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Plutonic Panda
08-17-2014, 10:22 PM
This bridge was dead to me the second the suspension cables were removed from the plans. I drive under it at least twice a day and I unpurposefully dont even notice it. Wasted opportunity and money. (I've said it a millions times and I'll keep saying it every time this thread is bumped, Pete can ban me if he wants too)
I agree with you. The new design sucks. I had a passenger that asked me if it was a mosquito

08-17-2014, 10:41 PM

08-18-2014, 12:08 AM
I agree with you. The new design sucks. I had a passenger that asked me if it was a mosquito

But you just said you like driving your car on the sidewalk to take pictures? Which is it?

Speaking of, its probably time to place some pillars on the sidewalk blocking the entrance. I didn't realize people were so tacky as to drive their cars onto a sidewalk and do burnouts.

Anonymous, I hope you reported this to the city. Until the park is constructed and there's actually a steady crowd in the area, vandalism will continue to be a problem.

Plutonic Panda
08-18-2014, 12:27 AM
But you just said you like driving your car on the sidewalk to take pictures? Which is it?

Speaking of, its probably time to place some pillars on the sidewalk blocking the entrance. I didn't realize people were so tacky as to drive their cars onto a sidewalk and do burnouts.

Anonymous, I hope you reported this to the city. Until the park is constructed and there's actually a steady crowd in the area, vandalism will continue to be a problem.
I hope you weren't referring to me as the person doing burnouts on that because I didn't do that.

08-18-2014, 12:37 AM
I hope you weren't referring to me as the person doing burnouts on that because I didn't do that.

That wasn't implied at all. The question was, why do you go out of your way to take "nice shots" of a bridge that "sucks?"

Plutonic Panda
08-18-2014, 03:17 AM
That wasn't implied at all. The question was, why do you go out of your way to take "nice shots" of a bridge that "sucks?"it is something to add to the picture.. nothing more nothing less.

The bridge does suck. I stand by my comments. The only reason the bridge is included in the picture is because it makes a nice backdrop out of focus with a car in front of it. Driving down the highway, it has drawn negative responses from literally every person I have known that has seen it. Can't even believe this is being debated...

08-18-2014, 07:28 AM
Seriously? While it would have been amazing as a suspension bridge, considering it's going to be a park pedestrian bridge it's still pretty cool. All my visitors think it's an interesting addition to the city, as do I. Like the Stage Center, especially lighted, it's a "What's that?" piece. Think of all the pedestrian bridges you see crossing highways. It's clearly one of the most unique ones I've ever seen.

Plutonic Panda
08-18-2014, 08:16 AM
Hmmm... Well, I still think the suspension bridge would've been cooler but they went the cheap route as usual.

08-18-2014, 08:23 AM
... Driving down the highway, it has drawn negative responses from literally every person I have known that has seen it. Can't even believe this is being debated...

Just about everyone I know that's seen it really likes it, and most of the general public comments I've seen are favorable. Seems to be just a very small minority who can't be pleased and don't want to be.

Plutonic Panda
08-18-2014, 08:30 AM
Just about everyone I know that's seen it really likes it, and most of the general public comments I've seen are favorable. Seems to be just a very small minority who can't be pleased and don't want to be.

I hear you

08-18-2014, 08:50 AM
There are no trashcans anywhere near the bridge.

And I am not sure how you get a vehicle to those skid marks without either driving over the grass, or delicately going up the ramp (which seems too narrow at the turns for a vehicle).

I took shots of the graffiti, as well, but figured no one wanted to see those.

08-18-2014, 09:04 AM
Seriously? While it would have been amazing as a suspension bridge, considering it's going to be a park pedestrian bridge it's still pretty cool. All my visitors think it's an interesting addition to the city, as do I. Like the Stage Center, especially lighted, it's a "What's that?" piece. Think of all the pedestrian bridges you see crossing highways. It's clearly one of the most unique ones I've ever seen.

