View Full Version : KFOR in HD?

11-18-2008, 09:06 PM
Did anyone else notice during Joleen Chaney's live reports of the man trapped in Lawton that the microphone flag said "HD" above the 4 logo? Could KFOR be making the HD transition?

11-19-2008, 08:59 AM
It's going to be interesting to see what the local stations do as the federal deadline for going digital approaches. There's actually nothing that says they have to be HD...just digital.

12-28-2008, 08:36 PM
It's going to be interesting to see what the local stations do as the federal deadline for going digital approaches. There's actually nothing that says they have to be HD...just digital.

KFOR was the first station in the metro to activate a digital signal. HD has nothing to do with digital. It may have something to do with the transmission process but regular cox cable is digital too. You can't get the HD channels unless you subscribe to them and have the HDTV. Of course, I'm sure you know this.

I do hope that they go high def soon. I've emailed them numerous times regarding this subject and they're shamefully shady about it.

12-29-2008, 08:45 AM
I do hope that they go high def soon. I've emailed them numerous times regarding this subject and they're shamefully shady about it.

All the locals seem to be playing their cards pretty close to their vest regarding HD. I think that once one of them begins to broadcast their news in HD, then the others will follow. The big question mark seems to be whether they will broadcast their syndicated programming in HD. Partly because there is no standard playback format for those syndicators to provide their shows in, but also because those times of day when the stations air syndicated shows might also be a good time to run secondary channels with infomercials on them.

07-11-2009, 09:03 PM
KFOR did their first news broadcast in high definition tonight.

07-11-2009, 09:04 PM
Is it just me or is the audio out of sync with video?

07-11-2009, 09:11 PM
Is it just me or is the audio out of sync with video?

Not you, it's way out of sync.

07-11-2009, 09:22 PM
Anyone just catch Brian Brinkley saying '****ty'?

07-11-2009, 09:26 PM
Anyone just catch Brian Brinkley saying '****ty'?

Sorry for the word usage above.. I tried to edit it but it wouldn't let me.

07-11-2009, 09:34 PM
Sorry for the word usage above.. I tried to edit it but it wouldn't let me.

No need to apologize. If he said it or somehow the audio made a word very close to it, then chances are that thousands of other viewers heard it as well.

07-12-2009, 07:21 AM
Anyone just catch Brian Brinkley saying '****ty'?

It was just an honest mistake, a result of tricky words in the script. He knew it.

I've heard Jennifer Pierce do the same thing, and coming from Jennifer, it was totally charming!

But hey, how about that picture?! The show looked great!

And I heard KFOR mention they are now the #1 NBC affiliate in the country, and they're also winning all the ratings here in OKC, so they've really turned around from the disastrous Nielsen re-count fiasco that devastated them a while back.

07-12-2009, 08:54 AM
Is it just me or is the audio out of sync with video?

Since hooking up my converter box, KFOR, KOKH and KSBI have been out of sink several times. Also, there have been times I could not adjust the audio on those same stations.

So, to answer your's not you. And I am glad you asked that question because I was wondering if it was somehow my tv?

07-12-2009, 03:17 PM
It looked amazing. Hopefully they can get the kinks fixed.

07-12-2009, 03:42 PM
Is it for all newscasts or just the 10pm to be in HD?

07-12-2009, 03:54 PM
So now that KFOR is HD, who do you think will be next?

07-12-2009, 04:11 PM
Well, just now I caught the story on HD they were talking about and I tested it to see if they are truely in HD. I turned off the scretch feature on the cable box and the screen is still in a standard size old-time box. Didn't look HD to me, so I turned the scretch back on.

07-12-2009, 04:52 PM
Well, just now I caught the story on HD they were talking about and I tested it to see if they are truely in HD. I turned off the scretch feature on the cable box and the screen is still in a standard size old-time box. Didn't look HD to me, so I turned the scretch back on.

If you're on cable, make sure you watch on channel 704. Cable channel 3 is the standard definition feed.

07-12-2009, 05:35 PM
Is it for all newscasts or just the 10pm to be in HD?

All their newscasts are HD now. Tara Blume mentioned it this morning, and also Ed Doney at 5pm-ish.

