View Full Version : Fall 2008 TV Shows

09-18-2008, 08:19 AM
What are you looking forward to and what sounds good? I haven't been paying attention so I have no idea what some of these new shows are about. I think somebody on here posted the lineups for us ... probably Metro.

I know some of them have started already and some of them don't start until October. I don't like the way the new seasons are done. I like the traditional Fall and Spring schedule of shows rather than this 8 episodes here, 9 there, with one or two in the middle somewhere. I can't keep up with all the dates. Thank goodness for DVRs!!

I am excited about Supernatural returning tonight!! I love Sam and Dean.

Here is a link to the tv guides lineup :

Fall TV schedule for start of 2008-2009 season | (

09-18-2008, 12:54 PM
I am looking forward to the final season of ER. This is truely sad that NBC killed off that show.

Terminators already started their 2nd season and next week will be the 3rd episode for the season. It is really good!

Those two is what I'm watching. I watch all versions of Law and Order, but I'm taking a break on that and the episodes is building up on the DVR. That will come quite handy when I'm bored. lol

Oh GAWD the Smell!
09-18-2008, 01:21 PM
I only watch one show with religious regularity...That would be Dexter. Just a couple of more weeks!

Psych and Monk are guilty pleasures when I catch them.

09-18-2008, 01:49 PM
The Office. That's my favorite. Probably of all time, with Seinfeld right behind. One week from today!!
Thats pretty much the only show I go out of my way to watch.

09-18-2008, 01:52 PM
The new season of Judge Judy just started. I love that woman.

I'm looking forward to The Mentalist, Amazing Race and Survivor. We'll see if I stay interested in those though.

Edit: Oh yeah, completely forgot about The Office!

09-18-2008, 02:10 PM
Boston Legal!!

Oh GAWD the Smell!
09-18-2008, 02:29 PM
Boston Legal!!

I'm not a big TV person...But that show is funny as hell...I'd watch it more if I were in front of the TV more often.


09-18-2008, 03:38 PM
The Office. That's my favorite. Probably of all time, with Seinfeld right behind. One week from today!!
Thats pretty much the only show I go out of my way to watch.

Me and you both, buddy. Me and you both.

09-18-2008, 03:42 PM
Hells Kitchen,

09-18-2008, 04:16 PM
Hey Luke what do you know about the Mentalist. I'm thinking that looks interesting.

I DVR everything then watch while I'm doing laundry or on nights I can't sleep. I have so little time I'm the person who watches most series on DVD from Blockbuster. I'm in the middle of Six Feet Under now. I just finished OZ. Next will be Entourage.

And I'm a Psych lover too OGTS. I'm even getting sucked in to Monk. It's on all day! I can't help but to catch an episode now and then on a Sunday afternoon.

09-18-2008, 04:19 PM
Big Bang Theory
How I Met Your Mother
Boston Legal
OU football
Thunder basketball

09-18-2008, 05:03 PM
What are you looking forward to and what sounds good? I haven't been paying attention so I have no idea what some of these new shows are about. I think somebody on here posted the lineups for us ... probably Metro.

I know some of them have started already and some of them don't start until October. I don't like the way the new seasons are done. I like the traditional Fall and Spring schedule of shows rather than this 8 episodes here, 9 there, with one or two in the middle somewhere. I can't keep up with all the dates. Thank goodness for DVRs!!

I am excited about Supernatural returning tonight!! I love Sam and Dean.

Here is a link to the tv guides lineup :

Fall TV schedule for start of 2008-2009 season | (

Cheerio! Cheer-i-o!!

I bought Season 3 a few weekends back and knocked it out in 3 days. Coincidental? Anyway, for some reason I didn't see the last 5 or 6 episodes so it was cool to watch them not knowing what to expect! I get off at 8pm tonight so the DVR is definitely set to record. I can't stand missing the first 15 minutes of an episode so I'll do some stuff around the house and then watch it at 9pm.

Also, although dead in the water for many of you, I can't wait for LOST to start back up. I know, I know, it's crazy, but so am I so it's all good...

Oh, and of course, Heroes...which is WAY TOO EXPENSIVE on Blu-Ray!

Oh GAWD the Smell!
09-18-2008, 05:36 PM
Hey Luke what do you know about the Mentalist. I'm thinking that looks interesting.

I DVR everything then watch while I'm doing laundry or on nights I can't sleep. I have so little time I'm the person who watches most series on DVD from Blockbuster. I'm in the middle of Six Feet Under now. I just finished OZ. Next will be Entourage.

