View Full Version : New World Order anyone?

10-22-2008, 10:55 AM
Europe lobbies Bush for global market reforms
By DEB RIECHMANN / Associated Press Writer
Published: October 18, 2008

CAMP DAVID, Md. (AP) - European leaders are lobbying President Bush at the Camp David presidential retreat on Saturday to support a summit by year's end that would craft ways to reform the world financial system.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy and European Commission President Jose Manual Barroso are trying to convince Bush that now is a good opportunity to tighten and better coordinate control of the financial markets, in response to the economic crisis that has shaken markets around the globe.

The president has backed the steps European nations have taken to stem the economic crisis, and is in favor of a meeting in the near future of the Group of Eight industrialized powers and other emerging economies like China and India. But the U.S. hasn't signed on to the more ambitious, broad-stroke revisions that some European leaders like Sarkozy have in mind for the world financial system.

Sarkozy and Barroso are stopping at Camp David to meet with Bush on their way home from a summit in Canada.

On Friday, Sarkozy repeated his call to overhaul the global financial system so that it can be better supervised in the wake of the crisis.

"Together we need to rebuild a capitalism that is more respectful to man, more respectful to the planet, more respectful to future generations and be finished with a capitalism obsessed by the frantic search for short-term profit," Sarkozy said.

Sarkozy and other European leaders want Bush and representatives of presidential candidates, John McCain and Barack Obama, to meet before the end of the year in New York and to forge a new vision for the global economy. Sarkozy has floated the idea of reforming rating agencies and even exploring the future of currency systems.

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who engineered a British bank bailout that inspired U.S. and European rescues, is proposing radical changes to the global capitalist system, including a cross-border mechanism to monitor the world's 30 biggest financial institutions.

White House press secretary Dana Perino said the Camp David meeting was not expected to produce any new policy decisions or the date or place for a planned meeting of leaders of major economic powers, the so-called G8. Instead, she said it would focus on efforts, extending as far back as April, on coordination for financial stability through measures such as bank disclosures, accounting rules at credit rating agencies, capital standards and asset valuation.

In his weekly radio address, Bush on Saturday sought to reassure Americans about the cost and scope of the nation's financial bailout plan and said that in the long run "our economy will bounce back." He acknowledged that people are concerned about their finances and, while he offered assurances about an eventual recovery, he did not say when that would happen.

Since Oct. 9, 2007, when the Dow topped 14,000, investors have lost $8.3 trillion from pension funds, college savings plans, 401(k)s and other investments. Congress gave Bush a $700 billion plan to buy bad assets from banks and other institutions to shore up the financial industry.

"The federal government has responded to this crisis with systematic and aggressive measures to protect the financial security of the American people," Bush said in the radio broadcast. "These actions will take more time to have their full impact. But they are big enough and bold enough to work."


Just curious as to what others think about this article and others like it recently and how you think this new global financial system and global safety measures might actually plan out in reality.

10-22-2008, 11:00 AM
Should this be in politics, and not faith & values?

10-22-2008, 11:02 AM
Could be, I was wanting to approach it more from people's values perspective though.

10-22-2008, 05:24 PM
Dangit. I thought this was a thread about pro wrestlin'.

10-23-2008, 09:18 AM
sorry to disappoint, funny though....... Anyone think that with all the global financial crisis and world leaders wanting to mutually solve this problem, that there is a possibility of a one world currency? China already has toyed with the idea and proposed the new gold standard currency. Just curious on others thoughts on the possibility.

10-23-2008, 09:29 AM
sorry to disappoint, funny though....... Anyone think that with all the global financial crisis and world leaders wanting to mutually solve this problem, that there is a possibility of a one world currency? China already has toyed with the idea and proposed the new gold standard currency. Just curious on others thoughts on the possibility.

I'd have to know more about the issue to really have a grasp of what's going on. My first impression is that I think a single world currency, which is stable, would be a good thing. No more manipulation of currency prices by world banks, etc.

10-23-2008, 02:23 PM
This all points to the end of the world as we know it. When the rapture happends and the antichrist rules the world, this is the beginning of that happening.

10-23-2008, 02:47 PM
I suppose. But people said the same thing about bar codes being the mark of the beast.

