View Full Version : Downtown Market - MIO

08-05-2008, 09:14 PM
Okay tonight I just learned about a new event in the works. Again, you heard it here first with metro on OKCTalk. In late September there is a Downtown Outdoor Market in the works that will feature downtown retailers, Made In Oklahoma (MIO) products, and other things to encourage retail in downtown. As always, I will post more info as I hear it. Luckily, I'm in on the ground floor on this and a lot of other upcoming exciting projects so I'll keep you posted. Heard some interesting info on the retail front tonight and things are shaping up a little more positively on the downtown mass transit front.

Stay Tuned!

08-05-2008, 09:37 PM
How long is stayed-tune? :Smiley195

Haha, this sounds promising. This sounds like a great type of event not only to keep downtown's current retailers but to lure new ones. Will you give us a hint as to what that something new on the retail front is? I'm still hoping that Office Depot comes to Midtown in its 2009 store openings since it obviously could not make the 2008 openings schedule, leading to its cancel.

But 'tis not the thread to talk about that. Metro, you've got me unpatient now. =]

08-05-2008, 09:42 PM
No comment now, I don't know a whole lot yet but the MIO Market is mainly just to better promote downtown retailers to suburbanites to let them know what IS downtown, and to hopefully LURE NEW RETAILERS and let them know there is a market for it. Look for a survey in the next few months being done on what type of retail and specific retailers people want to see in downtown, then it will be presented to those actual retailers. Architect, as far as Office Depot, I'm pretty sure that deal is dead. I undertstand that they bailed because the city's permit and other processes was taking to long. Stay tuned!

08-05-2008, 09:47 PM

Thanx for the info Metro, I'll just have to wait...unpatiently. Like I said, this sounds very promising.

08-05-2008, 10:35 PM
The city needs to revise the permit process. We need to make sure we expedite and not hold up development.

Im all for making sure it's urban and pedestrian friendly, but these weren't even issues with the Office Depot - which is sad and Im very upset that the city caused that deal to fall through. :(

then again, Office Depot would be a better fit inside the CBD.... So who knows, maybe that's the reason.?

08-06-2008, 09:37 AM

This is great news. One thing that I think would be a wonderful addition to this idea is for the farmers market to take place at the same time\location as what you are talking about. This would be very similar to the Eastern Market that they have in DC, where local retailers and food suppliers congregate in an open area and sell their goods. It was incredibly popular in DC.

08-06-2008, 09:40 AM
I agree mecarr, same thing in Miami with Lincoln Street Mall, it's an outdoor mall with virtually anything you can imagine, farmers market, flower market, hundreds of outdoor and indoor restaurants, clubs, retail stores, etc.

08-06-2008, 11:04 AM
The city needs to revise the permit process. We need to make sure we expedite and not hold up development.

Im all for making sure it's urban and pedestrian friendly, but these weren't even issues with the Office Depot - which is sad and Im very upset that the city caused that deal to fall through......

As with most things in life, there is another 'side' to this story. While the City may have been slow in the permitting, the developer did not meet deadlines necessary for public hearings (notice requirements and such) that would have kept the project on schedule. During the process, instead of providing city staff with what they needed to review the project, the developer argued and chose to not submit renderings in a timely manner. Also, instead of complying with the newly adopted downtown design guildelines, they also chose to challenge several of the new requirements, resulting in delays of their own making.

08-06-2008, 07:17 PM
Metro, would this downtown market you speak of be something that happens only once in september, or would it be a weekly\monthly thing. If it's a weekly thing, please god make it on a Saturday so that people who work on the weekdays can go to it.

08-07-2008, 09:07 AM
Metro, thanks for starting the buzz. Here are the details.

OKC Saturday Market ( is a non-profit, open air public market that will begin its (short) inaugural season October 4th in the Parking Lot of the East Plaza Entrance to St Anthony Hospital. This is between 9th and 10th on Walker. It will take place on Saturdays between 10 and 4, running next year from the first Saturday in April through the third Saturday in November with a two day Holiday Market the first weekend of December.

We will provide a venue to local crafters, artisans, small scale food processors and agricultural producers to sell their goods at an affordable rate. All products must be manufactured/grown in the state of Oklahoma. Our vendors will also be required to demonstrate their talents in their booths from time to time so that people can see the hard work that goes in to their products and learn a little more about the process.

In addition to the vendors, there will be a food court with all sorts of healthy, fresh options, live entertainment ranging from musical acts to storytellers and puppeteers, and an educational component consisting of classes/workshops on health, sustainability, diy, etc. The first Saturday of the month will be dedicated to the family with family focused entertainment and activities.

