View Full Version : Backlash
Karried 09-04-2008, 07:07 PM Okay, just as I feared has happened. News message boards are now saying we are a bunch of whiners, ingrates and complainers. ugh. So embarrassing.
Finally, finally, OKC gets a team and we do this.
Okay, honesty is good and people need to vent .. but it's like a kid at Christmas, finally gets the present of his dreams, opens it and then complains incessantly that it's the wrong color .. pretty much ruins the moment.
I'm just so bummed that the happiness and joy of finally having our own pro team has been overshadowed by a stupid logo.
I mentioned before.. the fact that the Hornets had a silly blue bug as their team symbol/logo had no bearing whatsoever on my excitement, support and love of that team..
I don't see why this should be any different. It's a shield with a basketball running though it.. so what?
I would love to see some positive comments on some of the message boards instead of a bunch of continuous criticism and negativity. The team is probably mortified right now that even OKC isn't supporting them.
I think everyone has lost sight of the big picture.
NativeOkie 09-04-2008, 07:27 PM Agreed.
Being critical is not the same as offering an opinion.
Opinions are like noses, everyone has one some are bigger than others.
When I buy my own franchise I will pick my own logo.
Until that time That is my team.
I Have ordered my shirt.
I am ordering my tickets for when they play out here Lakers and Clippers.
There will be at least one proud Thunder fan yelling.
I am checking dates when I am in DC if by chance MY TEAM will be in town.
Remember the higher up the flag pole you climb the more of your butt shows.
I accept MY TEAMS logo.
I can no longer be teased your from oklahoma you don't even have a major league team.
Thank You.
El Gato Pollo Loco!!! 09-04-2008, 08:00 PM My only true beef with all of this is how the ownership handled this.
When it was first reported that "Thunder" was going to be the name, they should have come out with a small presser confirming that it was true and that the logo unveiling would happen at a later date. Instead, they paniced and decided to trademark some names and mess around that way. They could have done that before the leak and it would have had more intrigue. Either way, I just feel that they messed that part up.
As far as the logo, it's not the worse by a long shot. A little tweaking could be used, but it's a decent logo in my opinion.
Maybe as a Pistons fan, my opinion could be taken with a grain of salt. I just don't think it's all bad.
FritterGirl 09-04-2008, 08:03 PM Okay, just as I feared has happened. News message boards are now saying we are a bunch of whiners, ingrates and complainers. ugh. So embarrassing.
Hi Karrie,
Can you tell us which boards?
Karried 09-04-2008, 08:07 PM Maybe as a Pistons fan, my opinion could be taken with a grain of salt.
Gasp! Blasphemy!
30 lashes with a wet noodle...
okay, convert now and we let you live. lol...
Actually, this whole logo/colors thing is so blown out of proportion.. .. but maybe that is what makes OK so passionate about all things sports?
I just want to relish the fact that in a very short time we here in OKC will be Shouting at the top of our Lungs .. GO Thunder!!!
I'm sort of po'd that all these negative nancys are ruining my fun.
Blangdon 09-04-2008, 08:54 PM Eh...there will always be the naysayers...the kids who throw rocks from the sidelines. But in the end, the curtain will rise and OUR NBA team will step out on the court and the people who don't like the logo or mascot or team or ownership or whatever else don't have to go to the games, buy team memorabilia, watch the games on TV or read the blogs/articles that talk about the Thunder.
Who really cares what they think anyway? Not everyone likes anything and the people who really matter (the REAL fans, and there will be droves of them) will rejoice when they step on the floor for the first time.
Go Thunder!
BigBoizVince 09-04-2008, 09:27 PM Ive just moved here to okc from dallas and im taking down all my mavs stuff in my cubicle and replacing everything with my new thunder gear. The logo and colors have grown on me and I'm very excited to watch our young team grow.
m2kneo 09-04-2008, 09:35 PM real fans? they have been here two months... how can anyone be a real fan... i have pride of where i am from and when we are represented by something as generic and boring as this but i dont own this company so there is nothing i can do but voice my opinion
Karried 09-04-2008, 09:47 PM real fans? they have been here two months... how can anyone be a real fan
Should we wait until they win a few games before becoming 'real fans' ?
