View Full Version : 2 blogs

12-27-2004, 03:20 AM
I want to remind everyone that two of our very own have active blogs! Check out downtownguy's at Check out Luke's at Both blogs are fantastic, and are updated constantly. downtownguy's reflects more of the cutting edge info. of OKC and Tulsa, along with other state news, while Luke's presents more from his own experiences and encounters with Bricktown, downtown, other parts of the city, and surrounding areas. Both blogs contain a "renaissance" theme! If you haven't been reading them, you're missing out.

12-27-2004, 08:21 AM
Thanks Patrick! I appreciate all the support you and others on this site have given my humble effort. It's been fun to communicate with others who share my enthusiasm for downtown OKC and other urban centers across the state.
- The Downtown Guy

12-27-2004, 11:58 AM
Thanks Patrick. If I knew how to add links to my blog I'd add this forum to it. Maybe downtownguy knows how? In any case, I appreciate the shout-out.

12-27-2004, 11:35 PM
Hey, no problem guys! I just appreciate the work you put into your blogs. I enjoy reading them! I'll post a shout-out every once in awhile just to let new posters know about the blogs.