View Full Version : Skydance Bridge

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09-14-2012, 10:08 AM
Beyond nice!

Oh GAWD the Smell!
09-14-2012, 11:54 AM
Great shot!

09-14-2012, 11:56 PM
Cool, but where the sculpture part?

09-15-2012, 01:56 PM
Cool, but where the sculpture part?

heh, presumably behind (and possibly above) the picture taker.

The view appears to be that of the northernmost section of the bridge. Compare with this pic: (

This is facing south. Now walk down to the benches, then a few feet more, turn around and take a picture. Should be the purple POV.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
09-15-2012, 02:20 PM
Metro knows that. He's just being like me and picking nits.

Here's one from the same general area, but not nearly as good...I can never make it down there at night, plus, I don't know crap about building/architectural photography.

Too much stuff between the bridge and the tower to look very good.

09-15-2012, 02:36 PM
That's a great shot! Love that Oklahoma sky too....

Yeah, it will be an even better view when it's built up between Devon and the bridge. Will the new park extend all the way up to the bridge?

09-15-2012, 09:37 PM
That's a great shot! Love that Oklahoma sky too....

Yeah, it will be an even better view when it's built up between Devon and the bridge. Will the new park extend all the way up to the bridge?

The bridge will connect the north and south portions of the park.

09-15-2012, 10:16 PM
That's a great shot! Love that Oklahoma sky too....

Yeah, it will be an even better view when it's built up between Devon and the bridge. Will the new park extend all the way up to the bridge?

Won't really be "built up" since it will be a park, but it will look better when all those run down buildings and utility poles are gone.

Not really sure what will eventually be built at the park, but Im guessing phase 1 will just be grass, trees, and a some trails?

Oh GAWD the Smell!
09-15-2012, 10:25 PM
I heard that there was going to be a life-sized PacMan game, a two acre ball pit, and a honey badger that just doesn't give a **** walking around tearing up people's shoes.

09-16-2012, 01:51 AM
Far out, man: (

photo by Cory Futrell (

Looks like a still from a sci-fi movie.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
09-28-2012, 04:17 AM
The bridge has some fresh new graffiti from some pond scum. :mad:

Roger S
09-28-2012, 07:46 AM
I'd be more than happy to pay for some well trained snipers to rid the gene pool of the scum doing it.

09-28-2012, 08:22 AM
I was walking along the south side of the river last night as we were looking for spaces to possibly park our car this weekend. We encountered an area where the path was blocked and we could go no further. That got me to thinking. Maybe it would be nice to have a pedestrian only bridge, ala the Skydance, over the river. If we made it part of a MAPS 4, maybe we could even have the suspension bridge ODOT denied us over I-40. And maybe we could include some trash cans, lighting and permanent bathrooms along the trail. Right now the only bathroom I've seen beyond the boathouse ( and that bathroom is frequently locked) is the permanent porta potty by the skate park.

09-28-2012, 09:00 AM
Great idea Betts. I run on the river path frequently and have taken many of leaks behind trees because there are very few porta pottys available, along with the bathroom that is always locked near the Chesapeake boathouse (why do they even have this bathroom, and what almighty chesapeake employees are allowed to use it?) I'm just waiting to get arrested and get labeled as a sexual predator for whipping my junk out and taking a leak on the side because there is no where else to go. MAJOR PROBLEM!

09-28-2012, 10:27 AM
^^^I mentioned the same thing a while back..ya know...have a twin flycatcher bridge.

09-28-2012, 10:34 AM
Yes, we definitely need pedestrian bridges over the river...

Two or three strategically placed would also provide great vantage points for the various events and competitions on the river.

09-28-2012, 10:51 AM
I think there are bridges planned. Let me see if I can get my hands on the document that I believe shows this.

I hadn't heard that, but I certainly can't keep up on everything. I do hope, though, that if we're going to have pedestrian bridges, someone thinks about giving us our suspension bridge. It would look fabulous lit for special river events.

Larry OKC
09-28-2012, 12:21 PM
What Sid says is ringing a bell deep in the darker cob-filled recesses of my thinking it was in the Core to Shore report. Maybe. Maybe not????

