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03-29-2010, 01:36 PM
The Del Rancho commercials were a spoof on the James Coburn beer commercials. Or was it malt liquor? I do not remember the brand. The Uptown Thrift Store commercial is so stupid I think it is kind of funny. There is a radio commercial I hear on AOL Radio for a company that leases college text books that talks about how one can save "a buttload of cash". I do not like this expression and think it is crude. It is hard enough to try to teach young people to use professional language in the work place without commercials like that. I have always enjoyed locally produced commercials even if they are annoying. Remember Pee Wee Dalton's boots? He would say at the end of the commercial "Please come see us". Remember "Hi, I am Tom Padgam". I used to jump out of my skin when those commercials come on.

One irritant of television commercials is when the commercial comes on and it is much louder than the other programming. I wish the television stations would do something about this.

Bigray in Ok

03-30-2010, 11:11 AM
Remember The old Del Rancho commercials? The little kid come thru The doors like he's in a Western and say's- Steak sandwich supreme!

That is supposedly Jack Elliott (KYIS AM DJ)....

03-30-2010, 11:20 AM
I have heard the Jack Elliot story but when the commercial came out the boy was supposed to be the brother of a girl I went to school with at Putnam City West whose name was, get this-Pepper Minton. Her family was connected to an advertising firm called Kaiser & Kaiser, I believe. Maybe jack Elliot grew up with a different name.

Bigray in Ok

03-30-2010, 01:38 PM
Are Ya Christian? Are Ya single? LOL! any1 remember this commercial?

El Gato Pollo Loco!!!
03-30-2010, 03:12 PM
Isn't Jack Elliot from Chicago?

03-30-2010, 03:22 PM
The Oklahoma Lottery is running commercials with school kids thanking the lottery for money for education. I think this is tacky. The kids in the commercials can not even buy lottery tickets. I know school kids benefit from a lot of things adults do, but the lottery commercials are creepy to me.

Bigray in Ok

Yep, Bigray, to me the irony of this commercial is that maybe $30 million could buy all those things, but they can't tell us what really was bought with that money.

03-30-2010, 03:40 PM
I read through the entire thread. Nobody specifically mentioned the Norman Nobody commercial where he promises that if they give you lowest price on a new Chrysler Jeep or Dodge, they will GIVE you the car free...DOO DAH! It makes me ill and might even be offensive to some. I actually ALWAYS turn off the radio when I hear the start of the commercial. Randy Colton is a funny guy, if he is doing stand-up, but he's too stiff and rehearsed on tape.

03-30-2010, 11:42 PM
Remember the Penny Auto Parts commercials...the customer would walk in and ask if they had a part on stock that he needed, and out of nowhere, someone would throw lug wrench, oil filter, or other auto part at the clerk at the desk who would catch it and present it to the customer.

03-31-2010, 11:37 AM
I'm going to smash something if I hear that gay ass Cox Communications song.

To expand on that point: If Cox had some viable competition in this market, I probably wouldn't mind (as much) seeing their commercials four times an hour...on my already-too-expensive Cox cable system...when the Cox digital cable box isn't busy shutting itself off for no apparent reason and taking five minutes or more to reboot, while listening to my mother-in-law complain about how she hates our television when there's a perfectly good one available in the guest bedroom where she sleeps, but she has no problem hogging the main one in the living room while the cable box is working...sandwiched in between endless ads for medicines that will cure whatever's ailing you (especially depression), if the side effects don't kill you first...whew.

In any event, I'm not familiar with the "gay ass song" you're talking about, so my ignorance must be paying off, LOL!:dizzy:

03-31-2010, 12:18 PM
To expand on that point: If Cox had some viable competition in this market, I probably wouldn't mind (as much) seeing their commercials four times an hour...on my already-too-expensive Cox cable system...when the Cox digital cable box isn't busy shutting itself off for no apparent reason and taking five minutes or more to reboot, while listening to my mother-in-law complain about how she hates our television when there's a perfectly good one available in the guest bedroom where she sleeps, but she has no problem hogging the main one in the living room while the cable box is working...sandwiched in between endless ads for medicines that will cure whatever's ailing you (especially depression), if the side effects don't kill you first...whew.