^^^ LIKE ^^^ I've had several visitors tell me how cool it is, very unique, never seen anything like it. I think in 4 or 5 years when all of the park complimentary pieces are in place, it'll be even better.

08-18-2014, 09:22 AM
I like the bridge. It's neat. Virtually everyone I've talked to thinks it is cool as well.

08-18-2014, 11:23 AM
I agree with you. The new design sucks. I had a passenger that asked me if it was a mosquito

Oh give me a break. A mosquito? I think that's your passenger's problem, not the bridge.

Sure, the original design was a bit cooler, but it's still a pretty awesome piece of art that IMO the city is lucky to have. All of my guests have pointed out how awesome and cool they think it is, especially lit up at night.

08-18-2014, 11:28 AM
I love the bridge. When I was still in town a lot of my guests would request I take them downtown so they could see it.

As far as griping over the orginial design, its way past time to let that go. This was built in the middle of a recession, when public works projects like this were seen as excessive and shelved entirely. I think they made the best of an unfortunate situation.

Plutonic Panda
08-18-2014, 11:37 AM
Oh give me a break. A mosquito? I think that's your passenger's problem, not the bridge. beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I believe in that and stick by my comments.

08-18-2014, 11:42 AM
PP, do you think you would really like the look of it that much better if there were just more cables? Because that is really the only visible difference in the two designs.

08-18-2014, 12:17 PM
I personally like the sculpture a lot, but my experience has been that most people don't. I've heard people at church say it's odd or ugly. My mother- and father-in-law thought it might be a construction crane. They said it was pretty weird. Other family that have visited knew right away it was art, but were disappointed with it.

It's certainly not universally liked or understood, and probably not liked by most people based on my experiences.

08-18-2014, 12:26 PM
Visitors? Who gives a crap what visitors think? When was the last time you had a visitor come to town & say anything negative about the city? They are coming in to your home, and 9/10 are going to be complimentary just based on that fact. Have you ever had company over, and had somebody tell you how ugly your coffee table is? No, because that is human nature.

I've discussed this bridge with multiple residents, mainly because I'm a development fan boy & tend to bring this kind of stuff up to people in my everyday life. A lot of these people would be considered "artsy" with a wide range of beauty. AT LEAST half either say "I dunno what its supposed to be" or "more wasted money by our city". Of course, my negative reaction to it could lead to their responses as well as that is also human nature to agree with the person you are talking to. Still, I think you guys are wayyy letting this city off with what they provided us with our money. Sure, its pretty at night time because how hard is it to strap lights on to something? Lights can make anything more attractive.

08-18-2014, 12:28 PM
Kind of ironic that half the beers are Corona Lights...

08-18-2014, 12:33 PM
PP, do you think you would really like the look of it that much better if there were just more cables? Because that is really the only visible difference in the two designs.

I know this wasn't directed at me, but the structure would be 100000x better with the cables. The structure was designed with having a functional purpose of keeping the bridge up in a unconventional disposition. In stead they made it a statue of sort by removing the cables. Now it doesn't look like anything or have a purpose. Its just a bunch of jumbled metal jutting up in to the sky.

Plutonic Panda
08-18-2014, 02:54 PM
PP, do you think you would really like the look of it that much better if there were just more cables? Because that is really the only visible difference in the two designs.

OK, I've posted this before and I'll post it again

To me,


would have been much better than this

08-18-2014, 03:05 PM
I drive under it at least twice a day and I unpurposefully dont even notice it.

That'll teach it.

08-18-2014, 03:08 PM
That'll teach it.

Lol, If I was doing it on purpose I would be teaching it a lesson. It just doesn't even register to me anymore, unless if I'm driving at nighttime.

08-18-2014, 03:12 PM
Considering it is routinely featured in network B roll during NBA playoffs and other nationally-televised events broadcast from OKC, I think it has appeal to more people than just us dumb Okies who were apparently hoodwinked into buying it.

