08-06-2008, 11:58 PM
Someone told me a rumor I thought I'd post here and see if anyone knows anything. I heard that Paul McCartney (yes, that Paul McCartney) showed up at Nona's in Bricktown last night with a blond and they seemed to be talking business.
Any idea what that is all about?
08-07-2008, 12:31 AM
I can't imagine thats true. Maybe he's a fan of rowing and came for the championships?
08-07-2008, 01:45 AM
Paul always comes to Nona's when he wants to talk business.
08-07-2008, 09:04 AM
Heard that too. Stayed at the Sheraton, ate at Nonna's. Here's a story from a Chicago news station yesterday. Wonder if he went to Pops?
Aug 6, 2008 6:00 pm US/Central
Paul McCartney Getting His Kicks On Route 66
CHICAGO (CBS) ― London's Abbey Road and Liverpool's Mathew Street may be the first roads associated with Sir Paul McCartney, but this weekend, he took to the highways of the New World and got his kicks on Route 66.
The former Beatle showed up in Illinois over the weekend.
McCartney and his girlfriend, Nancy Shevell, are driving the 3,000 miles to California on the historic Route 66.
They stopped for maps on Saturday at the Joliet Area Historical Museum. Workers say they came in unannounced, and once they were recognized, they asked not to be photographed.
Those who were there said McCartney acted more or less like a tourist while checking out the Route 66 exhibit. He signed an autograph for someone, who was lucky to be there.
"Most people don't want to work on the weekends," said Tony Contos of the Joliet museum. "Now everybody's kicking themselves – 'How come we weren't working that day?'"
McCartney was also spotted at a gas station in Springfield, where he posed for a picture with fans.
McCartney started out last Thursday from a home that he owns in the Hamptons, New York. He and Shevell are traveling in a 1989 Ford Bronco.
08-07-2008, 09:07 AM
I guess you could call the restaurant and see if they will verify if he was there last night.
08-07-2008, 09:11 AM
He has been travelling Route 66 with his girlfriend. He stayed at the Skirvin and ate at Nonnas for dinner. He brought his own bottle of wine to dinner with him.
Makes sense. He's a vegetarian and it seems like Nonna's would be a good place to go for that.
Last time he was in town (for his Ford Center show) he ate at Bellini's.
08-07-2008, 03:29 PM
He dropped by the Gardens yesterday about 5:30 and he and his girlfriend/traveling companion visited the Crystal Bridge. One of the staff there spoke to him. He's taking a tour of Route 66.
I saw Avis Scaramucci at a meeting today. She confirmed that he was at Nonna's. They ate in the main dining room, not a private dining room, but did ask that the staff try to respect their privacy. Staff said other patrons kept saying "that guy looks a lot like..." and the staff would just brush it off.
And he stayed at the SKIRVIN, not Sheraton.
That would be really cool if he made a "POPS" stop.
There's an article about it in the Oklahoman:
Paul McCartney sleeps, dines in Oklahoma City | NewsOK.com (http://www.newsok.com/article/3280282/)
sgt. pepper
08-07-2008, 04:50 PM
i wonder if he stooped in t-town? this is neat. i hope he performs in OKC one more time.
08-07-2008, 06:51 PM
the word from Pops is that mccartney didn't stop there :( such a shame he missed that on a tour of rt. 66
08-07-2008, 10:48 PM
That's really cool. I read earlier today that he turned 66 this year. Guess he decided to celebrate by traveling Route 66!
08-12-2008, 04:32 PM
the word from Pops is that mccartney didn't stop there :( such a shame he missed that on a tour of rt. 66
Supposedly, he'll be coming back through on their way back east. Maybe he'll stop by then!
08-15-2008, 12:22 PM
I also heard that the tip he gave his waiter at Nonna's was VERY generous....the waiter said it paid all his bills for a month with some left over.