08-06-2008, 03:18 PM
Wow! Dubai never ceases to amaze. Look at one of the newest projects under construction.
View Full Version : Dubai - the built overnight city metro 08-06-2008, 03:18 PM Wow! Dubai never ceases to amaze. Look at one of the newest projects under construction. Luke 08-06-2008, 03:22 PM Creativity, vision, sky's-the-limit thinking and imagination... Thunder 08-06-2008, 09:57 PM What is all those white boxes? I see no people and cars. That's a city? mmonroe 08-06-2008, 10:09 PM It's called a render, not every render has to have people and cars. It's more to showcase the focus on the building. ultimatesooner 08-07-2008, 10:18 AM Tiger Woods built a house there, someone of his net worth is probably considered middle class there dismayed 08-07-2008, 10:49 PM Dubai looks like a beautiful city. I saw a special on the place on Discovery a while back. Honestly I might have to vacation there one day, it looked awesome and from what I hear is pretty safe. Dave Cook 08-08-2008, 12:22 AM One interesting aspect of Dubai is the amazing diversity. I've read where something like 80% of the population is not from the UAE. Most of the population is made up of Indians, Iranians, Chinese, Europeans, etc. What a fascinating place to live and work. It sounds like the modern day Singapore from a century ago. I don't think having 80% foreigners in Oklahoma City would go over very well. CCOKC 08-08-2008, 10:51 AM There was a rebroadcast of a piece on Dubai on 60 minutes last Sunday. It is indeed quite impressive. But not altogether without problems. For instance, the people who build the skyscrapers cannot even begin to live in Dubai. They are bussed everyday to and from the job site to their housing. (Not very nice as you can imagine). They also may have started to overbuild as some of the housing is standing virtually empty for now. I'm not a big fan of deserts so I won't be going any time soon but it is fascinating to look at. Kandyegirl 08-16-2008, 04:30 AM Heya ~ I watched a great documentary about Dubai on CNBC recently. The buildings are crazy, cool.... and expensive. Creating floating neighborhoods, tallest skyscraper, etc. Mind blowing! XO ~ Kandye One easy mouse click will feed the hungry.... oumoodman85 08-16-2008, 12:44 PM Just out of curiosity, does anyone know what the job market is really like in Dubai? I work in finance, and many of my friends jokingly talk about "just picking up and moving" to Dubai. Some of my MBA friends think they could just waltz over, knock on some doors, and get an ultra-high paying finance job without much hassle. I am fully aware of the hyper-growth that has occurred in the region, as well as how many of the bulge-bracket investment banking firms have setup major ops there. But I would like any insight on what the job market is like (realistically!). GuyB 08-22-2008, 12:46 AM One of my flickr contacts just got back from Dubai she posted this video about a restaurant called Chill Out Cafe almost everything at the restaurant is sculpted out of ice. ICE!! ICE!! BABY!! (Chillout Cafe) TimeSquareMall on Flickr - Photo Sharing! ( Thunder 08-22-2008, 06:17 AM Okay... We just need someone to propose such similar place for the C2S project. Wouldn't that make OKC really stand out worldwide? This wouldn't be a bad investment at all. For sure, it will skyrocket. It could be named...Frosty Thunder...after the OKC Thunder. OMG, I kept telling mom that we need to start a business together. This is a great idea! I would really wish for her to take out such loan. lol westsidesooner 10-06-2008, 01:33 PM DUBAILAND.....This Video is long, but very very cool. Especially after the first minute or so. Be patient. Dubailand ( CuatrodeMayo 10-06-2008, 04:04 PM Just out of curiosity, does anyone know what the job market is really like in Dubai? I work in finance, and many of my friends jokingly talk about "just picking up and moving" to Dubai. Some of my MBA friends think they could just waltz over, knock on some doors, and get an ultra-high paying finance job without much hassle. I am fully aware of the hyper-growth that has occurred in the region, as well as how many of the bulge-bracket investment banking firms have setup major ops there. But I would like any insight on what the job market is like (realistically!). I have a good friend and classmate who moved there last month to work for an architecture firm. They paid his moving expenses and his first couple of month's rent (unheard of in the architecture field). His living expenses are similar to those of Manhattan but he also makes twice what he would in OKC. So...the job market is real good if you are in the building industry. lasomeday 10-07-2008, 05:32 PM I wonder if the Financial Markets crashing will leave Dubai with a lot of empty buildings? They can build all they want but if those building sit empty it won't be much of a destination. EvokeCoffee 10-08-2008, 08:43 AM Doesn't alot of their money come from oil? I would think they are not going to get hit - yet. metro 10-08-2008, 08:47 AM Evoke, read above comments about Dubai's economy. Surprisingly, a lot of it does not come from oil. Kerry 10-08-2008, 02:38 PM Dubai has a 0% corporate tax rate so any troubles in the financial markets will be good for them. Companies looking to lower overhead have aplace to go. Why pay north of 40% in taxes in NYC when you can go to Dubai and keep the 40%. CaptDave 10-13-2008, 09:55 AM Dubai has a 0% corporate tax rate so any troubles in the financial markets will be good for them. Companies looking to lower overhead have aplace to go. Why pay north of 40% in taxes in NYC when you can go to Dubai and keep the 40%. If only we were smart enough to have 0% corporate taxes.......that would begin to stem the tide of companies leaving the US for better locales - and taking [U]their[U] jobs with them ("your" job really isn't yours BTW). It's not as if the corporation actually pays the tax anyway - the consumer pays it because it is a component of the pricing of the good / service. But given the woeful knowledge most Americans have of basic economics, we will never truly reform our tax code. Too many morons are goaded by class envy into keeping politicians in office that promise them unearned "stuff" while sticking it to the evil rich and, I am not a Kool Aid drinking republican either. Dubai is rapidly becoming the center of the financial universe and has the potential to surpass New York in the next few years. |