View Full Version : Ferret?
Karried 10-19-2008, 08:48 PM lol, I wonder if I can find little white shorts?
nah ... Bandy would be insulted.
Do Ferrets suffer from narcolepsy? Does anyone know? Seriously, this little guy is chasing balls, hopping around and jumping on and off our fuzzy feather duster at warp speed, then my son picks him up, cuddles him for a minute and he just falls asleep instantly on his shoulder... is that normal?
Oh GAWD the Smell! 10-19-2008, 10:28 PM Narcoleptic dogs are HILARIOUS.
Well. Rusty was funny.
Skeeter is sad.
kevinpate 10-20-2008, 06:50 AM does bandy wake back up real fast also? if so, not nacro, just sleep apnea, like moi :)
Karried 10-20-2008, 10:07 AM Yes, he does pop right back up... He's such a crazy dude.
Skeeter is sad!
I've seen fainting goats.. those are pretty funny.
westsidesooner 10-22-2008, 01:50 PM Congrats on your new pet!! I hadn't checked this thread in awhile and always wondered if you ended up giving in and gettin a Ferret.
kevinpate 10-22-2008, 08:12 PM Sir Bandit appears to be well cared for by Karried of the Soft Touched lands and her young Squire
Karried 10-22-2008, 10:21 PM lol, oh my goodness... I have no time to even check my messages anymore! This guy is crazy busy... never stops!
I fear I have already become way tooo attached to this little guy, very unexpected and very worrisome for me.
One of the reasons I don't like to get pets is because I can't take the heartache of them getting sick or hurt.. and this little one has the odds stacked against him already.
I've lost sleep worrying about his shots, his chances of getting distemper, him chewing and having intestinal blockages, did I get the right cage, is he eating enough? aaahhhhgggg!
Not to mention, him being an exotic animal opens the door to outrageous ailments, they get cancer due to the breeding etc etc, .. and I found out he needs three distemper shots in the next month, because they will absolutely 100 percent die if they get distemper, but they have terrible reactions to the shots, so I'm worried to death about that .. $75 a pop x 3. That's okay, I want him to be protected.
I just want people to understand that although they are the cutest, sweetest pets and we are having a blast with him, he is a real commitment, he is not a cage animal ( like a hamster) .. he has to be out and play, play, play and loves to explore everything! but he has to have constant supervision. He hides, he chews ( still tries to nurse on soft things) , he gets into every nook and cranny and he gets really mad when someone takes away a toy he shouldn't be chewing on.. like a tennis ball tonight, he was pushing it around and around with his nose and then decided to chew on it, the felt started coming up and we tried to take it away... lol, he grabbed it ran and ran carrying this big ball in his mouth! He was so mad that we tried to get it from him! Little turkey ( he hisses when he's upset!) .. but he quickly found something new to get into too and was happily playing with that in a few seconds. He goes from 100mph to O ... we give him warm water over his hard food to soften it and after playing furiously, he eats a little bit and then just climbs into his little bed, curls up and just crashes.
The upside, he is hysterical to watch and play with and I love him son is in heaven and loves him so much we are having fun and once he grows up a little bit, I'll probably not worry so much.. maybe, maybe not, I still worry about my kids and my lab, Kodi all the time.
Kevin, you won't believe this... he has had one last name change .. back to Teddy. ( my son just felt like he was Teddy, so Teddy it is!)
Bobby821 10-23-2008, 02:13 PM Yes, they do need Distemper and Rabies shots annually. I dont know what part of OKC you live in but if you are on the southside or close to the southside I would recommend the vet we go to which is Schrag animal clinic on South Penn. They treat exotics there as well and have the correct dosage amount of the vaccines for ferrets it is a special vaccine made for them. I also would suggest that you stay at the vet for at least 20 min after getting there shots because the odds are rare and having the ferret version of the vaccine drastically cuts down on the possibility of them haveing a reaction to the medicine which time is of the essence if they do is why it is suggested to hang around the vets office for a bit after they get shots. Here is there number if you want to use them. 681-0829
Rabies is 15.25 and Distemper is 20.00 at Schrag and they also do a physical exam to make sure everything is ok with them.
Karried 10-24-2008, 12:34 AM wow Bobby, that is quite a savings, I'll give them a call. Thanks so much.