08-18-2014, 03:13 PM
Lol, If I was doing it on purpose I would be teaching it a lesson. It just doesn't even register to me anymore, unless if I'm driving at nighttime.

True. Sorry, I read to fast and missed the "un".

08-18-2014, 03:21 PM

would have been much better than this

I agree. I was pretty disappointed that it didn't turn out more like the original design. I still enjoy it thought.

08-18-2014, 03:27 PM
Considering it is routinely featured in network B roll during NBA playoffs and other nationally-televised events broadcast from OKC, I think it has appeal to more people than just us dumb Okies who were apparently hoodwinked into buying it.

Come on now, I nor anybody else never made any claim about "dumb okies" liking it. That's uncalled for. In fact I even claimed that MOST of the residents I've talked to about it aren't the biggest fans of it. So if anything "dumb okies", which I'm including myself in, aren't impressed by this approx 6 million dollar bridge.

08-18-2014, 03:34 PM
I think everyone is disappointed comparing the original to the final product.

However, I enjoy looking at it. I think it's a great addition to our city., nonetheless.

08-18-2014, 05:33 PM
This might be completely ludicrous, But from that rendering of the original the suspension cables look to be more aesthetic than purposeful. Could suspension cables be added in the future, with l.e.d. accents?

08-18-2014, 05:37 PM
I too drive under it twice a day, and if i'm next to an out of state vehicle, I purposely watch them and their reaction. Whether they like it or not I don't know, they do seem to slow a bit and take a good look at it.

My wife doesn't call me rain man for nothing..... especially when she catches me counting the number of floors on buildings.

08-18-2014, 06:23 PM
Come on now, I nor anybody else never made any claim about "dumb okies" liking it. That's uncalled for. In fact I even claimed that MOST of the residents I've talked to about it aren't the biggest fans of it. So if anything "dumb okies", which I'm including myself in, aren't impressed by this approx 6 million dollar bridge.

Dumb Okies, cheaped out...just trying to beat some of our other contributors to the punch.

Jersey Boss
08-18-2014, 07:30 PM
I too drive under it twice a day, and if i'm next to an out of state vehicle, I purposely watch them and their reaction. Whether they like it or not I don't know, they do seem to slow a bit and take a good look at it.

My wife doesn't call me rain man for nothing..... especially when she catches me counting the number of floors on buildings.

I notice that MVAs have the same phenomena.

08-18-2014, 09:05 PM
So use to picturesque view of the Skydance Bridge that I think it looks better without the cables. This bridge structure looks modern & unique; why do we need the cables? Are they cosmetic or a part of the structure?

Truly an iconic landmark type structure that will identify Oklahoma City.

To quote a friend of mind, "This structure would have looked better in Tulsa." Sorry Tulsa, build your own... "Oklahoma City looks oh-so pretty... I get my kicks on Route 66." --Nat King Cole.

08-18-2014, 11:31 PM
Evidently the people at the OKC Convention and Visitors Bureau think this is a positive for tourism in their new campaign.


08-19-2014, 08:34 AM
I really like it and actually prefer it WITHOUT the cables getting in the way of the view of it. The exposed look is a lot more interesting to me visually than an enclosed one would have been. I'm very happy with the way the entire project worked out. The only detracting opinions about it I've ever heard in person were from people that don't approve of any of the artistic elements to any govt. project and think that it's all a waste of money. They'd rather see it cheap and look like a boring bridge. I can't really argue against that because those people are often very set in that opinion (and are often older). I'm not trying to place that label on the opinions here, just saying that's what I've personally experienced. The counter side to that from out-of-town visitors is a "wow, that's cool" statement. And it often spurs a large discussion about MAPs and C2S and inevitably, they say they wish their city would do things like that.

08-19-2014, 12:37 PM
So use to picturesque view of the Skydance Bridge that I think it looks better without the cables. This bridge structure looks modern & unique; why do we need the cables? Are they cosmetic or a part of the structure?

