View Full Version : 401 Lofts (Boyd & Classen)

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11-09-2008, 11:59 AM
I was stopped at the Boyd St. railroad crossing last night and noticed a sign up by the Mont's overflow parking lot on the northside of the street. It had a rendering of two 3-4 story contemporary loft buildings called 401 Lofts, opening in 2010. Does anyone know anything more about this project? 401 E. Boyd is the address of the law firm that is currently there, I assume they will tear that building down to build this. Interesting location next to the tracks but really close to OU and across the street from the Mont. I'll see if I can get a pic of the sign.

11-09-2008, 01:39 PM
They have a website but not much information: Loft 401 (

11-09-2008, 05:14 PM
I saw that as well and wanted to know what this was. Thanks!

11-10-2008, 06:39 PM
there was a story in the norman paper a few weeks back i believe, something to do with rezoning from light office/commercial to something like medium density or high density residential. i think its in the process of going thru planning commission and being sent on to council for approval, if it hasnt already happened. i'd have to look for a linky link.

11-10-2008, 06:42 PM
oh and some of the most run down property is right there on boyd from the tracks toward monnett, on the north. and monnett itself might win the campus ghetto blue star award. maybe someone will follow this project and knock some of those shacks down

11-11-2008, 06:52 PM
I'd like to see more contemporary infill projects like this in central Norman, especially around Campus Corner and downtown.

The rendering

04-20-2009, 10:47 AM
My name is Andy Ridley, with Loft 401. Thank you for taking notice of our project! Our aim is to create the sleekest, coolest place to live in Norman. Units are available for purchase. We have demolished the site in the last few days and will begin construction soon. Please visit LOFT401 ( to see floorplans, information, renderings, and my favorite, the interior rendering which shows a view from Unit 206, which shows an actual view from this unit, complete with a view of Memorial Stadium! Please come by our showroom at 541 S. University in Campus Corner, or call me at (405) 249-4442 for additional information.

04-20-2009, 09:42 PM
Good to see this project progressing. Hopefully this is just the start of more infill developments around campus.

04-20-2009, 10:38 PM
It's okay to add the pix to the post, but it is not okay to make it a gigantic avatar.

04-20-2009, 11:31 PM
I think its fine.

04-21-2009, 12:45 AM
Andy, is your company planning on any additional projects like this once this project gets off the ground/leased?

04-21-2009, 12:47 AM
Also, your website says "ensure the success of our endeavor to be responsibly green" but it doesn't really go into any detail about what responsibly green is for the development, could you go into more detail about this?

04-21-2009, 12:43 PM
Good afternoon, everyone! Thank you for your questions...

We do have plans for other projects in Norman and other urban areas but our main focus right now is Loft 401. The units will be sold, and the one bedroom, one and a half bath units start at $149,600. The layout, finishes et cetera will be nothing like Norman has seen (in our opinion); all while having a superb location within steps to campus corner and the University of Oklahoma.

As far as the "green" aspects to the project go, we are finalizing the plans to make sure this project has as little environmental impact as possible, as well as run efficiently. When those plans are completed I can share more information with you.

I apologize for the (extremely) large avatar, the site wouldn't let me edit the photo.

Again, feel free to call me (405) 249-4442 at anytime to discuss, or come by the showroom. LOFT401 (

I look forward to speaking with you! - Andy Ridley

04-21-2009, 10:49 PM
Looks a bit too high to be selling like that. I thought those kind of living would be monthly or yearly rent. I would pick a house with full potential front and back yards for that price.

04-22-2009, 09:43 AM
Thunder - I understand and appreciate your perspective, however, some residents are looking to see Norman from a different view, mainly, one that overlooks campus, and provides an urban setting with restaurants and entertainment within walking distance. This concept may be new to Norman, but we feel Norman is well overdue for something of this calibre.

04-22-2009, 04:03 PM
Yeah, it looks good.

04-22-2009, 06:38 PM
Are you demolishing the gas station on the corner too? I thought it was just site of the old office building? The marker on the map makes it look like you're taking the whole corner.

