08-08-2008, 04:05 PM
Am I seeing straight? Did KFOR finally get a new background for their news set?
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jsibelius 08-08-2008, 04:05 PM Am I seeing straight? Did KFOR finally get a new background for their news set? soonerliberal 08-08-2008, 04:11 PM Am I seeing straight? Did KFOR finally get a new background for their news set? Yeah... and it still looks like a junior college news set. Compared to KOCO and especially KWTV, it is very amateur looking. jsibelius 08-08-2008, 04:24 PM You're right. But at least it doesn't look all blurry anymore. drumsncode 08-08-2008, 04:43 PM Isn't it funny how the background can make such a difference? I haven't seen the background the post refers to, but I'll watch and see. Everyone talks about journalism when they advertise the stations, but it all boils down to how much we actually "like" to watch the show, and the journalism is only a small part of it. I like KOCO's background, with its blurred view of "stuff" on the wall, and I like all the variety I get from KWTV, with its custom-designed, "rock everyone's world" set, but I also like FOX25, with its "people milling around in the background" set. Sometimes I look over Jaime Cerreta's shoulder and see Lisa Monahan or Britten Follett staring intensely at their screens. It's always fun to wonder what they're up to. Set designers should just make it a changeable backdrop, so the colors and patterns can be changed at will. KWTV has the ability to pull this off, just using some of their existing backdrops and sneaky angles. jstanthrnme 08-08-2008, 05:01 PM Looks like a logo change too, along with some different graphics. Thunder 08-08-2008, 05:35 PM Am I seeing straight? Did KFOR finally get a new background for their news set? It been that way for several months. drum4no1 08-08-2008, 07:25 PM Actually it hasnt been that way for months. It was brought out today to coincide with the olympics Thunder 08-08-2008, 07:58 PM KFOR remodeled their sets months ago. As for specific omplyic sets, I got no clue. I'll watch the newscast tonite, if the omplypic is cut off at 10pm. jstanthrnme 08-08-2008, 08:10 PM The graphics when they go to the remote feeds are a lot better, I think. But the way they've shaded the new 4 logo, well, I'm not to wild about it.. It seems like it needs more color than blue fading to white. It is better than the K4 one they had a while back though. Joe Kimball 08-08-2008, 09:06 PM It actually reminds me of the set they used to have before they went to the open newsroom. The camera positioned facing stage right assisted in my recollection. Honestly, at first glance it just looked like blue foamboard tacked up over the nasty blurriness. But even THAT'S an improvement. Thunder 08-08-2008, 10:24 PM WOW! They rolled out the new sets several months ago and now they changed the sets again slightly. The only major changes was the graphics all over, every bit of graphics shown was changed. I like it, cuz it shows the station more advanced on the technological side. The blue 4 at the cornor is a refreshing change from years of yellow 4. I hope they keep everything like this, not just during the olympic. They had gone thru a lot of work to do this, so I don't think it is temporary. okctvnewsguy 08-09-2008, 01:19 AM I really can't help but echo what some of my fellow newsies have all concured on, it certainly looks like Channel 4 is trying to themselves look like the number one station (at 5 and 6) in the market. "Maybe if our logo is blue also, they will forget who they are watching." I still think they were ignorant to ever get rid of the newsroom set. Fix the lighting in the newsroom, and put some desks from 1990 in the newsroom, and you will have a good looking set again. The arts and crafts news set look is so 1994. drum4no1 08-09-2008, 10:19 AM I agree that 4 needs a complete visual overhaul. Basically all they did was put new tires on an old pinto. But Local TV is way to cheap to do things correctly. The set wasnt really changed too much. Just some different back panels and color accents along with new graphics. KFOR lighting is atrocious. okctvnewsguy 08-09-2008, 11:04 AM ...KFOR lighting is atrocious. I know that they will say they have to light badly for Linda, but COME ON, I know you can light well for the more seasoned anchors. 