ON EDIT: The front of the report (available at shows what looks like a pedestrian bridge in the lower right hand corner crossing the River??


09-28-2012, 12:50 PM
I've had the same problem crossing the river... My 4 year old son and I were riding bicycles on the North side of the river when he noticed kids skateboarding and riding their bikes at Mat Hoffman's Skate Park on the South side of the river, needless to say I had to take my 4 year old son on the Robinson bridge to cross the river. I was pretty nervous about taking a him on the bridge with all the traffic. It only makes since to have an actual pedestrian bridge... Maybe somewhere between Boathouse Row and Robinson, Western for when that development takes place, and Stockyard.

09-28-2012, 12:50 PM
What Sid says is ringing a bell deep in the darker cob-filled recesses of my thinking it was in the Core to Shore report. Maybe. Maybe not????

ON EDIT: The front of the report (available at City of Oklahoma City | Core to Shore ( shows what looks like a pedestrian bridge in the lower right hand corner crossing the River??


I think that pic on the cover is London and the Thames.

09-28-2012, 01:03 PM
Yes, we definitely need pedestrian bridges over the river...

Two or three strategically placed would also provide great vantage points for the various events and competitions on the river.

I always thought it'd be cool to adapt the old railroad bridge west of Western over the river into a river trails bridge.

09-28-2012, 01:14 PM
Well it was part of the state owned line that Stillwater Central leases and operates on. Formerly Burlington Northern and St. Louis San Francisco before that.

09-28-2012, 02:22 PM
I'd be more than happy to pay for some well trained snipers to rid the gene pool of the scum doing it.

Great point. Lets kill people, probably dumb teenagers, for graffiti. Good lord.

09-28-2012, 02:35 PM
I always thought it'd be cool to adapt the old railroad bridge west of Western over the river into a river trails bridge.

My husband has been saying the same thing for several years, but says it might be difficult to negotiate. Hutch might be able to help us with that information.

09-28-2012, 04:31 PM
What Sid says is ringing a bell deep in the darker cob-filled recesses of my thinking it was in the Core to Shore report. Maybe. Maybe not????

It was in the report to continue the pedestrian spine over the river

My husband has been saying the same thing for several years, but says it might be difficult to negotiate. Hutch might be able to help us with that information.

Since it no longer connects to anything and they have already ripped out track on both sides of it likely could be negotiated. It is a liability risk to them since they will have no reason to maintain it and the river cruse boats pass under daily.

09-28-2012, 07:48 PM
Do you think the state still owns it then?

Idk. Since they rerouted the line south of the river to make way for the I-40 alignment, I would think someone has got to own it.

09-30-2012, 02:15 PM
Since it no longer connects to anything and they have already ripped out track on both sides of it likely could be negotiated. It is a liability risk to them since they will have no reason to maintain it and the river cruse boats pass under daily.

My husband went up and looked at the bridge today. He said that not only is there no rail on the approaches, but the bridge has no rail either. I now wonder who owns it because there's nothing restricting access to it. It has no guard rails either and so it has to be a huge liability risk for someone. It seems unlikely that a railroad company would take that kind of risk, so perhaps the city owns it? It would have to be examined for structural integrity and made safe, but maybe something can be done with this.

09-30-2012, 04:25 PM
Great idea Betts. I run on the river path frequently and have taken many of leaks behind trees because there are very few porta pottys available, along with the bathroom that is always locked near the Chesapeake boathouse (why do they even have this bathroom, and what almighty chesapeake employees are allowed to use it?) I'm just waiting to get arrested and get labeled as a sexual predator for whipping my junk out and taking a leak on the side because there is no where else to go. MAJOR PROBLEM!

The use of the bathrooms next to the CHK boathouse are reserved for Oklahoma River Cruises patrons as they are the tenants renting form the city to use them for events on the plaza.

09-30-2012, 05:33 PM
My husband went up and looked at the bridge today. He said that not only is there no rail on the approaches, but the bridge has no rail either. I now wonder who owns it because there's nothing restricting access to it. It has no guard rails either and so it has to be a huge liability risk for someone. It seems unlikely that a railroad company would take that kind of risk, so perhaps the city owns it? It would have to be examined for structural integrity and made safe, but maybe something can be done with this.