I was a 'real fan' the second I learned they were coming to OKC.
Maybe I'm new at this.. but I've already embraced this team, based solely on the fact that they are OKC's first professional NBA team ( something I never really expected to happen).
Fancy Logo or not, I'll be there supporting this team.
sweetdaisy 09-04-2008, 09:56 PM Karried, what message boards are you referring to? Can you provide some links so we can see what you're talking about?
ShiroiHikari 09-04-2008, 09:59 PM I support the team on general principle, just not the logo, haha.
The thing that bothers me the most about it is that people all over the country are calling us backwards hicks now. I probably shouldn't care what other states think of Oklahomans, but it ruffles my feathers anyway.
Karried 09-04-2008, 10:11 PM I've lost track of the sites I've visited that have mentioned OKC's negative attitude... this quote comes to mind.. from the Sonic's site:
"Seems to me the the OKC fans are the ones crying now. Crying about the name, crying about the logo, crying about the colors. Go to Oklahoma News, Weather, Business, Sports, Entertainment, Travel | ( and check it out. About 90% of the posters say they won't buy the merchandise, or support the team. Sheesh, and I'm a crybaby for saying that the team that I've followed for 30 of the 41 years they were in Seattle should of stayed in Seattle. Give me a break. This is all a horrible joke, OKC is paying millions in tax money for a team that they already hate, at least Seattle fans wanted the Sonics, can't say as much for OKC and the Thunder.****************end quote "
FritterGirl 09-04-2008, 10:21 PM I think that Seattle stuff will die down once the first game is played and they see how much enthusiasm there is for the fans.
Nonetheless, the fact that fans had very heightened expectations for the logo, and that it did not deliver, I believe that's just a short-term reaction.
Once season starts they'll get over it and get ready to have fun!
Hollywood 09-04-2008, 10:24 PM I will pull for the team when they play but I cannot believe I am seeing cries for "Political Correctness" about people expressing their opinions about the name and logo. We cannot say anything anymore without fear that it will hurt someones poor little feelings.
As I said, if they are on TV or something I will pull for them. But I am sorry, the logo is a disgrace to the city. You only get one chance to make a first (in this case international) impression and Clay and his cronies have screwed the pooch on that one. I am my own adult and if I don't like the logo there is no reason for me to purchase the merchandise as I am sure will be the case worldwide.
I did my time fighting for this country to express my opinion and will continue to do so. It will be nice when everyone ceases to get butthurt if someone doesn't agree with them.
Karried 09-04-2008, 10:35 PM True, You can always 'say what you want'..... but there just may be consequences .... and it appears that those consequences are that we are now perceived as ungrateful and overly critical.
It's just a logo.
donbroncho 09-04-2008, 10:43 PM As seen through some of my other posts on this, I have been very critical of this logo. But after a day of thinking it through, I have a different opinion on this whole..."flip-flopping" one might say
A little perspective changes everything. We should just be happy that we have a team here, as I never thought I'd see the day when pro sports would be played here. I think the logo will grow on people and the name is fine. And I don't want to be categorized as whiny and ungrateful as well.
Now i just cant wait till the season starts. Hope i can get tickets, especially when they play the Mavs...
Saberman 09-04-2008, 11:20 PM If every one would look at the official press release, they would get the answers they are looking for in this whole logo deal.
Press Release:
Bennett announced the team’s uniform design is being finalized and will be revealed in late
September as players arrive for training camp. Additional graphic designs are also underway. “The
wordmark and shield, although a proud historic landmark for the team, should be viewed as an initial
primary logo as we work towards additional graphic development of our team identity,” he said.
