View Full Version : Bricktown Fire Station

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04-10-2009, 09:27 AM
Not obvious, but I do expect it to be URBAN. You're forgetting we need to build downtown as an URBAN CORE and not typical suburban design like most of the city. Again, you keep mentioning the rest of the city, Downtown is not like the rest of the city nor should it be. It's the one place in the entire city where we can shine well in a concentrated area. Did you listen to any of Jeff Speck's recommendations or videos? I'm a downtown resident, property owner and taxpayer, so I can expect more out of our local government to take pride in building a quality development downtown. I can almost guarantee the city and Bricktown commission will be regretting building this in about 10 years when much more of downtown is filled in. It will stand out suburban like Bass Pro.

04-10-2009, 09:53 AM
The site plan is terrible. I don't get it. Maybe the next consultant we bring in should be Christian Bale to ask: "what don't you f*cking understand!?"

We shouldn't even be talking about core-to-shore right now because this city has a long way to go even to reach urban planning 101, in my(admittedly amateur) opinion. Here we go chipping away at the perimeter again.

I thought Bricktown Urban Design was on the right track. Maybe there is more to this story, and that it will actually be closer to the street than shown in the renderings?

04-10-2009, 12:08 PM
We shouldn't even be talking about core-to-shore right now because this city has a long way to go even to reach urban planning 101, in my(admittedly amateur) opinion. Here we go chipping away at the perimeter again.

I thought Bricktown Urban Design was on the right track. Maybe there is more to this story, and that it will actually be closer to the street than shown in the renderings?

That is a great statement. I will be very hesitant to vote yes on another MAPS tax if the urban planning doesn't show improvement.

We can't keep approving projects (The Hill, okc chamber building, bricktown firestation, etc.) and expect the citizens of Okc to continue supporting with a Yes vote.

04-10-2009, 01:56 PM
Well, complaining about it on here isn't going to help. Email the mayor's office. I did.

Just be polite. Remember, be complimentary at first, then politely make your argument.

04-10-2009, 02:06 PM
Is there really a need for a fire station to be super fancy?

I guess if there isn't a need to live in a nice city, no.

I was hoping they'd make them tweak them a little more and get rid of the front parking lot and build it closer to the street with parallel parking on the street.

Yeah, I don't get how this repeatedly alludes our design committees. If we could just get over this idea that surface parking lots are supposed to be a primary feature of developments, we would make a huge step towards better design. Let's feature the buildings, not asphalt.

04-10-2009, 02:10 PM
Where exactly is the site?

Earlier plans for the station, to be built at Lincoln Boulevard and Sheridan Avenue

I think it is where the Stewart Metal building is on the NW corner of Lincoln and Sheridan. Here is the link to the County Assessor site:

Leonard Sullivan Oklahoma County Assessor Real Property Detail Sheet (

04-10-2009, 02:43 PM
Well, complaining about it on here isn't going to help. Email the mayor's office. I did.

Just be polite. Remember, be complimentary at first, then politely make your argument.

Good point, I just sent him an email. Thanks.

04-10-2009, 09:20 PM
The out front pavement folks don't seem to like - is that the asphalt in front of the bays?

This is the space where trucks are put when there's other stuff happening in the bays, and where they get washed outside, and where the truck needs to clear the bay completely before beginning a turn onto a street.

Perhaps there's some functionality in the design which a desire of appearance may be overlooking. Might just be me, but if anywhere needs function over fluff, it's where our fire folk live/work.

04-11-2009, 07:51 AM
The design looks kool to me. I have no frickin clue why anyone would complain and whine about it.

The concrete leading the exit from the bays is a must. That is where the trucks is out for daily tests and, of course, washings.

I see parking for visitors, it seem just enough. I'm not sure if a huge school bus would be able to weasel thru that visitor parking space.

The parking space behind the building is fine. Considering how big the trucks is, they need room for the turns, so I see no valid reason to complain there.

The only thing that is missing from the graphics is the trees. Hopefully, they will put in trees around the area.

04-11-2009, 05:31 PM
Really? Those long-ass "driveways" are a neccessity?

Hmm. Thats funny, because I don't see those large expanses of asphalt in a lot of other stations. And umm, if the back lot was built for them to drive through, then why couldn't they be washed back there?

Yeah, I'm going to complain because the fire stations in my part of the city are closer to the street than that.

