View Full Version : Need some yes votes tomorrow

11-03-2008, 10:58 AM
Extra $76 per year per $100,000 property value...Worth if for fixing 19th street alone imo

KSBI-TV - Home - Moore Will Vote on Street Improvement Bond (

Motorists driving through Moore may not have to deal with crowded intersections, or pot hole filled roads anymore. A bond issue will be put to voters next week to improve some of those streets that need the most attention. The stop and go life has moved it's way south of the metro to the city of Moore. Voters will decide on an $18 million street improvement bond November 4th, the largest in the city's history.

Stephen Eddy, the Moore City Manager said, "Obviously Moore has grown significantly in the last several years, probably about a 25% increase in growth. That brings in a lot more traffic and commercial growth that has occurred over the last several years."

The bond deals with 5 major projects including the corner of Southwest 19th and Telephone, Broadway from 5th to 18th, and Northeast 12th from Eastern to Bryant. Some residents say it's a must.

Lewis Hoffman, who frequently travels in Moore said, "With the infrastructure of the city growing, I think it wouldn't hurt to have the funding to keep up with the demand."

"When it comes to the safety of our citizens, and kids, and having good streets it's good on our vehicles so it's worth it," Moore resident, John Ireland explained.

Taxes would increase $76 a year...For every $100,000 of property value.

"It's a large one, $18 million for us, but we're asking people to consider the need for these projects, the growth of the community, and moving the community forward to make sure our roads are in good shape," Eddy described.

Construction would start in 2009, and the tax increase wouldn't start until 2010. City officials say taxpayers shouldn't panic because the national economic trends aren't getting the green light in Oklahoma.

"Our economy locally, is not having those kind of problems so I still feel good about it," Eddy concluded.

An informational town hall meeting will take place tonight at the Moore Public Library at 6:30pm. Anyone is allowed to attend. Residents will vote on the bond issue on November 4th.

Here's a breakdown of what the bond will pay for:

2009: SW 19th & Telephone Road to west I-35 Service road construction. It will cost $3.1 million, and would add turn lanes, widen 19th, and add sidewalks.
2009: 12th St. (Eastern to Bryant). It will cost $4.2 million, and would reconstruct the existing 4 lanes, expand 2 lanes to 4, and redo the intersection at 12th & Bryant.
2010: 5th (Markwell to Telephone Road). It will cost $4.4 million, and would reconstruct the roadway, improve drainage, and add sidewalks.
2010: 12th (Janeway to west I-35 service road). It would cost $2.3 million, and would widen the road to 5 lanes, replace signals, improve drainage, and add landscaping and sidewalks.
2011: Broadway (5th to 18th). It will cost $3.6 million, and would reconstruct roadway, improve drainage, and add sidewalks and landscaping.

11-03-2008, 11:31 AM
I will be voting No on this issue.

11-03-2008, 04:40 PM
I will be voting No on this issue.

Alright we need some yes votes to counter Bobby's no


Moore has grown quickly and the improvements need to be made...Gonna have to happen at some point so might as well get cracking

11-04-2008, 09:53 AM
There are really no Improvements being made. Also with the downturn in the economy we need to be hanging on to more of our money and not letting higher property taxes take more money away from us.

Stop raising our Property Taxes !!

11-04-2008, 11:42 AM
i'd be surprised if that didn't pass. that area is a traffic nightmare and is long overdue to be updated for the current levels of traffic flow. i don't live in moore, so i don't get to vote one way or the other... but if i did, i'd vote 'yes'

however, here's the rub... s. 19th & telephone is a commercial center and draws traffic from plenty of people who live outside of moore. therefore the people who are taxed for the improvements are not the only people enjoying the use of them. maybe i'm missing something, but i'd think a temporary bump in sales tax probably would've been a better way to fund this... that way the city targets those who shop in moore and not just those who live there.


11-04-2008, 01:43 PM
I voted for it. I hate 19th Street and have been waiting for something to come up to improve it. Heck, I would like to open up a Hotel on the 19th Street exit, but would hate to have to deal with major construction AFTER the hotel is built.

11-04-2008, 03:09 PM
I live in the area of 5th street between Santa Fe and Markwell, and travel east very frequently on 5th street. These repairs MUST be made and are long overdue.

It's $76 per YEAR, and less if your property is valued at less than $100,000. At that value, it's a little over than $6 per month. Cut back on one value meal from McD's each month and invest your in city.

11-05-2008, 05:46 AM
Bobby, print up some cards and distribute them in lieu of your standard $1 tip, that your redistributing the tip money to the governemnt for the roads program. Don't do that more than 76 times a year though, as then you'll just seem cheap :)

11-05-2008, 09:26 AM
Just so everyone knows, the bill was passed, here is the information from Moore's website:

Five For The Future - City of Moore (

11-05-2008, 09:42 AM
good. i looked on the moore american site this morning and it was out of date. -M

11-05-2008, 02:00 PM
Very nice fellow Moore-ons

Oh GAWD the Smell!
11-11-2008, 07:08 AM
Thank goodness. 19th is an abomination. I hate driving down there.