20/20 does it EVERY week. They light Barbara very well, and KFOR could easily do the same. okctvnewsguy 08-09-2008, 03:54 PM I also hate to tell the this, but it isn't because of the graphics or the set that no one is watching... nobody cares what dirty job Meg Alexander is doing today...How about this one, be a journalist for a day? drum4no1 08-09-2008, 05:05 PM Yeah things need to change and bad. But as long as we are owned by a piss poor low cost company , nothing will okctvnewsguy 08-09-2008, 06:03 PM Yeah things need to change and bad. But as long as we are owned by a piss poor low cost company , nothing will It's a terrible shame that investment groups are buying up tv stations, and as long as they are making money they don't care where they place in the ratings. It's a shame to go back and look at some of the newscasts from KFOR/KWTV/KOCO from the early 90's and late 80's when Oklahoma City set the standard for journalistic excellence. Now it's becoming more about making money, and how flashy you can be. I think deep down inside at the core of the tv stations in OKC they still want to do great work, but it sometimes is dictated to them what kind of work they have to do. I think that "It's a great state" is an example of good journalism. It tells a story that is interesting, and means something to the viewers. Thunder 08-09-2008, 10:57 PM The sets is fine to me. I dunno why anyone would complain. jbrown84 08-09-2008, 11:16 PM Yeah... and it still looks like a junior college news set. Compared to KOCO and especially KWTV, it is very amateur looking. Completely agree. It's awful. Nice try KFOR, but I'll stick with News9 and KOCO as my backup. kimard 08-28-2008, 04:14 PM Looks as if KOCO has changed their set up a bit as well... Bobby821 08-28-2008, 06:24 PM Completely agree. It's awful. Nice try KFOR, but I'll stick with News9 and KOCO as my backup. Ok, if you want to watch the 2 looseing newscats then be my guest because there is nothing better than channel 4's newscast and people. rwood8 08-28-2008, 08:17 PM Looks as if KOCO has changed their set up a bit as well... That's been in the works for quite sometime...it just took longer than expected for the backgrounds to be delivered. Luke 08-28-2008, 08:46 PM I like my news boring and factual. OETA does a pretty good job. NPR does too. jsibelius 08-28-2008, 09:22 PM Looks as if KOCO has changed their set up a bit as well... Have to check that out... I like watching both KFOR and KOCO. okctvnewsguy 08-28-2008, 10:11 PM Ok, if you want to watch the 2 looseing newscats then be my guest because there is nothing better than channel 4's newscast and people. Well, I hate to burst your bubble Bobby, but Neilson ratings show that you are watching the losing newscast. KOCO is strong at 5 and 6 and now took the number two spot away from KFOR at 10pm, now that the Olympics are over, it is back to being number 3 for KFOR. okctvnewsguy 08-28-2008, 10:13 PM That's been in the works for quite sometime...it just took longer than expected for the backgrounds to be delivered. It is amazing how long it takes when you have backgrounds printed at a scenery shop, and not at Kinkos :) FritterGirl 08-28-2008, 10:30 PM The one thing that bugs me about KOCO in particular, and I think KWTV does this, too (I rarely watch 4) - so forgive me tvnewsguy - is when the stations pull in feature stories or consumer watch stories from other markets, then use a local VO to make it seem as if the story were done locally, when it's really not. I realize some stories are "universal;" I also realize that reporters are on short order many times and cannot always cover every story, but if local news is truly local news, then they'd bring in a local angle to these types of stories. It especially bothers me when a reporter from another market supposedly tosses the story back locally, to make it look like a station has presence in that market, when in fact they don't (I think 9 is especially guilty of this one with their Wash DC coverage). I'm sure this happens in every market, but if something is relevant enough to report on, couldn't you get a stand-up from someone locally? I remember during the pet food recall last year - either KOCO or KWTV pulled in a wire feed story about specialty feed stores that sold high quality pet food brands not affected by the recall. The store was not an okc-located store, and I'm not sure if they even used a local VO on that one. To make the story have more meaning locally, all a local reporter had to do was run literally down the street to Britton Feed & Seed and get a LOCAL interview. I know this is universally accepted and that the local stations probably put out just as many of these stories on the wire as they pull in, but it just kind of seems disingenuous. kimard 08-28-2008, 11:13 PM The one thing that bugs me about KOCO in particular, and I think KWTV does this, too (I rarely watch 4) - so forgive me tvnewsguy - is when the stations pull in feature stories or consumer watch stories from other markets, then use a local VO to make it seem as if the story were done locally, when it's really not. I agree with you FritterGirl. KFOR is usually the worst at this, especially during the 4:30 newscast. And (getting off subject) one thing that annoys me about KFOR's new graphics is their extensive use of Eurostile. You'd think they could bounce back and forth between a different font. IMO, KOCO has the best graphics in the OKC market.. who ever made them gets 'two thumbs up' from me. Now, just if one of our stations would start broadcasting in HD... okctvnewsguy 08-29-2008, 03:08 AM in regards to the Washington Bureau thing, KOCO is actually owned by Hearst, and they have