Do you know if they give them Benadryl or something before the shots to prevent the reaction? That's what this vet said they did here.
Honestly, I'm sort of a wreck already about this little guy... sheesh.. I never expected this, not one bit.
I ordered a cage and it came broken today, some of the pieces were missing too! After I looked at it, it seemed sort of cheaply made, plastic .. just didn't seem like it would last ( it was close to $200 bucks! You would think it would be better quality.. but it looked cool with the tubes on the outside).
Actually, that kind of worked out because after I ordered it last week...I did more research and found out I should have a Ferret Nation cage so it was good that it was broken so I could send it back and they covered the shipping. So now I have a Ferret Nation cage on the way...
This little fuzzy is giving me a headache.. good thing he is so darn sweet.
kevinpate 10-24-2008, 05:53 AM .oO(they have their own nation now? Sheesh lil' buggers ARE taking over)Oo. :)
Bobby821 10-24-2008, 07:02 AM No, they did not give her benedryl before the shots. She did great though they are very good and caring at Schrag.
Karried 10-26-2008, 10:53 AM Teddy has an appt on Tuesday .. I called your vet and they seemed really nice.. but I realized they were pretty far away and in case of emergency, I need someone close.
This is how far I've come.... We gave him a bath tonight for the first time because his Foamy Fries ( which he absolutely loved (molasses, not spice !! ) was a little sticky and got all over him.. so we decided to give him a warm bath with his new Ferret Shampoo.. it was so cute.. but he didn't like it and I kept it very short but he was getting upset so I rinsed him off and wrapped him in a few warm towels.. he was agitated so I sat in the bathroom where it was warm and rocked him back and forth saying 'ssshhhh, ssshhhhh' and he fell asleep in about 10 seconds! lol.. so I sat in the bathroom rocking a wet ferret and thinking to myself, 'I never, ever would have believed this about 2 weeks ago'!
He has captured my heart.. he's a sweetie, doesn't bite, hops around and wants to play, play and play constantly! He wears me out! And Dev too!
kevinpate 10-26-2008, 11:58 AM neat trick. doesn't much matter if he can pick the cage lock or not if you are gonna sit in the bathroom, wrap him in towels and shhhhhh him to sleep. :)
Karried 10-30-2008, 02:18 PM SUPPORT OUR TROOPS! lol.....
Smiley 10-31-2008, 12:02 PM Hi Karried! I am Smiley. I am Bobby's wife. He was telling me about your ferret and I just had to come look. Bandy is adorable! I love the last pic you posted. None of the ferrets we have had would wear clothes long enough for pictures... lol
I just wanted to stop by and say congrats on giving in and falling in love with the furry critters!
The best thing I can suggest is just enjoy him. Everyday will bring new adventures with him.
For example: the other day I was leaving and I walk in to get my keys off the counter to be met with a ferret eating out of a left over bowl of Malt O' Meal. Yes she climbed up there all by herself and helped herself to some food. I got her off the counter, ran my errand, came home and she was in the sink moving the dishes around. I watched her for awhile after putting her back on the floor and found that she was climbing up the side of her cage and then from the top of the cage climbing onto the cabinet. Once up there though she couldn't get back down.
We had lots of good laughs about that one when I called to tell him about it at work that day. :phone:
angel27 11-01-2008, 11:29 PM This is all just too cute..! two sheet s to the wind on a Saturday night and one adorable ferret story. Tanhks I nneeded that... Dang, now I want one.
Karried 11-02-2008, 09:00 AM lol.. thanks Smiley and angel27!
My son actually reverted his name back to Teddy! So, he was only Bandi for about a day... hopefully, he won't have an identity crisis!
This little guy is such a trip.
He got his exam and distemper shot and I was so worried that he would have a bad reaction, and gave him children's Benadryl, the whole nine yards.. $105 later, he was fine. ( He has 3 more shots to go).
Then he slept all day and I was freaked out that he was having a bad reaction, I called the vet, worried sick... but, later, he was fine. He's causing me endless anxiety... lol.
He got a new 4 story mansion to live in and he is spoiled rotten. He's worse than a human baby!
