View Full Version : Skydance Bridge
I just got back with a group of friends from college. My friends included people from California, Texas, North Carolina, and Oklahoma, and everyone of them thought it was an awesome addition to the city. They couldn't stop complimenting how cool it was. Made me proud. Love my city.
That's good to hear... And I agree!
BoulderSooner 04-24-2012, 08:38 AM It looks great but I wish they could have made to where it had to be connected by suspension cables, it sort of looks incomplete but its still a great addition to the City.
the revised design IMHO is much better than when it had the cables
I'm in the khakis with the tripod. I took over 600+ photos of the ribbon cutting and tonight. Plus video. The Mayor showed up, all casual. Talked to him briefly.
I thought so when I saw this.
Looking forward to seeing your work, Will!
Larry OKC 04-24-2012, 08:44 AM I agree with SoonerBoy18..the original looked like what it was, a piece of art (when it had the cladding and cables that literally tied it into the bridge). Now it can easily be mistaken for a couple of collapsed construction cranes or a tornado ravaged oil derrick (as some others have pointed out). By lighting it at night, at least they have mitigates that somewhat. Don't get me wrong, it looks pretty dang good lit up, just could have looked a lot better.
Bellaboo 04-24-2012, 09:31 AM the revised design IMHO is much better than when it had the cables
There are bridges all over everywhere with suspension cables - I like the fact that this design is unique and very bold.
KayneMo 04-24-2012, 12:47 PM I believe one of the designers is from Germany, perhaps those bridges were inspirations indeed.
jccouger 04-24-2012, 03:45 PM Before it went up I was devastated by the new design without the cables. When it first was erected I was definitly less dissapointed with how it turned out and It actually grew on me for a few weeks. Now every time I see it all I can think about is what it could have been and what a lifeless piece of skeleton we are left with now. Granted I have never driven passed it at night time lit up, so I'm assuming it is much better then but during the day it just looks akward and out of place with the new I40 and Doesnt have any functional or aesthetic form. In other words, I still consider it a disaster.
catch22 04-24-2012, 08:01 PM Looked good driving under it last night, was short on time or would have stopped to walk along the bridge.
Can't wait until there is park on both sides of it!
shawnw 04-24-2012, 09:20 PM I drove under it about 9pm and it wasn't lit. I thought it was supposed to be lit every night now?
Watson410 04-24-2012, 10:18 PM I went out of my way just to drive under it tonight around 8:30ish and it wasn't lit. Very disappointing!!!
BoulderSooner 04-24-2012, 10:22 PM I drove under it about 9pm and it wasn't lit. I thought it was supposed to be lit every night now?
It was on at 930
shawnw 04-24-2012, 10:30 PM It was on at 930
Ah. I thought "automatic" meant "darkness detection" not timer... but good to know, thanks.
mrktguy29 04-25-2012, 01:51 AM I wasn't aware of the ribbon cutting last night and was driving home from class. I was going wb on I-40 and typically go north on 235 but could see it shining in the distance. I decided to take the long way home and drove under it at about 10pm. Traffic moving 70mph had slowed to about 55 to look at it. Nice to see it finally lit up!
Bellaboo 04-25-2012, 09:33 AM I drove by at 7:15 this morning, in the daylight, and the blue lights were on. All though difficult to see due to the time of day.....
Boomer3791 04-25-2012, 01:32 PM IMO the wooden sides on the bridge completely ruin the design. They look awful, like an afterthought or like the bridge is still under construction. It would look much cleaner if they'd used a cable netting to create a railing, similar to what they've used around the Devon Boathouse. It's very safe an nearly invisible from a distance.
Bullbear 04-25-2012, 01:47 PM IMO the wooden sides on the bridge completely ruin the design. They look awful, like an afterthought or like the bridge is still under construction. It would look much cleaner if they'd used a cable netting to create a railing, similar to what they've used around the Devon Boathouse. It's very safe an nearly invisible from a distance.
