View Full Version : The Dawg House

12-31-2008, 12:25 PM
Does anyone know what happened to the Dawg House Hotdog place that was located on N May and like 70th I want to say.. Same location as the cyber cafe they had in the back... They had amazing hotdogs and would like to know if they opened up somewhere else or if someone knows of another great hotdog place in the city!??!

12-31-2008, 02:19 PM
I think it's still there... There's a hotdog place on the east side of May just north of 63rd. I've never been there, so I'm not sure that's the one.

BTW, there's a hotdog place called the Dog House in Moore that advertises "gourmet hotdogs"... DON'T BELIEVE THEM! They're just boiled generic hotdogs; they don't even have gourmet toppings. When I went there, the place was so humid from the boiling dogs that beads of water were dripping down the windows and running onto the floor. I bet there's toxic mold all over that place. Also, the mean old lady that worked there was mopping the floor when we came in. She stopped mopping to help us, but she didn't put on gloves or so much as wash her hands. Straight from the mop handle to your bun. Mmm mmm...

12-31-2008, 03:33 PM
I think it's still there... There's a hotdog place on the east side of May just north of 63rd. I've never been there, so I'm not sure that's the one.

It's closed.

12-31-2008, 04:39 PM
I think it is a Baskin Robbins now.