Truly an iconic landmark type structure that will identify Oklahoma City.

To quote a friend of mind, "This structure would have looked better in Tulsa." Sorry Tulsa, build your own... "Oklahoma City looks oh-so pretty... I get my kicks on Route 66." --Nat King Cole.

As originally designed they were part of the structure because it was a suspension bridge rather than a truss bridge which is how it was constructed.

Plutonic Panda
08-19-2014, 12:58 PM
It was also going to be concrete, right?

08-19-2014, 02:39 PM
I liked the cable design and I thought it was a better placement over the interstate. the cables balanced it to me. that being said I also like what we got and most anyone visiting us also thinks its a pretty cool piece. so im not unhappy either way.
and yah.. keep your vehicles on the streets where they belong. not burning out on sidewalks. SMH

Plutonic Panda
08-19-2014, 02:55 PM
I liked the cable design and I thought it was a better placement over the interstate. the cables balanced it to me. that being said I also like what we got and most anyone visiting us also thinks its a pretty cool piece. so im not unhappy either way.
and yah.. keep your vehicles on the streets where they belong. not burning out on sidewalks. SMH
be more clear.... there is no problem with people parking their cars there for less than five minutes taking pictures of their car right now. There is literally no one ever around when I go--which has been all times of the day--and the majority park their cars, take pictures, and leave. You'd never even know they were there.

When the park opens and more traffic comes, then yeah, I can see some barriers being placed to prevent that as more people will come through and even later at night.

08-19-2014, 03:04 PM
be more clear.... there is no problem with people parking their cars there for less than five minutes taking pictures of their car right now. There is literally no one ever around when I go--which has been all times of the day--and the majority park their cars, take pictures, and leave. You'd never even know they were there.

When the park opens and more traffic comes, then yeah, I can see some barriers being placed to prevent that as more people will come through and even later at night.

There is absolutely every problem with people parking their cars there for any amount of time to do anything. There is a street you can park on 30 feet away. This is a sidewalk. Vehicles are not supposed to park on sidewalks. It looks trashy and people don't need to get in the habit of parking there for any reason unless it is an EMSA vehicle tending to someone.

Plutonic Panda
08-19-2014, 03:12 PM
There is absolutely every problem with people parking their cars there for any amount of time to do anything. There is a street you can park on 30 feet away. This is a sidewalk. Vehicles are not supposed to park on sidewalks. It looks trashy and people don't need to get in the habit of parking there for any reason unless it is an EMSA vehicle tending to someone.

omg..... some people on this website are funny.

All I can say to you is get over it. I've done it multiple times and even have had cops pass by and they don't even care. I even had come up because I was with a friend who has a really nice car and he just wanted to see the car and take a photo of it. There is no problem. you are making the problem. I'll let whoever wants to have the last word, this isn't even a discussion.

08-19-2014, 03:14 PM
its a basic respect of property.
you have no business parking there period.

08-19-2014, 03:14 PM
omg..... people on this website are funny.

I know. Wanting six lanes on every street in the metro, being able to drive 90 whenever you feel like it and parking on the grass at the mall is hysterical...

08-19-2014, 03:15 PM
I know. Wanting six lanes on every street in the metro, being able to drive 90 whenever you feel like it and parking on the grass at the mall is hysterical...

Plutonic Panda
08-19-2014, 03:17 PM
I know. Wanting six lanes on every street in the metro, being able to drive 90 whenever you feel like it and parking on the grass at the mall is hysterical...I hear you man.

08-19-2014, 03:21 PM
omg..... some people on this website are funny.

All I can say to you is get over it. I've done it multiple times and even have had cops pass by and they don't even care. I even had come up because I was with a friend who has a really nice car and he just wanted to see the car and take a photo of it. There is no problem. you are making the problem. I'll let whoever wants to have the last word, this isn't even a discussion.

