11-04-2008, 09:39 PM
My Mitsubishi Diamond TV ( about 5 years old) is taking a dive... blue shadow (outline around characters) ...
I searched online and it looks like an easy fix with a repairman ..
Anyone Solder who can decipher the info below and offer advice or want to do a repair job? Or know anyone who is reasonable?
I've heard it's about $300 bucks for a repairman to come out ....
"That is the classic symptom when your convergence ICs go out. They usually take out the two resistors that drive the ICs as well. This is a easy fix if you can solder.
Your ICs are located on a large heat sink on the left side of the chassis they will have an STK392-110 number or similar number. They cost about 10.00 each. Let me know if I can assist you with any other info.
Any parts you need you can get them at electronix.com they ship fast. Also if you would like a manual you can get one at the following link for 12.99 and they provide unlimited support for free. They will even email the manual if yu send them a email requesting they do that instead of mail it to you. Here's thelin if you want the manual.
http://servicemanuals.vstore.ca/ (http://servicemanuals.vstore.ca/)
The chassis will slide out if you remove the screws in
I searched online and it looks like an easy fix with a repairman ..
Anyone Solder who can decipher the info below and offer advice or want to do a repair job? Or know anyone who is reasonable?
I've heard it's about $300 bucks for a repairman to come out ....
"That is the classic symptom when your convergence ICs go out. They usually take out the two resistors that drive the ICs as well. This is a easy fix if you can solder.
Your ICs are located on a large heat sink on the left side of the chassis they will have an STK392-110 number or similar number. They cost about 10.00 each. Let me know if I can assist you with any other info.
Any parts you need you can get them at electronix.com they ship fast. Also if you would like a manual you can get one at the following link for 12.99 and they provide unlimited support for free. They will even email the manual if yu send them a email requesting they do that instead of mail it to you. Here's thelin if you want the manual.
http://servicemanuals.vstore.ca/ (http://servicemanuals.vstore.ca/)
The chassis will slide out if you remove the screws in