View Full Version : Skydance Bridge
jn1780 01-06-2012, 06:04 PM i realize the park isnt going to be ready for a few years. just didnt know they werent going to let anyone near the bridge until the park is open
It will be done in a few months. Just because the park won't be done for several years doesn't mean they won't slap something together for people to officially be able to walk on it. Just won't have a destination. lol
ljbab728 01-07-2012, 12:03 AM Excuse me, you are forgetting what kind of bridge this is. Not only it brings dangerous risk to the motorists, the walking humans down below such monstrous beams of steel may end their lives with pointy icicles lodged in their brains. There will be a lot of traffic under that steel of bird, so yes, the concerns are greatly justified.
Pete, you always have access to the important stuff on papers. Can you determine if there will be some sort of heating devices throughout the structure?\
HMMM. I wonder if the Eiffel Tower has built-in heating elements to protect people who walk under it? Maybe that explains all of the pictures I've seen of Parisians walking around with pointy icicles sticking out of their heads.
Sheetkeecker 01-07-2012, 09:03 AM If the sky does fall, I intend to run and go tell the King.
dedndcrusr 01-11-2012, 08:08 AM Has anyone else noticed that the view of the bridge coming from the east isn't going to be anything like the artist's renderings depicted, with the Santa Fe, and Shields overpasses mostly in the way?
Has anyone else noticed that the view of the bridge coming from the east isn't going to be anything like the artist's renderings depicted, with the Santa Fe, and Shields overpasses mostly in the way?
I've noticed that but for the record, in the rendering they depicted it driving westbound, not eastbound.
dedndcrusr 01-11-2012, 01:12 PM coming FROM the east
I had just woke up, I hadn't drank any coffee or orange juice, give a dude a break. LOL
UnFrSaKn 01-12-2012, 03:24 PM I was going to wait and do a proper video, but I thought what the heck and took I-40 to do this quick video. Recorded on an iPhone 4S.
January 12 2012
Laramie 01-12-2012, 06:06 PM Skydance Bridge:
Whenever I see this structure it takes on a different shape and meaning. It's really difficult to drive east on the new I-40 crosstown and stay focused and be attentive to safety and driving without being spellbound to this magnificant steel edifice. It's a lot easier to get on the Walker Bridge and take the side street east behind the old Union Depot (between Walker & Robinson) and watch this colorful display at night which will add plenty of charm and conversation within itself.
Drive safely across the new crosstown!
Thunder 01-12-2012, 06:11 PM I know, I'm guilty of it all the time, but Will, your life is extremely more precious than mine, so please be careful when filming and driving at the same time. The world, especially Oklahoma City and the state of Oklahoma, can not afford to lose you. As for the video, good job, you did good on an iCrap device. Next time, don't ever mention the use of any iCrap device to greatly enhance the viewing experience. :-)
UnFrSaKn 01-12-2012, 06:36 PM I know, I'm guilty of it all the time, but Will, your life is extremely more precious than mine, so please be careful when filming and driving at the same time.
Why didn't you say so? I should have let you record on the roof of my car.
BG918 01-12-2012, 06:40 PM Hans Butzer has created another OKC landmark. He might not have the quantity of projects or notoriety of Rand Eliot but he is right up there with Oklahoma's top designers.
Oh GAWD the Smell! 01-13-2012, 01:53 AM why didn't you say so? I should have let you record on the roof of my car.
Bellaboo 01-13-2012, 07:56 AM Why didn't you say so? I should have let you record on the roof of my car.
Pure entertainment here...... I could just imagine
skanaly 01-14-2012, 11:54 PM The only thing about the bridge being built right NOW, is that it doesn't connect anything. Empty space to more empty space. Hopefully the parks will be put under construction SOON!
ljbab728 01-15-2012, 12:12 AM The only thing about the bridge being built right NOW, is that it doesn't connect anything. Empty space to more empty space. Hopefully the parks will be put under construction SOON!
It's not going to be soon, skanaly. The bridge had to be built now because it needed to be mostly finished before the new I40 opened.
