View Full Version : Anyone Else Nervous? Tix?
Karried 09-07-2008, 07:13 PM I'm sort of getting nervous ........
'Thunder Tickets in Great Demand'
By Mike Baldwin
Staff Writer
Rand Baker's day to select Thunder season tickets is Monday. There's one problem: It's the wrong Monday. September. 15.
Team officials said there is such a high demand for tickets Baker probably won't get the opportunity to walk into the Ford Center to select seats.
Unfortunately for Baker, there probably won't be seats left. Demand is so great that Thunder officials project several seat-selection appointments will be cancelled.
"As we review the demand, we plan to institute a cap and expect to reach that limit before the week is finished, said team spokesman Dan Mahoney. "We will be in communication with fans on the list and inform them of the progress.
Applicants unable to purchase season tickets will be placed on a waiting list for future season tickets, team officials said. If your appointment is cancelled you also will be placed on a list for eight-game partial season-ticket packages that will go on sale at a later date.
How will it play out? What day will all tickets be gone? It's impossible to predict.
The select-a-seat extravaganza begins Monday.
"Full demand can't be accurately measured until the seating process is under way, Mahoney said. "We know it's high. As we continue to look at that demand, we realize we will have to cap the number of season tickets we sell. We also feel we will reach that limit before the week-long select-a-seat process is complete.
Thunder officials plan to hold back at least 3,000 seats, possibly more, for group sales, individual game sales and eight-game mini packages. That leaves around 15,000 to 16,000 seats for season tickets. Team officials declined to guess how many season tickets would be sold if there was an unlimited supply.
"Where the cap ends up has not yet been determined, Mahoney said. "With such high demand, we have taken steps to increase opportunities for fans to get tickets. We will limit season sales to six tickets per account. We also opted to offer eight-game partial packages instead of 10-game packages to offer more opportunities for fans to have an account.
Randomly selected applicants have appointment times from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. each day. Similar to musical chairs, the process will continue until all 15,000 to 16,000 season tickets available have been purchased.
If your day to select seats is Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday you should be in good shape. Team officials expect seats to be available in most every section the first few days. But it will get dicey later in the week.
Brandon Smith, 26, of Oklahoma City, plans to buy four season tickets, primarily to be used by his small private corporation. His appointment is Friday. Now Smith is uncertain what strategy he might use.
"It will become a question of what seats can we get, at what price for your investment, Smith said. "If I get there and it doesn't seem like it warrants a $13,000 to $21,000 investment for the business to purchase four seats with what's left, then hopefully we can find two seats that are acceptable.
Susan Bible, of Yukon, is one of the lucky ones who selects on Monday.
"I lucked out, Bible said. "I hit the lottery. I'm totally excited. Even though I can only afford the upper seats, I'm still thrilled to be purchasing season tickets to our own Oklahoma NBA team.
Team projections are based on results from conversations via e-mails and phone calls with 16,000 season-ticket applicants. The list consolidated to approximately 14,000 due to multiple applications from husbands and wives or friends already on the list. Another 1,500 applicants didn't respond.
That still leaves more than 11,000 applicants who have accepted RSVP select-a-seat time slots. If each account averages just two tickets and that doesn't include corporations buying hundreds of seats late-week appointments are in jeopardy.
For those fortunate to have early week appointments, the team's matrix research revealed there is interest in all sections and all price ranges. It doesn't appear there will be "a land rush on the best seats or the least expensive seats the first couple of days.
Some former Hornet season-ticket holders who played a role in Oklahoma City getting a permanent NBA franchise will be left empty handed. When Hornets officials declined to share season-ticket seating charts, Thunder officials decided the fair way to distribute season tickets was to randomly select days fans could select seats.
It's a good "problem for team officials to have such high demand. But they also realize some fans will be disappointed. Among them: Rand Baker of Norman.
"I think it's important that anyone who wants to go to a game has an opportunity to do so..., Baker said. "I also think it's important that anyone who gets season tickets makes sure those seats are filled.