Having tailgated along those railroad tracks for football games for years, I know how loud it is and how irritatingly often the trains come through. Seems like that would be a hindrance to living there. But if it's further east away from the tracks a little, that might help.

Other concerns would be if this is intended to be aimed more at students than "grown ups", if you know what I mean. Hate to sound like an old fart but I wouldn't want to live in an apartment next to college students again.

I guess I can't find the prices on the website. It looks nice though!

04-22-2009, 06:55 PM
isn't this right next to the train tracks? have you taken that noise issue into perspective?

04-22-2009, 08:17 PM
i was thinking the exact same thing. they look cool, though! -M

04-23-2009, 09:07 AM
Every issue has been taken into consideration regarding the train tracks.

1. As far as the engineering of the building is concerned, it will be set back to the east of the property line, as well as using the parking on the west side to serve as a buffer. An accoustical wall will line the west side of the property line to also help with this effort.

2. The building construction itself is being built in such a way that minimizes noise levels... I am not the architect or the builder but have been told that each joint within the building will utilize a special sealing technique that dampens sound.

3. Will I am not promising anything, the City of Norman is working on/considering making the rail intersections "Quiet Zones," in which the train would not be permitted to "honk" its horn through the intersection. This would take a.) installing a median at the intersection and b.) having two arms that lower as the train crosses -- already installed. Again, I do not know the timeframe and/or the exact details of this but I do know that the city has discussed it.

4. Most any infill project in an urban area is going to have some element of rail in proximity. Most larger cities rely on rail service. Acquiring land near the University is a very difficult proposition, and we feel that the location far outweighs this.

5. Prices start in the $150's for a 1 bedroom, 1.5 bath. If you have additional interest in pricing feel free to email me at or call (405) 249-4442 or visit the showroom 541 S. University, Norman OK.

6. Residents, as I see it, will be a mixture of nearly every age group. So far the reservations that have made (to secure the unit) have been from, again, every age group. This is not built specifically for students, it's being built for anyone who desires an urban lifestyle with proximity to restaurants, shopping, entertainment, and also the University of Oklahoma.

7. Thank you, we think they look really cool!

Everyone have a great day!! - Andy

04-23-2009, 09:57 AM
i was thinking the exact same thing. they look cool, though! -M

The eventual plan is to have a quiet zone through Norman. I know Duffy and eventually Robinson are steps toward implementing this, hopefully Boyd is next so the train noise won't be a problem in this area.

04-23-2009, 11:52 AM
I haven't heard anything about the convenience store going away, but unless the project wraps around it to the north, it does seem to have a footprint somewhat larger than the available space where the old office was demo'd away.

Nice concept all in all, though even without whistles I suspect the folks to the west side of the project will be aware of each train all the same.

04-27-2009, 10:34 AM
The gas station is staying. If you go by the site (at Boyd and Classen) you will notice that we have demo'd the entire site and will begin placing fence around the project site soon.

04-27-2009, 10:37 AM
The site is 1.25 acres, plenty of room for the coolest place in Norman! - Andy,, (405) 249-4442

04-29-2009, 12:04 AM
Thunder - I understand and appreciate your perspective, however, some residents are looking to see Norman from a different view, mainly, one that overlooks campus, and provides an urban setting with restaurants and entertainment within walking distance. This concept may be new to Norman, but we feel Norman is well overdue for something of this calibre.

overlooks campus?? that thing/drawing/picture looks about 3 stories tall. all you're going to see are views of The Mont, railroad tracks, and the engineering buildings. I lived in the OU dorms/towers (12 stories) my freshman year in college and my room had a view of the football field..!!

04-29-2009, 10:08 AM
OKYEAH- Actually, you're incorrect. If you go to LOFT401 (, you will see an interior rendering from the SECOND FLOOR on the "LOFTS" page - which will be the first floor and lowest level of units. You will see that in the background a plain view of the stadium is clearly visible. Again, THIS IS FROM THE SECOND FLOOR... 3rd and 4th floor residents will get an even better angle of the city/campus. As hard as we tried, President Boren wasn't open to letting us build on campus land :)

04-29-2009, 10:10 AM
Just to clarify, we never tried to build these on campus land... Was only kidding. Keep the questions/comments coming! Everyone stay dry today!