04-11-2009, 06:46 PM
I have no frickin clue

You said it, man. Not me.

04-13-2009, 01:35 AM
Really? Those long-ass "driveways" are a neccessity?

Hmm. Thats funny, because I don't see those large expanses of asphalt in a lot of other stations. And umm, if the back lot was built for them to drive through, then why couldn't they be washed back there?

Yeah, I'm going to complain because the fire stations in my part of the city are closer to the street than that.

That drawing is only a scale drawing. The length of the drive will only be about 30-50ft. (The average fire truck is at least 24-30ft long) The drawings I created in Crime Scene/Traffic CAD Class always made walkways, drives and parking lots look bigger than what they actually were. Not mention the city will probably add trees and landscaping to take away from presence of the long drive. I predict the site size will probably be the same size as other stations they have built over the years.

04-13-2009, 09:00 AM
As for the people complaining that sliding down the pole is the safest thing they do all day, Please stop. You have no idea what your talking about. Yes a pole is a traditional look in a 2 or more story firehouse, However, you would be first in line when a Firefighter fell and severly injured themselves or god forbid died. Dont forget, They wake up to a loud bell from a dead sleep and are out the door 45 seconds later. Most people cant find thier alarm clock that quick. Give them the safest you can. They save lives. Dont risk thiers unnecassarly.

As for Midwest City getting a coveted ISO Class 1 rating, Fantastic. But Oklahoma City has 621 square miles. It would cost hundreds of Millions of Dollars to cover the entire city for ISO class 1.

Some of these are way to big for Bricktown but if they were scaled down a bit it would work. These are fire Station built in the late 1800s and early 1900s. I think these couls look very good in OKC.

04-13-2009, 09:17 AM
I'm glad several of you above aren't in charge of the design, or it'd be even more suburban in design. I swear, we need to get some bumper stickers going for downtown like Edmond and Norman have. Don't EDMOND my DOWNTOWN.

Here are URBAN firestations.

04-13-2009, 09:22 AM
Can someone explain the difference between the two, Urban and Suburban?!

04-13-2009, 09:44 AM
That drawing is only a scale drawing. The length of the drive will only be about 30-50ft. (The average fire truck is at least 24-30ft long) The drawings I created in Crime Scene/Traffic CAD Class always made walkways, drives and parking lots look bigger than what they actually were. Not mention the city will probably add trees and landscaping to take away from presence of the long drive. I predict the site size will probably be the same size as other stations they have built over the years.

And that's the problem. I, for one do not think this above example is appropriate for the property being considered. This is arguably one of most urban places we will see a fire station at in Oklahoma and the best we can do is this? Really?

04-13-2009, 12:36 PM
This location is a main entrance to Bricktown / Downtown, this fire station should be much more.

04-14-2009, 08:51 AM
Can we just put this thing on the east side of I-235 so it doesn't take up valuable space in Bricktown with its suburban design? WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO BE IN BRICKTOWN, and why at the corner of Lincoln/Sheridan??? I don't understand the location at all when vacant weed-infested lots exist within a half mile of this site to the east..

04-14-2009, 12:09 PM
I agree with BG918, this entire project puzzles me. Move this to the east Reno, and design it however they want. I then wouldn't care how sub-urban it looked.

04-14-2009, 12:24 PM
Don't really see the difference between the "urban" and the "sub-urban". A design is a design. Accept it, get used to it, live your life as normally as you can.

04-14-2009, 01:13 PM
I look at this way. If I lived in Bricktown (AKA:Boozeville) I would want a fire station close to my home. I could careless rather or not is Feng Shui with all the other pressboard cookie cutter structures in the area. Design goes out the window when my house is on fire or when someone in my home needs emergency medical services.

04-14-2009, 01:31 PM
I look at this way. If I lived in Bricktown (AKA:Boozeville) I would want a fire station close to my home. I could careless rather or not is Feng Shui with all the other pressboard cookie cutter structures in the area. Design goes out the window when my house is on fire or when someone in my home needs emergency medical services.

Maybe so in SW Oklahoma City, Moore, Edmond, etc. but the fact that it's in Bricktown, an urban district just outside downtown, and at the eastern gateway to said district (and downtown) no less, THAT is why we are debating the design. Move it half mile to the east on the other side of 235 by the junkyards and empty lots and no one would care, yet Bricktown/downtown/OUHSC/wherever would still have adequate fire protection..

