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02-26-2011, 03:18 PM
Tasty Burger out in Choctaw is pretty good if you can catch them open, they have some weird hours.

2nd that on Tasty Burger. Very good. They have a great philly cheese steak too. They are open until 8 thru Thursday, close at 2 on Friday & closed on the weekend. Very good if you are out that way. Its at 29 & Indian Meridian next to Old Germany.

02-26-2011, 09:56 PM
Earl's Rib Palace has a very good hamburger, not the best but you won't be disapointed.

Agreed, the Cheddar Burger Basket is above average and freaking huge. The basket w/ fries @ 5.95 is a good deal too, you won't be hungry afterwards.

02-27-2011, 09:02 AM
The burger at Earl's is the best thing they have there and much better than their BBQ.

02-27-2011, 09:40 AM
The burger at Earl's is the best thing they have there and much better than their BBQ.

Have to agree but their pulled pork ain't bad

03-05-2011, 02:36 PM
I dont know if any of you get down to Altus often at all, but they have a place called Roberts Drive-In. It is amazing, they use fresh ground meat every day from the local store. Never frozen hand pressed patties. Its a great burger for the price.

03-05-2011, 03:51 PM
The burger at Earl's is the best thing they have there and much
better than their BBQ.
I've eaten at Earl's a couple of times and didn't care for it. I
didn't realize it was supposed to be BBQ.

If someone insists on buying lunch there again, I'll try the burger.

don lowmiller
03-21-2011, 09:24 PM
What's your favorite burger place in Oklahoma?

I haven't been to a lot of places, but the burgers in Meers were very good.

Having taken it upon myself to sample most of what OKC has to offer in the way of burgers, I would have to say the best burger at the best value is Bunnys, either loc. I prefer the S. loc. personally my second choice would be "Nics" and third would be Roberts in El Reno, I highly recommend you try them all to see for yourself ! "Wimpy"

04-01-2011, 10:47 PM
Did anyone try Burger King's left handed Whopper today?

04-01-2011, 11:04 PM
Did anyone try Burger King's left handed Whopper today?

Is that one of your lame political jokes or just a replay of an old April Fools Day joke from a few years ago?

04-02-2011, 06:04 PM
Grill at Penn44 used to have some great burgers.

04-02-2011, 09:42 PM
What about the Geronimo burger from the Orange Donut Shop (I think its called Geronimos, but all it says is Donut Shop on the sign) on MLK just south of 23rd. I found it a week or so ago and have already been three times. Burger and fries, 4.25$. Thats a good deal for that burger and especially in these times.

04-03-2011, 12:32 AM
Had a double cheeseburger yesterday at Tastee Freeze in McAlaster, the best I've had in a long time.

04-03-2011, 10:07 AM
1/2 lb buffalo cheeseburger w/ onion rings at the Cherokee restaurant, I-40 & US 281 west of OKC about 45 minutes. OMG!

01-05-2012, 09:01 AM
Didn't want to start a new thread, so throwing it in here....

LivingSocial is running a deal on Ron's Hamburgers & Chili. For $5 you get $10 worth of grub! 216 South Santa Fe Drive in Edmond.

03-10-2012, 10:54 PM
I've been to Meer's a few times. The first few were great but the last time I went the quality had decreased. I'm from Tulsa so I love Ron's. The one in Midwest City seems to be the closest to the ones I've had in Tulsa. I like Irma's. I don't understand why everyone is in love with Johnnie's. Bricktown Burger has a good burger but I haven't had one since I don't work close to that area now.

03-11-2012, 12:41 PM
I've been to Meer's a few times. The first few were great but the last
time I went the quality had decreased. I'm from Tulsa so I love Ron's.
Meer's is a disappointment. Won't go back.

Is Hank's still open in Tulsa? I n the early 70's Leon Russell would
go there.

03-11-2012, 01:42 PM
As we've said in the last 12 pages, it depends on the type of burger your wanting as far as who is the best.

Hands down, if I could have only one burger it'd be Nic's though.

03-11-2012, 04:44 PM
I guess some people like hamburger that's been cooked to death
and crumbles.