an bureau in D.C. that is setup to specifically do packages, and custom live in and outs for all of the Hearst group. KWTV pays a service for theirs I believe. On the localizing national stories... I will PM you thoughts on that... Bobby821 08-29-2008, 06:10 AM Well, I hate to burst your bubble Bobby, but Neilson ratings show that you are watching the losing newscast. KOCO is strong at 5 and 6 and now took the number two spot away from KFOR at 10pm, now that the Olympics are over, it is back to being number 3 for KFOR. Whatever Keep dreaming.. Were #1 and always will be. FritterGirl 08-29-2008, 06:15 AM Whatever Keep dreaming.. Were #1 and always will be. Gee. Who do I believe? The dollar-tipping Edmond-hater, or the person who is actually in the NEWS business. That's a tough one. duckman 08-29-2008, 06:37 AM I'm sure each station is number one in at least on demographic. KFOR is probably just number one in idiots age 18-34. NE Oasis 08-29-2008, 06:52 AM Gee. Who do I believe? The dollar-tipping Edmond-hater, or the person who is actually in the NEWS business. That's a tough one. True, but please don't feed the troll :please: jsibelius 08-29-2008, 07:29 AM I don't know about y'all, but I like my main news anchors to have a little age on them. *Both* of them. That's one reason why I watch KFOR a little more than KOCO. I don't watch the news for maximum prettiness of people. Or of sets for that matter - otherwise, I NEVER would have given KFOR a second look. That light blue blur they used to have was truly awful! Actually, I'm having a little trouble getting used to Paul Folger. I really wish they would have moved John Flick up out of the morning crew and started that group from scratch. I know that defies my age thing, but then again, so do Maggie and Jessica. I like John and I'm already used to him. I suppose I'll eventually get used to Paul too, but right now, he just looks like an interloper. My other half absolutely detests Gary England for some reason, so there is no KWTV around here under any circumstances. TaoMaas 08-29-2008, 11:03 AM The one thing that bugs me about KOCO in particular, and I think KWTV does this, too (I rarely watch 4) - so forgive me tvnewsguy - is when the stations pull in feature stories or consumer watch stories from other markets, then use a local VO to make it seem as if the story were done locally, when it's really not. Yeah, they all do that. Maybe not on all shows, but it's a pretty common thing. It's just a way of filling time with a minimum of work. I'm not saying stations are lazy...they just have WAY more time to fill these days than they used to have. Bobby821 08-29-2008, 02:42 PM KFOR is the best we are consitantly ranked #1 and we have the best morning show and team around hands down.. FritterGirl 08-29-2008, 02:53 PM KFOR is the best we are consitantly ranked #1 and we have the best morning show and team around hands down.. You say "we." Do you work for KFOR? Can you please provide the appropriate documentation about where your rankings fall? How about age/daypart? What ratings are you working off of. Please provide some factual evidence. jbrown84 08-29-2008, 06:22 PM Whatever Keep dreaming.. Were #1 and always will be. You must be Linda Cavanaugh. jsibelius 08-29-2008, 07:15 PM I HAVE to have hope she can spell better than that. gmwise 08-30-2008, 12:01 AM Local tv news makes me ill. I prefer to read and watch intresting stories. not how to do no bake cookies rwood8 08-30-2008, 03:25 AM KFOR is the best we are consitantly ranked #1 and we have the best morning show and team around hands down.. Best morning show? Really? All I have to say is... "Mike? MIKE? Mike! Mike!!! You have my stream? My stream? Mike?! Mike?! MY STREAM DO YOU HAVE MY STREAM?! MIKE! Mike...Mike...Mike...Stream..Mike.." (That's about the best David Payne text-impression I can do.) drumsncode 08-30-2008, 09:20 AM You know, I think the only thing more interesting than having TV insiders beating up on viewers is TV insiders beating up on each other! ;-) There shouldn't be any arguments about what shows have the best ratings. All someone has to do is post the Nielsen results. It would be a big favor to all of us if someone did that every sweeps, because TV stations guard it too closely, and it really annoys the heck out of me. Yes, I know Nielsen doesn't want you to divulge all their priceless information, but someone could at least tell us the order of placement in each timeslot. This board seems to be the only place you can get any useful info about the stations, and we're lucky to have a few insiders here. We don't always agree on everything, but I'm still glad they're here. And yes, KFOR has a great morning crew, but if memory serves, KWTV is still winning that slot. It would be interesting if someone from KWTV would step up and tell us why they feel NEWS 9 dominates at 10pm. Do they credit the journalism, the anchors, or the legendary Gary England. Inquiring minds want to know. ;-) (And if you've seen all the Gary England promos