04-14-2009, 01:34 PM
Don't really see the difference between the "urban" and the "sub-urban". A design is a design. Accept it, get used to it, live your life as normally as you can.


04-14-2009, 02:37 PM


04-16-2009, 07:58 PM
Don't really see the difference between the "urban" and the "sub-urban".

I have no frickin clue

Don't forget this is the guy that thought Devon Tower should be one giant fountain.

04-16-2009, 08:47 PM
Don't forget this is the guy that thought Devon Tower should be one giant fountain.


We've been Thunderstruck.

12-10-2009, 12:24 AM
So apparently ground has been broken.

Did we ever see the final plans?

12-10-2009, 12:26 AM
So apparently ground has been broken.

Did we ever see the final plans?

I never saw them. I fear that is a bad sign. If they'd been reworked, I would think the new plans would have been posted.

12-10-2009, 12:28 AM
I fear the same.

12-10-2009, 06:54 AM
I fear the same.

Nah, your favorite reporter is just slacking :)

I kid, I kid.

The Bricktown Urban Design Committee approved the plans earlier this year (April and July?). The bids were received Tuesday, December 1. The work going on right now is actually environmental remediation, not the fire station specifically.

12-10-2009, 12:01 PM
So what design did BUD approve? I will reserve judgment until I see it.

12-10-2009, 12:24 PM
they have whats called the "glass house" stations 22 333 nw 92nd. brittion and hudson behind the car dealership. I spent some time there and with al that glass you have two things. REALLY REALLY hot in the summer sun and cold when the winter wind is blowing.

12-10-2009, 12:44 PM
Found this article in the newspaper today with a drawing of the station. It wasn't written by Steve.

NewsOK (

12-10-2009, 12:48 PM
Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters.

12-10-2009, 12:52 PM
Love the old designs like that one. Wish they'd bring them back.

12-10-2009, 01:02 PM
Found this article in the newspaper today with a drawing of the station. It wasn't written by Steve.

NewsOK (

That's better. And LEED-certified!

12-10-2009, 06:07 PM
Looks nice, and a top of the hat for planning to display a this time century firetruck out front. Seems very fitting given the location.

12-10-2009, 06:16 PM
I'm sure it says it some where in this thread, but I'm too lazy to look it up..Where is it going to be located exactly?

12-10-2009, 06:29 PM
Sheridan and Lincoln, or very near it

12-10-2009, 08:25 PM
OMG, I am cracking up just reading this, welcome to our world. Remember this is a 2000 GO bond issue item. We have heard every thing you can imagine since then about where this station would be built, what it would look like, how many bays and so on. I really thought the Ford center was going to be something that looked like all the red brick buildings in Bricktown. 333 NW 92 is a horrible design. I thought 6's looks OK. The doors will be different, splint down the middle and accordian style. After almost 10 years looks arent as important as getting it done, IMO.

12-10-2009, 08:30 PM
Pleased to assist in amusing you.
There's something near poetic about that actually.

If the rendering is reasonably accurate, it'll look right nice where it's going

12-10-2009, 08:35 PM
They still need to go back to drawing board. I would seriously question these crappy architecture firms that they keep going with. Surely there is someone in this city who can design a real downtown fire station and not take years to do it. I sympathize with anyone who's been waiting on this project but the quality of the work that's still being submitted is not good enough.

Can someone explain why they just will not put the fire station right up against the street? The design is still something that could just as easily go in Moore or Edmond. This is a joke. This firm has been told no several times now and they still don't get it. Now it will probably be approved just because people are tired of waiting on it, and it's just embarrassing to not get a project off a DECADE after the bond was passed..

12-10-2009, 08:57 PM
Spartan, rest assured, we get the highest quality product the lowest bid will buy.

12-10-2009, 09:00 PM
They still need to go back to drawing board. I would seriously question these crappy architecture firms that they keep going with. Surely there is someone in this city who can design a real downtown fire station and not take years to do it. I sympathize with anyone who's been waiting on this project but the quality of the work that's still being submitted is not good enough.

Can someone explain why they just will not put the fire station right up against the street? The design is still something that could just as easily go in Moore or Edmond. This is a joke. This firm has been told no several times now and they still don't get it. Now it will probably be approved just because people are tired of waiting on it, and it's just embarrassing to not get a project off a DECADE after the bond was passed..