04-29-2009, 10:40 AM
Looks a bit too high to be selling like that. I thought those kind of living would be monthly or yearly rent. I would pick a house with full potential front and back yards for that price.

That's a good price compared to the lofts and condo's selling downtown. You have to remember, with this style of living you're buying a lifestyle, not a yard.

04-29-2009, 02:13 PM
So, I thought avatars were limited to 100x100?

04-29-2009, 03:14 PM
So, I thought avatars were limited to 100x100?

I guess his case is an exception. He's only posting in this thread for his project. :ohno:

04-30-2009, 03:09 PM
I attempted to resize the avatar but was unable to... I apologize if this is an annoyance...

And "metro" nailed it, this is a lifestyle you are buying into... This is not the conventional "home" living experience, rather, this is an urban environment located just blocks from campus and entertainment, as well as having all the amenities of an exclusive condominium project.

04-30-2009, 03:15 PM

Here is the smaller size. Height is 100 and the width is 181. You can upload that one, if you want, that way you can also discuss many other topics without the huge avatar.

It is a nice place, not for me, but still is a nice place. When will it be done?

05-01-2009, 08:37 AM
I attempted to resize the avatar but was unable to... I apologize if this is an annoyance...

And "metro" nailed it, this is a lifestyle you are buying into... This is not the conventional "home" living experience, rather, this is an urban environment located just blocks from campus and entertainment, as well as having all the amenities of an exclusive condominium project.

And also right next to a convenience store AND the Mont! That location is very attractive in Norman IF you can get past the train horn as it blows through Boyd (at least until the quiet zone is implemented).

05-04-2009, 10:14 AM
The project is scheduled for completion Summer 2010.

05-07-2009, 10:13 AM
Here is an actual view from Unit 206... Pretty amazing.

link (

Please let me know if you have any questions...

05-07-2009, 10:37 AM
Link did not post.

05-07-2009, 10:42 AM
link fixed... -M

05-07-2009, 10:51 PM
I had friends live at the Edge for a couple years and the train was never an issue there, at least when we were indoors.

05-08-2009, 12:14 AM
loft, what other property did you consider for this project? i know u joked about on campus, but what other sides of campus were you looking into, if at all?

05-08-2009, 11:42 AM
Administrator - thank you for repairing the link.

Blangtang - While we are considering other projects for the future, I'm sure you can understand that we cannot reveal our trade secrets (and future locations) until everything is wrapped up. I can tell you that we do have plans for future projects for the area. Stay tuned, and keep the buzz going about LOFT 401! Thanks to all of you. - Andy

05-18-2009, 09:38 AM
^So that's what this is, I ride my bike frequently by this area. I like the floor-to-ceiling glass and the modern-European interiors. This will definitely add a new style of living to Norman, looks very nice.

Just a quick question, is a storm room or safe shelter area going to be included within the complex? This is in tornado alley after all. Also, is the glass you'll be using of a stronger type? I was wondering about what might happen if we got a storm with 60mph+ winds and baseball sized hail.

05-18-2009, 12:16 PM

Thank you for the questions. While we do not have plans for a dilineated storm room, I can tell you that considering the parking garage will be made of concrete this would be the obvious place to take shelter with any impending storms.--The parking garage also happens to be the lowest place in the development.

As far as the glass within the project goes, it will be of high quality, damage resistent glass. I do not the exact specifications but when I get them I will let you know. Thanks again, feel free to ask any questions anytime.

The reservations are coming in, so act quickly! Only 35 units total! -- Quite a few less than that now. Please call me to take a tour of the showroom if you would like to see the finishes. Andy (405) 249-4442

05-18-2009, 01:36 PM
^Ahh ok, thanks! Good to know about the glass too.

05-27-2009, 11:36 AM
^So that's what this is, I ride my bike frequently by this area. I like the floor-to-ceiling glass and the modern-European interiors. This will definitely add a new style of living to Norman, looks very nice.

Just a quick question, is a storm room or safe shelter area going to be included within the complex? This is in tornado alley after all. Also, is the glass you'll be using of a stronger type? I was wondering about what might happen if we got a storm with 60mph+ winds and baseball sized hail.