And I'm a Psych lover too OGTS. I'm even getting sucked in to Monk. It's on all day! I can't help but to catch an episode now and then on a Sunday afternoon.

I saw a preview for The Mentalist, and it looked like they ripped off Psych's schtick...With the hyper-observation skills and all that...They just went serious instead of funny.

09-18-2008, 05:59 PM
I lost track of Heros after season 1.

09-18-2008, 06:01 PM
Ugh. I probably won't like it then. I love Gus. He is so uptight it's hilarious.

I got sucked back into Lost too. I didn't realize I watched so much tv until this thread! It's a good thing I get to fast forward through all the commercials or I would be a total slug!

Oh GAWD the Smell!
09-18-2008, 06:05 PM
Ugh. I probably won't like it then. I love Gus. He is so uptight it's hilarious.

I got sucked back into Lost too. I didn't realize I watched so much tv until this thread! It's a good thing I get to fast forward through all the commercials or I would be a total slug!

Did you ever watch West Wing? He (Guster) was in that too. Plus...The last season or two with Jimmy Smits and Alan Alda was like watching the 2008 election season. There are SO many parallels between the two it's not even funny.

09-18-2008, 07:22 PM
Does no one watch Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia? One of the best on TV, new season starts in about 40 mins.

09-18-2008, 08:47 PM
I had completely forgot about the existance of The West Wing.

09-18-2008, 08:52 PM
Does no one watch Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia? One of the best on TV, new season starts in about 40 mins.

DVR'ing it right now...Put it right up there with The Office and Arrested Development (Still miss that show)

09-19-2008, 06:43 PM
2008 was the first year since I started paying attention that NO shows that I loved were cancelled. I guess in return, the TV gods bid it that I would have slim pickins when it came to new shows this fall. Fringe is the only show I was highly anticipating, and only a few others even have my attention at all. Blame it on the writers strike I guess...

Prison Break (B+)
Much improved over the past 2 seasons. I'm back on board for now.

Gossip Girl (B)
The show just didn't feel quite right. Dan and Serena are boring and Nate's relationship with an older woman is a giant cliche. The only bright spot is Chuck and Blair. Hopefully the writers can shake things up with a romance for Eric.

90210 (C)
Brings nothing new to the table. I expected more from the minds behind Veronica Mars and Freaks & Geeks.

Do Not Disturb (D-)
Started off horrible, but got a teensy bit better. The only reason I watched this in the first place is because I work at a hotel and thought there'd be some fun inside humor, but there's really not. Same old workplace humor in 3-camera format. Belongs on CBS with the rest of sitcom hell.

True Blood (A-)
This is a very intriguing show. I really like the concept of exploring social issues with vampires taking the place of gays or African Americans. Although it's a bit uneven so far, Ball has created some great characters and I look forward to seeing what he does with the show.

Fringe (A)
J.J. does it again! Another great genre show from the master. There were some pacing issues, and the main character will need to grow a little to compare to the Sydney Bristows and John Lockes of the TV world, but it's off to an incredible start and I am completely on board this mystery.

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (B)
The opening scenes set to music were poorly done, but the episode gets back on track later and sets the scene of the new season. It's clear John will become a bigger part of the show and that we will really start to see the transformation from John Connor the boy to John Connor the leader of the human race.

Waiting on the Tivo:

Eagerly Awaiting their Return:
How I Met Your Mother
Eli Stone
Pushing Daisies
Dirty Sexy Money
The Office
30 Rock
Brothers & Sisters
The Amazing Race

New Shows I Will Try Out:
My Own Worst Enemy
Knight Rider
Life on Mars

Other Shows I Might Watch if Bored:
Samantha Who?
Desperate Housewives

09-19-2008, 09:57 PM
Just watched the 2 hr pilot for Fringe and I agree with JBrown...Has the great Lost kind of feel to it...I can only hope enough folks watch it cause I get sick and tired of most the promising shows all lasting less than 2 months

Btw has anyone caught True Blood on HBO?...Wondering if I should waste my time on it

09-19-2008, 10:03 PM
I did. Mini-review above. It's not for everybody, but if you like "genre" shows, social commentary, and Alan Ball's previous work (American Beauty, Six Feet Under), definitely check it out.

09-19-2008, 10:19 PM
I did. Mini-review above. It's not for everybody, but if you like "genre" shows, social commentary, and Alan Ball's previous work (American Beauty, Six Feet Under), definitely check it out.