This is only the logo that will be used as an identifying mark, that is why the "Thunder" is so large so it can be read.
Oh GAWD the Smell! 09-05-2008, 01:08 AM First - Stop going to Sonics forums. They'll go away instantly.
Second - I could give two rat's asses about the logo...WE'VE GOT A TEAM!
n8ison 09-05-2008, 09:03 AM The team is probably mortified right now that even OKC isn't supporting them.
I think everyone has lost sight of the big picture.
So what you're saying is that it is impossible to show support for the OKC Thunder while at the same time holding a negative opinion against the Logo's and Trademarks?
Fact is, the logo sucks. Maybe the negative reactions will be quelled once the uniforms are introduced, but regardless; people can still support this team even if they don't agree with every move the franchise makes.
I didn't like it when OSU added the flaming brand and ugly font, I was critical of it at time. Did that keep me from showing up and putting my butt in the seat? No!
Oklahoma City had a huge opportunity to continue it's momentum and make a good statement/ impression to the rest of the country and even the world, for that matter.
We ended up with a logo that reads "Thunder OKC" (no other pro-sports franchise has made that mistake) and colors, that when explained, had more to do with sunsets and blue skies than the one weather phenomenon it was intended to represent. It was just bad on so many levels.
However, I will still follow the team and go to games when the finances allow. I'll just do a lot of hoping that the ownership can get right the 2nd time around and hope that the 2nd time around comes real soon!
metro 09-05-2008, 09:05 AM Karried, I think the negative venting is fair. PBC clearly has not lived up to expectations the entire time. There have been THOUSANDS of national and international posters who have commented way more negatively about the lame name and logo than all the Oklahomans who have. That clearly tells us it's a failure on the grand scale. Remember NBA is a worldwide brand, not minor league local brand like we've been used to in OKC.
1.) Aubrey's stupid comments that got a $250,000 fine. How could a billionaire not know media has ways of finding things and posting them online.
2.) Unintentional leak of name (and still did nothing about it, no press release, no PR game, no advertising to drive up hype locally, nationally, and internationally). PBC thought just the hype of the "newness" of a team in OKC would be enough. Do they not realize they've been out about a half a billion and need to sell merchandise on a much larger scale to earn a decent cash flow? Broadcast rights and merchandise sales will what keep this franchise alive long term. As we've learned in Seattle, fan support alone will not keep a team. Again, I'm a HUGE fan of the team, just not the merch, I will be at every game I can cheering my head off and talking about our team to everyone including out of towners.
3.) PBC not knowing deleted emails could be traced or found? Seriously, how did you all become so wealthy and not talk to an adviser or attorney occasionally?
4.) Admitting to not intentionally leaking the logo, and still not doing anything about it. No press conference, mind games, advertising, etc. to drive up interest in the upcoming announcement or even a press release about the leak. They went off sheer honeymoon interest of everyone already excited in OKC and Oklahoma. Nothing further to generate further interest (at least on a traceable scale).
5.) Letdown of colors and logo to the majority of people (approximately 82% of those polled online through multiple polls).
I think it's fair to say the players probably aren't even happy about this logo. I WAS at the press conference and I cheered just as all 1500+ people there pretty much did. I was there at the earlier press conferences when we first announced getting a team and the Hornets press conferences. Us naysayers do support the team. For those of you who were at the press conference, or even look at some of the photos of Wilkens and Mason, they weren't "too happy" when looking at the logo. Look at their comments in the media when asked about it. They basically said everything short of saying they don't like it, without saying it, which they have to stay somewhat positive since they are on the payroll and supposed to be driving up fan support. Look at Bennett's comments, especially the Yahoo article. They basically all stopped short of saying they blew it. I think the team and players clearly know from the more than expected fan support and cheering that we're still behind them, more than Seattle was the last few years. Heck, look at our turnout at the press conference compared to the SOS rallies and the courthouse appearances, etc.