Although I agree it blends with the sculpture better I don't think it serves a better purpose. with the sides more open it allows for things to drop onto traffic below a little easier than the current design. I don't think the wood ruins the design at all I like the mix of the two.
okcphotoguy76 04-25-2012, 09:26 PM Here are a few photos I shot of the Skydance Bridge at night on the grand opening day. (
Skydance Bridge Grand Opening ( by AlonzoAdamsOKC (, on Flickr (
Skydance Bridge Grand Opening ( by AlonzoAdamsOKC (, on Flickr (
Skydance Bridge Grand Opening ( by AlonzoAdamsOKC (, on Flickr
Dustin 04-26-2012, 02:51 AM (not my photo) (
Gateway ( by RobOKC (, on Flickr
It's a beauty to drive under at night. Great decision to light it up!
Doug Loudenback 05-01-2012, 02:14 AM I haven't driven by it at night yet and if I did would be a dangerous driver due to gawking ... but I did drive both east and west on Saturday and think that this bridge is something to take pride in. Good job.
Bellaboo 05-01-2012, 07:33 AM I haven't driven by it at night yet and if I did would be a dangerous driver due to gawking ... but I did drive both east and west on Saturday and think that this bridge is something to take pride in. Good job.
I thought it would be a big distraction at night also, but it really isn't. It's looking up so it's not like you look to one side or the other and end up that's worth the look.
UnFrSaKn 05-02-2012, 12:34 PM April 24 2012
Skydance Bridge ribbon cutting
Finally got these done. I took over 600 and edited each one. They turned out to be some of the best I've done yet. I'll put them into a Set later tonight.
BoulderSooner 05-02-2012, 01:25 PM April 24 2012
Skydance Bridge ribbon cutting
Finally got these done. I took over 600 and edited each one. They turned out to be some of the best I've done yet. I'll put them into a Set later tonight.
thank you Will great work ..
OKCisOK4me 05-02-2012, 05:36 PM April 24 2012
Skydance Bridge ribbon cutting
Finally got these done. I took over 600 and edited each one. They turned out to be some of the best I've done yet. I'll put them into a Set later tonight.
I like image #8838. A picture of me taking a picture ;-) Thanks for uploading these Will!
Dustin 05-02-2012, 05:52 PM April 24 2012
Skydance Bridge ribbon cutting
Finally got these done. I took over 600 and edited each one. They turned out to be some of the best I've done yet. I'll put them into a Set later tonight.
Off topic but I love the pics of the OKC Memorial. Such a timeless design!
UnFrSaKn 05-02-2012, 10:05 PM Two Sets
ljbab728 05-02-2012, 11:51 PM Two Sets
I noticed that you took "plenty" of pictures of the girls in the skimpy outfits. Thanks, Will.
UnFrSaKn 05-02-2012, 11:53 PM If it's in front of me, it's fair game.
Beastboii 05-03-2012, 03:06 PM Nice^
jn1780 05-03-2012, 03:08 PM ^ Looks like a Tesla Coil.
Larry OKC 05-04-2012, 09:42 AM sweet
Doug Loudenback 05-05-2012, 06:22 PM If it's in front of me, it's fair game.
Agreed, Wil. After all, history is what history is.
gurantula35 05-06-2012, 01:01 AM drove by it on the way home from the airport tonight and it wasnt on. highly disappointing.
Edit: it was 12:30ish
iMAX386 05-06-2012, 02:03 AM Yeah drove under at 2 a.m. on Thursday night and it was off. Any schedule for when it turns on/off?
metro 05-06-2012, 07:48 AM I'm guessing it goes off at midnight.