How many severe tornadoes have hit the OU Campus? This is no different than the condos in Downtown OKC, or the skyscrapers with several hundred feet of glass from ground to 500ft.

05-29-2009, 10:40 AM
Thank you for your input, Metro!

06-10-2009, 02:39 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen...

We are hosting an open house tomorrow from 4-7PM at our sales office. Please come by and take a look at our finish options, as well as enjoy drinks and hors d'ouvres! We look forward to seeing anyone who can attend.

Sincerely - Loft401 Sales Team

06-10-2009, 02:46 PM
Weird to have an open house on a Thursday afternoon.

06-10-2009, 07:19 PM
why not Thursday night!? I'll be there

08-03-2009, 10:54 PM
The project is scheduled for completion Summer 2010.

I went by today. Looks like a dirt overflow parking lot for the Mont. There was a sign though. The old building is gone as well.

Maybe they need to pre-sell 1/3 or 1/2 of the units to proceed. Not gonna be completed by summer 2010.

Hope they still get it done, Norman needs more infill like this!

08-04-2009, 11:28 AM
How many severe tornadoes have hit the OU Campus? This is no different than the condos in Downtown OKC, or the skyscrapers with several hundred feet of glass from ground to 500ft.

Well it just takes one, doesn't matter how many have or have not hit campus. When building anything of a vertical nature (with that much glass) you have to take into account that this is tornado alley after all, and contrary to the urban myth, Norman can be hit by tornadoes, I believe Mother Nature proved that very clearly in June. It's a legitimate question. And I have seen what baseball sized hail can do firsthand, it's not pretty.

08-11-2009, 09:48 AM
Finalized rendering available at LOFT401 ( !!! Please take a look at what we believe will be an amazing addition to the area. Feel free to call us with any questions. (405) 249-4442.

08-11-2009, 12:09 PM
These look really slick and a I love the location.

Easy access to campus, Campus Corner, Amtrak station and the reemerging downtown area. The new McNellies (120 e. main) could really kick things off there.

Lots of other universities have similar developments and it's a mix of students, young professionals and alums that want a place near the action, especially for games.

Personally, the train noise wouldn't be a big issue. After all, these are lofts and that might even add to the urban feel.

Congrats on a great project! Looking forward to seeing the sales office when I'm in town in a couple of months.

08-20-2009, 11:11 AM
Thank you Pete! We look forward to meeting you in person and appreciate the kind words.

08-20-2009, 12:56 PM
The new McNellies (120 e. main) could really kick things off there.

It's going to be at 121 E. Main.

08-20-2009, 05:27 PM
Really nice. I noticed that the units is selling quite quickly. How many was sold thru advertisement on here?

One thing that I noticed in a pix was the size of the tv surrounded by shelves. What if someone have/want a bigger tv?

08-21-2009, 10:21 AM
These look great and I hope they start more of these on Boyd west of these too. That are needs renovation bad.

08-21-2009, 04:06 PM
I counted 8 out of 36 as being 'sold'. No idea how often the website is updated.

I wonder if they'll just build it and rent out the other units.

I hope the project works.

08-21-2009, 05:05 PM
I really like the look of these and think they're a great idea. I'm actually considering buying one. But I am worried about some of the stuff people on here have already mentioned (e.g., the train). Also, a gas station will be located directly east of it on a bordering property. It constantly smells like gasoline, which would be a downside to anyone buying a terrace or loft on the east side that borders the gas station.

I agree with Jeopardude that the properties west of it on Boyd need a major upgrade and units like these would be a great addition.

08-21-2009, 05:13 PM
I will add that I think another upside to these will be the very close location to the Porter Avenue revitalization (if it ever happens).

It also appears that the semi-run down neighborhood directly to the location's north is getting a lot of work done. I think some house flippers are fixing up a lot of the properties and making them look substantially better.

08-21-2009, 08:45 PM
The Porter Avenue revitilization is in the works. It is a process with the government that takes time to get the funding through. It has to be brought up for public debate so many times yada yada yada.