Anyhow, I'll be buying a black practice t-shirt from this summer to make up for the lack of money I'd spend on the one with the Doritos logo with bright colors. Heck, I'd like the logo more if it was black and grey or something.
Anyhow, I'm just waiting until tickets go on sale..........
DelCamino 09-05-2008, 10:00 AM Looks like all the hand wringing on this board is for naught:
Thunder wear sets new record in opening sales period | (
These wild statements of the logo embarrassing the city, or bringing shame to Oklahoma, giving the world a chance to kick and make fun, are silly and egotistical.
...I think it's fair to say the players probably aren't even happy about this logo. I.... For those of you who were at the press conference, or even look at some of the photos of Wilkens and Mason, they weren't "too happy" when looking at the logo. Look at their comments in the media when asked about it. They basically said everything short of saying they don't like it...
There is no way you know this. Your comments, written here as fact, are subjective only your interpretation.
I too was at the press conference and categorically disagree with your impression.
You guys are sucking all the joy out of this whole experience. Try and gain some perspective about the situation, how time allows things to evolve.
westsidesooner 09-05-2008, 10:06 AM Karried, I personally was hoping for a better logo and a black or deep blue and silver color theme. When you have something pictured in your mind you'll naturally be disappointed if it isn't exactly what you had invisioned. Much like your kids at Christmas analogy. So I understand some peoples initial shock and dislike for the logo (although some of the criticism was ridiculous).
But since my initial disappointement in the logo I've let it sink in and its not that bad. Or important. Besides I think Clay will come out with a better logo, like he mentioned at the press confrence. I know he has a lot on his plate at the moment and temporary logos aren't the main concern. I'd hate to have to move an operation like that. Lets give him a break.
As for the color scheme. I love the state flag blue. I've whined in another thread that there aren't as many Oklahoma flags flying around town as there should be. And the redish not quite orangish is a great contrasting color and a thoughtful compromise honoring our states two major universities. So I actually love the combination, and I bet it grows on everyone else.
I hated the costumed Boomer and Sooner at football games and Top Dawg at basketball games when they first showed up, but now they are part of the game. And my nieces loves them. That's good enough for me. We've got the team. Go Thunder!!!
El Gato Pollo Loco!!! 09-05-2008, 10:13 AM ....Actually, this whole logo/colors thing is so blown out of proportion.. .. but maybe that is what makes OK so passionate about all things sports?
I just want to relish the fact that in a very short time we here in OKC will be Shouting at the top of our Lungs .. GO Thunder!!!
I'm sort of po'd that all these negative nancys are ruining my fun.
I completely agree. This "getting a new team in town" thing is completely new to me (Unless you count getting the Arena League in the late '80's in Detroit ( ), but it should be an exciting thing. I guess all these people writhing around just don't see a bigger picture.
I hope OKC can show everyone that it's not like all those cities with newer teams in other leagues that have low attendance year after year. I really want to see this succeed. 5 years ago when I moved here, I never imagined that this city could ever do anything like this. When I think back, I can see how this city has grown from "Wow, what a cowtown!" to something better.
Just don't let those nancy pants whiners get you and your enthusiasm down Karried.
El Gato Pollo Loco!!! 09-05-2008, 10:24 AM ....2.) Unintentional leak of name (and still did nothing about it, no press release, no PR game, no advertising to drive up hype locally, nationally, and internationally). PBC thought just the hype of the "newness" of a team in OKC would be enough. Do they not realize they've been out about a half a billion and need to sell merchandise on a much larger scale to earn a decent cash flow? Broadcast rights and merchandise sales will what keep this franchise alive long term. As we've learned in Seattle, fan support alone will not keep a team. Again, I'm a HUGE fan of the team, just not the merch, I will be at every game I can cheering my head off and talking about our team to everyone including out of towners...