10-23-2008, 03:25 PM
Yes, I agree but bar codes were not in the bible and the events we see happening now are. In order for all of this to happen The United States will have to become less powerfull and less of an influence in the world and we are starting to see this happen as we speak.

10-23-2008, 06:36 PM
I guess I missed the part about the US being in the bible.

10-24-2008, 04:10 AM
Good God/Buddha/Mohammed/Elmo,and those whoever else I can offend.
I am sick of these loonies.
Someone whose desperately unable to deal with life and they are looking for a deliever.
Guess what?!
You either failed on your own or you will have success on your own.
You're desperately looking for some justification of blaming others for your own laziness or worst you own inability to balance your checkbook and other money manners.
Stop looking for others to blame, lets face it you failed life's math.
Either get up and brushed yourself off and get at it to be a success not only in life but in your employment, or do us a favor and give your life up.
I am sure there's room for the legal and illegal immigrants and unborns, who desperately need and appreciate the education, the experience, the opportunity.
Stop looking for an escape hatch, there s one, but I doubt you would use it.

10-25-2008, 08:55 PM
omg gmwise...

10-26-2008, 03:49 PM
The End of the Age already happened. It was the end of the Jewish age prophesied by Old Testament prophets as well as Jesus in Matthew 24. Jesus insisted his prophecy would take place within one generation. A Jewish generation is 40 years. That prophecy was given around AD 30. The prophecy was fulfilled in AD 70 with the Roman invasion, destruction of Jerusalem and the obliteration of the Jewish Temple. Why destroy the Jewish temple? With Christ's first coming, the Lamb of God was the ultimate sacrifice that nullified the need for sacrificing actual lambs. To continue to do so was to spit in the eye of God.

The antichrist was Nero who was referred to as "beast". The warnings Jesus gave his disciples in Matthew 24 were for them, not us.

If interested, I've written on this.

End of the Age, part 1 (

There are a total of three articles. At the end of each, you'll find a link to the next.

10-27-2008, 09:28 AM
Good blog Luke, you make some valid points, what about the other prophecies in Daniel (sealed book) and Revelation though?

10-27-2008, 07:37 PM
Good blog Luke, you make some valid points, what about the other prophecies in Daniel (sealed book) and Revelation though?

Daniel was sealed because the prophecies (of the end of the age of the Jews) were far off. However, Revelation was NOT sealed because the prophecies were near. Indeed, within ten or twenty years of the writing of Revelation, the prophecies did take place... the destruction of Jerusalem and the end of the Jewish Age.

10-27-2008, 08:37 PM
But we are talking about the end times of today when Jesus comes back to rapture his church at which time will start the 7 year tribulation in which the anti christ rules the earth for 7 years untill christ and those that went in the rapture return to earth and satan is bound for 1000 years then is let loose 1 last time to try and temp those who were living in a perfect world for those 1000 years. after which comes the great white throne judgement when God judges those who did not believe in him and they are cast into the lake of fire forever.

10-27-2008, 09:46 PM
I suppose. But people said the same thing about bar codes being the mark of the beast.

After struggling through the self-checkout at Home Depot, I am now inclined to believe this to be true.

10-27-2008, 10:45 PM
But we are talking about the end times of today...

There are no end times of today. That viewpoint, dispensationalism, was created in the 1800s based on an errant interpretation of Scripture.

The confusion arises when the beautifully poetic, albeit scary, metaphorical, and apocalyptic language Jesus used in the gospels used gets forced into wooden literalism. The apocalyptic language in the New Testament is referring to the destruction of Jerusalem. It is absolutely crucial to note that the same imagery, nearly identically, is used in the Old Testament regarding the destruction of other cities. For example, regarding Egypt and Babylon in two separate cases, mountains are melting, stars are falling to earth, and God is seen as coming to those places in clouds. Those are all Biblical markers, if you will, ascribing a supernatural basis to a natural occurrence. This type of language is always used as judgment language.

