11-10-2008, 08:55 PM
I found out on a recent trip to the Partners Place buildings on South Campus that currently Buildings 3-8 are already planned and fully leased with new research tenants.
I am hoping to get out there again soon so I can get more information.
11-11-2008, 05:53 PM
I'd like to see the OU research campus master plan. I would hope they plan to add more density instead of building so many surface parking lots each time they build a new building. Maybe a consolidated parking garage by the Weather Center?
11-20-2008, 10:11 AM
I'd like to see the OU research campus master plan. I would hope they plan to add more density instead of building so many surface parking lots each time they build a new building. Maybe a consolidated parking garage by the Weather Center?
I agree I was thinking the same thing. It is nothing like the actual campus and I think they should build a few parking garages in between and stop developing it like a suburban office complex.
The density on campus allows for small hidden gardens and a better sense of community.
11-24-2008, 05:51 PM
I went out there last week to an open house for the Center for Spatial Analysis. I had never been in that area behind the weather center and was amazed at the number of buildings. And in that building there was a variety of tenants including some education psych offices as well as weather related. Who will some of the tenants be in 3-8?
11-29-2008, 12:01 PM
^There are actually going to be a total of four such Partners Places once they're all built. One Partner's Place is the building that houses WeatherNews International's HQ and Vieux and Associates Inc., and other private companies that will be moving in. Two Partner's Place is the one that's under construction right now and will house Weather Decision Technologies and other companies, while Three Partners Place will be a multi-purpose building. Four Partners Place was to be the research building for Nanjing Automobiles (remember the failed plans for its manufacturing facility in Ardmore?), but with the plans not be carried out, I don't know what else will become of that one.
More information can be found here:
URC | University of Oklahoma Research Campus (