4.) Admitting to not intentionally leaking the logo, and still not doing anything about it. No press conference, mind games, advertising, etc. to drive up interest in the upcoming announcement or even a press release about the leak. They went off sheer honeymoon interest of everyone already excited in OKC and Oklahoma. Nothing further to generate further interest (at least on a traceable scale).....
These two statements encapsulate my beef as well. Once it was leaked, they should have just had a small presser saying that the name was going to be "Thunder" and that they were working on getting logos, uniform designs and the such to reveal at a later date. People may have still been disapointed, but I think the backlash would have been significantly less in my opinion.
Midtowner 09-05-2008, 10:37 AM I think that we on message boards sometimes think that our collective opinions in some way resemble the collective opinions of those not here. Here we are, maybe 10-20 people having a conversation which maybe 100-200 people will read. In a city of 1.2 million, that is not a very big deal.
National polls should be taken with a boulder-sized grain of salt. Most in the NBA world are still peeved that a team was 'stolen' from its long-time market. In time, I think OKC will begin to feel the same way as our franchise begins to feel more permanent. This move was a wake up call to many fans that their love-affair with their team could indeed be a fleeting experience if their municipal leaders and the ownership can't continue to play nice.
So what do I think of the logo? It's fine. I think that we Oklahomans, for whatever reason have a complex about what we do here -- that everything we do is somehow innately inferior. We may be doing great as a city, but damned if our collective minds don't somehow think that we're 'less-than' because folks in coastal cities might think we still live in tepees and ride horses to work. The logo is just fine folks, it's a base logo and there will be changes and variations on the concept.
The colors? Since most of us grew up wearing crimson and cream or orange and black, blue, 'sunset' and yellow are probably a bit foreign to us, but I think the colors will grow on me.
I'm actually ready to see the team uniforms, I think they will have a very 'throwback'/classic look to them. The color combination isn't hokey at all, in fact, I think it's somewhat risk-taking and maybe even cutting-edge.
The bottom line is that we have an NBA team now folks, the logo is the logo, it's no big ass deal. Quit yer bitchin' and get on the bandwagon. Our owners are not professional media people, nor are our local media, for the most part professional media people. Times will change, people will learn, things will get better.
Really.. don't we have something better to do than bitch about an unintentional leak which wasn't 'properly' (in some folks' opinions) handled by the media as to the team's name and colors? I think I'll focus on how many games this team wins rather than silly sideshows like logo-leak-gate.
I think that we on message boards sometimes think that our collective opinions in some way resemble the collective opinions of those not here. Here we are, maybe 10-20 people having a conversation which maybe 100-200 people will read. In a city of 1.2 million, that is not a very big deal.
National polls should be taken with a boulder-sized grain of salt. Most in the NBA world are still peeved that a team was 'stolen' from its long-time market. In time, I think OKC will begin to feel the same way as our franchise begins to feel more permanent. This move was a wake up call to many fans that their love-affair with their team could indeed be a fleeting experience if their municipal leaders and the ownership can't continue to play nice.
So what do I think of the logo? It's fine. I think that we Oklahomans, for whatever reason have a complex about what we do here -- that everything we do is somehow innately inferior. We may be doing great as a city, but damned if our collective minds don't somehow think that we're 'less-than' because folks in coastal cities might think we still live in tepees and ride horses to work. The logo is just fine folks, it's a base logo and there will be changes and variations on the concept.
The colors? Since most of us grew up wearing crimson and cream or orange and black, blue, 'sunset' and yellow are probably a bit foreign to us, but I think the colors will grow on me.
I'm actually ready to see the team uniforms, I think they will have a very 'throwback'/classic look to them. The color combination isn't hokey at all, in fact, I think it's somewhat risk-taking and maybe even cutting-edge.
The bottom line is that we have an NBA team now folks, the logo is the logo, it's no big ass deal. Quit yer bitchin' and get on the bandwagon. Our owners are not professional media people, nor are our local media, for the most part professional media people. Times will change, people will learn, things will get better.