OKCMallen 09-07-2008, 07:44 PM I am really glad to see the demand. Just hope it lasts for a while.
Midtowner 09-07-2008, 07:46 PM I am really glad to see the demand. Just hope it lasts for a while.
There'll probably be a lot of no-shows due to the logo scandal.
Karried 09-07-2008, 08:03 PM lol.. you're correct.
I'm not going.
yeah, right...
jstanthrnme 09-07-2008, 08:58 PM I'm probably going to be a no-show and hope that they'll release mini-packages.
I don't think you have anything to worry about Karried, unless everyone gets the max amount of tickets each. 6 I think.
Karried 09-07-2008, 09:19 PM Really, can I have your time slot then? lol..
yeah, I imagine quite a few peeps might not show and wait for the mini packages.
Does anyone know how to change names while you're there?
We were going in with a friend who had to back out, but hubby is going with him anyway to buy his seats since he can't participate now ( and they have an earlier time and day than we do) .. but we want them in our name for future purchases.. any ideas on how that might work out?
Intrepid 09-07-2008, 10:25 PM I like how they are making it possible to have a payment schedule so that all the $$$ isn't due all at once.
jstanthrnme 09-07-2008, 11:43 PM I like how they are making it possible to have a payment schedule so that all the $$$ isn't due all at once.
That seems like the only honest way to do it. I think that is fairly typical. I know OU Atheletics does this.
But the more I think about it, the more it makes since that they'll reach the cap they're setting for season tix and not even consider mini-seasons.
Could we really have a season ticket waiting list in year number 1??
betts 09-07-2008, 11:53 PM Really, can I have your time slot then? lol..
yeah, I imagine quite a few peeps might not show and wait for the mini packages.
Does anyone know how to change names while you're there?
We were going in with a friend who had to back out, but hubby is going with him anyway to buy his seats since he can't participate now ( and they have an earlier time and day than we do) .. but we want them in our name for future purchases.. any ideas on how that might work out?
You have to get a proxy form. I think he needs to call his rep and have the form e-mailed to him. He fills it out and you can buy the tickets, I believe. And, I'm pretty sure Clay said they would make sure they have enough tickets set aside so that some people can buy mini-packs. They'll halt season ticket sales when they reach that pre-set number.
CCOKC 09-08-2008, 08:37 AM I like how they are making it possible to have a payment schedule so that all the $$$ isn't due all at once.
This time around we have to pay 1/3 down with 2 equal payments due later. With the Hornets I think I remember paying $500 down regardless of seats. The first year I think we had 5 monthly payments and the second year it was more, maybe 6 or 7. I could afford to upgrade my seats and have a lower monthly payment. This time, the payment structure is definitely going to influence my selection. But I guess this is a way to limit the demand.
LordGerald 09-08-2008, 06:04 PM Just got back from our ticket appointment at 5 p.m. Monday. There were white seat caps (meaning that seats were taken) everywhere. Practically the entire lower bowl. Suite level was filling up fast, as well as several that were available in Loud City.
If I had to guess, I would bet that everything will be taken by Tuesday night.
Good luck, everyone...
CCOKC 09-08-2008, 06:12 PM Man, you beat me to this post by 2 minutes. I was basically going to say the same thing. My best advice to people who have appointments later than tomorrow is to find someone with an earlier appointment and see if you can get in on their 6 tickets. I got the section I wanted but not the exact seats that I wanted. It did not take long for us to make our choice as there was not much of a choice left. Most of the very expensive seats are gone. If I were to guess I would say those were all gone before today. There are portions on every level blocked off for sale in mini-season ticket plans and general admission etc.
sdsooners 09-08-2008, 07:05 PM Did anybody happen to look at the club level to see if there are any $75 club seats available?
Karried 09-08-2008, 07:36 PM oh no.. just as I feared.. we wanted 110 or 111 or 120 - anything anywhere near the court or are they all gone?
I already told my husband I didn't want to fork over more than 4K for crappy seats.... ugh.
