12-22-2004, 01:50 PM
With only a week left until New Year's Eve.....I'm curious to know what big plans you all have! :Smiley026
View Full Version : New Years Eve Ms.Relaxationstation 12-22-2004, 01:50 PM With only a week left until New Year's Eve.....I'm curious to know what big plans you all have! :Smiley026 mranderson 12-22-2004, 02:04 PM Staying home, staying sober, and watching television all while playing on the internet. :Smiley236 Keith 12-22-2004, 02:30 PM I get to work from 4 pm-midnight, so not much celebrating here :Smiley103 moneymaker79 12-22-2004, 09:20 PM I will be going downtown to Opening Night. I have been going pretty much since it started. dirtrider73068 12-24-2004, 02:13 PM Well my so called big plans will prob be sitting here by myself lonely since the wife or exwife whatever you want to call her will be going out. I don't know yet if I will drink myseld silly and then pass out or what I am goona do just know that I am by myself. moneymaker79 12-24-2004, 03:10 PM Dirtrider.Bro! You need to call up a buddy or buddies and get out and have a good time . I have a buddy that has been divorsed for 3 years and still waits at the house for her to call. You know how many times she has called him to do something...0. The only time she calls is to tell him she is dropping off the kid. I hate to see him think she is going to come back to him . When he could just go out and have a good time and go on with his life. Dude I will take you out and buy you a beer , I just dont think it is good to stay by your self this time of the year. Get out and get your mind off her. Ms.Relaxationstation 12-25-2004, 08:03 PM I think I'm gonna end up having a lil "get together" at my house. Baby sitters are hard to come by on New Years Eve! :band: ~~*DarlingDiva*~~ 12-25-2004, 08:05 PM Moneymaker that is some excellent advixe for dirtrider.Dirt dont waste your days waiting for your phone to ring.You should be the one making some calls and some plans .Dont be a doormat.I agree you should go out and let loose, sounds like you haven't in a very long time.Again I will say Life is too short!Live and Dance as if Your Hair were on Fire! DarlingDiva:Smiley051 :iagree: dirtrider73068 12-25-2004, 09:55 PM I wish I could just go out and have a blast but I am one that will sit at home with a glass of wine and sit by a fire to ring the new year, just wish I could have somebody to enjoy it with, even it be just as a friend date would be fine with me but I have not had any luck at all finding any lady friends. I have a profile posted on two dating site and have no replys at all. I just know maybe my destiny is be alone, It has been over 5 years since I have been on a guess you could say date. If there any ladys out there that are gonna be lonley and want some guy company for new years I would be more than happy to join you. Maybe something will change for me before then and I will get lucky to have somebody to spend it with. Oh yea just a tip when I do drink I open up very quick and get very silly and am funny to be around, hint hint! :laughing_ mom2des_n_nate 12-27-2004, 12:52 PM Your destiny is not to be alone. So don't ever think that you have 5 people that care for you very much and 3 that love yo :) u very deeply. Patrick 12-27-2004, 11:24 PM I think my fiancee and I are going to do the same thing we do every year.....go to her sister's house, have game night, and write out our New Year's Resloutions. We seal them and she mails them to us around June 1st to let us know how we've been doing, keeping up with our resolutions. Before the party, I think we're heading out to Chili's for dinner! Have to use up the ole Christmas presents (gift certificates). Patrick 12-27-2004, 11:33 PM If you're going to Opening Night this year, let me make a recommendation in case you've never been......get the schedule out and plan a schedule for the night beefore you go. A few years ago, we went, and we made the mistake of not planning ahead. The events start on the hour and you have about 10 or so minutes between events. So try to plan events close together. For example, don't plan to go to one event at City Hall at 8, and then another in Bricktown at 9. With the 8 o'clock event finishing up around 8:45, you will never make the event at 9 all the way over in Bricktown. Sure, the trolleys will be running on New Year's Eve, but they always seem to be filled to capacity. Plan accordingly. In past years, we've tried to start out on the west side of downtown, and we've worked our way east, since the last event will be on the east side of downtown at Kerr Park. 1adam12 12-28-2004, 12:43 PM Oh yeah!! I will be working in the Bricktown area, so please don't embarrass yourself by getting arrested for something. mranderson 12-28-2004, 12:46 PM I can just picture it. Patrick, Keith, myself or some of the other people with a lot of messages to our credit do something stupid. 1adam12 is the cop who responds... "You have the right to remain silent..." Us. Silent? :laughing_ I am staying home....... :Smiley031 moneymaker79 12-28-2004, 02:26 PM 1adam12 I probably know who you are if you are going to be working downthere.....small world. |