We are also hoping to involve as many other non-profits as possible by allowing them to set up free of charge to distribute materials/teach/share. We are offering the same to local school and want their involvement on many different levels, from selling the student's art to volunteering for community service hours.

We are also working with local health professionals to have screenings and information on ways to be a healthier "you."

Our vision is that of an interactive destination where you can take the family, shop, learn and be entertained all while promoting community and the local economy.

08-07-2008, 10:39 AM
Wow, sounds cool!

09-03-2008, 09:27 AM
Looks like the website has been updated and the grand launch is Oct. 4th.

Oklahoma City Saturday Market (

09-03-2008, 12:00 PM
Wow!! Thanks for the link Metro! This looks really great!

I always love anything that involves MIO products!

09-03-2008, 09:21 PM
metro and foy0613, that's awesome. I'll definitely check it out.

12-01-2008, 04:39 PM
Looks like they are getting a late start, but nonetheless, a welcome addition to Downtown/MidTown:

OKC Saturday Market
December 6, 2008 | 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Event Description
OKC Saturday Market an open air market will begin it's inaugural season with the Holiday Market December 6-7, 2008 and then start back up Saturday, April 4th, 2009.

The Market will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m on the St Anthony East Plaza Parking lot located between N.W 9th and 10th along Walker. Each week will be a delightful experience of Arts and Crafts, Live Entertainment, a Food Court full of healthy, yummy goodness, Oklahoma Produce, Flowers and Small Scale Food Processors. The first Saturday of each month is dedicated to Family emphasizing Children's arts, crafts and entertainment. OKC Saturday Market will provide a unique shopping experience bringing together our community. Help support Oklahoma Artists, Crafters, Agricultural Producers, Entertainers, Musicians, and the GREAT STATE of OKLAHOMA!!!

Event Address
1000 N Lee St. Oklahoma City OK 73102
Event Contact

St. Anthony Hospital

1000 N Lee St.,
Oklahoma City, OK 73102
Visit Website
Phone Number: 503-729-8064

Contact: Michelle
Phone: 503-729-8064

12-01-2008, 04:51 PM

The organizer emailed me at the end of Oct and said it was going to be at the Farmers Market with the Deluxe Craft Show on Dec. 6. Maybe they cahnged their mind again.

12-01-2008, 04:52 PM
who knows kim, I pulled that off wimgo today and through another email I received. I haven't checked with the organizers, but this appears more recent than an email from late Oct. so....

12-01-2008, 06:54 PM
Again, you heard it here first with metro on OKCTalk.

Stay Tuned!

Are you auditioning for a role?

12-01-2008, 07:53 PM
Are you auditioning for a role?

"I'm going to have to ask you to post on a thread already dedicated to the subject..."


12-02-2008, 02:55 PM
I heard about this a couple months ago on wimgo or somewhere like that and was under the impression it had already begun.

12-02-2008, 02:57 PM
"I'm going to have to ask you to post on a thread already dedicated to the subject..."


Cuatrode, that's the funniest thing I've read all day. Thanks for the mighty hard laugh. And spot on quote by the way.

12-29-2008, 08:46 AM
did anyone go to the market opening on Dec. 6th?

02-23-2009, 11:37 PM
Has anyone been to Oklahoma City's Saturday Market? Sounds like they did a few saturdays in october and december, and will start up full-time in April with an array of musicians, food ventors and arists. This seems like a wonderful idea, and am surprised nobody here has said they went to it. Link to their website (

03-09-2009, 10:01 PM
I talked with the lady who was heading up the Downtown Market. I e-mailed her to ask her what the status of the market was. The response I received was unfortunate, but not surprising since there hasn't been much news about it lately. The plans for the downtown market have been abandoned for the time being since the project was taking up a huge amount of time and money, coupled with the fact that most of the people wishing to be involved with the project were not able to devote the amount of time required to make the project work. Apparently it ended up being just a few people working on it and it was just too much to deal with all the hoops the state and city government were making them jump through.

The lady heading the effort seems very nice. She definitely devoted a ton of time, money and effort to this cause, believing that a downtown market is a great way to bring the community together. I'm sure that all of us agree with her. Unfortunately, there just wasn't enough people to help her make it happen.

However, she signaled that the effort was not abandoned totally. She would still like to make it happen, but she needs a good group of people who want to see this through and participate more than anything. She's open for ideas, but she just needs a dedicated group of people who can help make it happen.