He is going tomorrow at 12:oopm.. what do you think the chances are of getting a good seat?
Karried 09-08-2008, 07:53 PM I just watched a video interview on Newsok .. it appears that all the lower sections are gone from the pics. I'm so bummed.
I don't think we'll get season tickets if they are in Club or Loud City.
We need a bigger Ford Center!
LordGerald 09-08-2008, 08:22 PM oh no.. just as I feared.. we wanted 110 or 111 or 120 - anything anywhere near the court or are they all gone?
I already told my husband I didn't want to fork over more than 4K for crappy seats.... ugh.
He is going tomorrow at 12:oopm.. what do you think the chances are of getting a good seat?
Hate to sound like Dean, but 50/50? There were a lot of seats taken. There are a few twofers not in the aisle that are available. My fear for you is that by noon, they could all be gone. Appointments start at 8 a.m., and with about 50 - 100 people per half-hour block, they are going quickly.
We formed a cartel, and we pre-agreed that the person with the earliest seat reserve appointment would buy for all of us, and that's what happened...
OrangeGirl17 09-08-2008, 10:10 PM Got our tickets tonight! We ended up with 2 in 118 and 4 in 319. A bit more than we wanted to spend - and while we may not go to all the games - after the frenzy we saw we've got a good chance to unload the games we can't make.
betts 09-09-2008, 07:53 AM Got our tickets tonight! We ended up with 2 in 118 and 4 in 319. A bit more than we wanted to spend - and while we may not go to all the games - after the frenzy we saw we've got a good chance to unload the games we can't make.
Just be careful selling them. The team is supposedly going to be very picky about where tickets are resold.
OKCMallen 09-09-2008, 08:44 AM Just be careful selling them. The team is supposedly going to be very picky about where tickets are resold.
How do you mean?
Doug Loudenback 09-09-2008, 08:56 AM Well, things are not looking good for Doug Dawg! My appointment is not until THURSDAY at noon. I'm expecting that if the max aren't sold by the end of today, they will be my mid-day tomorrow, 24 hours before my appointment.
BFizzy 09-09-2008, 10:10 AM 8,000 to 10,000 seats were reserved for corporations and single game sales. Plus, they sold 6,000 seats on Monday.
That means there were only about 3,200 to 5,200 available at 8AM on Day 2.
There were 6 days of appointments scheduled.
There are going to be a lot of pissed off Thunder fans.
Turanacus 09-09-2008, 10:19 AM :numchucks
bigjkt405 09-09-2008, 10:55 AM Oh well. If I'm not able to get season tickets, I'll try and get a mini plan. As Doug said in another forum, I never missed a game I really wanted to go to previously, and don't anticipate missing any of the games I'm truly interested in going to....
My appt is at 5pm today...
There are going to be a lot of pissed off Thunder fans.
As long as the lottery was fair, I'm not going to be pissed. That's just how it goes.
Now, if all of these tickets were sold to people who piggy backed on their friends' lottery pick AND the team lets them open their own account and put those tickets in their own name, then I think that's kind of BS.
OKCisOK4me 09-09-2008, 11:46 AM Hey Karried, it's about that time. Hope your husband gets you two something good. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for ya!
I signed up for an appointment but like someone else mentioned I'm waiting to see what they have for mini packages. Let us know how it turns out!
Doug Loudenback 09-09-2008, 12:03 PM I've posted a plea for "help" in my blog ... Doug Dawgz Blog: I NEED TICKETS! ( ...
Think it will help? :dizzy:
Karried 09-09-2008, 12:18 PM Well we ended up changing our minds about the whole thing at the last minute. Our friend had someone else who definitely wanted to purchase any tix so we gave the time to him.
We decided that close to 5K (parking, food, beer, games etc etc) we should at least have decent seats.... based on what I've read, seen on videos and heard, the seats left weren't what we wanted at all.
To say I'm disappointed is an understatement. I'm hoping for an 8 package but I'm not holding my breath.
I'll do what I've done before, buy some single tix whenever I can get them.