It is still owned by the railroad.

A rails-to-trails project is in the works for that section of abandoned railroad. I don't know when construction will actually start...the acquisition process of railroad property is ridiculously expensive and drawn-out. But the preliminary steps are currently underway...

09-30-2012, 05:48 PM
It is still owned by the railroad.

A rails-to-trails project is in the works for that section of abandoned railroad. I don't know when construction will actually start...the acquisition process of railroad property is ridiculously expensive and drawn-out. But the preliminary steps are currently underway...

Great news. Any timeline you might be able to mention?

09-30-2012, 08:41 PM
It is still owned by the railroad.

A rails-to-trails project is in the works for that section of abandoned railroad. I don't know when construction will actually start...the acquisition process of railroad property is ridiculously expensive and drawn-out. But the preliminary steps are currently underway...

Yes that is great news. Surely the railroad company which owns the bridge would just take it off their hands. It's not like they can build a line to anywhere considering I-40 is in the way.

It'd be nice to see some kind of rails/wall lined barriers on either side of it to make it a legit crossing point.

10-01-2012, 12:41 PM
That is what the zip line is for. :)

Please say the zip line will only provide river crossing -- not bathroom services as well!;)

10-02-2012, 11:10 PM
The response I got from the city about the graffiti: ENyckg6Jq2C_7LNk7nA

That's an impressive response, Sid. They tell you exactly who is doing what and who is responsible for it.

10-03-2012, 09:38 AM
The response I got from the city about the graffiti: ENyckg6Jq2C_7LNk7nA

Good work Sid.

I would like to add this here too, could probably start another thread with "Neighborhood Code Enforcement" being it's own topic. Dealing with everything from graffiti to junk properties, tall grass/weeds, and especially the slumlord type of property owners that do very little keeping their property clean.

Use this link and then click on Municode. You can even send it in anonymous, with or without your full name or address, but you do need your email.
City of Oklahoma City | Development Services (

Anyone that lives in Okc especially in the inner city areas or older neighborhoods should use the online service request to report violations in your neighborhood. It doesn't take much time or effort to do this online and the Okc Action Center is very responsive. It is something that everyone can do if you want Okc to become a better place to live. I use the online service about once every other month. Let's do are part as citizens and help clean up Okc by reporting the problems seen everyday. The city relies on people like Sid to report the problems such as the graffiti.

10-10-2012, 05:53 PM
Access denied on that link.

Update on Graffiti report:

It looks like it has been all cleaned up. I don't get down to the bridge often so if anyone goes by there and sees graffiti back on it, please report it ASAP. The faster and more frequent we clean it up, the less likely it will keep coming back.

10-10-2012, 09:26 PM
HOORAY! Thanks, Sid!

10-10-2012, 10:21 PM

10-15-2012, 02:33 AM
What can you say about these pics, ( (

other than... wow!

photos by Travel Aficiondo (

10-28-2012, 12:38 PM
My mom came to visit me this weekend, and I took her on a walk over the bridge. There is graffiti everywhere. I don't know a lot about tagging, but it was just these same symbols over and over, so I thought maybe it's gang-related. That would be a goofy gang symbol, though.

All graffiti should not be welcome on the bridge, but it doesn't bother me as much when it's just kids being artistic. But when it's a gang members trying to mark territory, it really irks me.

I will report it to the City.


10-29-2012, 11:33 AM
Yes that is gang tagging

10-29-2012, 03:43 PM
Sid reported on 10/10 that it had been cleaned up, and then Jayhawk says it was re-tagged on 10/28. Discouraging.

Can't the gangsters simply tag the crappy buildings & overpasses and leave the good stuff alone?

10-29-2012, 06:36 PM
I know that several years ago due to budget constraints they changed graffiti removal from a partly proactive (staff-reported & self-starting) approach to fully reactive (citizen reports only). However, it seems like with some of these new amenities coming online in areas that are still largely vacant and near gang activity (I-40 ramps and structures, the pedestrian bridge, and eventually the park) there might be some hybrid put into place, or at least City staff might consider asking other departments' field personnel to drive by with some regularity & report ASAP when they see tagging.

