09-03-2008, 11:27 PM
At least it's not this:
View Full Version : OKC Team Name Announcement jbrown84 09-03-2008, 11:27 PM At least it's not this: http://www.360wichita.com/tours/1677/logo.gif CuatrodeMayo 09-04-2008, 12:31 AM I actually like that better...at least the logo somewhat supports the nickname. Thunder 09-04-2008, 03:04 AM Legally changing my name to Thunder is definately something I should do! :D Now, I need to find an auto shop to put that logo on the hood of my car! :D I've been Thunderstruck'ed...again! :D kevinpate 09-04-2008, 07:10 AM I disagree that the logo will cost them money. There is not one name/logo conceivable which wouldn't evoke the same responses, just from a different crowd. We're Oklahomans, and we're an opinionated bunch. Then, on top of us, there's the crowd who are just downright opinionated, Okie or no. No matter what, some group was gonna be whupping out wallets and plastic, and another group was going to all but chip a toothie or two as they elected to grind out their frustration. Just another day in paradise folks, and yes, it could have been worse, much worse. The primary litigation could be bogged at the appeal level, the Schultz group could have not folded, more suits could have arisen, and Oklahomans could still see the plans for the first locally owned team being announced ofr Key Arena 2008-09. All in all, something less than OMG! LUV IT LUV IT LUV IT logo ain't such a bad September moment. metro 09-04-2008, 08:23 AM I really think this mistake is going to cost them a lot of money. Yep, they'll loose a lot in potential merchandise revenue, locally and definitely on the national and international scale. FritterGirl 09-04-2008, 08:26 AM Well, when I drove back by there at about 6:30 on my way home, I noticed there was still a line out the door, and a crowd of what could easily have been 100+ still inside Leadership Square. They probably didn't do that bad. Some folks will be happy to get the merchandise, no matter what it looks like. El Gato Pollo Loco!!! 09-04-2008, 10:41 AM I really don't have a problem with the logo. Yeah, it's not the greatest, but it could have been a lot worse. I just think that the ownership group could have handled this a lot better. Turanacus 09-04-2008, 01:14 PM Desmond Mason is going to be @ Academy on NW Exprwy today 5p thru 7p - - OKCisOK4me 09-04-2008, 03:45 PM I will let this grow on me because the Thunder was my second favorite behind Barons. The fact that everyone is whining and moaning about the design is driving me crazy. Yeah, it's not too great, but who are we to say that we're better than any of the designers that Bennett & company hired or, even, the NBA approval committee?! That being said, you should also consider the amount of time that was barely invested in to coming up with this design. It had to be something basic--CONSIDERING THEY ONLY HAD ABOUT 3 1/2 MONTHS TO DO DA DARN THING!!! It was stated several times in other threads that other designs for other teams had several months, if not a year, to invest in those plans and designs for all around incorporation of all the products of a team from the players to the fans. So, considering Bennett did say that there WILL BE OTHER DESIGNS, by all means, look forward to that! Any one of us can nitpick all day on that logo cause it's a whole lot easier to be a Negative Nancy or a Debbie Downer (whaa whaaa whaaaaa). I honestly believe that everyone is so wrapped up in Oklahoma City becoming a Major League City that we expect nothing but the best for our city. And because of this a simple logo for a decent team name is ripped to shreds. We just need to simmer down now... |