, like a Mazda Miata, because I'm tired of my 11 1/2 year old car that I bought new. CuatrodeMayo 01-05-2009, 04:35 PM To not die. I find this one works well for me...requires very little willpower. Karried 01-05-2009, 05:09 PM Yeah, and with a new baby, makes it all that more important doesn't it? Now you know what us parents have been talking about. A love like no other... makes you want to take care of yourself to be around to take care of them. OKCisOK4me 01-05-2009, 05:14 PM To lose weight. I quite smoking a couple of years ago and gained 60 lbs. in the process. I traded one health risk for another. lol Even though you can only do it about half of the year (I guess you can do it indoors too, although it's hard as hell) you should buy a bike. Ride around Lake Hefner. It's a lot easier on the bones and joints than running. Also think about getting a heart rate monitor. I still haven't purchased one yet but need to before it starts getting warm again so I'll have it for not just my rides but my workouts too. Do this and you'll shed that 60 pounds quick enough. For myself I have picked up a bad habit since the beginning of the college football season. Smoking black n'milds. Which unfortunately is a microcosm of hanging out with the friend that smokes them. In my head they're not cigarettes...which I've been clean and clear of for four years now. So I vow after the football season is over that I will quit smoking those dang plastic tipped cigars! neodeity 01-05-2009, 05:28 PM This is the year I stop pointing out that one never fully digests corn. OKCisOK4me 01-05-2009, 09:54 PM this is the year i stop pointing out that one never fully digests corn. lmao Oh GAWD the Smell! 01-06-2009, 12:57 AM This is the year I stop pointing out that one never fully digests corn. If you ever fully digested anything...You wouldn't need a bunghole. Point THAT out to people instead! Bunty 01-06-2009, 04:13 PM To not die. I find this one works well for me...requires very little willpower. Oh come on, that resolution sounds more appropriate for an 85 year old who's been getting uneasy from seeing his oldest friends and relatives dropping dead one by one. CuatrodeMayo 01-06-2009, 04:32 PM Oh come on, that resolution sounds more appropriate for an 85 year old who's been getting uneasy from seeing his oldest friends and relatives dropping dead one by one. Maybe I should have added a smiley to indicate the light-heartedness of my post. Most folks make resolutions that are difficult to keep. I figured I'd pick an easy one to stick with. oh yea...=) Generals64 02-15-2009, 09:19 PM Made my far I've kept it....try MY best to lead a true life and attempt to gain better health.....Vague......Baby....Vague. mcgrawsdad 02-15-2009, 09:26 PM Love more, exercise more, eat less, drop lbs., increase business revenue by 50%, write the perfect country and western song. Generals64 02-15-2009, 09:45 PM Love more, exercise more, eat less, drop lbs., increase business revenue by 50%, write the perfect country and western song. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- you and David Allan Coe.....You gotta be drunk...There's gotta be a train...lose your pick-up and your wife who runs over your dog and blue eyes crying in the rain... Bunty 05-31-2009, 07:44 PM To get another car, something cute to let the top town, like a Mazda Miata, because I'm tired of my 11 1/2 year old car that I bought new. And so I did finally make good on my New Year's resolution. I quite recently bought a 2008 convertible hardtop Miata from an OKC Ebay member. I was the only one who was crazy enough to make the minimum required bid of $22,900. It only had 3900 mi. on it. The minimum bid was too high for everyone else probably because the remaining new 2008 Miatas at Mazda dealers had been going for $7,000 to $9,000 off the sticker price. But I had to have it. Anyway, it's been a trip. Never had a convertible before. Driving with the top down, it seems better than air conditioning and with good use of sun lotion, no sunburn, so far. If you don't know what a 2008 Miata looks like, a picture of one with the top down can be seen here: Thunder 06-01-2009, 12:06 AM It's a nice car. What was so special about it to spend that much? Did you obtain a loan or paid off in cash? kevinpate 06-01-2009, 05:58 AM Nice ride. Not so nice to me for it to pry that much change outta my wallet, but if ya gots it and ya wants it, and ya don't gots to sleep in it to own it, then drive baby drive! Oh GAWD the Smell! 06-01-2009, 06:28 AM And so I did finally make good on my New Year's resolution. I quite recently bought a 2008 convertible hardtop Miata from an OKC Ebay member. I was the only one who was crazy enough to make the minimum required bid of $22,900. It only had 3900 mi. on it. The minimum bid was too high for everyone else probably because the remaining new 2008 Miatas at Mazda dealers had been going for $7,000 to $9,000 off the sticker price. But I had to have it. Anyway, it's been a trip. Never had a convertible before. Driving with the top down, it seems better than air conditioning and with good use of sun lotion, no sunburn, so far. If you don't know what a 2008 Miata looks like, a picture of one with the top down can be seen here: You have to give up your man card for owning a Miata unless you autoX it. So...Hand over the card. |