View Full Version : Trosper park....why are there so many vehicles parked/backed in ALL DAY??

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04-26-2009, 06:09 PM
I'm tellin' ya... a reality show is what the man needs!

04-26-2009, 10:03 PM
Why would anyone want to adopt me? Why is this a classic Thunder thread?

04-27-2009, 12:29 AM
Why would anyone want to adopt me? Why is this a classic Thunder thread?

People seem to love you, despite the fact you registered what is probably the most coveted user name, second only to Sooner.

04-27-2009, 12:42 AM
People seem to love you, despite the fact you registered what is probably the most coveted user name, second only to Sooner.

People love me more in person. Not many love me from here. lol

Well. My first original Yahoo! ID was thundervslightning (named after my two bunnies). It was created in high school as an email account then later used it for playing Canasta and Pool on Yahoo! in college. Everyone called me Thunder for short and it just caught on for me. 2003 was the year the nickname, Thunder, became official for me. It was also a nickname I used among the deaf community, so yeah, it is my official nickname. My car's front plate says Thunder, and so does my work name tag.

It was sometime in 2005, I lost my thundervslightning Yahoo! account. I changed password and somehow had forgotten it. I was never able to retrieve it, despite numerous attempts. The email I registered for the account was the MSN email account, that I also had forgotten the username/password for it. Yahoo! never deleted the account (years of inactivity), so I'm unable to recreate it. I swear, I got the answer correct to the security question, but no luck.

Yeah, I'm loved, but I don't do well on the politic side with people. Venture and I started out bad between us, but now we're okay, as long we don't let politic get between us. We both love weather. lol


04-27-2009, 05:12 AM
Why would anyone want to adopt me?

Because you have a pure soul.

05-01-2009, 04:21 PM

Okay, now we've come full circle, back to Trosper Park. This time, the police nabbed a chaplain.

05-01-2009, 04:28 PM
AFCM, that's frickin funny! What got me so laughin is that most of the men is quite old! LOL!!! Men in their 70s?! ROFL!!!

05-01-2009, 04:36 PM
Old men need love, too. Maybe their partner died. I always feel sorry for the old men who get picked up when they approach prostitutes. A young, healthy man may just be a little freaky. An old man may be freaky, too, but he may also be just alone. I'm not saying going to the park is the way to go but, well, the economy is bad. Maybe they needed a cheap thrill to stay in their budget.

05-01-2009, 04:48 PM
Old men need love, too. Maybe their partner died. I always feel sorry for the old men who get picked up when they approach prostitutes. A young, healthy man may just be a little freaky. An old man may be freaky, too, but he may also be just alone. I'm not saying going to the park is the way to go but, well, the economy is bad. Maybe they needed a cheap thrill to stay in their budget.

ECO, did I mention how precious you are? :congrats:

There you go folks, old men need love, too.

05-01-2009, 04:50 PM
Felix Palmer, 77

Loyd Fuzzell, 66

Chastin Balthrop, 25

Daniel Cleary, 24

John Bradford, 49

Basem Hanoon, 50

Thomas Hunter, 54

Carl Friar, 51

Charles Henderson, 62

John Orr, 76

Randy Raichle, 48

James Tabor, 40

Donald Wright, 73

The two guys I highlighted in red, I'm going to guess they were caught in the act together. I can't imagine them making out with the other older men.


05-01-2009, 04:53 PM
I don't think 40 is old. Hell, at this point, I don't think 62 is old!

05-01-2009, 06:13 PM
The two guys I highlighted in red, I'm going to guess they were caught in the act together. I can't imagine them making out with the other older men.


Thunder, they were caught by undercover cops, so each man was probably "hooking up" with one of the cops, not with any of the others.

05-01-2009, 07:30 PM
Well there is Bumpass Park on the northside. Don't think the cruisers have found their way up there though.
Bumpass Park is in The Village and pretty wide open to Penn, right across from Casady. There are too many police per square mile in The Village to get by with much there.