As far as the end of our times... I believe that we will keep on chugging along until Jesus decides to return. Most Biblical indicators people use for assigning a return of Christ are based on his coming in judgment to Jerusalem. In fact, the teachings of Christ himself overtly state that the Kingdom of God will continue to grow until he returns. So, instead of the world going to "hell in a hand basket" as many Christians today seem to believe, I believe that Jesus was right when he said the Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed. It will start of very small, but grow to be one of the largest garden bushes. Likewise, the Kingdom of God will start off small, but grow to eventually fill the earth.

Christianity will not fail. Nations may fail, people may fail, but Christianity will grow. As I've said in many threads, the Truth will ALWAYS rise to the top. That is the nature of Truth.

Dave Cook
10-30-2008, 09:21 PM
I talked to Jesus yesterday and he told me two things.

1) Obama has nothing to do with 'end of times' and 2) Jesus followers are a bunch of dummies.

10-30-2008, 10:03 PM
1) Obama has nothing to do with 'end of times'


2) Jesus followers are a bunch of dummies.

While this is a subjective argument, I would argue that followers of Jesus certainly do not have the monopoly on being dumb.

Mr Hiram Abiff
11-01-2008, 08:38 PM
I couldn't pass this up:
A friend of mine who is an attorney keeps an aluminium foil hat on his shelf, just in case. :)

But since my Fiance is Jewish, for a joke I made her an Aluminium Yamika.

Fearing All Mighty God's response on the matter, I balled it up and tossed the idea.

Perhaps you should toss the idea of "New World Order" and focus on your friends and family. They sure would enjoy your company.

11-12-2008, 12:56 AM
Good God/Buddha/Mohammed/Elmo,and those whoever else I can offend.

How about Oh, Ford!

11-12-2008, 01:21 AM
Should this be in politics, and not faith & values?

Probably unless people still think Bush Sr. is the Anti-Christ because of his New World Order.. :dizzy:

remember that? everyone freaked out!!

Lord Helmet
11-13-2008, 12:36 PM
Probably unless people still think Bush Sr. is the Anti-Christ because of his New World Order.. :dizzy:

remember that? everyone freaked out!!
Bush Sr. New World Order Speech (rare) (

Yep. This kind of BS gets recycled by the evangelical types all the time. They want so badly to believe that what is prophesied in Revelation is true, that they see signs of it everywhere. Absurd in my opinion, but to each his/her own I suppose. I just refuse to prescribe to any religion that supposedly lets hypocrites into heaven but good people are left out just because they don't ask a dead dude for forgiveness.

11-13-2008, 12:58 PM
Yep. This kind of BS gets recycled by the evangelical types all the time. They want so badly to believe that what is prophesied in Revelation is true, that they see signs of it everywhere. Absurd in my opinion, but to each his/her own I suppose. I just refuse to prescribe to any religion that supposedly lets hypocrites into heaven but good people are left out just because they don't ask a dead dude for forgiveness.

Thankfully, most of Revelation has already occurred. It was fulfilled 70 AD with the closing of the Jewish Age.

11-13-2008, 12:59 PM
After struggling through the self-checkout at Home Depot, I am now inclined to believe this to be true.


11-14-2008, 04:12 AM

11-14-2008, 07:47 PM

You've used this reply a few times. What does it mean? Is it an Internet
shorthand of some sort?

Very curious.

11-14-2008, 11:12 PM
Maybe edited by mods?

11-15-2008, 02:39 AM
Maybe edited by mods?

No I wanted to delete my post, cant find the delete function. Saw some others doing that here, so used it. self-edit.

11-16-2008, 03:56 AM
Have you seen the requirements for getting individual bonus benefits from Obama's Civlian National Security Force?

"any member who wishes to receive the tax exemption for military service in the Civliian National Security Force will contact his/her local representative in the state of ___________ and provide proper identification in the form of a National Security Identification card and subject to a scan of the required Radio-frequency identification tag administered to (a) the back of the right hand of the subject or, (b) the neck of the subject located directly below and behind the top of the sternum"

yeah, it's not the forehead, but this crap is right outta Revelations..

11-16-2008, 08:40 AM
jc4455, where is that information from?

11-16-2008, 07:25 PM
yeah, it's not the forehead, but this crap is right outta Revelations..

It's not Revelations. It's Revelation, singular, because it's only one revelation.

I have no idea about the other things you were writing about.