For those wanting one, I've since learned that they are very high maintenance and you have to learn a lot about them ( health issues, diet, etc, etc), spend a lot of time with them, supervising their play... plus the initial investment of the ferret is only the tip of the iceberg, they are very expensive little critters!
But, luckily, since I've become so attached to him, he's worth every penny.
kevinpate 11-02-2008, 09:01 AM There's Strong , and then there's ferret Strong :)
Karried 11-02-2008, 04:40 PM You know, he doesn't have a bad odor... it's sort of like an early morning and you smell a very light scent of a skunk ( probably ran over) but it's not unpleasant like I imagined.
In fact, it's not bad at all... I hardly ever notice anything.. only sometimes when he's cuddling or sleeping on my shoulder but it's not bad.
Of course, he's descented. We keep him clean and have odor stuff to put in his food and water.. and he uses body spray (cucumber scented)
sweetdaisy 11-02-2008, 04:48 PM Karried, I think kevinpate's post was in reference to your pic of the ferret with the camo hat on. Take-off of the Army slogan: "There's strong, and then there's Army strong".
At least, that's how I read it.
kevinpate 11-03-2008, 06:47 AM yep, I'd never say someone's baby smells bad ... the diaper maybe, but never the baby, not even a 4 legged one :)
Karried 11-03-2008, 09:16 AM oh..duh.. I missed that - ( hello? earth to Karrie -he's wearing a GI Joe hat....)
lol .... maybe I'm over sensitive about the perception of my baby being stinky!
My baby - uh oh, Who would have ever thunk it? I'm sort of happy and proud of myself for getting past my phobia. He is bringing our family much fun.. we really enjoy watching him and playing wtih him together.
MadMonk 11-18-2008, 06:57 PM Ran across this today and it made me think of you and your ferret. What's next in your house, a lion cub? :)
YouTube - lion and ferret playing (
Karried 11-18-2008, 07:07 PM cute! Teddy is about a quarter size of that guy.
But, that is a problem.. ferrets don't have a lot of fear ( or common sense apparently!) ... notice how he only wanted to play with the newspaper, and not the lion... ha.ha.. that's how Teddy is.. he has an entire room of toys and tunnels and balls.. his favorite toy? A bag.
bishop186 11-19-2008, 10:18 AM Yeah, ferrets are great. They really don't have any common sense! They'll go leaping right off your shoulder! Like children, though, they bounce.
The ferrets running around and tiring themselves out and then just crashing is pretty normal.
Karried 12-08-2008, 12:08 PM Ran across this today and it made me think of you and your ferret. What's next in your house, a lion cub?
Pretty close..... lol
MadMonk 12-08-2008, 09:01 PM LOL, I called it! :):kicking:
I'm not much of a cat person, but something about that gray one appeals to me.
Karried 12-09-2008, 11:47 AM Yeah, that's what suckered me in as well... I'm not usually a cat person either ( litter boxes and all)!
But this one called my name and I almost made it out the door with one new family member in tow.... and then I looked back for about .001 seconds and saw his brother staring at me taking his best buddy away... heavy sigh... and now we have two, which btw, are both sitting in my lap, helping me type this!
Karried 12-09-2008, 11:48 AM I want to name them Sterling and Silver but the family is protesting.
I am now the only female in a house of 6 males.
FritterGirl 12-09-2008, 03:51 PM Ha! Dogs are next.
I've had my two - correction - my two felines have owned me for about 10 years now.
Then once I got married 5 years ago, our first dog came into the picture. Then our second dog. Now we're the proud parents of 3 shelter babies, and two cats. (Well, "parent" to a cat is entirely subjective upon the cat's point of view, of course).
My guess is a dog is next on your list for menagerie growing.
They are all precious. Glad they have a good home. Good luck!
sweetdaisy 12-09-2008, 04:12 PM Karried! They're so darling! Congrats on your growing family. :)
I'll keep my fingers crossed when I ask this, but where'd you adopt these darling babies from? ;-)
Karried 12-09-2008, 04:58 PM About Ms. Kitty (
I got them from a kitty rescue through PetSmart... I'll only use a rescue or a shelter ....
These babies were found as little tiny guys wondering around a parking lot.. dropped off and abandoned.
You can tell they were weaned too young because they will nuzzle and push against your neck and face constantly.. all they want to do is be held and cuddled and sit in my lap!