I'm really discouraged at how this all played out. I've been so excited about getting a team and this is really so disappointing. Most of the good seats were gone before they even opened the doors.
BFizzy 09-09-2008, 12:38 PM It seems like they could have at least assigned times in the order that people signed up. They also should have capped tickets at 2 or even 4 per person.
I bet we see a few season ticket packages available on ebay and other ticket sites. Those people should go to jail.
FritterGirl 09-09-2008, 12:44 PM I just found out that my Dad's appt was scheduled for next Monday. There is no way in hades he'll get seats.
Will just have to find individual seats from time to time.
Karried 09-09-2008, 12:59 PM Well, the latest from our friend is that there is NO WAY to get seats in the lower level unless you want to sit by yourself. They are all gone.
I learned today also that when you purchase the Club Level you have to sign up for a 3 year committment. The person who took our place ended up getting 4 Club Level Seats in the upper corner.. they're not very happy about it, but that's all they had left.
ugh. I'm trying to stay positive but it's a huge letdown.
I could have gotten some Loud City seats but we decided to just pick a few games that we really want to see and pay individual prices if we can get them.
I'm so bummed.... I was so looking forward to the NBA coming.
CrimsonOberon 09-09-2008, 01:23 PM Well, the latest from our friend is that there is NO WAY to get seats in the lower level unless you want to sit by yourself. They are all gone.
I learned today also that when you purchase the Club Level you have to sign up for a 3 year committment. The person who took our place ended up getting 4 Club Level Seats in the upper corner.. they're not very happy about it, but that's all they had left.
ugh. I'm trying to stay positive but it's a huge letdown.
I could have gotten some Loud City seats but we decided to just pick a few games that we really want to see and pay individual prices if we can get them.
I'm so bummed.... I was so looking forward to the NBA coming.
I feel for you - but I am also excited to hear that tickets are selling at such a feverish pace.
I am a little surprised to hear that they didn't have a cap in place earlier. And though an earlier poster joked that some of the ticket packages would show up on ebay, I think there is a lot of truth to that statement. It is just like the jokers who get crap signed at Sooner Fan Appreciation Day, cutting in front of kids and such, then sell it all online.
If several ticket packages show up on ebay registered under the same seller, then hopefully the team will find a way to restructure their season ticket policy for next year. Unfortunately, there will be some people this first year who will be left out in the cold.
CrimsonOberon 09-09-2008, 01:28 PM And so it begins.
Doug Loudenback 09-09-2008, 01:54 PM Well, the latest from our friend is that there is NO WAY to get seats in the lower level unless you want to sit by yourself. They are all gone.
I learned today also that when you purchase the Club Level you have to sign up for a 3 year committment. The person who took our place ended up getting 4 Club Level Seats in the upper corner.. they're not very happy about it, but that's all they had left.
ugh. I'm trying to stay positive but it's a huge letdown.
I could have gotten some Loud City seats but we decided to just pick a few games that we really want to see and pay individual prices if we can get them.
I'm so bummed.... I was so looking forward to the NBA coming.
Don't be TOO bummed, Karrie ... we didn't have season tickets before, did we? We will still enjoy the excitement, and of that fact I am sure.
CCOKC 09-09-2008, 01:59 PM I am interested to know just how the timing of the appointments correlates with how people registered. My appointment time was 3:30 yesterday and I registered less than a minute after Clay announced the website at the presser so for me I thought it was fair. The appointment times were supposed to be random but I heard differently yesterday when I was standing in line to check out. Did anybody else here register early and get a bad time or vice versa? Did you think the process was fair?
betts 09-09-2008, 02:09 PM As long as the lottery was fair, I'm not going to be pissed. That's just how it goes.
Now, if all of these tickets were sold to people who piggy backed on their friends' lottery pick AND the team lets them open their own account and put those tickets in their own name, then I think that's kind of BS.
Agree completely. Do we know if they're allowing people to do that?
Karried 09-09-2008, 02:42 PM Yes, that's exactly what they were doing.