Really.. don't we have something better to do than bitch about an unintentional leak which wasn't 'properly' (in some folks' opinions) handled by the media as to the team's name and colors? I think I'll focus on how many games this team wins rather than silly sideshows like logo-leak-gate.
jbrown84 09-05-2008, 07:04 PM metro, it's clear to me that you will never be happy with anything unless it is your own idea.
They DID do advertising to drive up the buzz. Maybe you were too busy venting on here about your latest disappointment to notice all the billboards around town that served to eliminate the other possibilities. They took advantage of the Lamar digital billboards that are very new to the market and allow that kind of constantly updating. I don't know what more you want.
The thing that bothers me the most about it is that people all over the country are calling us backwards hicks now. I probably shouldn't care what other states think of Oklahomans, but it ruffles my feathers anyway.
The logo is "backward" and "hick"???? Sounds like you are falling for the anti-Oklahoma propaganda, because average as it may be, that logo is not either of those things.
Thunder 09-05-2008, 07:55 PM I just want to say to the one that is complaining about the logo representing the team as Thunder OKC.
The word in the center of a logo is always first, as it stands out. It is typically the way it is done. In this case, OKC is centered and stands out within the logo. Yes, the word, Thunder, is too large, but this is only an initial progress until the real thing to come. It takes time to create something "perfect".
No one know how long ago Thunder was decided by the management. I'm sure they already had the logo set. The name, Thunder, was quickly added into it, because time is short. Give them time, they will create something better.
You see, if they had done some kind of effect to the word, Thunder, it would seem that they are done with the team identity. I think they purposely set it to be plain and big for now and it definately shows that something is in the works.
About the person complaining about the logo saying Thunder OKC...
Here is an example of one logo.
As you can see, EXPRESS, is in the center. The name of the company is Express Credit Auto. However, in your (the person complaining) twisted eyes, you would think it is Credit Express Auto.
Go Thunder!!!
Laramie 09-07-2008, 04:20 PM Karried:
I agree, the name and logo will grow on us! I just hpoe I can get five season tickets on Saturday the 13th.
I 'll start with the $10 tickets in the peasant section (aka: Loud City).
They will need tp build some ropes and from the rafters if they are going to call the Ford Center Thunderdome! LOL!
Thunder 09-07-2008, 05:42 PM Ford Center will be nicknamed the Thunderdome.
"Here at the Thunderdome, the Thunder defeated the Hornets 153 to 30."
betts 09-07-2008, 05:54 PM Actually, if you consider the fact that two of the colors are navy and kind of a smoky blue, that's weather related. Thunderheads can be navy blueish in color, and the surrounding sky around them is lighter. Lightning can be white or yellowish, and we've got that color. Basketballs are orange/red and we've got a basketball in our logo (plus it contrasts well with the other three colors). The longer I looked at the logo, especially sitting with the other NBA logos, the better I was with it.
I went to Academy today to buy a bit more gear, and I was suprised at how much stuff was obviously many sizes were missing, as well as styles of shirts. Then I was driving home and saw an 8 year old boy riding his bike down the street wearing a Thunder shirt and I knew it was going to be just fine.
We have the right to criticize the logo, and not liking the logo doesn't mean you won't support your team. But, we've had our say, and it's time to move on. It's looking like the only thing that will keep us from equaling the Charlotte Hornets initial season ticket sales is the size of our arena, so the fans look like they're ready to support the team. I'm just waiting for October 14th, the first day I can cheer for my own team in our own arena.
Midtowner 09-07-2008, 06:05 PM I still think that we'd have criticized just about any logo.
It's just the Oklahoma mindset to think that whatever you have just isn't good enough.
