View Full Version : Where would I find out the history of this long demolished house?

Joe Kimball
08-02-2008, 08:06 PM
About 10 years ago or so, I discovered the remains of an old house---no walls or roof---just east of the intersection of Hefner and Council, along Hefner Road at approximately the 7700 or 7800 block, about where a strip mall is now placed---then, it was between the storage facility and the Circle K (now another mini-mart). It was before Hefner was widened to four lanes. Thanks to Google's using of an old satellite view, here's a map of the area! Google Maps (,-97.654504&spn=0.001802,0.003363&t=h&z=18&iwloc=addr)

Viewable from the street was a small grove with three or so trees, and a bunch of tall grass. One day when walking about (on my way to the Circle K, I think, from a friend's apartment), I took a closer look. I saw the foundation of the aforementioned dwelling, complete with linoleum flooring present but rather well weathered as one would expect. I don't recall what was among the litter, but a distance away from the foundation (maybe 30 feet) in the rear was what appeared to be an old well. various boards and pipes were inside. To the east side of the foundation was what appeared to be a storm shelter, and a rather well-made one---basically a concrete bunker replete with stairway. It was since painted with various graffiti.

I'd like to find out about the history of this place. It was razed and leveled, as all the surrounding land was, when the mini-malls were erected recently. Might anyone be able to direct me as to how---or, might someone know of the place I'm talking about?

Doug Loudenback
08-03-2008, 08:03 AM
When I clicked your google map link, it went to a downtown location, on NW 4th between Walker & Hudson.

If you can fashion a more specific street address, you can try the County Assessor's records which will give some history. Or, you can go to the County Clerk's Registrar of Deeds and trace back through their records. You'll need a specific street address which will convert to the correct legal description, however.

08-03-2008, 10:45 AM
This map should be centered on the area a little better (trees just north of symbol):
7965 W Hefner Rd, Oklahoma City, OK 73162 (,+oklahoma+city,+ok&sll=35.472943,-97.521027&sspn=0.002049,0.003433&ie=UTF8&ll=35.581768,-97.654681&spn=0.008185,0.013733&t=h&z=16)

Doug is right and it will take a trip to the courthouse to find some history. The History Center’s research library might have some info too but I would try the courthouse first to get some owners' names. The tax Assessor’s online records will only tell you information about a building if it is still standing. I did find the current property description on the site:
PT OF SW4 SEC 20 13N 4W BEG 370FT E OF SW/C OF SW4 TH N250FT W145FT N216.75FT E195FT S218.37FT E130FT S250FT W TO BEG

However, when looking for historical info I would just concentrate on SW quarter of Section 20 Township 13 north Range 4 west (SW4 SEC 20 13N 4W) as all 160 acres were likely owned by the same person. There are some published books about OKC that list the original homesteaders of the land but most of the ones I have seen concentrate on the central city area.

Some other info from the assessor’s website that you my find interesting:
The earliest record they have is that it was deeded to HENDERSON CIRCLE H LAND CO LTD AN OKLA LIM PARTNERSHIP by DOWDLE, ALBERT F. It was a Warranty Deed filed 7/18/1977 and can be found in Book 4384 on page 1291. C. A. Henderson and Barbara A. Henderson were the owners and developers of the neighborhood to the north of the old building, the Roxboro Addition. The Circle K you mentioned was built in 1985. The land where the old building was is currently owned by C & H Holding LLC c/o Gilbraltar Development LLC.

There is a building shown on the 1915 revision of the 1895 Kingfisher topo map so there may be some interesting history associated with the house if you can find out anything. Also, there is a small town (at least three buildings) on the map called Miller one mile south and one mile west of that house. According to Shirk's Oklahoma Place Names Miller had a post office from Feb 21, 1890 to Mar 15, 1904.

08-03-2008, 12:17 PM
Oklahoma County Property Search Leonard Sullivan Assessor (

08-03-2008, 12:23 PM
scooting the map around a bit so it doesn't stay downtown, your description was adequate for me to find the empty space between the storage land and the convenience store (a wee bit east of Hefner and Council Rd intersection.)

The resolution doesn't give me the foundation view though, only what appear to be a couple of cars on grass (could just be my bad eyes though)

Way north of where I usually travel so I'm of little help

08-03-2008, 03:36 PM
Don't forget the old "Criss-Cross" directories that used to be at all Metropolitan Library branches. Also at the Oklahoma Historical Society. You can cross-index the owner/renter by property address. I'd suggest the OHS because they keep directories going back many decades.

Joe Kimball
08-03-2008, 03:51 PM
The "criss-cross" directory may well be what I use. Thanks!

I remembered to consult an old map of Spring Creek Township, which I think dates to 1900. A man named Brown seems to have owned the relevant land, and a little black box matches the location of the house ruins I've described. So I've gotten that far after remembering those resources. I suppose I'm curious as to why such ruins remained for so long. Maybe a tornado leveled it?

Doug Loudenback
08-03-2008, 07:50 PM
If it helps, I am coincidentally working on a blog post of the 1905 Township Maps which purport to show Land Run owners ... I've extracted the individual files at the assessor's web page and they are nice large files ... here is the Spring Creek Township:

Highest resolution tiff file:

Decent res jpeg file:

Joe Kimball
08-03-2008, 10:11 PM
Oooh, thanks Doug!

And---I don't know HOW in the crap I missed db411's AMAZING post. Thanks so much!

Doug Loudenback
08-04-2008, 03:20 AM
Good luck on your quest!