Remember the Proxy Form... that's what you had to fill out if you came with someone else who had a time and wanted the tix in your name.
OrangeGirl17 09-09-2008, 03:12 PM Just be careful selling them. The team is supposedly going to be very picky about where tickets are resold.
That's interesting - but no matter. Most of the people are friends of ours anyway.
betts 09-09-2008, 03:12 PM It seems like they could have at least assigned times in the order that people signed up. They also should have capped tickets at 2 or even 4 per person.
I bet we see a few season ticket packages available on ebay and other ticket sites. Those people should go to jail.
Oklahoma City Thunder, Tickets, Sports Mem, Cards Fan Shop items on ( omZR40QQ_mdoZ)
Or at least lose their privilege to own tickets
Doug Loudenback 09-09-2008, 03:16 PM It looks as though a friend at Forums :: Index ( is going to allow me via proxy to select seats tomorrow at 9:30 a.m., assuming all is not sold today ... Karrie, you might want to make your plea over there, as you definitely not only want, but deserve, season tickets. Might work, but you'd probably better speak quickly over there about that. No shame, or, at least, I have none and it appears to possibly have good results. Not too late to give it a go.
Karried 09-09-2008, 03:18 PM betts, you mention that the Thunder was frowning upon reselling tickets. What did you hear about it?
It looks like on Ebay a Ticket Broker is charging close to 7K for LL... 110/111 - a ticket broker.. that's sickening.
OrangeGirl17 09-09-2008, 03:22 PM Oklahoma City Thunder, Tickets, Sports Mem, Cards Fan Shop items on ( omZR40QQ_mdoZ)
Or at least lose their privilege to own tickets
Well, WE won't be putting our season tickets on eBay, but I know we will have to sell some of them since we can't go to all of the games. Thankfully, we've got friends that we've spoken with about selling tickets to 3 or 4 games. I went through the calendar today and identified the games I really wanted to go to and could based upon my schedule.
But LISTEN to what happened to us. We initially wanted to split tickets with someone, had someone who was willing to go in with us who LITERALLY backed out 5 minutes before our appt! We were ticked off to say the least. Needless to say - that guy's name is mud to me and my colleagues - calling 5 min before the appt. :fighting3
His karma - is his appt was later this week - like Thursday. Ha!
Karried 09-09-2008, 03:25 PM Doug, good luck to you friend.. of all people, you have to be at the games.
We had a chance to go today but heard from numerous people that all the LL were all gone.
Our friend went and confirmed it via phone.
We just didn't want to settle for nosebleeds... ( I can't stand vertigo and am blind as a bat!)
For us, it was LL season tix or just buy single/package tickets as we go.
I'm disappointed in the fact that all the LL were bought out and given away via corporations before the general public had a chance.
One person I know wasn't even on a list, never signed up but got a phone call from a rep.
He got to go on Friday morning, before anyone! He attended TWO Hornet's games in total, doesn't even know who referred him.. ( he's a dentist).
It just makes me ill.
metro 09-09-2008, 03:52 PM people bummed about tickets or people bummed about the logo? what's the difference? double standard?
Anyhow, I'm glad that we're selling tickets fast instead of having the opposite problem of not selling fast enough. Hopefully I can afford an 8 game package, if not I'll buy as many single games as possible.
Karried 09-09-2008, 04:58 PM It's a little different metro.
Disappointment in not getting seats to a team you've supported and dreamt about isn't the same as wanting people to stop criticizing the logo.
CCOKC 09-09-2008, 06:15 PM I thought it was obvious when I went yesterday that most of the lower level high dollar tickets were sold before Monday morning. It just was too concentrated in those areas. I got lower level in section 103 which is somewhat in the corner and there were random tickets available. We took the last 6 available together in that section. It does piss me off that a fan like Doug has to beg to get tickets and someone like the dentist Karried spoke of gets preferential treatment. But I must say that I feel fortunate and if I lived my life resenting those who are luckier than I am I would constantly be miserable.