done lately, NEWS 9 has elevated Gary to "Deity Status", with some of the most grandiose productions of a commercial I've ever seen. Check out the shot of the woman, spinning in slow-motion, gazing up into the glorious heavens as she marvels at what a beautiful day it is!) soonerliberal 08-30-2008, 10:18 AM It would be interesting if someone from KWTV would step up and tell us why they feel NEWS 9 dominates at 10pm. Do they credit the journalism, the anchors, or the legendary Gary England. Inquiring minds want to know. ;-) While I do not work for KWTV, I imagine it would be a number of factors, including the strong CBS lead-in to the 10pm news, recent consistency in message, talent, and product, and an arguably higher quality of overall newscast. KWTV has clearly made an overwhelming financial investment in the news division of their station, which seems to have been an worthy one. drumsncode 08-30-2008, 02:42 PM While I do not work for KWTV, I imagine it would be a number of factors, including the strong CBS lead-in to the 10pm news, recent consistency in message, talent, and product, and an arguably higher quality of overall newscast. KWTV has clearly made an overwhelming financial investment in the news division of their station, which seems to have been an worthy one. Interesting points, but I just have to wonder, does their news really feel higher-quality than that of the other stations? I see the same stuff aired on every station, almost at the same time in almost the same order, so during a lot of the show there is very little difference to my eyes. I do like Kelly Ogle's commentaries, so that's a plus, and I'm sure we all love Amanda Taylor's Consumer Watch. Maybe we should have a thread asking OKCTalk members why they watch NEWS 9. I even wonder if the viewers watch for the same reasons the management thinks they do. And the mad scientist in me wants to see them take Amy McRee off the air for a month without a replacement, just to see if the ratings hold up. Only the KWTV people know for sure how a missing anchor affects the ratings, and so far, they're not telling. jsibelius 08-30-2008, 03:40 PM Best morning show? Really? All I have to say is... "Mike? MIKE? Mike! Mike!!! You have my stream? My stream? Mike?! Mike?! MY STREAM DO YOU HAVE MY STREAM?! MIKE! Mike...Mike...Mike...Stream..Mike.." (That's about the best David Payne text-impression I can do.) Nope...I gotta agree about the morning show. It's not about the great news and weather delivery. It's about the laughs. David Payne and Kent Ogle are hilarious and Robert the laugh guy just adds to the mix. When they have too many subs (meaning if David and Kent are both out), I watch KOCO's morning show instead. rkjg24 08-31-2008, 01:21 AM You say "we." Do you work for KFOR? Can you please provide the appropriate documentation about where your rankings fall? How about age/daypart? What ratings are you working off of. Please provide some factual evidence. He's probably one of the Bob Barry's. rwood8 08-31-2008, 07:56 AM Nope...I gotta agree about the morning show. It's not about the great news and weather delivery. It's about the laughs. David Payne and Kent Ogle are hilarious and Robert the laugh guy just adds to the mix. When they have too many subs (meaning if David and Kent are both out), I watch KOCO's morning show instead. Since when is show quality rated on the amount of laughs it receives? If that's the case, FOX would be killing the competition...and that's just people laughing at whatever outfit Angie Mock chooses to wear that day. jsibelius 08-31-2008, 10:34 AM Since when is show quality rated on the amount of laughs it receives? If that's the case, FOX would be killing the competition...and that's just people laughing at whatever outfit Angie Mock chooses to wear that day. I have my own ratings system. :D TaoMaas 08-31-2008, 11:05 AM While I do not work for KWTV, I imagine it would be a number of factors, including the strong CBS lead-in to the 10pm news, recent consistency in message, talent, and product, and an arguably higher quality of overall newscast. IMHO, the deciding factor is network lead-in. 4, 5, and 9 all put on a very good product. That's why lead-in programming plays a big role. It's that one extra factor that tips the scale in favor of one station or another. kevinpate 08-31-2008, 11:28 AM I watch one station far more than the others because: (a) I believe they do better weather (b) I am amused by silly, nonsensical claptrap, and they rarely disappoint drumsncode 08-31-2008, 03:38 PM Someone mentioned something like this earlier, about using pre-packaged stories and putting local voiceovers on them, stuff like that. I was surprised to learn that "Your Life...Your Way..." is a pre-packaged thing, and all Amy McRee does is put her face on top of the logo, and introduce the stories. That's why you never see her in any of the footage, because it is shot by an outside firm! Ha! (Who woulda thought it?) Contrast that to "What Matters to You", where Maggie