10-25-2008, 10:23 PM
Okay, what is the deal with the extreme low sales tax from Neel Vet on MacArthur in OKC?
Smokey's stay at the hospital totals $467.87 and the grand sales tax was only $1.10.
Why is it that the sales tax so low there, but dangerously high at Walmart and Target when the spending total is the same?
10-26-2008, 07:12 AM
Maybe they are only taxing certain items? What item did you buy? Do they tax services? I wouldn't think so. Are you comparing merchandise to services?
10-26-2008, 08:28 AM
.08375 sales tax is dangerously high? On what planet?
But ECO probably hit it on the nose, services vs. goods.
10-26-2008, 08:37 AM
No sales tax on the services. Like going to the doctor's office...there's no tax for it.
The tax you paid is probably on his food.
10-26-2008, 09:48 AM
Well, he had Operation Declaw on all 4 paws, Operation Neuter, State-of-the-Art jungle condo boarding stay (with food, water, litter box, toys, bedding), a bag of Yesterday's News to use for the next few days, oh his first shots ever in his life.
10-26-2008, 09:59 AM
Aren't they in Warr Acres?
Warr Acres has a very low sales tax.
10-26-2008, 10:14 AM
Look at your invoice, and the items that have a "T" next to them were taxable. Again, the services were not taxable...probably the bag of Yesterday's News that you took home.
10-26-2008, 05:27 PM
Warr Acres, since April, has been at 8.5 percent.
10-29-2008, 07:10 AM
Most of what you paid for were services. Those are non-taxable. Any "goods" charged to you (food, and or the litter), would have amounted to about $13.50. My guess is the bag of litter, if you assume that the food was part of their standard boarding fee.