Thunder 01-15-2012, 12:16 AM Someone did NOT share these pictures with us...instead these were posted on a national forum. These are the pictures of the bird being constructed inside a building.
mrktguy29 01-15-2012, 01:35 AM These were posted here maybe 2-3 months ago.
OKCisOK4me 01-15-2012, 01:48 AM Yes, Thunder. You need to dig cause I saw those pics as well.
Thunder 01-15-2012, 01:50 AM OMG, I didn't see them. :-( Well, since its new to me, its new to someone. Think happy thoughts, happy thoughts!
Larry OKC 01-15-2012, 08:02 AM The only thing about the bridge being built right NOW, is that it doesn't connect anything. Empty space to more empty space. Hopefully the parks will be put under construction SOON!
What ljbab728 said. Plus remember that the Mayor originally wanted it to be sooner rather than later with the Park/Boulevard opening by 2012. But the Convention Center moved up in the time line and the Council's decision to rethink the heavily programmed Park, too similar to the redone Myriad Gardens caused the Park to be split up into phases over several years. That said, they plan on doing minimal landscaping etc so I imagine them concentrating on the Harvey Spine connection and the bridge and then worrying about what is happening on both sides of the spine later?
metro 01-15-2012, 08:03 AM Larry, it shouldn't matter "what the mayor said", we have a weak mayor form of government......
Just the facts 01-15-2012, 08:23 AM OMG, I didn't see them. :-( Well, since its new to me, its new to someone. Think happy thoughts, happy thoughts!
I think this fits:
on edit - I hate when they do this on youtube. If you want to laugh click the link - just substitute 'Core to Shore' for 'German lines'.
UnFrSaKn 01-18-2012, 05:11 AM From 11-1pm on Thursday at the State of the City address, the Mayor will be talking about the Skydance Bridge in the presentation. I got contacted yesterday by Steve Hill, Chief of Staff to the Mayor. They're going to use three of my photos from New Years and wanted my permission. He thought at first he might be able to get me into the presentation for free but the Chamber charges for it and it's not up to him. He did say though, he could get me into see the Mayor himself and get a picture... I wonder if he's seen the other stuff I did this past year...
Congratulations Will!
Glad to see you get more well-deserved recognition. Just goes to show how much your work is appreciated.
Doug Loudenback 01-18-2012, 10:21 AM Ditto the congrats, Will. You should get a comp ticket to ride, as far as I'm concerned.
Skyline 01-18-2012, 10:23 AM Will, I hope you are not being set up. You know they are watching you.
If they lead you to a room to meet the Mayor, except once the door opens and all you see are men with dark suits and sunglasses, Run!
Just kidding, you do a great job, I hope OkcTalk gives you a pay raise and a promotion.
UnFrSaKn 01-18-2012, 10:36 AM Just kidding, you do a great job, I hope OkcTalk gives you a pay raise and a promotion.
Has Pete been sending the checks to the wrong person all this time?
Will, effective today your OKCTalk salary is doubled!
Doug Loudenback 01-18-2012, 11:42 AM Will, I hope that you don't mind me posting this here (ditto to you, Pete), but for what Will has done and is doing, he has taken what I consider to be an ingenious step in helping to defray his expense and, who knows, maybe even make a buck or two for his efforts ... just ask the public for money! What a concept!
Sooo ............. check out ........... if it works for Will, hey, I might even give it a go, myself. There, you will see this video of our master photographer/video man ...
Skyline 01-18-2012, 01:13 PM Will, effective today your OKCTalk salary is doubled!
What No Promotion?
Spartan 01-18-2012, 05:47 PM Humph. What about me, me me me? If anything, I think I've earned hazard pay anytime I post on this site
Wow, Will's already made some good progress to date. I think you'll do very well, you've made an indelible impression with your work.
OKCisOK4me 01-18-2012, 05:50 PM Humph. What about me, me me me? If anything, I think I've earned hazard pay anytime I post on this site
UnFrSaKn 01-19-2012, 09:43 AM State of the City 2012 (
UnFrSaKn 01-19-2012, 05:15 PM
Thundercitizen 01-19-2012, 05:48 PM Will,
Saw your Skydance pics at about the 24:20 mark.
