View Full Version : Have you ever seen a UFO?
PennyQuilts 08-22-2008, 05:01 PM I don't know what UFO's are or if they are little green men or advance military technology, or what. That being said, I am interested in whether anyone on the board has ever seen one.
I have.
In late July, 1977, I was 8 months pregnant (i.e., NOT drinking or doing anything that was mind altering!). Husband and I were at the old drive in movie out on NW highway and we saw a HUGE flying saucer-type thing silently hovering above the movie screen. It was between 11:00 and midnight. It had red and green lights and windows and was rotating counterclockwise, if I remember, correctly. There was a gap where one of the windows should have been. At one point, it moved a bit but still hovered. Husband and I just stood there with our jaws dropped having a ,"OMG - Do you see THAT?" type conversation. After a few minutes, it suddenly took off, again, silently, like a streak of light SE towards Tinker (across OKC). It was out of sight in an instant. If I hadn't been watching it, I'd have thought it disappeared.
Husband and I both drew pictures of it to show each other and we clearly both saw the same thing. I called the airport, the police and Tinker to see if anyone knew what it was but they all said they had no idea and said no one had reported it.
So that is my UFO story. I have never seen one again. The idea that I would see one at a drive-in movie and that it would streak off above OKC sounds just weird but I swear it happened.
Thunder 08-22-2008, 05:14 PM I don't know what UFO's are or if they are little green men or advance military technology, or what.
UFO can not be little green men (aliens).
UFO is...hold your breath....Unidentified Flying Object.
Surely, those little green men (aliens) can not fly in the sky on their own, unless they have wings.
Did you and your hubby try asking anyone else at the location if they had seen it?
I may not be green, but I do definately get reaction from people, every day, as if they had seen a real, walking, talking alien on the planet. lol Still, to this day, and forever, little children will scream, run, cry whenever they see me. No intention of frightening anyone.
I had one time, an experience that I went to a Halloween festival to a school that my brother attended. I remember, this young boy, were in awe and tried to pull on my actual skin. Yes! They think I'm wearing a mask! lol
Not just the children, it scares the adults too. Especially when I'm surrounded with so many of them at Target, where I work. I can see how terrorified they are. lol I even had people, here and there, taking snapshots with their cell phone.
So, as for the alien discussion, these people definately see their kind of alien presence on this planet. lol
Toadrax 08-22-2008, 05:38 PM Just because you remember it, doesn't mean it happened.
People don't want to accept that our perception is often wrong.
PennyQuilts 08-22-2008, 07:05 PM To answer the question about did we ask anyone else - yes, after it left, we went over to the next car but they hadn't noticed anything.
Trust me, we saw it. It wasn't something that was over in 5 seconds. It stayed around about 10-12 minutes and we both drew pictures, separately, without discussion to see if we saw the same thing. Also called the authorities right then while it was fresh.
bornhere 08-23-2008, 10:26 PM If you're talking about the NW Highway Drive-In, where the Marriott is now, you may have seen some aircraft taking off or landing at Wiley Post Airport. It may have looked like it was rotating, but that may have just been because of the angle from which you were viewing it.
Thunder 08-23-2008, 11:07 PM If you're talking about the NW Highway Drive-In, where the Marriott is now, you may have seen some aircraft taking off or landing at Wiley Post Airport. It may have looked like it was rotating, but that may have just been because of the angle from which you were viewing it.
Mysterious case solved! :congrats:
jstanthrnme 08-23-2008, 11:09 PM Date:
Sept. 15th 2006
Just south of the OKC Zoo.
Unbelievable sight..
PennyQuilts 08-24-2008, 09:22 AM I can assure you it was not an aircraft taking off/landing from Wiley Post. You'd just have to have seen it. It stayed still in the sky for many minutes with no sound. Then moved, just a bit. Then streaked off towards the SE. It was definitely rotating. The gap between one of the windows came back around on each rotation so you could see it.
Toadrax 08-24-2008, 09:30 AM Your eyes trick you in low light.
It makes a lot of sense when you understand how biologically limtied your vision is, our mind basically makes up everything we see. The darker it is the more our mind fills in the gaps with a mix of memories of how things should look and our imagination.
Once we remember it, it is "real".
I suggest picking up the O'Reilly book "Mind Hacks" which is a cognative psychology book that demonstrates and shows a lot about how your brain works works at the physical level.
PennyQuilts 08-24-2008, 10:06 AM I wasn't the only one who saw it. My husband and I separately drew pictures of what we saw (and we deliberately did this without comparing notes like, "Wow, do you see that rotating flying saucer with green and red lights that has a missing window?") before discussing any specifics. We saw the same thing. This wasn't something that we "remembered." We discussed that it was there for several minutes while it was there. (Along the lines of, "OMG do you see THAT!!?? Quick, draw a picture!"). I even left to go check on my sleeping son in the car and came back (only distracted for about a minute) and it was still there when I returned.
Toadrax 08-24-2008, 10:08 AM
You and your husband will both see these circles turning, but I can assure you that they are not moving.
PennyQuilts 08-24-2008, 10:10 AM Nice. Are you saying that because optical illusions can happen that what we saw was an illusion?
