View Full Version : Women's gymnastics

08-15-2008, 12:52 PM
I watch this because my wife is a former gymnast.
So honestly I normally grin and nod.
However this year Bela (not sure of name spelling) has made it fun with all of the underage chinese girls.
I figure he should know. Nadia was what 14 when he was the Romanian coach.
I figure he can spot a 14 year old.
With the olympic ties to OU in Gymnastics I wondered what everyone thinks of the age debate?
The Olympics' age-old problem - Olympics - Yahoo! Sports (

08-15-2008, 06:05 PM
I do rather expect girls in some other countries to look younger than girls in our own country because of the way they are brought up, but 16? puh-leez! I have no idea how they would go about policing that.

08-16-2008, 11:00 AM
Oh don't get me started on the Chinese and the Olympics...
Did you see the news reports of the training of the kids???
When we These Babies were taken from there parents and started training....Little kids standing on there heads in school..crying...
In America, we would call that child abuse...I am so so angry with the images I saw...


08-16-2008, 11:30 AM
However this year Bela (not sure of name spelling) has made it fun with all of the underage chinese girls.
The Olympics' age-old problem - Olympics - Yahoo! Sports (

Careful, taken out of context and that sentence could land you in a heap of trouble!