Team names, colors and logos are purely ancillary items. Let's worry about things which matter, i.e., ticket sales, W-L records and whether the Thunder gets to the playoffs in year one.
jbrown84 09-07-2008, 06:20 PM Well said. It's very easy to worry about what other people think, because we are the rookies in this. I think we'll prove them wrong with our support, and maybe even with the other logos that are pending. [crosses fingers]
Karried 09-07-2008, 06:26 PM I can't believe the shirts I ordered two minutes after the announcement was made are on backorder!
jbrown84 09-07-2008, 06:27 PM That's crazy Karrie.
OKCMallen 09-07-2008, 07:49 PM I've lost track of the sites I've visited that have mentioned OKC's negative attitude... this quote comes to mind.. from the Sonic's site:
"Seems to me the the OKC fans are the ones crying now. Crying about the name, crying about the logo, crying about the colors. Go to Oklahoma News, Weather, Business, Sports, Entertainment, Travel | ( and check it out. About 90% of the posters say they won't buy the merchandise, or support the team. Sheesh, and I'm a crybaby for saying that the team that I've followed for 30 of the 41 years they were in Seattle should of stayed in Seattle. Give me a break. This is all a horrible joke, OKC is paying millions in tax money for a team that they already hate, at least Seattle fans wanted the Sonics, can't say as much for OKC and the Thunder.****************end quote "
That's the dumbest crap I've ever read. I am one of the biggest opponents of the logo, and I don't feel that way./ That is patently false; don't let their ridiculous comments ruin your fun Karried.
n8ison 09-08-2008, 08:44 AM I just want to say to the one that is complaining about the logo representing the team as Thunder OKC.
The word in the center of a logo is always first, as it stands out. It is typically the way it is done. In this case, OKC is centered and stands out within the logo. Yes, the word, Thunder, is too large, but this is only an initial progress until the real thing to come. It takes time to create something "perfect".
No one know how long ago Thunder was decided by the management. I'm sure they already had the logo set. The name, Thunder, was quickly added into it, because time is short. Give them time, they will create something better.
You see, if they had done some kind of effect to the word, Thunder, it would seem that they are done with the team identity. I think they purposely set it to be plain and big for now and it definately shows that something is in the works.
About the person complaining about the logo saying Thunder OKC...
Here is an example of one logo.
As you can see, EXPRESS, is in the center. The name of the company is Express Credit Auto. However, in your (the person complaining) twisted eyes, you would think it is Credit Express Auto.
Go Thunder!!!
Wow... Thank you for finding such a wonderful example from Express Credit Auto; a shady used car dealership and obviously the pioneers of great corporate logo design. Your analysis was top notch as well...
First of all OKC is not in the center of the Logo: It's below center (and to the left for that matter). I understand the point you're trying to make with the circular logos and the center text being the focal point and all, but you're wrong. It doesn't work in this case and it's not even close. Thunder OKC doesn't have a circular logo and there is no text on the bottom of the logo to justify your argument.
Please go to NBA Logos - National Basketball Association Logos - Chris Creamer's Sports Logos Page - SportsLogos.Net (
Look around see if any team, in any other professional league, MLB, NFL, has EVER made this same mistake... and remember... English is read from left to right, top to bottom.
Happy Hunting.
Thunder 09-08-2008, 04:40 PM You're right, Express Credit Auto is very shady. $12,000 on a car with $500 down. $400 a month on a 20% (I think...) interest. Papers signed, stating everything will be paid in 2 years. Well, Feb is coming up fast and I owe $10,000 left. Something is definately shady, but at least they are reporting to boost my credit score.
When the year approach, I'll try to refinance at a local bank, have some other debts included that the bank can find from the report.
I think this car is already helping me, because CareCredit approved me for $5,000 credit line, which I had only used $935 for Furrball's critical hospital care. I'll pay that quite easily and quickly.
I don't recommend Express Credit Auto, but only as a very last resort.
kmf563 09-08-2008, 04:46 PM I LOVE our NBA team!