My biggest problem is why don't you have respect for the city property? Even one person doing this makes it look ok for others to do it. I don't care if no one else is around. I don't litter even if there is no one else around to see it. Why? Because it makes the city look terrible, I can easily keep the trash and throw it away at my house and if I do it and more people see it and think it's ok, what's to stop a lot of other people from doing it?

08-19-2014, 03:33 PM
be more clear.... there is no problem with people parking their cars there for less than five minutes taking pictures of their car right now. There is literally no one ever around when I go--which has been all times of the day--and the majority park their cars, take pictures, and leave. You'd never even know they were there.

When the park opens and more traffic comes, then yeah, I can see some barriers being placed to prevent that as more people will come through and even later at night.

This is why we can't have nice things.

Plutonic Panda
08-19-2014, 03:40 PM
My biggest problem is why don't you have respect for the city property? Even one person doing this makes it look ok for others to do it. I don't care if no one else is around. I don't litter even if there is no one else around to see it. Why? Because it makes the city look terrible and if I do it and more people see it and think it's ok, what's to stop a lot of other people from doing it?I don't have respect for city property. How dare me park my car on a sidewalk that no one uses late at night in an area that resembles a ghost town and then drive off leaving no destruction or tire marks making sure I am careful with my car and not damaging anything.... I know, I'm a horrible fiend. Sorry man, guess I just to up my class for no one to see.

Yes, that was sarcasm and yes, you'd be laughed at by a lot of people if you told them this crap about them not being respectful. Burning your tires and leaving tire marks, yes, that is disrespectful. If I ever see someone do that, i'll be reporting their license plate.

I'll say this once again, I have had a POLICE OFFICER, come up and take a picture of car I rode in and I specifically told him about the situation and he had no problem with it. I've had multiple cops drive by and not stop. There is literally nothing you or anyone else on this site can or will do about it by responding to this so stop wasting your time.

The only reason I posted what I did is to let people know to be more specific when they post about people who park there. There are people who are responsible, like me, and then there are others who choose to act stupid and burnout tire marks. I'm there quite often and if I ever see that, I'll report it. Other than that, donate the money to the city so they can build barriers if it bothers you that much, but I promise you, the police don't care and nor does anyone else.

The 7 people I've encountered over the last couple years have said it is cool and they planned on doing it at one point themselves.

I'm not trying to be a dick here, but goddamn. It is always something on here about getting on people that are j walking, mad at big trucks parking out of the line in a huge parking lot, parking on grass when during Christmas... etc. You know why nothing gets done about it? BECAUSE NO ONE CARES MAN!!!!!!!!! You only hear that every now and then on here. So just give it up.

Comparing this to littering is just dumb.

I am very respectful and if you disagree then fine. It is your opinion. You have a right to it. There are no lives being risked and there is literally no one around, it usually late at night when I do it, the parks aren't even under construction.... so I'm in a loss for words that there is even two people whining about it.

this isn't my picture, but honestly if this bothers you g

then please take this as lightly as you can, but get a life. Tons of people do it.

When the park opens up, I won't even be living here, but feel free to get mad as you want.

This is off topic anyhow and I'm not trying to get into it with other posters about something like this.

I'll just leave it at this, the bridge doesn't suck, but I hate to think at what it could have been, it's irritating. They went the cheap route. Nothing more, nothing less.

Plutonic Panda
08-19-2014, 03:43 PM
This is why we can't have nice things.
alright at this point I'm beginning to think I'm being trolled by multiple people.

Roger S
08-19-2014, 04:03 PM
alright at this point I'm beginning to think I'm being trolled by multiple people.
Feel free to add me to the list of trolls then because....

1.) Just because tons of others do it. Doesn't make it right. Even if the police are turning a blind eye to it. It's called self-responsibility.

2.) Sidewalks aren't reinforced to support the weight of vehicles being driven on them.

3.) Read #1 again.

08-19-2014, 04:04 PM
alright at this point I'm beginning to think I'm being trolled by multiple people.