05-02-2009, 01:33 AM
Thunder, they were caught by undercover cops, so each man was probably "hooking up" with one of the cops, not with any of the others.

One of these days, an OKC cop will be busted at a park with pants down.

"COP DROP PANTS FOR COP" making headline across Oklahoma. :LolLolLol

05-04-2009, 03:08 PM
I was trying to segue the faux headline: "Cop Busts a Nut at Local Park" without offending any of our mentally challenged, but it didn't work out like I had originally intended.

Dear Lord, I'm sorry for that last paragraph.......amen.

05-04-2009, 03:12 PM
Bumpass Park is in The Village and pretty wide open to Penn, right across from Casady. There are too many police per square mile in The Village to get by with much there.

Ok although I grew up in OKC I have never heard of this park.
Is that the name? If so For Homo's to meet up there is wrong on many levels.
I guess it is truth in advertising.

05-04-2009, 07:36 PM
Ok although I grew up in OKC I have never heard of this park.
Is that the name? If so For Homo's to meet up there is wrong on many levels.
I guess it is truth in advertising.

From The Village Online - History - Chapter 13 - Annexations, Tragedy, Parks & Drainage (

Chapter 13: The First Public Parks
Throughout the decade of the 50’s the town grew by leaps and bounds. The leap to the north of Britton Road with the annexation of Casady Heights 4th Addition in October,1950 was followed by a string of annexations starting with the annexation of the Casady Heights 6th Addition in June of ‘51.

On October 24, 1952 , the Casady Heights 5th, 7th, 9th and 10th Additions were annexed. Finally, in December ‘52 the town annexed the 8th and last of the Casady Heights Additions. Seemingly over night, the town now extended half way to Hefner between May and Penn.

It is interesting to note that when the developers were fully in control of local government, not a single acre of land was provided to the town for use as a public park. It probably is no coincidence that there are no parks on the south side of Britton Road. Only when local government began to be weaned away from developer control were ordinances passed that would require developers to provide to the community a certain percentage of the land under development for recreational purposes.

As the town grew north of Britton Road, the developers were required to donate land, the first of which was a tract of land located on Britton Road
between Oxford Way and Stratford. The land was deeded to the town in September of 1951 by developers Floyd Harrison, his son Joe Bob, and their
partner Sylvanus Felix. Town Trustee Ben McCammon suggested holding a contest to name the park, an idea that apparently never caught on. The town’s first public park simply became known as Harrison Park in honor of the developer and co-founder of the town.

The Summer of 1952 was a scorcher, --one that would be plagued by water shortages and marred by tragedy. Eleven year old Mike Bumpass went
wading in a farm pond north of Casady School on the steamy Summer day of August 14, 1952. Mayor John Chiaf recalled the misadventure vividly.
“Mike couldn’t have been very old at the time. No one really knows what went wrong or how Mike got into trouble, but when the police and fire got the call, the would-be rescuers joined hands and combed the pond,” recalls Chiaf. “Someone stepped on the body and brought Mike up, --there was a doctor on
hand but it was too late,” recalled Chiaf sadly. “Mike’s grief-stricken father, Highway Patrolman Gene Bumpass, was on hand as they pulled the body out of the pond,” said Chiaf.

The community was literally in shock. Community leaders wondered if things would have been different is the town had had a swimming pool.
Community leaders went to work.

In April 1953, Floyd Harrison deeded to the town approximately 3 acres of land in the Casady Heights 7th Addition for use as a park. Shortly thereafter, the town trustees fittingly named the park in memory of Mike Bumpass. The grief that this unfortunate event engendered also provided the
impetus for the donation of land for the construction of a new swimming pool. A committee under the tutelage of Town Trustee Dale Pierce, Jr. was formed to raise money to equip Mike Bumpass Memorial Park and to raise money to build a community swimming pool. Various civic groups pitched in to help raise the needed funds. Yet, despite their best efforts, they fell short of their goal.

-- Click on the link above for the rest of the chapter.