08-04-2008, 10:29 AM
As a child I was always fascinated by the neon signs around Oklahoma City. Although they have vanished from the landscape of Oklahoma City , I can still see them as clearly as I did in the 60's. My favorites are as follows. 1. Don's restaurant in Del City. It had Fred Flintstone running with a plate of piping hot hamburgers, as a 6 yr old I thought it was the coolest sign. I would always plead with my parents to drive by so I could gaze with amazement upon the bigger than life Fred Flintstone. On occasion we would stop and bring a bag of burgers home with us, it was a such a treat. 2. The Trade Winds on Reno and Eastern with it's tropical palm trees swaying in the breeze. I would ask can we go there on vacation. My folks evidently did not appreciate my fascination over the sign. We never stayed there. 3. The Clock Inn on NE Expressway near the Western Heritage Center. I was amazed that the pendulum would actually swing back and forth. 4. The red Sears sign on NW 23rd and Pennsylvania. When I would see the red Sears sign my mouth would begin to water for the sweet treats I was sure to get at the candy counter at top of the escalator. On the opposite corner was the Treasures Inc. diamond I was always thought the giant sequence diamond over the entrance was pretty cool too. FYI the red neon sign atop the Colcord building is Mrs. Colcord's signature.