OKCMallen 09-09-2008, 06:21 PM Doug, good luck to you friend.. of all people, you have to be at the games.
We had a chance to go today but heard from numerous people that all the LL were all gone.
Our friend went and confirmed it via phone.
We just didn't want to settle for nosebleeds... ( I can't stand vertigo and am blind as a bat!)
For us, it was LL season tix or just buy single/package tickets as we go.
I'm disappointed in the fact that all the LL were bought out and given away via corporations before the general public had a chance.
One person I know wasn't even on a list, never signed up but got a phone call from a rep.
He got to go on Friday morning, before anyone! He attended TWO Hornet's games in total, doesn't even know who referred him.. ( he's a dentist).
It just makes me ill.
With one hand you say that corporations shouldn't get first grab, but with the other you say that people that gave more effort should get better treatment than the dentist who was referred. That's a double standard. This team would not be here without the corporate sponsors and corporate season ticket buyers.
Karried 09-09-2008, 06:26 PM Yes, I understand without corporations the team wouldn't be here.... but I also understand that without the peons who put signs all over the city, voted and made every effort to support the Hornets while they were here shouldn't take a backseat to someone who really could care less ( he didn't even sign up for tickets!!) and he doesn't even know which Corporation put his name on the List!
Tell me that's fair.
One person I know wasn't even on a list, never signed up but got a phone call from a rep.
He got to go on Friday morning, before anyone!
He attended TWO Hornet's games in total, doesn't even know who referred him.. ( he's a dentist).
BFizzy 09-09-2008, 06:45 PM I was expecting the worst for my 4:30 PM appointment today. However, there were still plenty of club level and balcony seats available.
The club level ends don't require a contract because they will only be available for one year.
The balcony seats, which are the first row of loud city are really nice because there is no one in front of you and you can still see the court really well.
I came out getting better seats than I thought I would and paid less than what I was expecting to.
There's still hope for you with Wednesday and maybe even Thursday appointments.
Intrepid 09-09-2008, 06:46 PM I was so looking forward to the NBA coming.
They're still here ya know. They didn't change their minds all of a sudden. ;)
Karried 09-09-2008, 06:50 PM yeah, I know.. I'm just disappointed today.. I'll live, I'll get over it.. and I'll go to Tahiti and have an umbrella drink or two on the the money I saved -
It's all good.
I'm happy for those who got good seats and glad that OK is supporting the team. I'm just feeling a little sad, that's all.
Intrepid 09-09-2008, 06:56 PM I just got this email from the Thunder:
Greetings from your Oklahoma City Thunder!
We want to take this opportunity to offer you the following update on the status of our Select-a-Seat event at the Ford Center this week.
If your appointment is Wednesday, September 10 we are pleased to tell you that while choices are limited, there are still good quality seats available for your season ticket selection.
As expected, the lower level of the arena filled up quickly, but there are some good seats remaining. In the upper level, there is a good variety of seats available at very reasonable prices.
We also encourage you to take a look at the $45 club level seats we have available. They are limited to only one year availability, but they are season tickets which will place you on a priority waiting list for future season ticket sales.
Our demand is heavy, but we encourage you to keep your appointment on Wednesday and see what's available. Chances are you will walk away a Thunder Season ticket member!
Go Thunder!
I have a friend that has a 4pm appt and is going to try to get 6 upper levels. If he's successful, then I might not have to go to my 630p appt.
betts 09-09-2008, 07:21 PM I just left the arena. There are still seats in the lower ends, and scattered, very limited seats in the lower sidelines. The club level seats that aren't renewable are virtually unsold, and some people in my group got some very nice Loud City seats.
betts 09-09-2008, 07:25 PM I am interested to know just how the timing of the appointments correlates with how people registered. My appointment time was 3:30 yesterday and I registered less than a minute after Clay announced the website at the presser so for me I thought it was fair. The appointment times were supposed to be random but I heard differently yesterday when I was standing in line to check out. Did anybody else here register early and get a bad time or vice versa? Did you think the process was fair?