03-11-2012, 05:52 PM
Don't you know that Epicurious rated Meer's as one of the top ten burgers in the country? Based on that, my wife and I headed down there to give it a try. A nice store, an average burger at best. I knew of at least three places in the OKC area that had better burgers. Of course, this is subjective so, it's just my opinion. Like you, I won't go back unless I'm in the area and it's lunch or dinner time.
C. T.

Meer's is a disappointment. Won't go back.

Is Hank's still open in Tulsa? I n the early 70's Leon Russell would
go there.

03-11-2012, 06:40 PM
Don't you know that Epicurious rated Meer's as one of the top ten
burgers in the country?
C. T.
I didn't know that. Maybe they like well done burgers that crumble out
of the bun.

03-11-2012, 06:46 PM
I've never had a burger at Meers Store that was overcooked, most of the time they were cooked fine. The last time that I was there was a couple of years ago. I will admit they can be a bit erratic in quality, I have had some great burgers there and some that were merely good, the service on the other hand tends to vary from decent to poor.

03-11-2012, 06:55 PM
We go and get a Meer's burger each time we go hiking in the wildlife refuge - which is about 3-4 times a year.

I can remember raving over their burgers in the past, but the last 5-6 years the burger has been marginal at best.

Anymore we go for the 'experience' and honestly there is a complete lack a good places to eat in the area that are not serving menus full of deep fried this and that.

We usually rent a cabin and stay for the weekend in Medicine Park and bring our own meat and grill out with people in neighboring cabins. Much better experience IMO.

03-11-2012, 07:04 PM
Haven't stopped at Meers in a spell. Generally I'm way more partial to their brisket than I am to their burgers when I go.

03-11-2012, 07:05 PM
Actually, I have been to several of Epicurious' choices for top ten in bbq and I have to admit, they were pretty good. My favorite is Corky's in Memphis. But they really messed up on the hamburger. Crumble out of the bun? Yeah, that's a fairly good description.
C. T.

I didn't know that. Maybe they like well done burgers that crumble out
of the bun.

03-11-2012, 07:21 PM
Actually, I have been to several of Epicurious' choices for top ten in
bbq and I have to admit, they were pretty good. My favorite is Corky's
in Memphis.
C. T.
The last time I was in Memphis, last year, I couldn't find Corky's. Is
it still open? I made a big mistake and went to Central BBQ. Very
dry. It tasted good but it was so chewy. I like Topp's and Neely's.
But Neely's isn't consistent. Topp's has added other items to the
menu, ribs, brisket, burgers. They used to only serve pork shoulder.

03-11-2012, 10:24 PM
Go to It's been three years since I was there, but there web page is active and they have three locations so I assume they are still in business.
C. T.

03-11-2012, 11:00 PM

03-12-2012, 12:40 AM
Johnny's Grill in El Reno - 25 minutes west of Oklahoma City on i-40 :)

Larry OKC
03-13-2012, 01:36 PM
Hope Corkys is still around. they had one inside of the Tunica SamsTown and it was the best BBQ I have ever had...even on the buffet, it was hot, fresh, tasty in all of the right ways!

Nowhere Man
03-21-2012, 10:54 PM
Nic's is hands down the best burger in Oklahoma.

Little Mike's, S&B, Irma's, and Ron's would round out my top five I guess. I don't understand the person several pages back saying to avoid Mike's. Mike has some of the best burgers around and has been in the restaurant business for over 30 yrs probably.

05-12-2012, 09:19 PM
Fat guy's burger bar in downtown Tulsa has some of the best burger offerings in the state. If you haven't been you need to do yourself a favor and get down there.

05-12-2012, 09:36 PM
I don't understand the person several pages back saying to avoid

Nor do I. Little Mike's is very, very good. It could be a political
reason and nothing to do with the food.

05-13-2012, 06:12 AM
I ate at Little Mikes when it was on NW 50th just South of Baptist Hospital/Doctor's building, then followed him to Quail Springs Mall, and Finally, NW Expressway. I have enjoyed everything except his style of French fries. Just my preference, they aren't bad, I just like crispier fries. Now, I'm not saying his burgers are the best in Oklahoma, but Mike's was always on my weekly rotation of places to eat when I was working and I don't include fast food places. I haven't eaten at a fast food place since the 70's. To say Mike's is a place to avoid? Maybe a bad day, it does happen to the best once in a while. And to each his own, it was just another opinion.
C. T.