10-29-2012, 09:40 PM
It's about time to set a camera up and go pop a few of these punks in action. Well, I mean to let the police haul them in and give them some grief.

Just the facts
10-29-2012, 11:13 PM
Don't build more open/park space than can be monitored 24/7/365. This is a lesson OKC would do well to remember in the near future.

10-30-2012, 11:21 AM
I am sure the city would have preferred to wait until the park was being completed to add this bridge, but couldn't. It had to be coordinated with the I-40 construction, not with the park's. Right now it is an orphan and vulnerable. I think graffiti will continue to be an issue until the park is open and used.

10-30-2012, 11:39 AM
I agree. You only need one moron with a spray can to deface something, but you need economic development and the presence of a lot of people to prevent it. The Myriad Gardens don't get tagged because there are people and businesses around. But the bridge is in the middle of an area that won't be developed for another 10 years. It's vulnerable. That's why we need Robocop.

10-30-2012, 10:47 PM
I am sure the city would have preferred to wait until the park was being completed to add this bridge, but couldn't. It had to be coordinated with the I-40 construction, not with the park's. Right now it is an orphan and vulnerable. I think graffiti will continue to be an issue until the park is open and used.

That's pretty much the exact response I got from the City. They will continue to be as responsive as possible, but it is expected to be a recurring issue until more people are in the area during more hours of the day.

10-31-2012, 02:55 PM
I think some retired seniors that aren't getting their aquatic centers should go spend some time down there. They'd get the activity in.

10-31-2012, 10:52 PM
I think some retired seniors that aren't getting their aquatic centers should go spend some time down there. They'd get the activity in.

So, give grandma a paintbrush? LOL

10-31-2012, 11:19 PM
Yeah buddy and maybe a shake weight for her free hand lol

10-31-2012, 11:26 PM
Yeah buddy and maybe a shake weight for her free hand lol

Are you sure you didn't mean "YAY" buddy? LOL

11-14-2012, 02:25 PM
A couple of bridge pics: ( (

photos by Swiss Ed (

taken back in the spring

looking very clean, white, shiny, and bright...

11-14-2012, 02:37 PM
That second picture almost looks as if it were taken somewhere back east. It doesn't look like Oklahoma to me in that shot.

11-14-2012, 02:48 PM
That second picture almost looks as if it were taken somewhere back east. It doesn't look like Oklahoma to me in that shot.

Perhaps he photoshopped the image of the bridge onto a backdrop photo of Pittsburgh...

11-14-2012, 03:45 PM
Perhaps he photoshopped the image of the bridge onto a backdrop photo of Pittsburgh...

...and went ahead and superimposed the tower by BNSFs Flynn Yard and that Moore water tower into the pic as well :-)

11-14-2012, 04:41 PM
...and went ahead and superimposed the tower by BNSFs Flynn Yard and that Moore water tower into the pic as well :-)

I tell ya, he's one clever guy. Notice how he also superimposed a big honkin red pickup truck on the highway, just to give it a real Oklahoma touch.

11-15-2012, 01:20 PM
^^^truly amazing^^^ the guy should have his own art show exhibit! lol

11-15-2012, 01:33 PM
Look at all those beautiful powerlines.

Larry OKC
11-15-2012, 04:02 PM
The thing that seems odd to me is what looks like an enormous amount of trees right where the new I-40 is located???

11-15-2012, 05:35 PM
The thing that seems odd to me is what looks like an enormous amount of trees right where the new I-40 is located???

It was taken with a long telephoto lens.

The depth of field of telephoto lenses makes close objects and far away objects appear closer to the subject (the object in focus) than they are in reality.

Going to self plug one of my own photos. (
American 777-200 ( by Matthew Bridges (, on Flickr

The foreground (the tops of the light poles at the bottom) appear to be pretty close to the runway, when in reality they are probably around 1,500 feet from the aircraft. Downtown appears to be maybe 1-2 miles away, when in reality it's about 6. The trees in the background appear to be right next to the fence of the airport, but those exact trees are really 1.03 miles away from the aircraft.

Light, lenses, and photography can be really tricky...