Nope, no trolling here, I just think it is disrespectful of the city to park on a sidewalk, you think it is ok to park on a sidewalk, which to my understanding is illegal. This is pedestrian walkway, meant for pedestrians and not vehicles. You might see bikes on there, but that is about it. The PO you spoke with should have cited you for "Illegal Parking: Parking on an unpaved surface or on a city sidewalk or right-of-way is a violation. This includes boats, trailers and RV’s. Municipal Code Chapter 59, Section 10250.8"

And for someone who thinks this bridge sucks, I find it interesting that you want to take pics of your car on the sidewalk with it in the background. I could point you to so many other places in the city to take pictures with something in the background as an out of focus object with a car in front of it. Actually, down on SW 10th with the bridge and skyline in the background would be pretty BA. You could either edit out the power lines or make it look a little industrial. Also, south of where Leo's used to be with the skyline in the background would be pretty cool too.

08-19-2014, 04:06 PM
Because the area is dead, I get why you have no issue with it, but I also think it's a bad precedent to set.

"But everyone else does it" rarely makes it okay, but again, I do see where you're coming from. I disagree and wish you wouldn't, but I see.

Also, just because a cop sees you do something and doesn't cite you for it, doesn't necessarily mean it's legal/ethical/okay/etc. Sometimes they just have bigger fish to fry.

Plutonic Panda
08-19-2014, 04:17 PM
Nope, no trolling here, I just think it is disrespectful of the city to park on a sidewalk, you think it is ok to park on a sidewalk, which to my understanding is illegal. This is pedestrian walkway, meant for pedestrians and not vehicles. You might see bikes on there, but that is about it. The PO you spoke with should have cited you for "Illegal Parking: Parking on an unpaved surface or on a city sidewalk or right-of-way is a violation. This includes boats, trailers and RV’s. Municipal Code Chapter 59, Section 10250.8"

And for someone who thinks this bridge sucks, I find it interesting that you want to take pics of your car on the sidewalk with it in the background. I could point you to so many other places in the city to take pictures with something in the background as an out of focus object with a car in front of it. Actually, down on SW 10th with the bridge and skyline in the background would be pretty BA. You could either edit out the power lines or make it look a little industrial. Also, south of where Leo's used to be with the skyline in the background would be pretty cool too.well, I have nothing left to say about this. You are entitled to your opinion.

Plutonic Panda
08-19-2014, 04:24 PM
Feel free to add me to the list of trolls then because....I was being facetious when I used the word troll.

08-19-2014, 04:35 PM
So, I have not been down there for a while but from the googlemaps view, it looks like there are two entrances (one wide and one more narrow, like a sidewalk) on the north side and the same V-looking thing on the south side, but the sidewalk is not going all the way up to connect to the bridge. Are they waiting for the south part of the park to complete that?

08-19-2014, 05:04 PM
The 7 people I've encountered over the last couple years have said it is cool and they planned on doing it at one point themselves.


Well you kind of made our point for us. 7 more people think its ok to do now as well. maybe its one of those 7 who thought it was ok to burn out on the sidewalk as well.. maybe it was someone else. but the fact remains it shouldn't be done. its disrespectful and just not needed. your logic is a bit flawed that only things that someone has told you not to do are important to yeild to. we get it. .its not in your wheel house to just do the right thing and we are just a bunch of old men telling you to get off our lawns.

08-19-2014, 08:39 PM
Add me to the group that doesn't like people who feel they can pick and choose which rules to follow. How would you feel if someone drove through your front yard, PluPan?

Plutonic Panda
08-19-2014, 09:33 PM
Edit: I already got roped back into this debate I said I wasn't going to engage in anymore. I deleted my post. Mods, please delete this, or don't. But if someone else manages to get me roped into this topic again, ban me for being off topic.

08-19-2014, 09:38 PM
How dare me park my car on a sidewalk

Plu Pan outs himself as a pirate.