05-13-2012, 06:21 AM
I don't understand the person several pages back saying to avoid Mike's. Mike has some of the best burgers around and has been in the restaurant business for over 30 yrs probably.
My wife worked for Dr. Coleman in the early 70's and that's when I "discovered" his little place which I believe was a Captain D's prior to Mike moving in, so yes, at least 30+, and maybe into his 40th year now.
C. T.

05-13-2012, 06:28 AM
I just read the "avoid" message and I can almost understand the problem. The message says "avoid Mike's Onion burgers off Nw expressway and rockwell. Very greasy, made me sick.". It probably is unfair to say avoid Mike's, sufficient enough if they had said "too greasy for me" and let it go at that. I love vitamin "G" (grease of course)! Two helpings please. Unfortunately, not everybody sees it my way and some burgers are juicier than others. I really hate them when they are too lean/dry. I don't use mustard or mayonnaise so grease is my dressing.
C. T.

05-13-2012, 04:38 PM
CT, I always order my fries extra crispy no matter where I go. Mike
will comply and you'll be happy.

05-14-2012, 12:10 AM
Five Guys is now my favorite place to go. Red Robin got knocked down to honorable mention after a few rounds of bad service and cold food.

Larry OKC
05-14-2012, 01:09 PM
Bad service and cold food = honorable mention???

Larry OKC
05-14-2012, 01:10 PM
I just read the "avoid" message and I can almost understand the problem. The message says "avoid Mike's Onion burgers off Nw expressway and rockwell. Very greasy, made me sick.". It probably is unfair to say avoid Mike's, sufficient enough if they had said "too greasy for me" and let it go at that. I love vitamin "G" (grease of course)! Two helpings please. Unfortunately, not everybody sees it my way and some burgers are juicier than others. I really hate them when they are too lean/dry. I don't use mustard or mayonnaise so grease is my dressing.
C. T.
One mans juicy is another's greasy

06-02-2012, 01:28 PM
We just tried it for the first time this week, but Freddy's on May was excellent!

Larry OKC
06-04-2012, 02:16 PM
Only tried the Freddys (3 times) just south of the Penn/Memorial Walmart and was disappointed each time. the burgers are very thin to where they can't help but be overcooked/dry and the prices for their subpar hot dogs are insanely high. Can get same quality footlong at Sonic for less money (for some reason Sonics regular sized dogs are much better than the footlongs). Anyway, the best place for burgers and footlongs is still the last remaining Big Eds at 122nd & Penn.

06-04-2012, 02:31 PM
Ya know . . . I had high expectations for Freddys as well . . .
That's why I've been back a couple of times after The Initial Freddys Experience.

It wasn't as good a burger as . . . say . . . Backyard Burgers or Jonnie's or a host of others.
But, on the other hand, that isn't what they claim to be providing . . .
I like those thick, semi-greasy, hand-cut fries that you can find at other places . . .
Yet, those little toothpick type (shoestring?) potatoes are a modest and interesting change of pace.

The main thing that I don't like about Freddie's is the southbound traffic . . . "issues" . . . that their location just south of the intersection from hell (Walmartia/Penn and Memorial) provides.

I might not like the frozen custard either, but one of these days I will give it a try.
Maybe even the Single Plus a Coney! Menu Option . . . =)

06-05-2012, 04:39 PM
In OKC I love Tuckers and S&B: S&B is special for the unique combinations on the burger rather than the burger itself, Tuckers is just the greatest onion burger ever.

But I have to agree with Garin on Fat Guy's (Tulsa), by far the best burger I've ever had.

I have been meaning to try Nic's, but their hours/location clash horribly with my schedule.

06-22-2012, 03:40 PM
I tried Irma's for the first time recently and really enjoyed the "No Name". I havent been to Nic's or Tuckers yet and expect great things so hopefully I will check these off my list soon. Ron's used to make a mean burger in Tulsa but I havent been to any of its locations in years.