In any event, I'm not familiar with the "gay ass song" you're talking about, so my ignorance must be paying off, LOL!:dizzy:

"I look up to you..."

Bigray in Ok

04-01-2010, 07:18 AM
Okay, I just looked it up on Cox's website...I concede to Jethrol's description of the song. :doh: My sympathies to the Thunder fans who have to be punished with this at an increased volume.

(My wife thinks the little kid imitating the repair guy is adorable, though!)

04-07-2010, 07:35 PM
The fat guy breastfeeding a baby. That is so disturbing. I think it's for a gym...I never find out because I change the channel.

04-08-2010, 01:43 AM
remember the local ad from the mid 1980s about drunk driving. featured two hillibilly redneck lookin dudes sitting together in a pickup truck singing "good ole boys dont drink and drive....good ole boys dont drink and drive....and thats a fact!"

04-08-2010, 01:49 AM
i always thought the way KOCO ended each newscast back in the 1980s was sooo velveeta cheesy....everyone was shown making this silly hand gesture by placing their index finger and thumb together forming a letter "O", with their remaning three fingers extended as if to somehow form a letter "K" OK, for Oklahoma.

only thing cheesier than that was that saturday morning childrens show they had with the old man dressed up like a circus clown with the hand puppet made from a dirty, old used sock.

braums manager
04-10-2010, 03:23 PM
discount remodelers nuff said

04-10-2010, 04:43 PM
"Super" Ed Cox, Ed Cox TV & Appliance.

04-11-2010, 07:13 AM
only thing cheesier than that was that saturday morning childrens show they had with the old man dressed up like a circus clown with the hand puppet made from a dirty, old used sock.

C'mon, you aren't gonna pick on HoHo and Pokey the Puppet, are you? :omg: HoHo was a nice guy that used to go out and visit hospitalized kids and old people in nursing homes on his own time. My first wife used to babysit his grandkids and she said he was truly a good guy, on and off camera. His show was done live so there was some comedic moments that only the adults would get. Anybody remember when the Tempest Levitator would malfunction(tape would break)?

Pokey wasn't dirty...that was the color of the sock before he was "born". Other than picking on Jeannie(the REAL dog) incessantly, he was a nice too(except for ONE night at the Wilshire Club when he clearly had too many drinks and tried to pick up a pair of hose...with the lady still in them). :kicking:

Mr. T in OKC
04-11-2010, 12:18 PM
Mr. Spriggs BBQ. Not widely played, but memorable.

YouTube - Full Length Mr. Spriggs Bar B Q commercial (

04-11-2010, 01:49 PM
Mr. Spriggs BBQ. Not widely played, but memorable.

YouTube - Full Length Mr. Spriggs Bar B Q commercial (

DANG 200,000 views on YT.. People must like that commercial!

04-11-2010, 06:04 PM
DANG 200,000 views on YT.. People must like that commercial!

That or either there's a bathroom wall scribble "For a good laugh go to.............:omg:

04-12-2010, 12:36 PM
discount remodelers nuff said

The "impressionist" is someone who needs to get "boot to the head".

Yes that was a bit loud ,but I will damn sure not hire them and will call them as to

04-12-2010, 01:23 PM
Mr. Spriggs BBQ. Not widely played, but memorable.

YouTube - Full Length Mr. Spriggs Bar B Q commercial (

Are you sure you didn't mean to put this the "Best local commercial" thread, instead?

Mr. T in OKC
04-12-2010, 06:42 PM
DANG 200,000 views on YT.. People must like that commercial!

It was actually shown on The Soup on E!

04-14-2010, 12:02 AM
Are you sure you didn't mean to put this the "Best local commercial" thread, instead?


I never wanted to make love to bbq before, but that song has me thinking about it.


04-14-2010, 12:37 AM
I know that this commercial is national but, " 5 dollar... 5 dollar foot-longs" makes me want to do something wrong when I hear it. (Please get it out of my head)

04-14-2010, 08:53 AM
EVERY TIME I hear it, it makes me think of the movie"Full metal jacket".
Which doesnt help sell the sub to me.

04-14-2010, 09:32 PM
Anyone seen the commercials from My Dentist? The one with the senior citizen and short animated character running on the treadmill? Doesn't have any relevance to dentistry nor does it make me want to switch dentists. Looks like it was made with Windows Movie Maker.