YO MUDA 05-06-2012, 10:13 PM Just drove by it. It looks great.
peanutgallery 05-19-2012, 10:15 AM Don't know what the lighting schedule or timers are.....but went to work early Friday morning ( 5:55 AM @ I-40 and robinson exit ) and to my pleasant Surprise it was all lit up Solid BLUE! I wish they would keep the lighting on ALL NIGHT through there are many of us early workers that rarely get to enjoy the Night lighting....not to mention all the cross-country travelers that only get ONE SHOT @ driving through OKC!!!!
Urban Pioneer 05-23-2012, 07:34 AM Went through at 8:30 pm last night and it was out. Prob a breaker problem or something.
mrktguy29 06-12-2012, 02:03 AM Skydance is Thunderstruck!
Larry OKC 06-12-2012, 02:32 PM That looks more red than orange...which is a good thing
Watson410 06-12-2012, 08:19 PM Why? Are you a Miami fan?
mrktguy29 06-13-2012, 12:14 AM It was definitely orange!
Bellaboo 06-13-2012, 07:48 AM It's an incredible sight seeing it change from Thunder Blue to orange driving underneath after the game.. And Devon was spectactular last night also......
Larry OKC 06-13-2012, 10:22 AM Why? Are you a Miami fan?
Not in the least...but the recent trend in them using what appears to be akin to OSU orange is an affront to the Sooner Nation...if they are going to use the Orange, they need to give Red equal time...
BrettM2 06-13-2012, 10:35 AM Not in the least...but the recent trend in them using what appears to be akin to OSU orange is an affront to the Sooner Nation...if they are going to use the Orange, they need to give Red equal time...
The official color of the red-orange is exactly halfway between OU crimson and OSU orange in the color spectrum. Hard to get that kind of detail from a lighting system. Is it possible for people to look past college football? We are hosting the damn NBA Finals, one of the biggest stages in sports, and we have people worried what color is on our bridge?
dankrutka 06-13-2012, 10:43 AM Not in the least...but the recent trend in them using what appears to be akin to OSU orange is an affront to the Sooner Nation...if they are going to use the Orange, they need to give Red equal time...
As an OU alumnus I'd like to say, WHO CARES?!?
kevinpate 06-13-2012, 11:12 AM To paraphrase The Hound .... pffft the nation, pffft the team and pffft the coach.
If someone canna wrap their head around it, let's try again.
Blue and orange are Thunder NBA colors
Thunder is a NBA professional sports franchise
Neither this NBA franchise, nor its colors, have any connection to college affiliation, for any college.
Thunder Orange is Thunder Orange.
It is not UT Orange.
It is not OSU Orange.
It is not Norman High Orange
It is not anyone else orange.
It is THUNDER Orange and Thunder Blue.
Rooting for the Thunder, a local NBA professional sports franchise, in no way precludes one from rooting for their favorite college team.
Wearing Thunder colors is not a slap to OU, nor is it a high five to OSU, Norman High, UT or anyone else with orange as a base color.
In short, grow the pfffft up and support who you want at the college level, or the high school level, or even in the NFL, but have the common sense, good grace and dignity to realize the NBA is the NBA, the Thunder is the Thunder and college sports are college sports.
Good gravy.
Larry OKC 06-13-2012, 11:13 AM I know they said that the orange they picked was an in between color as to not offend either group, and as long as it was used as a secondary (or less) color, that was fine, however when it becomes a primary color on shirts, car flags etc, they need to offer equal time to OU folks ...that is fine if they want to use it and people want to buy it (presumeably OSU folks)...I went to OU and all I am asking for is equal time...and at least in the picks, the color looks decidedly more red than it does orange (and that is a good thing).
They have finally come out with some acceptable designs that I will buy...even the primary Thunder logo looks sharp when it goes monochrome (way to many colors in the regular one)...that still doesn't solve the "problem" that it reads wrong (it is the OKC Thunder, not the "Thunder OKC", the way the logo reads)
Richard at Remax 06-13-2012, 11:23 AM Equal Time for OU folks? WTF? This is the NBA. Lots of teams use the same color schemes, white, orange, red, black, blue. Which also are used by the vast majority of college teams. They are unrelated. Stop fishing.