06-22-2012, 05:23 PM
. Ron's used to make a mean burger in Tulsa but I havent been to any of its locations in years.

I've tried the Rons in Edmond, Midtown and Midwest City and the Midtown location is the closest to the quality you get in Tulsa (granted i may be biased since i grew up in Tulsa), but the location in Midtown was the best in OKC by far.

I've eaten at each locations numerous times and if I had to rank the locations i would probably say Midtown, Midwest City, and then Edmond (but Edmond has better staff than MWC). If I had to make one more critique I would say MWC needs to move to a better location (maybe near the MWC town center or in the nicer more affluent areas of MWC) and hire some better staff. I always am made to feel that im bothering the staff girls no matter if i go in wearing slacks and a buttonup (after work) or jeans and a t-shirt. Plus the staff has a habit of leaving dirty dishes on the table way after people have eaten and left even if they arent busy.

06-22-2012, 06:02 PM
There's a Ron's in MidTown? Where?

06-22-2012, 07:09 PM
I'm assuming it is a reference to the Mayfair location?

06-22-2012, 09:00 PM
I'm assuming it is a reference to the Mayfair location?
Mayfair isn't midtown. Not sure what he meant. N.W. 50th and
May used to be out of town when I was a kid. Midtown is what
used to be Uptown from what I've seen. It ends around 23rd

06-23-2012, 12:37 AM
I know where midtown is...I work there. I'm just trying to understand WT's post.

06-23-2012, 04:41 AM
I'm assuming it is a reference to the Mayfair location?

Sorry guys - by Midtown (in my mind since i live in the burbs) i actually meant whats known as the Mayfair Heights location at NW 50th and May. Regardless, each time ive stopped by there they have had excellent burgers and the staff seems pretty nice.

06-23-2012, 06:33 AM
My burger place of choice is still the J & W Grill in Chickasha

06-23-2012, 09:24 AM
I haven't eaten at Ron's in a while, shame since I live 5 minutes from the 50th and May location. My cholesterol and diet go into apoplexy every time I drive by.

06-23-2012, 09:41 AM
I haven't eaten at Ron's in a while, shame since I live 5 minutes from the 50th and May location. My cholesterol and diet go into apoplexy every time I drive by.

Just do what I do, order it with low fat mayo. LOL

06-23-2012, 09:43 AM
Or do what I do. Anytime I want something that some doctor would gasp over, I just order a diet soda to offset it.

Turns out I drink a lot of diet soda.

06-23-2012, 09:46 AM
I like those ideas.... I go for blood work next week so I'll stop by on the way back from the Dr's office.

06-23-2012, 10:32 AM
I just never did get into Ron's and I lived in the neighborhood behind that side of Mayfair before I moved to Austin. Tried it several times and just wasn't as impressed as others have been. It was good but never great to me. I much preferred Johnnie's before they went down hill.

My favorite in OKC was always the Lake Hefner Golf Course Pro Shop before they remodeled it, I always thought that was one of the better burgers in town.

06-23-2012, 11:13 AM
I just never did get into Ron's and I lived in the neighborhood behind that side of Mayfair before I moved to Austin. Tried it several times and just wasn't as impressed as others have been. It was good but never great to me. I much preferred Johnnie's before they went down hill.

My favorite in OKC was always the Lake Hefner Golf Course Pro Shop before they remodeled it, I always thought that was one of the better burgers in town.
The golf course was on my group's weekly rotation and their burgers were very good. Not gourmet, no half pounders, just good basic hamburgers. As far as Ron's, it was Ok, but not one of
my favorites.
C. T.

06-24-2012, 12:52 PM
I've never personally tried it, but I've lots of people say the burgers at Kickingbird golf course are really good.

06-24-2012, 01:30 PM
I've never personally tried it, but I've lots of people say the burgers at Kickingbird golf course are really good.
I have eaten at several golf course' club houses and never been disappointed. Too bad I don't play golf. Lincoln Park was also pretty good.
C. T.

06-24-2012, 02:52 PM
Although I haven't eaten at one in years I remember bowling
alleys had great burgers. Penn 44 was fantastic as was Holiday
Lanes and Planet Bowl. It may have been that the little old
ladies who did most of the cooking took pride in what they did.