I registered fairly early (had to hit redial for about 45 minutes before getting through) during the television announcement. When I did get through, I handed the phone to a friend. Interestingly, we both got the identical time for tickets, today at 6 p.m., even though we had separate accounts. When I heard it was going to be a lottery, I had several other people sign up (fairly late). They got late ticket selection times. Maybe it was random, but it didn't seem to be perfectly random.
Intrepid 09-09-2008, 07:46 PM I registered fairly early (had to hit redial for about 45 minutes before getting through) during the television announcement. When I did get through, I handed the phone to a friend. Interestingly, we both got the identical time for tickets, today at 6 p.m., even though we had separate accounts. When I heard it was going to be a lottery, I had several other people sign up (fairly late). They got late ticket selection times. Maybe it was random, but it didn't seem to be perfectly random.
I registered online about 3-4 hours after the announcement. As stated previously, my appt is tomorrow at 630p
LordGerald 09-09-2008, 08:53 PM It was completely random. I registered within an hour of Clay's announcement and drew Tuesday at 2:30 (which I skipped). My colleague registerd at the same time and drew Monday (yesterday at 5 p.m.). Our boss registered at the same time and drew next Sunday.
Computers drew random straws. Sorry it didn't work out for everybody. Just think, you're going to miss a game against the Memphis Grizzlies!
betts 09-09-2008, 09:47 PM There are still over 4,000 tickets unsold. It's true people may not get precisely the tickets they wanted, but I didn't either when I got my first OU season tickets. I was at the top of the end zone. Every year I tried to improve the location of my seats, and last year I finally got what I consider my "forever" seats. So, if it were me, I'd buy the best seats left in my price range, and plan on moving next year. There will be openings every year. Make friends with your ticket rep and talk to them about your desired location. It will happen. It just might not be this year.
Doug Loudenback 09-09-2008, 10:18 PM From the Thunder website: THE OFFICIAL SITE OF THE OKLAHOMA CITY THUNDER (
Through two days of season ticket sales, the Oklahoma City Thunder has sold 8,350 season tickets. There are approximately 4,800 season tickets remaining to purchase. The second day of the team's select-a-seat program continued Tuesday for those fans who were selected in random order based on an initial ticket request list.
"The interest level in the team continues to be high, and we continue to try and accommodate as many fans as possible," said team spokesman Dan Mahoney. "We're looking forward to another productive day on Wednesday."
The select-a-seat process continues Wednesday, starting at 8:00 a.m. for fans with randomly selected appointment times. As of the end of business Tuesday (8:00 p.m.) there are some seats still remaining in the lower bowl of the Ford Center. There is a variety of seats still available in the upper bowl.
Karried 09-10-2008, 10:26 AM Good luck Doug! I'm pulling for you!!!
OKCMallen 09-10-2008, 10:42 AM Yes, I understand without corporations the team wouldn't be here.... but I also understand that without the peons who put signs all over the city, voted and made every effort to support the Hornets while they were here shouldn't take a backseat to someone who really could care less ( he didn't even sign up for tickets!!) and he doesn't even know which Corporation put his name on the List!
Tell me that's fair.
You can't measure "care."
Doug Loudenback 09-10-2008, 11:19 AM I am very pleased to report that ...
... thanks to the generosity of BeeCool at Forums :: Index ( who allowed me to be his guest this morning at his 9:30 appointment and get my two tickets on his account! Hoo Ahh! Not only that, the tickets were exactly where I wanted them to be in the 1st place - $30 balcony seats in Section 311.
It wasn't terribly crowded this morning and they have opened up some Club Level tickets that weren't earlier available. There are still a few good seats in the lower level, and good tickets (e.g., more balcony tickets) in the upper level.
Unless traffic changes during the day, I would not expect that all seats will be sold today, maybe not even tomorrow. We should have a better feel for that by the end of the day.
I think the media has done a disservice in "over" reporting the sales ... could have a chilling effect on people keeping their appointments. Mike Baldwin's report in his blog, Pro market ( , was a gross exaggeration, for example.