View Full Version : The Famous Kiltie Band

Doug Loudenback
08-18-2008, 06:23 PM
Until less than a week ago, I was only generally familiar with the Kiltie Band that most of you have doubtless seen a postcard of, probably in the mid-to-late 1940s ...

Things change. Until spurred on by an inquiry by Sheila Johnson, daughter of a member of the Kilties back in 1923-1926 or so, I guess that I perceived the above postcard image as "quaint" but didn't give much more thought to what it may reprsent. Sheila piqued my curiosity. The Kilties are the subject of a new lengthy article on the Kilties' history and what they meant to Oklahoma City, as well as initial founder who, because of the Kilties, became a member of the Oklahoma Hall of Fame.

As a teaser, I will mention that the Kilties were included in a March 1941 National Geographic publication which generally described how Oklahoma City had "come of age" at that time ... a long time ago. That National Geographic saw fit to include the Kilties in its review of Oklahoma circa 1941 should attest to the Kilties' importance. The more realistic National Geographic photo (compared to the postcard, above), is shown below ...

What prompted all this research was a conversation that I had last Wednesday evening with the daughter of one of the Kilties early, if not original, members. Here is one of the images of her mother, Mabel, around 1923.

The Kilties were a huge ambassador for Oklahoma City, especially in the 1920s through the early 1940s, traveling to virtually every major city in the US, and some in Canada, including performances before US presidents and the Prince of Wales, for god's sake! Before Sheila Johnson called me last Wednesday, I really hadn't grasped that truth ... but it was true.

There are images of the Kilties in this article that have never been seen on the internet anywhere else, and for that I again thank Sheila Johnson. A pair of examples are ...

This is a post that will likely find favor with Okc history lovers ... but, if you're not, check it out and maybe you'll become one, too!

The link: Doug Dawgz Blog: Oklahoma City's Famous Kiltie Band (