View Full Version : Lamar Advertising sued by state

01-04-2005, 02:15 PM
Looks like Lamar and Drabek adertising are being sued by the state for operating signs on land owned by the that will eventually be used for the new I-40 Crosstown. Also, Drabek owns some land on the proposed I-40 route, and they refuse to give it up. Seems like they'd go ahead and sell it....afterall, they won't be able to use it for billboards once the new I-40 Crosstown is constructed.

"State sues 2 companies over I-40 land, signs

By Nick Trougakos
The Oklahoman

The state of Oklahoma is suing two outdoor advertising companies in an effort to help pave the way for the Interstate 40 Crosstown Expressway.
The lawsuits, filed Dec. 28 on behalf of the state Transportation Department, name as defendants Lamar Advertising and Drabek Outdoor Advertising.

The lawsuit against Lamar indicates the company has billboards on land the Transportation Department obtained.

The state alleges Lamar continues to operate the billboards despite not paying rent or registering and obtaining permits for the signs as the law requires.

The lawsuit asks that the Transportation Department be allowed to remove the signs to make way for construction on the $360 million Crosstown project, which will relocate a portion of I-40.

The Drabek lawsuit indicates the Transportation Department has tried without success to buy three pieces of land, totaling about half an acre, and two outdoor signs.

The state asks in the lawsuit that three neutral commissioners be appointed to inspect the property and determine a fee to be paid to Drabek for acquisition.

The lawsuit states that when the determined amount is paid the state should be allowed to take the property.

Messages left with Lamar's legal counsel in the company's Baton Rouge, La., headquarters and with Drabek's Oklahoma City office were not returned.

Both lawsuits indicate the failure to clear or obtain land needed for the I-40 project would cause construction delays and additional costs. "

El Gato Pollo Loco!!!
01-04-2005, 02:17 PM
You know when there's too many billboards when more than half of them are advertising for Lamar...yech...