Good lord I missed it completely...Really liked American Beauty and the first couple seasons of Six Feet Under so I will check it out

09-24-2008, 08:08 AM
I tried the Mentalist. Eh. It was exactly as predicted. A stuffy version of Psych. Without the comedy of Sean and Gus.

This season of Supernatural is going to be amazing. Love it already.

JBrown - I gave up on Prison Break 2 seasons ago. Basically when they went to the Mexican prison. It lost me and was boring. Should I try again? Is it that much better or is it still run from cops, find who is framing, and kiss the girl scenarios.

I'm happy everyone is back on board for NCIS. I wasn't happy about a new team.

SVU was kind of sappy last night. I don't know if I am going to hang in there this season or not.

House is still House. Love him. I miss Wilson though.

90210 sucked.

And I'm waiting to check out True Blood on DVD. HBO shows are much better to me for some reason on disc when I can watch them all at once. Like a 24 hour long movie. I start season 4 of Six Feet Under this weekend.

Richard at Remax
09-24-2008, 08:36 AM
Does anyone know anything about Nip/Tuck?

09-24-2008, 01:07 PM
JBrown - Should I try again? Is it that much better or is it still run from cops, find who is framing, and kiss the girl scenarios.

The basic premise of this season is that a Homeland Security agent, off the record, has an agreement with Michael, Linc, Mahone, and co. that they can stay out of prison if they find "Scylla", a 6-part encoding of all the info needed to take down the Company. Also, Sarah is back. She wasn't really killed.

09-24-2008, 03:18 PM
The basic premise of this season is that a Homeland Security agent, off the record, has an agreement with Michael, Linc, Mahone, and co. that they can stay out of prison if they find "Scylla", a 6-part encoding of all the info needed to take down the Company. Also, Sarah is back. She wasn't really killed.

What?! How can Sarah be alive? Ok. I have to see now.

09-24-2008, 06:38 PM
Looking forward for the return of The Office, My Name is Earl and Battlestar Galactica. I've also been watching The Sons of Anarchy on FX. It's pretty decent so far. Besides those and OU football, that's about all the TV I watch.

09-24-2008, 08:37 PM
Nip/Tuck: No word from FX yet on when the new season might begin.

True Blood: I agree, this show is worth watching for its quirkiness and its delightfully over-the-top sex and violence.

Dexter: No one has mentioned this show yet. It is definitively worth a watch... it is very creative. The new season starts on Showtime this Sunday.

09-25-2008, 12:18 PM
Does anyone know anything about Nip/Tuck?

I heard January 2009, but I also heard there would be only a few episodes, and not a full season. Then I believe sometime in 2010 will be the last full season.

Richard at Remax
09-25-2008, 01:06 PM
im a huge nip tuck fan but last year had so much potential by moving to LA and they screwed up bad. they lost a lot of fans.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
09-26-2008, 09:00 AM
Dexter: No one has mentioned this show yet. It is definitively worth a watch... it is very creative. The new season starts on Showtime this Sunday.

You must have me on ignore :'(

09-26-2008, 03:12 PM
You must have me on ignore :'(

Don't feel bad.

No one here is interested in talking about the Terminator series.

09-27-2008, 08:20 AM
You must have me on ignore :'(

I'm sorry, it must have been that post about running for public office in Oklahoma that set off my ignoreometer.

Well tomorrow is the big season opener. I'm wondering if Dexter will be back to his old antics or if last season hit a little too close to home and if it will cause him to change his routine.

09-27-2008, 08:22 AM
Don't feel bad.

No one here is interested in talking about the Terminator series.

I have been watching it from episode 1. I really enjoy it. I am a little concerned about this new corporation that they have introduced that is apparently being run by a T1000. The concept of her being on the loose is cool, but that episode where they introduced the corp. seemed kind of hokey. I mean is she a terminator or is she the head of a cult. I hope they tone that down.

Otherwise I am really liking this season. Thoughts?

09-27-2008, 02:29 PM
I like The Sarah Connor Chronicles as well. They are doing a good job setting up how John goes from boy to leader of the human race.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
09-27-2008, 11:35 PM
I'm sorry, it must have been that post about running for public office in Oklahoma that set off my ignoreometer.

Well tomorrow is the big season opener. I'm wondering if Dexter will be back to his old antics or if last season hit a little too close to home and if it will cause him to change his routine.

Don't worry, my mouth is FAR too acerbic (yes, even in real life) for me to ever consider running for public office. ;D

As for Dexter...They could keep the same formula with no major plot twists for 5 years, and I'd probably still watch it every week.

06-18-2009, 04:40 AM
True Blood is back, and remains interesting.