Toadrax 08-24-2008, 10:16 AM I'm saying that you can't trust anything you see, period. You could have been watching anything that night. It had to be a UFO in the strict sense of the word, you couldn't identify it :D
PennyQuilts 08-24-2008, 10:56 AM Those are neat pictures. The "A" looks to be the same shade of grey as the "B."
I'm a quilter and the interplay of colors and optical illusions fabric can create fascinates me. Usually, I screw up my seam joints too much to have anyone fooled by the illusory effect.
Toadrax 08-24-2008, 11:58 AM In the dark your eyes receive less information, so your brain guesses even more which makes all sorts of foolishness possible.
One of my good friends thought there was a ghost in her house that was moving around the curtains by her window at night. It took some effort for me to prove to her that, in low light, the pattern on her curtains simply appeared to be moving around.
I do have my own UFO story.
It was dusk and almost dark outside and we were driving east on hefner road about to get on the hefner parkway. These bring lights were streaking across the sky, at first me and my friend thought they were just meteors.... UNTIL THEY CHANGED DIRECTION!
It was pretty awesome looking. I figured, if it was a weapon or the end of the world I want to get the best view possible so me and my friend pulled on to the side of the onramp there to watch it.
A bunch of other people pulled over and we just watched for awhile.. and some guy pulled up and told us what was going on.
It was just the flying elvis people sky diving with flare things on... I bet 911 got a lot of calls that night.
kevinpate 08-24-2008, 12:01 PM 911: Hello, 911, what is the nature of your emergency?
Caller: Elvis got booted from heaven and his arse has caught fire!
Toadrax 08-24-2008, 12:06 PM Found a youtube video of what it looked like from our perspective.
If you didn't know what this was, it would freak you out :P
PennyQuilts 08-24-2008, 03:18 PM That is a pretty cool video. Mine did not look like that. It was close enough that you could see the windows and just hovering for the most part.
bornhere 08-25-2008, 08:15 AM I like that you see these weird objects in the sky, then hear the announcer talking about Elvis impersonators.
Now, THIS is a UFO...
YouTube - UFO Haiti (
OKCisOK4me 08-29-2008, 12:08 AM Found a youtube video of what it looked like from our perspective.
If you didn't know what this was, it would freak you out :P
I didn't even have to see the title to know what that was. Of course, I've skydived before soooooo that gave me the knowledge beforehand. Looks exactly the same at night as it does during the day.
ssandedoc 08-29-2008, 06:13 AM I saw a large craft above/near Will Rodgers Airport. I can't remember it exactly, like a triangle with three lights on the sides and it just hovered for minutes. It was around 2am and I was making a McDonalds run. I thought I was crazy, when I came back home it was gone. But I definitely saw something, it was weird. Don't expect people to want to believe me. The only thing I can think of UFO or military craft.
FritterGirl 08-29-2008, 07:21 AM I am one who has a hard time believing that we earthlings are the ONLY ones existing in this ever-expanding universe. As such, I believe it's certainly highly possible. I have also seen enough evidence to make me think that yes, something is "out there."
That being said, I've never had a personal encounter.
That being said, check out THIS AWESOME VIDEO ( (it takes about two minutes - follow the instructions) for a GREAT lesson in perception.
sgt. pepper 08-29-2008, 08:35 AM i'm with FG, i just don't think that we are the only living beings in all of the universe. i have never seen an UFO, never seen any evidence of one. i just think it's logical to think that there are othere beings out there somewhere.......yes, that are more intelligent than any of us on this planet including the japanese. are there military test vehicles?...i hope so. are there weather ballons...of course. are there people looking for attention...yes, but not east coast okie. i just think it's possible. after all, the Bible tells us God created the heavenS and the earth.
Now, THIS is a UFO...
YouTube - UFO Haiti (
I found this one after veiwing your link
Thunder 08-29-2008, 10:10 AM UFO are not beings. They are mechanical machines.
Unidentified Flying Object
Toadrax 08-29-2008, 01:51 PM It is also possible that there are no aliens and we are the best the universe has to offer.
It is best to assume that, because that is what the evidence indicates. Even if there were other forms of life we have no way to interact with them, so their existance would mean nothing to us.
Humans don't live long enough to get very far. To get far out into space we either need to find a different way to travel or a different way to live. Most likely the concept of what it means to be human will be blurred first once we master our genetics.
Thunder 08-29-2008, 06:09 PM Toadrax, just look at Star Trek. That can be possible. Engineers can learn from it.
bornhere 08-29-2008, 06:19 PM One of my favorite ST episodes is the crossover ep where Montgomery Scott confides to Geordi LaForge that he always exaggerated the severity of the problems on the Enterprise to make himself look better when he fixed them.
Toadrax 08-29-2008, 08:26 PM ...
I'm not going to base reality off of a crappy TV show.
Thunder 08-29-2008, 10:15 PM It is not crappy. I'm sure you have a favorite TV show that is crappy.
ddavidson8 08-30-2008, 09:42 PM I liked the Star Trek where that new dude kept drinking tea and talking about world peace. That was awesome.
drumsncode 08-31-2008, 08:53 AM
You and your husband will both see these circles turning, but I can assure you that they are not moving.
That's one of the coolest things I've ever seen. Thanks for posting that.