I love them already .. and now Teddy is starting to chase them around a little bit... he was afriand of them but now thinks they have potential to be fun after all!
They play rough and their claws are like razors so I bought them 'fake fingernails' ... lol, they are called Softpaws ... they will be indoor only but I still don't want to have them declawed.
We're having fun!
sweetdaisy 12-09-2008, 05:25 PM Hurrah! Ms. Kitty's is a good organization. I'm sooooo happy you adopted rescue kitties!
And yes, Softpaws are FABULOUS creations. Hopefully, you can teach them while they're young that toenail trims are FUN (good luck with that!), but if nothing else, the softpaws will help them learn not to shred stuff.
I really am pleased to hear things are going so well...I know it took alot for you to get the ferret, but to also get kitties that will be indoor-only is huge! You are all going to have a great time. Hurrah for you and your family! :)
Oh, and did I mention how gorgeous your new babies are? WOW!
Karried 12-09-2008, 08:03 PM Thanks SweetDaisy! They are really adorable.. the sweetest little guys.
And Frittergirl.. we have a Black Lab - Kodi ( who has spent the last few days perplexed and somewhat amused by the invasion of even more fuzzy things running around and chasing him!).
Karried 12-28-2008, 10:10 PM 6l53nmfTgwc
Karried 12-29-2008, 08:24 AM Everytime I watch this, I can't believe Silver slept through this.. amazing! We were laughing so hard!
If he would have been awake, he would have clobbered Teddy!
Thanks for sharing your ferret experience... I sure learned a lot!
And are you sure Teddy isn't trying to *eat* that nose??
Windshieldsplatter 01-07-2009, 12:45 PM They make great pets and they make cute squeeking sounds!
westsidesooner 08-09-2009, 07:12 PM Karried...thought you might like this. YouTube - Ferret Chainsaw Commercial - Uncut (
Karried 08-11-2009, 10:49 AM oh no!
lol... but they do NOT attack people ( at least mine doesn't and most I've seen or heard about don't either)! I hope it doesn't make people needlessly afraid of them.
I can't believe he chopped off her leg.. ha.ha.. that was funny! Thanks for sharing.
Funny Teddy will barely nibble when he plays with us but we babysat our neighbor's ferrets and they played so rough with each other! They were dragging each other across the floor by their ears! Seriously biting hard.. ouch - strange that he knows the difference. I imagine if I started biting him, he would bite back. We've always played really gently with him so he plays the same with us.
My Grey kitty (above) chews on my big toe to get my attention when he wants wet food.. now that really hurts.
PennyQuilts 08-11-2009, 10:52 AM Oh MY!!
Bunty 10-02-2009, 09:40 PM You know, he doesn't have a bad odor... it's sort of like an early morning and you smell a very light scent of a skunk ( probably ran over) but it's not unpleasant like I imagined.
In fact, it's not bad at all... I hardly ever notice anything.. only sometimes when he's cuddling or sleeping on my shoulder but it's not bad.
Of course, he's descented. We keep him clean and have odor stuff to put in his food and water.. and he uses body spray (cucumber scented)
So it's been awhile since we heard of Teddy. Is he still around?
Karried 10-04-2009, 08:38 PM It has been awhile! Teddy's is (as I type) climbing up my son's jeans because he wants to see what is making that God awful noise...(lol, youngest is learning Violin!) .... and we ended up adopting another young ferret named Duke for Teddy to play with. They spend hours wrestling and chasing each other through tunnels and playing.
And, as the cats got bigger they definitely got more and more aggressive with Teddy. They pounced on him at every opportunity and he was afraid to come out and play. They were scratching him and biting him hard and I was afraid they would really hurt him. To them, he looked like a big mouse!
Plus, we determined that my son was allergic to the long haired cat. The gray one was so beautiful but he shed hair everywhere! Between all of that and trying to maintain an indoor litter box with two adult male cats, we finally made the most difficult decision to return them to the rescue.
The Kitty rescue was awesome and took them back to a more appropriate home but even still, it was so painfully hard to let them go. I cried and cried and even though I knew it was the right thing and really only fair to the cats, it was so tough. I just saw the pics above and about lost it.
But, kitties are happy now, ferrets are happy now and we are happy now - thanks for asking!