It is approved.

Steve, I'm sure if you'd written the NewsOK article, it would have been more informative. I can't believe an article published today didn't note the fact that bids were received last week (Dec. 1). Further, it says "the project will start moving faster now that a site for the station has been selected". The site has been known since March/April, when Steve published his first report.

Second, the article says "Outside the new station, the fire department will display a 1910 fire truck, one of the first motorized fire apparatuses in Oklahoma City." Just looking at the drawing, it's obvious that the 1910 will be displayed in the building, not outside.

I don't think its fair to blame the architect on time for this project. The time involved was due to looking for a site. From what I had heard, the station was to be originally included as a combination station with Police, but when Police decided to go with the Rock Island location, Fire had to start over. Also, if I understand correctly, the 2000 Bond election was done in December 2000. That meant that the first bonds couldn't be sold until May 2001. If that's so, then a project couldn't be designed until a year after that, since an architect/engineer couldn't be hired until bond funds were available. The 2000 bond election was essentially a 7 year bond, which meant that projects were planned over those years... timing is no simple matter.

12-10-2009, 09:51 PM
Although the design of the Bricktown station is not strictly urban, at least they used divided light doors and made some attempt to use both contemporary and more traditional elements. I'd be more distressed about it's lack of urbanness if it were being built right down in Bricktown. But, since it's going over on Lincoln, there's a buffer zone between it and Bricktown proper. Who knows what will be built on that land?

12-10-2009, 09:52 PM
Who knows what will be built on that land?

Bob Mienders might know... :) He's got a bid amount of property just sitting there now, on both sides of Sheridan.

12-10-2009, 09:56 PM
Bob Mienders might know... :) He's got a bid amount of property just sitting there now, on both sides of Sheridan.

Yes, you're right, and whatever gets built there, based on the considerable amount of property he owns, will effectively block any view of the fire station from Bricktown. The firestation will be closer to Bass Pro than to Bricktown, and so I don't think its design is quite as critical. It's not bad looking either, and I like the idea of showcasing the old fire engine.

12-10-2009, 10:19 PM
Cafeboeuf, I can appreciate your explanation of how the bonds work. Can I ask if you know how projects are prioritized? Can anyone add an explanation about how the 2 fire stations are finally being built 9 years after the vote? My understanding is that there was a combined PD/FD building in the beginning. The police station has been open for about 4 years. I cant think it took the city 4 more years to find a plot for station 6. The police substation at 89/Santa Fe was part of it also, That project was done a couple of years ago. Station 4 is under way and should be done by October 2010. The story we were told about that station, in the area of Memorial and Hogback taking so long was all the landowners were raising the prices sky high, because Aubrey McClendon is buying all the land in the area.

12-11-2009, 06:38 AM
Cafeboeuf, I can appreciate your explanation of how the bonds work. Can I ask if you know how projects are prioritized? Can anyone add an explanation about how the 2 fire stations are finally being built 9 years after the vote? My understanding is that there was a combined PD/FD building in the beginning. The police station has been open for about 4 years. I cant think it took the city 4 more years to find a plot for station 6. The police substation at 89/Santa Fe was part of it also, That project was done a couple of years ago. Station 4 is under way and should be done by October 2010. The story we were told about that station, in the area of Memorial and Hogback taking so long was all the landowners were raising the prices sky high, because Aubrey McClendon is buying all the land in the area.

I'm not sure how they were prioritized. I do believe they wanted to wait for the Fire Station location study to be done in order to correctly locate Station 4. It's quite interesting what all goes into buying property (large enough for a well and septic, etc.). I think Public Works had a hard time finding the right size for the right price.

I would love for Public Works to publish something on their website about how they prioritize. If it's a project for another Dept. (Fire, Parks, etc.), the other Dept. often gets to drive the timing. If they don't ask Public Works to move, they won't move. Also, the Finance Dept. gets involved with deciding which bonds are sold each year. Usually, everyone wants everything, so they have to pick and choose which projects go first.

12-11-2009, 08:35 AM
they still need to go back to drawing board. I would seriously question these crappy architecture firms that they keep going with. Surely there is someone in this city who can design a real downtown fire station and not take years to do it. I sympathize with anyone who's been waiting on this project but the quality of the work that's still being submitted is not good enough.