04-15-2010, 06:24 AM
Anyone seen the commercials from My Dentist? The one with the senior citizen and short animated character running on the treadmill? Doesn't have any relevance to dentistry nor does it make me want to switch dentists. Looks like it was made with Windows Movie Maker.
I get the point, taking care of your dental health, is part of taking care of your overall health, but its just so annoying and cheesy. I dislike commercials that are split into to parts like this one: the first half airs, then another commercial for something else comes on, then the second half of the first commercial comes on.

04-15-2010, 07:54 AM
I never wanted to make love to bbq before, but that song has me thinking about it.


All I know is, whenever I see that ad, I just want to put Mr. Spriggs' meat in my mouth, ASAP.

It also makes me hungry for some barbecue.

04-15-2010, 03:49 PM
although not local, the ABSOLUTE WORST COMMERCIALS EVER MADE are tied between two:.....


and any commercial from Progressive Insurance featuring Flo,..especially that insanely annoying one where she is blowing the paper horn like its New Years Eve.

04-15-2010, 04:02 PM
although not local, the ABSOLUTE WORST COMMERCIALS EVER MADE are tied between two:.....


and any commercial from Progressive Insurance featuring Flo,..especially that insanely annoying one where she is blowing the paper horn like its New Years Eve.

no way.. Flo is hot..

04-16-2010, 07:44 PM
I have heard the Jack Elliot story but when the commercial came out the boy was supposed to be the brother of a girl I went to school with at Putnam City West whose name was, get this-Pepper Minton. Her family was connected to an advertising firm called Kaiser & Kaiser, I believe. Maybe jack Elliot grew up with a different name.

Bigray in Ok

My husand worked with that kid from the Del Rancho commercials a while back (of course he isn't a kid anymore but I think he still has the red hair). It is not Jack Elliot. I think his name is Jason.... maybe.

The one I hate these days is the car commercial where the girl says "Hey sugar, what's new?" Could really do without that one.

sam greenroyd
04-19-2010, 02:26 PM
Hate to beat on Richardson Homes again but the one commercial thats a cartoon makes me want to suck on a 45 cal. and it sticks in your head next thing you know your humming it. I guess it does what its supposed to.

06-09-2010, 04:09 PM
This local commercial has caused me to destroy three TVs (two of which were mine):


Before checking YouTube, I did a Google Image Search for Spencer Stone. I shan't be making that mistake again.

06-10-2010, 10:01 PM
This local commercial has caused me to destroy three TVs (two of which were mine):


Before checking YouTube, I did a Google Image Search for Spencer Stone. I shan't be making that mistake again.

my ears are bleeding.

06-11-2010, 07:54 AM
Aaaaghhhhhhhhhhh!!! Make it stop!!!

06-11-2010, 07:59 AM
Spencer's pretty proud of himself too

Bazooka Joe
06-11-2010, 11:02 AM
This local commercial has caused me to destroy three TVs (two of which were mine):


Before checking YouTube, I did a Google Image Search for Spencer Stone. I shan't be making that mistake again.

so youre posting it on here so you and everyone else can destroy our computers???

Bazooka Joe
06-11-2010, 11:06 AM
My husand worked with that kid from the Del Rancho commercials a while back (of course he isn't a kid anymore but I think he still has the red hair). It is not Jack Elliot. I think his name is Jason.... maybe.

The one I hate these days is the car commercial where the girl says "Hey sugar, what's new?" Could really do without that one.

you know that del rancho kid never got paid a dime in royalties.....ever.

he at least should be able to strut into any del rancho and demand anything off the menu board for free.

06-11-2010, 01:09 PM
Any commercial that Randy Colton has anything to do with. I'll turn the TV or radio OFF when I hear them. Norman Nobody? Edmond Somebody? He must have been smoking some high grade when he wrote these.

06-20-2010, 03:13 PM
not the worst but the best


06-20-2010, 03:30 PM
All I know is, whenever I see that ad, I just want to put Mr. Spriggs' meat in my mouth, ASAP.

It also makes me hungry for some barbecue.

^^ Uhh yea, I just got that!pretty gross!