I am an OU alum. I wore an orange shirt under my blue jersey last night. The thought of OSU didn't even enter my mind. A lot of you people need to grow up, this isn't junior high. The beer pour from the sports animal needs to frequently in this thread.
therondo 06-13-2012, 11:29 AM OMG GET OVER IT OU FANS! The world does not revolve around your "precious" crimson and cream!
jedicurt 06-13-2012, 11:38 AM at least some of the people on here are alum of OU that are complaining... i heard this exact same argument the other day amongst some of my friends who have never attended OU... infact, i am not sure if any of them have ever actually been in the stadium. it just completely baffles me... and it is sad that some of their one sided thinking is spilling over into the the Thunder fandom as well. I was watching game 4 vs the Lakers at McNellies Norman, and a bunch of guys at the bar were giving the bartender crap cause she was a Mavericks fan, granted, she was born in Dallas, grew up in Dallas, and only is in Norman for school. and they were like, well you live in Oklahoma now, so you have to be a Thunder fan... ummmm no, no you don't. These narrow minded fans always get under my skin, and in the long run, only make us look bad
jn1780 06-13-2012, 11:46 AM at least some of the people on here are alum of OU that are complaining... i heard this exact same argument the other day amongst some of my friends who have never attended OU... infact, i am not sure if any of them have ever actually been in the stadium. it just completely baffles me... and it is sad that some of their one sided thinking is spilling over into the the Thunder fandom as well. I was watching game 4 vs the Lakers at McNellies Norman, and a bunch of guys at the bar were giving the bartender crap cause she was a Mavericks fan, granted, she was born in Dallas, grew up in Dallas, and only is in Norman for school. and they were like, well you live in Oklahoma now, so you have to be a Thunder fan... ummmm no, no you don't. These narrow minded fans always get under my skin, and in the long run, only make us look bad
If you haven't noticed most OU fans and to a lesser degree OSU fans didn't attend these schools.
Im surprised the longhorn steakhouse restaurant hasn't been attacked yet. Lol
Sheetkeecker 06-13-2012, 11:48 AM OMG GET OVER IT OU FANS! The world does not revolve around your "precious" crimson and cream!
It does within a 100-mile radius of Norman.
king183 06-13-2012, 12:30 PM Oops. Thought I clicked on the I-40 pedestrian bridge thread, but I guess I accidentally clicked on the Inane Team Colors Argument thread.
Bullbear 06-13-2012, 12:31 PM As an OU alumnus I'd like to say, WHO CARES?!?
I am glad some OU fans and Alumni have some sense.. BRAVO!
This has nothing to do with OU or OSU. Orange is part of thunder colors. Who cares if its between OSU orange and OU crimson.. its Orange and has NOTHING to do with OSU or OU.. soo stupid..
Larry OKC 06-13-2012, 02:52 PM Easy solution, return to the MAIN Thunder Blue color....
SOONER8693 06-13-2012, 02:52 PM It does within a 100-mile radius of Norman.
Amen. Screw the orange.
therondo 06-13-2012, 02:58 PM [QUOTE=Sheetkeecker;546763]It does within a 100-mile radius of Norman.[/QUOTE
You people need to get a life honestly
Sheetkeecker 06-13-2012, 03:02 PM Amen. Screw the orange.
Although, OSU under Mike Gundy has made enormous strides into power and prestige, aided greatly by the alum T. Boone Pickens.
They won the Big-12. Impressive.
They deserve any credit they earn.
And orange lighting, when deserved, is just like red lighting, when deserved.
I just can't wait to see an NBA World Championship won in OKC and the Devon Tower blitzing blue in a light show that will dazzle the nation.
They are holding back on this light show, as they test, none of us know anything yet.
They are using low level lighting now.
You will hear WTF from coast to coast when they let 'er RIP.
And, it coming folks. It's coming.