Can someone explain why they just will not put the fire station right up against the street? The design is still something that could just as easily go in moore or edmond. This is a joke. This firm has been told no several times now and they still don't get it. Now it will probably be approved just because people are tired of waiting on it, and it's just embarrassing to not get a project off a decade after the bond was passed..


12-11-2009, 09:39 AM
This a a little off subject, but I wish someone with inside knowledge of the OKC Fire Department would start a Fire Department History Thread. I know we have the Fire Fighters Museum, but I would guess several on this Thread would have some good storys/comments to share.

I just turned 50, and lived just W. of Downtown on NW 3rd and Blackwelder until my family moved in 1970, I have fond memories of the Station that was at NW 2nd and Douglas and the fireman that worked there.

12-11-2009, 10:56 AM

I like this design. I could see such a fire station with brick and lots of glass being a better gateway building to Bricktown at Lincoln & Sheridan.

Any updates on a redesign?

I couldn't read further onto other pages because I just couldn't stand to let this one go... Forgive me if has already been addressed.

Please no glass! Thursdays are glass and polishing days. Oh my gosh that would take an eternity! If you consider yourselves people of morality, please vote no on glass!

Brought to you by a former NTMer, and currently the self appointed president of the Speak Out Against Windows at Firedepartment Locations (SO-AWFL) movement.

12-11-2009, 11:02 AM
I couldn't read further onto other pages because I just couldn't stand to let this one go... Forgive me if has already been addressed.

Please no glass! Thursdays are glass and polishing days. Oh my gosh that would take an eternity! If you consider yourselves people of morality, please vote no on glass!

Brought to you by a former NTMer, and currently the self appointed president of the Speak Out Against Windows at Firedepartment Locations (SO-AWFL) movement.

I'm not a fireman, but I agree, glass cleaning days would be a pane (I know, bad pun but I couldn't help myself). I'm afraid they would have trouble keeping this new station staffed.

I'm a former and present YTMer, does SO-AWFL have a web site or facebook page. :smile:

12-11-2009, 11:28 AM
Looking for investors. Meeting heavy opposition from the Windex lobby that stands to make quite a profit on such a building.

12-11-2009, 04:32 PM
RCjunkie, since you asked, I will loan you my OCFD yearbooks. The history of the department is in there. You will have to use spellcheck though.

12-11-2009, 05:09 PM
RCjunkie, since you asked, I will loan you my OCFD yearbooks. The history of the department is in there. You will have to use spellcheck though.

Some either can't, or won't, let the election go, oh well, I promise Mike, it willl get better with each passing day. Take care and have a Great Weekend

12-11-2009, 05:51 PM
This a a little off subject, but I wish someone with inside knowledge of the OKC Fire Department would start a Fire Department History Thread. I know we have the Fire Fighters Museum, but I would guess several on this Thread would have some good storys/comments to share.

I just turned 50, and lived just W. of Downtown on NW 3rd and Blackwelder until my family moved in 1970, I have fond memories of the Station that was at NW 2nd and Douglas and the fireman that worked there.

The More You Look/The More You See (

Some good pictures here. I'm looking for another link for a chronology from 1889 to present. We had one linked to the city's website under the fire department heading, can't seem to locate it.

Really a good idea for a thread....

12-11-2009, 06:34 PM
Hey, a point about the BT firehouse. (perhaps not a new sentiment, I don't know).

People really like to take pictures outside hansome looking firehouses. It's something of its own attraction and firemen out on the apron washing the rigs, or sitting on the park benches watching cars go by after hours are very approachable to people in need of directions, and or medical care, etc.

I think we need as handsome and fitting a plan as is feasible. I'm not terribly keen on this one.

12-11-2009, 07:19 PM
The More You Look/The More You See (

Some good pictures here. I'm looking for another link for a chronology from 1889 to present. We had one linked to the city's website under the fire department heading, can't seem to locate it.

Really a good idea for a thread....

Thanks for the information

12-11-2009, 07:24 PM
I can remember going to the Station at NW 2nd and Douglas when I was around 9 or 10, they would always show us around the Station, let us set on one of the trucks. If we stopped by on our bikes while they were washing the Fire Trucks, they would let us use their soap buckets and hose to wash our bikes, they would also help us check the tire pressure on our bikes, neat stuff when your a little kid. I'm sure we got on their nerves at times, but they never showed it.
I also remember going to the Fire Station to get a City tag for our bikes.