They tore out their entire analog control room and replaced it with all new stuff! That's like a moon-shot, to get that done in 24 hours! The other stations must be really hacked off! ;-)

07-12-2009, 08:57 PM
On the morning newscast today, Tara Blume's audio was in sync, but Jonathan Conder (at least when he was in front of the green screen) was just a hair behind. Other than that, it looked great.

07-12-2009, 09:18 PM
all i know is that their 10pm newscast as of tonight is in FULL HD EFFECT!!!

07-12-2009, 09:39 PM
I hoped that this would translate into them carrying their syndicated shows in HD as well, but CSI: NY is in SD.

07-12-2009, 10:35 PM
If you're on cable, make sure you watch on channel 704. Cable channel 3 is the standard definition feed.

I will check that channel and see how the CC is done.

Those free HD channels from Cox, I have noticed that most of the channels is showing screwed up CC (very small, not entirely end to end).

07-13-2009, 06:54 AM
I would have sworn that KWTV did an HD test news broadcast a few weeks ago, but due to the lack of mention here I assumed I (or someone) had pressed the stretch button. One of the "news/info" stations that looks a heck of a lot better in HD than I thought it would is the Weather Channel. I know they went full HD a while back, but I just don't watch TWC much anymore, and when I browsed past it this morning, there was a definite "wow" factor with how they have embraced the HD production values. Really looks stunning...

I know KWTV built their new news set specifically with HD in mind, and have to figure they and KOCO probably planned to go HD more quickly than this, but economic issues probably put a squeeze on the funds for such technically huge projects..

And to hear that KFOR redid their entire control room in 24 hours is nothing short of phenomenal. That speaks of a tremendous amount of planning and coordination to make it all work. If the worst outcome on-air was a bit of a/v sync, that's just that much more impressive.

07-13-2009, 08:29 AM
I would have sworn that KWTV did an HD test news broadcast a few weeks ago, but due to the lack of mention here I assumed I (or someone) had pressed the stretch button. One of the "news/info" stations that looks a heck of a lot better in HD than I thought it would is the Weather Channel. I know they went full HD a while back, but I just don't watch TWC much anymore, and when I browsed past it this morning, there was a definite "wow" factor with how they have embraced the HD production values. Really looks stunning...

I know KWTV built their new news set specifically with HD in mind, and have to figure they and KOCO probably planned to go HD more quickly than this, but economic issues probably put a squeeze on the funds for such technically huge projects..

And to hear that KFOR redid their entire control room in 24 hours is nothing short of phenomenal. That speaks of a tremendous amount of planning and coordination to make it all work. If the worst outcome on-air was a bit of a/v sync, that's just that much more impressive.

So true about the 24 hour effort on the control room! Every computer programmer who has ever implemented a big project is bowing his head in respect for what they've pulled off. :-) Usually, a big project turns out to be a bunch of people in a room, scratching their heads and saying, "I don't know what's wrong, it worked perfectly in the test environment!" ;-)

07-13-2009, 09:16 AM
Well as a longtime KWTV viewer I was impressed with the KFOR HD news last night. I will watch it more often now, at least until KWTV goes HD.

To stretch or not to stretch, that is now the question.

07-13-2009, 11:27 AM
Tonight's the night: Linda Cavanaugh in all her high-definition glory.

This is the reason I bought my HDTV, right here.

07-13-2009, 01:48 PM
Looked at Days of our CC on the HD channel. If any, it is very messed up with choppy, quick movement then disappear. There was not any CC on the KFOR nooncast. This is why I do not watch the HD channels.

Only exception is the KOCO HD channel. They got it to work perfectly and smooth. The text size is right and it reads out from end to end on the screen. I watch that channel when OU Sooners is shown on KOCO.

07-13-2009, 02:40 PM
Well as a longtime KWTV viewer I was impressed with the KFOR HD news last night. I will watch it more often now, at least until KWTV goes HD.

To stretch or not to stretch, that is now the question.
Shouldnt be a reason to stretch, KFOR news is in a 16:9 format, however there will still be some SD video content and then you will see the blue bars.

Syndicated HD programming is still away off, until they have an HD playback server on the program playback automation

07-13-2009, 03:59 PM
Cavanaugh doesn't look half bad in HD. I was secretly hoping to see every line, wrinkle and face lift scar :(
Meg Alexander actually looks worse.