Economic security of the city
Lists OKC is on
MAPS 3 and MAPs for Kids review
Downtown Elementary school construction start; about 1 year
Lots of design work in store for this year.
Outlet Mall opening-national record.
Thunder advance..."nothing better than NBA/Thunder to establish OKC brand"...paraphrased
Announced Russell Westbrook contract extension.
More people coming from Texas than Oklahomans leaving for Texas
Elephant in the room, sorta
As an aside...I need to go on a diet. Biggest Loser policemen in the audience.
Doug Loudenback 01-19-2012, 06:04 PM Thanks, Will. Did you get your comp ticket to this event? I hope so.
The mayor gave a fine presentation.
Will's post on the Mayor's State of the City probably deserves its own thread.
UnFrSaKn 01-20-2012, 10:31 AM No...but I'm getting a DVD of it and a chance to meet the Mayor. Actually Doug, I'd like to get that blog post done in a few days so he can read it first before I have to explain my life story in five minutes (if I get that long).
Doug Loudenback 01-20-2012, 10:51 AM Get it done and I can at least get it started. I will want to truncate a few of your videos as exemplars of your work to include in the post, with links the the theatrical versions, of course. That sort of thing takes a bit of time at my end.
Doug Loudenback 01-21-2012, 03:19 PM Incidentally, Will, I will include in the post a link in the article to your novel request for citizen funding (, which seems to have stalled out at $350 ... it definitely needs a bump!
Larry OKC 01-21-2012, 09:52 PM Personally would like to see the State of the City speeches and other events (like the promised regular news conferences that morphed into Chamber "Breaking Through" pay-to-attend luncheons) get away from corporate fund-raising and be public events, as they should be.
metro 01-21-2012, 09:55 PM Well said Larry, it's appealing our "State of the City" address is a paid Chamber function. Any citizen should be able to attend.
Just the facts 01-21-2012, 10:50 PM Well said Larry, it's appealing our "State of the City" address is a paid Chamber function. Any citizen should be able to attend.
Metro - put the Apple product down.
Rover 01-22-2012, 12:47 AM Personally would like to see the State of the City speeches and other events (like the promised regular news conferences that morphed into Chamber "Breaking Through" pay-to-attend luncheons) get away from corporate fund-raising and be public events, as they should be.
Yes, we don't want those darn businesses supporting our city. Free lunches for everyone.
Fantastic 01-22-2012, 02:00 AM Metro - put the Apple product down.
Made me laugh
Spartan 01-22-2012, 03:01 AM Yes, we don't want those darn businesses supporting our city. Free lunches for everyone.
But you don't think he should be doing some more public appearances other than pay-to-attend lunches?
Rover 01-22-2012, 09:29 AM But you don't think he should be doing some more public appearances other than pay-to-attend lunches?
Absolutely! But the idea that the paid c of c luncheons should be free and we should get away from corporate meetings is a separate issue. Should do both. It is just that someone needs to go to the expense and effort of setting up those free lunches and meetings. We keep expecting the corporations to underwrite all sorts of projects benefitting the city but many resent their involvement. Seems to say "give us your money and then get the hell out". Other groups need to step up and invite the civic leaders to speak at forums they establish and pay for. Rather than cede powers to a group and then resent and criticize tham, people should form their own powerful groups and compete harder for the minds and votes of the citizens.
Spartan 01-22-2012, 11:45 AM Well, I don't think that the Chamber luncheons, or any engagement that provides you with a plate, should be free. However, he is doing nothing else on the public speaking front, and that is where I have one of many problems with him lately.
Ed Shadid can manage to book the Marriott banquet room, he probably paid for it on his own knowing him, and just spoke in person to hundreds of people. Then he let them speak to him, and all the other city leaders he had on board (no Mayor). If you ask me, Shadid acts more like the "mayor of the people" than Cornett does. Which is ironic for comparing someone with no college degree to an esteemed physician.