Carlo actually goes out and does the legwork and sometimes appears in the footage. That's a big difference to me. So while I still enjoy seeing Amy do the segment, I know the truth, and as Eddie Murphy said in Beverly Hills Cop, "I ain't falling for no banana up my tailpipe." ;-) jungllejane 08-31-2008, 10:08 PM KOCO is where its at. rwood8 09-01-2008, 06:18 AM I have my own ratings system. :D I'm afraid to ask about that ratings system. You need better taste, my friend. Oy vey. jsibelius 09-01-2008, 10:11 AM I'm afraid to ask about that ratings system. You need better taste, my friend. Oy vey. It's the one that gets the most laughs in the morning. That's KFOR, hands down. They mostly just repeat the 10:00 news from the night before, anyway, so it's really nothing new. It's just entertainment. drumsncode 09-02-2008, 08:31 AM Speaking of sets, I love the new background on KOCO. It looked good the first night, but last night for some reason the shots just looked downright gorgeous. It just goes to show you don't really need a multi-million dollar set with two spiral staircases to air a really beautiful show. To my eyes at this point, KOCO is airing the best looking show in the market. Whoever chose the background and designed the colors did a fantastic job. dances with cameras 09-02-2008, 08:50 AM I was surprised to learn that "Your Life...Your Way..." is a pre-packaged thing, and all Amy McRee does is put her face on top of the logo, and introduce the stories. That's why you never see her in any of the footage, because it is shot by an outside firm! Ha! (Who woulda thought it?) Wrong. Amy DOES write those stories, and they are shot by a NEWS9 photog. Obviously, some of the stories require file video, but they are MOSTLY shot locally. metro 09-02-2008, 09:25 AM I really can't help but echo what some of my fellow newsies have all concured on, it certainly looks like Channel 4 is trying to themselves look like the number one station (at 5 and 6) in the market. "Maybe if our logo is blue also, they will forget who they are watching." I still think they were ignorant to ever get rid of the newsroom set. Fix the lighting in the newsroom, and put some desks from 1990 in the newsroom, and you will have a good looking set again. The arts and crafts news set look is so 1994. I agree, KFOR is completely trying to rip off Channel 5, but doing a junior college attempt at it. It looks like a colleget tv station. There's a reason they are #3 in the Neilson ratings. I believe they are still owned by the New York Times company now, so with all these out of state owners, we're not likely to see major changes any time soon. I prefer KOCO it has a more modern, fresh look to it. KWTV is locally owned so that is why they see changes more often, although they look a bit geriatric to me. drumsncode 09-02-2008, 12:00 PM Wrong. Amy DOES write those stories, and they are shot by a NEWS9 photog. Obviously, some of the stories require file video, but they are MOSTLY shot locally. If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong, but I'll explain why I said it in the first place. I can't for the life of me find the URL where the company sells the "Your Life... Your Way..." product, but I stumbled upon it months ago. Obviously, if you work for KWTV you know full well that this is a package from an outside firm. I found their website and they had the identical "Your Life Your Way" logo, but without the anchor's face on it. They went on to describe how each station could "brand it" with their own anchor. If memory serves, they talked about shooting all the stories which of course, would include picking all the topics and such. The impression I got was that they did most of the work, and all the anchor had to do was basically just waltz in and put her face on top of it. If Amy is researching all these stories each week, then I would have a hard time believing that she has any free time at all. If you're shooting these stories locally, then put Amy into some of them like the other stations do, that would make them even better. But at least know that I didn't just pull my post out of thin air, I found the firm that originated the concept and was selling it to news stations. drumsncode 12-12-2008, 08:20 AM Whatever Keep dreaming.. Were #1 and always will be. It dawned on me that with the newly revised Nielsen ratings, KFOR has kicked a lot of butt, just as you've been saying all along. I'm not sure how you knew this before the rest of us, but a lot of us owe you an apology. We were going by the Nielsen figures which have now been revised to show that KFOR has been winning a lot of timeslots! I just read that Nielsen has yet to recalculate the November 2007 ratings, which might just mean that KOCO wasn't really #1 back then either at 5 and 6pm! Yowsa! Somewhere in Nielsen land, there's a computer programmer who wrote a hurried SQL statement and didn't test it well enough. I wonder if he got his bottom spanked for that. ;-) Bobby821 12-12-2008, 09:25 AM LOL good one... |