07-14-2009, 11:17 AM
Cavanaugh doesn't look half bad in HD. I was secretly hoping to see every line, wrinkle and face lift scar :(
Meg Alexander actually looks worse.

I give credit to Linda. It takes some serious guts to put your face up there in Hi-Def in front of an entire state. She looked just fine on a standard TV, and even on a standard TV, the picture looks better, more vibrant. Before the change, it seemed that KFOR was the blurriest station of the big three, even when sending a digital signal.

Now Linda can kick back and relax, while her competition starts to sweat about Hi-Def, wondering what all the viewers are going to say the day after they launch it. Linda doesn't make a living trying to be a hottie anchor, so the pressure is off. Funny too, she's kicking butt and taking names in the ratings, while women 20 years younger are wondering what it takes to beat her.

She's been anchoring about 30 years! That's legendary status in my book.

07-14-2009, 12:37 PM
She's been anchoring about 30 years!

. . .and looks every bit of it.

Really though, she looked okay last night. KFOR must have upgraded to high-definition cheesecloth for the Lindacam.

And during Kevin Ogle's "The Rant," someone wrote in to say how good she looked in high-def. (Say, that wasn't you, was it, "drumsncode"?) It was all I could do to keep my dinner down.

07-14-2009, 01:53 PM
Yep. I am guessing other stations will be quick to switch to HD now. I wonder if Chopper 4 will be converted to HD as well?

07-14-2009, 04:39 PM
Yep. I am guessing other stations will be quick to switch to HD now. I wonder if Chopper 4 will be converted to HD as well?

I hope so.

It's funny,
KOCO has "advantage doppler HD" which isn't HD, and
KWTV has "Sky News 9 HD" which has a high def camera, but has never been broadcasted in HD.

07-14-2009, 06:09 PM
. . .and looks every bit of it.

Really though, she looked okay last night. KFOR must have upgraded to high-definition cheesecloth for the Lindacam.

And during Kevin Ogle's "The Rant," someone wrote in to say how good she looked in high-def. (Say, that wasn't you, was it, "drumsncode"?) It was all I could do to keep my dinner down.

No, it wasn't me. My mother told me about that on the phone today! I don't actually watch KFOR, I just peek in once in a blue moon to see what they're up to. I caught one shot of Meg Alexander about 6:40 and I thought she looked great on Standard Def, and her hair was killer! There's gotta be a reason this station is winning the ratings --- somebody figure it out for us! ;-)

07-15-2009, 09:11 AM
I hope so.

It's funny,
KOCO has "advantage doppler HD" which isn't HD, and
KWTV has "Sky News 9 HD" which has a high def camera, but has never been broadcasted in HD.

Tell me about it. When my friend worked at Channel 9 he kept telling me the new camera on their helicopter was HD. I agreed with him but had to try to explain to him that the signal was not being broadcast in high definition. Albeit he works for another station now, I think he now understands what I was trying to tell him.

07-15-2009, 02:19 PM
Does having KFOR in High-Def mean that I will finally be able to understand what Russell Carter is saying when he gets excited during a live broadcast?:bow:

07-16-2009, 11:32 AM
Hmmmm. Glad others noted the audio not matching up with the video.

I still see/hear the problem on the 10pm newscast but not the morning newscast.

BailJumper: Is your TV still doing this?

Anyone else?

07-16-2009, 01:06 PM
Hmmmm. Glad others noted the audio not matching up with the video.

I still see/hear the problem on the 10pm newscast but not the morning newscast.

BailJumper: Is your TV still doing this?

Anyone else?

yes, still having a problem with 4's audio/picture. Not so much on their newscast but on other programming. It's better, but still there.

07-17-2009, 12:31 AM
I love the new HD on channel 4. Makes everything look so much clearer.

07-17-2009, 11:04 AM
I love the new HD on channel 4. Makes everything look so much clearer.

The amazing thing to me is that it even looks better on a standard-definition TV?! Who knew?! When one of those weather maps came up it was so incredibly vibrant and saturated with color! The other stations better get with it, or Mr. Nielsen is going to leave them in the dust! It was pretty smart of KFOR to fire this thing up during sweeps too. We'll see if they can pull off across-the-board ratings wins again.

