View Full Version : What did Santa bring you this year?
Generals64 12-25-2008, 10:23 AM O.K. one day talke line.....Did you get what you wanted for Christmas?.....What did Santa Claus bring you last night????? How many Cookies did you have to eat....that your kids made and they tasted like soap?...Wait a minute maybe that was soap.....Tell the world how you handled Santa this morning...(if you have the nerve).
The gift I have cherished more than anything is Christmas morning my wife fixes ONLY what I like for Breakfast.....Childish?...Maybe.....but, NO ONE has to buy me a present...simple - minded guy with a simple - minded wish....How about you?
LIL_WAYNE_4_PREZIDENT08 12-25-2008, 11:00 AM I got clothes a new car a rolex playstation 4 xbox 540 a new laptop money and THC
Generals64 12-25-2008, 11:19 AM I got clothes a new car a rolex playstation 4 xbox 540 a new laptop money and THC
Boy, you were either real good this past year or you are in REAL trouble next year.....
CuatrodeMayo 12-25-2008, 12:06 PM The same guy walked to work at Burger King just a few months ago...
Doubt it.
ssandedoc 12-25-2008, 12:14 PM a Tom Tom
masonsmomma 12-25-2008, 05:07 PM a new desk, chair, and little big planet!
Generals64 12-25-2008, 05:31 PM a Tom Tom
Tom Tom is Great......I got lost during Hurricane Gustav in Lower Louisiana...everything was blown away except the road. I put where I was looking for and "Sally" tom tom voice.....took me right where I was supposed to go....However, that place was gone also...But,.......The Tom tom did it's job...
CuatrodeMayo 12-25-2008, 05:36 PM I posted this on another thread...but...I got an early Christmas last friday...
Forgive me for being a proud daddy...
Soonerman 12-25-2008, 06:19 PM ^ Thats awesome
andy157 12-25-2008, 08:31 PM The same guy walked to work at Burger King just a few months ago...
Doubt it.The THC explains a lot.
Kerry 12-25-2008, 09:07 PM My kids were so excited last night they couldn't sleep. My 10 year old even showered, changed into his pjs, and laid down at 6:30 PM; but he didn't fall asleep until midnight. That is when Santa and Mrs. Clause went to work getting all of the gifts out. We didn't get to bed until about 1AM and then the kids got up at 6:30AM. It has been a long day.
As far as gifts go, I have two boys so what they get I get. Mostly Star Wars toys and Nerf guns. Nothing is more fun then taking out your 10 year old with a 30 foot Nerf dart sniper shot while he thinks he is hidden.
Generals64 12-25-2008, 10:39 PM My kids were so excited last night they couldn't sleep. My 10 year old even showered, changed into his pjs, and laid down at 6:30 PM; but he didn't fall asleep until midnight. That is when Santa and Mrs. Clause went to work getting all of the gifts out. We didn't get to bed until about 1AM and then the kids got up at 6:30AM. It has been a long day.
As far as gifts go, I have two boys so what they get I get. Mostly Star Wars toys and Nerf guns. Nothing is more fun then taking out your 10 year old with a 30 foot Nerf dart sniper shot while he thinks he is hidden.
That's so boys are grown and looking for kids of there own...
Kerry 12-25-2008, 11:00 PM I recommend the Nerf gun collection. We have about 8 different guns that shoot Nerf darts and one Nerf compound bow. You don't know fun until you have a shootout around the yard. Just make sure you wear the Nerf safety glasses.
Karried 12-25-2008, 11:05 PM So cute.. yeah, I have two boys also.... in time, your Nerf collection will turn to Musical Instruments and video games.
This years was sort of sad.. my youngest is 11 and isn't into 'toys' so much. He's my baby, it is a sad milestone for me in a way... needless to say, our home was filled with drums solos all day ( new double bass pedal ), new guitars magnified by the new amp .... I'm sorry, did you say something?
That's what I need for Christmas, a hearing aid.
Doug Loudenback 12-26-2008, 12:11 AM Another year and a great day with these guys:
Oh GAWD the Smell! 12-26-2008, 02:09 AM Way to go Cuatro...Screw it up for everybody...Nobody can beat that present. Now my G1 phone doesn't seem so cool.
kevinpate 12-26-2008, 05:40 AM Cuatro, I'll nevah forgive ya for being a proud daddy. Been there, still there, as my baby's are now near on 23, 20 and near on 16. And, we have a two day shy of being 1 year old grandbaby with us for a spell longer.
