View Full Version : midwest regional layoffs?

12-08-2008, 02:43 PM
anybody hear anything about big layoffs at the hospital?

12-11-2008, 07:08 AM
If it's true, then I'm sure that means the expansion projects have been cancelled. They were all supposed to start before the end of this year, and we know that hasn't happened.

I would be surprised if there are any health care related layoffs though. You might find some administrative/corporate type layoffs, but they have a pretty thin staff to begin most hospitals. The jobs they could cut are the ones that don't cost as much, so they wouldn't help out that much...i.e. trimming housekeeping/janitorial staff.

03-24-2009, 07:40 AM
Has anyone that has conncetions to the hospital heard anything as to if the project is still dead? It should have almost been done by now if they had started when they said they would.