That is all. Continue.
betts 09-08-2008, 04:49 PM Actually because of the font or the fact that it's in the center of the design, my eye goes to OKC first, and my brain gets around to Thunder afterwards. I think the Thunder font is slightly too big, but otherwise it's already to the point that I don't think about the design. It's such a small thing, compared to having a team. And, we're going to be on national television twice this year, which is pretty exciting. If the team does better than expected, they may even add some games. Better than that, almost all the away game (hopefully!) will be on local television.
Karried 09-08-2008, 04:49 PM I LOVE our NBA team!
That is all. Continue
ha,ha.. me too!
I can't wait for the season to begin...
Go Thunder!
The thing that bothers me the most about it is that people all over the country are calling us backwards hicks now.
They have been doing that forever. And there is absolutely nothing hickish about the logo. No spurs, cowboy hats, horses, cows, boots, horns, or anything else commonly associated with that image. In fact, that logo actually does a lot to mitigate that image. It's generic, neutral, and so funny that anyone would have a strong reaction to it at all.
The best part of all of this is the people that are upset about where the team name is relative to the city's name, as if it's gonna confuse people. It's like the idiots who renamed the North Canadian, because they thought it would confuse people (a move which was pretty hickish, by the way). I'm pretty sure people are going to be able to figure out where the team plays its home games, even if you left the city name off the logo.
But tickets are selling (out) and merchandise sales are setting records, so it doesn't really matter anyway.
jbrown84 09-09-2008, 12:51 PM Now?
They have been doing that forever. And there is absolutely nothing hickish about the logo. No spurs, cowboy hats, horses, cows, boots, horns, or anything else commonly associated with that image. In fact, that logo actually does a lot to mitigate that image. It's generic, neutral, and so funny that anyone would have a strong reaction to it at all.
Wrap10 09-13-2008, 10:21 AM Wow... Thank you for finding such a wonderful example from Express Credit Auto; a shady used car dealership and obviously the pioneers of great corporate logo design. Your analysis was top notch as well...
First of all OKC is not in the center of the Logo: It's below center (and to the left for that matter). I understand the point you're trying to make with the circular logos and the center text being the focal point and all, but you're wrong. It doesn't work in this case and it's not even close. Thunder OKC doesn't have a circular logo and there is no text on the bottom of the logo to justify your argument.
Please go to NBA Logos - National Basketball Association Logos - Chris Creamer's Sports Logos Page - SportsLogos.Net (
Look around see if any team, in any other professional league, MLB, NFL, has EVER made this same mistake... and remember... English is read from left to right, top to bottom.
Happy Hunting.
No other team in pro sports has a logo like ours? So that makes us trend setters! I like it. Oklahoma City on the cutting edge! :)
kevinpate 09-13-2008, 07:46 PM I guess I'm just odd.
If they tossed the odd font THUNDER completely, I'd actually admire the logo.
If they used a smaller and different font, I'd admire the logo.
As it is, it'll do. It's better than the team had under the prior name, and the colors are more fitting for here as well,e ven if I disagree with Clay's believe there's not too much orange.
That's not exactly an OU/OSU thang for me, I'm just not a big fan of orange in general.
angel27 09-13-2008, 10:07 PM Has anyone noticed how awesome our logo looks on the billboards appearing with gathering thunder clouds approaching OKC skyline and lightening strikes about? You know how we hear a storm coming and some of us jump in the car to go chase it, that excitement because you never know what will happen next... I loved that billboard. Perfectly representative of just about now and our impending season. And another thought on the placement of thunder in the logo:thunder does boom from overhead. Its kind of appropriate. Thunder descending on our city... and our Thunder is apparently goiing to be big. Just my ever-positive take on it.
Thunder 09-14-2008, 06:16 AM Last week, I saw a nice sunset, the sun was huge and viewable without being blinded by it. The color was not too red or too orange. Storm clouds was all above it, but didn't cover any part of the sun. Reminded me of the OKC Thunder and the colors.
Maybe that is what Clay wanted the represent the team as. A peaceful sunset with distant Thunder rumbling nearby.