06-21-2010, 01:08 PM
I think the old Oklahoma Discount Furniture commercials will for ever be the worst commerical in history.


Sofa Tables, Dinettes, Lamps and all the ugly furniture that was thrown out at the thrift store on sale now.

SE 29th and Sooner Road (REPEAT)

06-21-2010, 01:50 PM
I think the old Oklahoma Discount Furniture commercials will for ever be the worst commerical in history.


Sofa Tables, Dinettes, Lamps and all the ugly furniture that was thrown out at the thrift store on sale now.

SE 29th and Sooner Road (REPEAT)

Say what you will, their ad is one of the better ones, speaking strictly from a business standpoint.

Mr. T in OKC
06-24-2010, 01:29 PM
no way.. Flo is hot..

I'll second that. Please don't take Flo from my TV.

06-24-2010, 05:26 PM
Flo is hot?
Put down the remote, step away from the tv.
It's time to got outside for some fresh air.

06-24-2010, 08:52 PM
I remember about 12 years ago I worked for Furniture discounters(out of biz),and Jhonny Ross did a commercial for Mr. Flutie and it was GOLD,he just brings energy and fast waving arms,Great guy!

11-11-2010, 08:58 AM
Next time I see the commercial for GlobalHealth with those kids singing Better Than Ezra's "Good," I'mma give 'em all the chance to use the health care they're so damn proud of.

11-11-2010, 11:45 AM
Next time I see the commercial for GlobalHealth with those kids singing Better Than Ezra's "Good," I'mma give 'em all the chance to use the health care they're so damn proud of.

I agree...that is a very annoying and disturbing ditty...a bitch-slap is called for here...

11-15-2010, 08:20 AM
Although it's not the worst nor most annoying commercial, I chuckle when I see the Salazar Roofing pickup truck parked in the handicapped space in front of their office...

01-29-2011, 08:30 AM
Meh. They're using her to sell their crap; she's fair game for ridicule as far as I'm concerned. I get the heebie-jeebies every time I hear the "letouwfamiwybiuwdyouwfamiwy'shome" line, for reals. I wouldn't let her family build my family's anything. Unless it was some sort of device that would block their own commercials from appearing on my TV.

I just saw a new Richardson Homes commercial which is conspicuously absent of the girl, and her signature line is delivered, off-screen, by several singers.

I hope I'm not premature in saying this but I believe our long national nightmare may be over.

01-29-2011, 08:36 AM
"let our family build your family's home!"

**cue jingle** ♪♪ "life is good living in a Richardson home!"

...yeah, those spots are 'special'

01-29-2011, 03:01 PM
I just saw a new Richardson Homes commercial which is conspicuously absent of the girl, and her signature line is delivered, off-screen, by several singers.

I hope I'm not premature in saying this but I believe our long national nightmare may be over.

Same with Mathis Brothers! No talking at all on the commercial!

That'll probably change though.....

02-08-2011, 03:14 PM
The undisputed king of all bad local commercials is undoubtedly...


02-08-2011, 04:19 PM
Collectively car commercials stick out in my mind as the worst, but after I quick getting cable two years ago and have been watching seasons of TV and movies on netflix so I rarely have seen any commercials especially local ones recently.

Side note: it is not uncommon when they have their children or grand kids in commercials it is a way to give the kids money either for spending or college fund and it be a business write off. The main mistake their it needs to be done so the kids do not negatively affect the ad.

02-08-2011, 04:21 PM
Are you Christian? Are you single? Are you Christian and single? hahahahahha

06-13-2011, 06:10 AM
LMAO @ theilluminatedfirefly. I know exactly who you're talking about the guy swinghing his disjointed arm. Too me, any commercial he's in is the most embarrassing; however Oklahoma City certainly has their fair share.

06-13-2011, 09:38 AM
Mr. Spriggs Bar-B-Q...

06-13-2011, 09:48 AM
Mr. Spriggs Bar-B-Q...

Yeah...I agree. Are we supposed to eat it or screw it?

06-13-2011, 09:59 AM
Yeah...I agree. Are we supposed to eat it or screw it?

Were the BBQ sufficiently GOOD enough--as case could be made for doing both! Have not eaten there...