Rover 01-22-2012, 12:48 PM Good for Shadid. It would be interesting to see who helped pay though.
And, I don't think being educated as a doctor automatically makes one better as a mayor ...two totally different skills. I am not a Mick fan especially, but he does seem to be popular ... Or at least electable.
But I am not disagreeing that The mayor needs to be available and visible while explaining the current city agendae.
OKCisOK4me 01-22-2012, 01:26 PM Is all of the above comments happening on the pedestrian bridge?!
Back to topic, please?
Urban Pioneer 01-22-2012, 02:08 PM Does anyone have new pics of the completed walkway? I was at Union Station one cold Friday and noted that they have completed the grading for the new approach ramp on the north side.
All courtesy Urban Pioneer (the last photo is the sealed off tunnel from Union Station):
metro 01-23-2012, 11:33 AM Good pics Jeff. One observation I've had. The width of the Skydance bridge was also substantially reduced. While they can meet their "requirements" and put a vehicle on there, it will be a tight fit not allowing any pedestrians on the side of the vehicle. The original plan was much wider, including green spaces and medians on the actual bridge. I'll try to dig up the original rendering.
OKCNDN 01-23-2012, 12:05 PM That railing looks low, real low. Unless something goes higher up that isn't installed yet I say someone goes over the side.
OKCisOK4me 01-23-2012, 12:16 PM Also, in the renderings and models, the bend in the bridge took it towards Union Station. Its away in reality...
Urbanized 01-23-2012, 05:13 PM The "railing" is also high to non-existent along other parts, where you could just walk out into space and off the bridge. If you look closely you can see metal tabs sticking out at the same height all along the way. I'm pretty sure there is going to be an actual fence-type railing installed inside the pedestrian walkway. This is still an unfinished bridge.
In fact, the most shocking part is that the job site is not better secured to keep lookie-loos from walking out onto the bridge, ESPECIALLY now that the freeway is carrying traffic.
Larry OKC 01-23-2012, 09:54 PM Good pics Jeff. One observation I've had. The width of the Skydance bridge was also substantially reduced. While they can meet their "requirements" and put a vehicle on there, it will be a tight fit not allowing any pedestrians on the side of the vehicle. The original plan was much wider, including green spaces and medians on the actual bridge. I'll try to dig up the original rendering.
Metro, if you find it please post. That is what I remember too but can't find it now. I distinctly recall it either being described or pictured that way, not just a bridge connecting the upper/lower sections of the MAPS 3/Core to Shore Park, but an continuation of the park across the bridge itself. The models with the cables etc, that Doug has posted over in his blog don't show it either. I asked the City and the response I got back said that landscaping ON the bridge was NEVER in any of the initial plans (before ODOT got involved)
Also, in the renderings and models, the bend in the bridge took it towards Union Station. Its away in reality...
IIRC, that was the original plan but due to some reason or the other they had to relocate the bridge somewhat 9which was part of the reason for the price increase, to acquire additional land other than what had already been purchased
The "railing" is also high to non-existent along other parts, where you could just walk out into space and off the bridge. If you look closely you can see metal tabs sticking out at the same height all along the way. I'm pretty sure there is going to be an actual fence-type railing installed inside the pedestrian walkway. This is still an unfinished bridge.
In fact, the most shocking part is that the job site is not better secured to keep lookie-loos from walking out onto the bridge, ESPECIALLY now that the freeway is carrying traffic.
I'd be more worried about someone dropping objects from the bridge into traffic.
ljbab728 01-23-2012, 11:25 PM I find it interesting that it has a wood deck. I don't know if that is bad or good but I'm surprised since it was changed to allow for maintenance vehicles to use as well as pedestrians.
mcca7596 01-24-2012, 12:33 AM I find it interesting that it has a wood deck. I don't know if that is bad or good but I'm surprised since it was changed to allow for maintenance vehicles to use as well as pedestrians.
I was under the assumption that was temporary.