I've also heard that Ali Meyer looks awfully cute in HD. ( Hey, I'm just sayin' ) ;-)

07-17-2009, 02:03 PM
I was expecting Linda Cavanaugh to look all wrinkled and saggy in HD. She doesn't. I've seen all of the on-air talent at KFOR in person at one time or another and the SD picture has never done them justice. The HD broadcast gets closer, but Linda, Allie, Meg and Tara are each and every one drop-dead gorgeous in person.

07-20-2009, 12:16 PM
The last storm or two that we had, I was surprised to see CC during the severe weather on the HD channel. It worked, but not smooth as the regular channel when each line moves up. I noticed how the blue side bars disappeared, so I guess that was the issue blocking the CC. Sometimes the CC disappear, so they still got to work on that and work on smoothing the line by line scrolling.

07-20-2009, 12:34 PM

I haven't switched to an HD TV yet and probably won't until my present TV (RCA, 2007) gives up the ghost. But you are correct, the picture on my standard set is much, much better.

Still out of sync though from time-to-time. And being in the flight path of Wiley Post, the signal gets disrupted as well. But, I can live with it.

07-20-2009, 06:20 PM

I haven't switched to an HD TV yet and probably won't until my present TV (RCA, 2007) gives up the ghost. But you are correct, the picture on my standard set is much, much better.

Still out of sync though from time-to-time. And being in the flight path of Wiley Post, the signal gets disrupted as well. But, I can live with it.

Things have really come along nicely since everyone went digital. Just a few years back, I was fighting ghosts on the picture and some odd, slowly crawling bands on some channels, not to mention having to adjust the antenna knob for FOX25. I had forgotten how annoying and how primitive that seems now. All the stations are solid and it's only going to get better.

Prices are slowly coming down, and just about the time they get LCD TV's perfected, I believe it's Samsung that now is touting LED TV as the next big thing. That's fine, just give me that 120hz Samsung LCD TV I've been lusting over for a few months at a bargain price and I'll drift off to TV Heaven.

For me, the next barrier I'm waiting for them to conquer is affordable DVD/DVR recording in Hi-Def. I want to be able to record and burn DVD's in Hi-Def, and I don't want to buy some stupid unit that charges me a monthly fee.

07-20-2009, 08:26 PM
For me, the next barrier I'm waiting for them to conquer is affordable DVD/DVR recording in Hi-Def. I want to be able to record and burn DVD's in Hi-Def, and I don't want to buy some stupid unit that charges me a monthly fee.

Yes, that is what I want. To own a DVR without paying for the unit and gateway fees. Sadly, I can not find such like it anywhere.

07-21-2009, 08:24 AM
Yes, that is what I want. To own a DVR without paying for the unit and gateway fees. Sadly, I can not find such like it anywhere.

You know, I suppose if we started writing to companies and telling them to create a unit like that, it might help. I've considered that. It's a gaping hole in everyone's product line!

The closest thing I have is my Phillips DVR, but it's standard-def. I don't know why on Earth they don't release a new version in High-Def, because hard-drives are cheap enough to make it happen.

The closest thing I've found so far is a unit from Hauppage that connects to your PC, but I don't want to go that route unless I have to. Check out their website for details, and its about 250 dollars and is a little box that connects to the PC with some software to handle all the stuff.

07-21-2009, 07:43 PM
KFOR looks super good on my 61" Samsung DLP rear projection, even though DLP is the type of TV everybody hates quite a bit because a well centered had on viewing angle is important, otherwise the screen dims out. But 61" LCD or plasma or size close to it would have costed a lot more money than I wanted to put into a TV.

I was mainly watching channel 5 news. Until they get on the ball and switch to HD, I'll watch the channel 4 news.

07-23-2009, 03:30 PM
Although they've had a few techno glitches this week - NBC Nightly News jumping in during the 6:00 local news, tv screen going green or black for a number of seconds, etc., KFOR is looking good!

Chelly Mills even looks like she's pregnant in HD!:LolLolLol

07-23-2009, 04:18 PM
Chelly Mills even looks like she's pregnant in HD!:LolLolLol

She is!