Christmas was thus a bittersweet ride yesterday. It was our most excellent Emery's first Christmas, and barring a no holds barred miracle, it marks my mum-in-law's last Christmas. Sad, as she's a walking saint if ever there has been one.
Generals64 12-26-2008, 08:26 AM Cuatro, I'll nevah forgive ya for being a proud daddy. Been there, still there, as my baby's are now near on 23, 20 and near on 16. And, we have a two day shy of being 1 year old grandbaby with us for a spell longer.
Christmas was thus a bittersweet ride yesterday. It was our most excellent Emery's first Christmas, and barring a no holds barred miracle, it marks my mum-in-law's last Christmas. Sad, as she's a walking saint if ever there has been one.
Hey, all of these threads creates a good time.....However, this is a real time of celebration. My prayers will be extended to you and your family throughout this time of your need....Generals64
danielf1935 12-28-2008, 09:19 AM My kids are 27, 25 & 14, they all went together and bought me a trip to watch OU win thier 8th National Championship.
Thanks Kristin Haley and Keeton
redcup 12-28-2008, 07:10 PM Nothing, it was an awesome Christmas....only bought a present for my best friend. We decided to put in the money we were going to spend on one another and bought Christmas for 3 families. Lots of fun and no sweat. We ate and enjoyed one another's company!
This may be a whole new standard for Christmas until I get some grandkids. Darn those kids....the one present I want and no cooperation from them yet!
Karried 12-28-2008, 07:26 PM wow, what a selfless act... I love to hear that three families were able to have a wonderful holiday due to your generosity.
That is so awesome..... I wonder if I can get my kids to go for that next year?
Jon27 12-28-2008, 08:13 PM I got an Ipod!!! Thanks Mom!!!
redcup 12-28-2008, 09:48 PM wow, what a selfless act... I love to hear that three families were able to have a wonderful holiday due to your generosity.
That is so awesome..... I wonder if I can get my kids to go for that next year?
I have to say they were right there with me. I think trying to figure out what to get for us was tough. They each gave me $100 and their Godfather joined it with the same. I added the $500 that I usually spend on everyone and was able to do a lot for the families. I had one family with 2 sets of twins (single 19 year old mom) and one family with triplet 1yr old girls. I then gave a co-worker a GC for one of her families with 8 kids. All and all a lot of fun and satisfaction.
The reason we did it this year was partly due to the death of my daughter's friend (Jeremy Moore, the pizza delivery guy) who was shot and another friend of hers committed suicide the month earlier. It was so hard to get into the spirit. I felt that really shaking up the holiday might help us get through it and it seemed to work. The other part was we pretty much have what we want and did not NEED anything else.
Give it a try, it was really worth it and lots of fun.
jsibelius 12-29-2008, 02:55 PM Santa brought me food poisoning. I guess Li'l Wayne was gooder 'n me this year.
I posted this on another thread...but...I got an early Christmas last friday...
Forgive me for being a proud daddy...
This is highly forgivable. Congrats. Funny - she doesn't look anything like your avatar!
ejillparker 12-29-2008, 04:22 PM I posted this on another thread...but...I got an early Christmas last friday...
Forgive me for being a proud daddy...
Congrats! She is precious!
I got a new pair of UGG boots. I never thought myself to be the UGG boot type, but I got a pair last year and I fell in love, they are so warm and comfy. So I got another pair this year. I also got a KitchenAid stand mixer, a Canon Powershot camera, a Tokidoki messenger bag, and some shirts and hoodies from American Apparel.
LIL_WAYNE_4_PREZIDENT08 12-29-2008, 10:42 PM the same guy walked to work at burger king just a few months ago...
Doubt it.
you callin me a lier?
solitude 12-30-2008, 02:59 AM Congratulations on the new bundle, Cuatro. Love her, love her more and then love her even more. I bet you'll be a great dad! All the best to you, Mom and Baby!
Santa brought us a new home in Los Angeles. We went easier on 'stuff' for Christmas this year.
Generals64 12-31-2008, 06:08 PM In reality, Santa brought all OKC "Threaders" new friends and it's been pretty cool...Huh???
I posted this on another thread...but...I got an early Christmas last friday...
Forgive me for being a proud daddy...
That's the best present of all. Congrats!!!
wife and i bought ourselves a dslr. i tracked down a wii fit the tuesday before christmas for my wife (someone returned one unopened to walmart right before i called to see if they had any in stock!). daughter got the dollhouse she's been eyeing at hobby lobby for the past two years. everyone was very happy! :)