View Full Version : Best Buy
Insider 07-31-2008, 03:54 PM I know the Best Buy that is currently being built in Moore is going to replace the Crossroads Best Buy...
My question is does anyone know if both stores will be open for a while or will they close the Crossroads store when the Moore store opens?
ssandedoc 07-31-2008, 05:47 PM I was in the Best Buy at Crossroads yesterday and there was no indication that it was closing. I imagine it will stay open until just before the opening the Best Buy at the Shops at Moore. I worked at JCPenney's at Crossroads and then in Moore. The one at Crossroads closed within a week of the new one's opening.
And, this is just one more reason why Crossroads is going to fail.
So, the Crossroads Best Buy is for sure closing, huh?
LovableGoober 07-31-2008, 10:17 PM Last I heard, the Crossroads Best Buy was staying open after the one in Moore opens......but things may have changed
That Best Buy at Crossroads is in the way of a pretty interchange flyover that will be there in a few years.
oneforone 08-01-2008, 04:30 AM I think Best Buy plans to keep the Crossroads store open until they find a better peice of land Southside.
There is still a few open fields on 240, not to mention their is some construction going on in Walnut Square were the old Michael's used to be.
Best Buy could be moving there and doing two grand openings like they did last June.
Does any one know what is up with walnut square? I searched the threads and could not find anything.
Martin 08-01-2008, 05:27 AM that best buy at crossroads is in the way of a pretty interchange flyover that will be there in a few years.
not according to the odot plans i've seen... here's a link (
jawgie 08-01-2008, 07:15 AM from what was said earlier this year is that the walnut square is partially being replaced bya home depot..
Martin 08-01-2008, 07:50 AM from the plans, it doesn't look as if the home depot is being forced to move, either.
Unless they think being between the MWC Best Buy and a new Moore Best Buy is too close and want to go more to the 240-Penn area... that would kinda make sense.
not according to the odot plans i've seen... here's a link (
Well, I thought they were doing full flyovers. If you look at the flyovers they have, you could see where the SW corner of the mall would get in the way of the West I-240 to South I-35 and the East I-240 to North I-35 flies. Oh well, at least the two clovers they are keeping aren't as small and tight as the current ones. I hate cloverleaf intersections.
sgt. pepper 08-01-2008, 04:33 PM Does any one know what is up with walnut square? I searched the threads and could not find anything.
SoonerDave 08-01-2008, 05:06 PM When I last spoke with a manager at BestBuy about their status at Crossroads, particularly as it related to Circuit City's move to their new location west, I got some interesting information.
I was told unequivocally at that time that the BestBuy Crossroads location was *NOT* closing even though there was a new location opening in Moore. If you've seen the size of the Moore store, it might be half that of the Crossroads location. The gentleman also said that if anything happened to that Crossorads Best Buy location, it would be for it to move farther west.
As an aside, the rebuild of the I-35/I-240 interchange is, by some estimates, as much as a decade away from happening. I don't think the state transportation department is purchasing any more land for it now. Also, I think the plans for that interchange have changed, such that it ultimately precipitated the demise of the rumored proposal for Home Depot to move west into Walnut Square. THeir current location isn't "in the way" anymore.
Sadly, that deferral is going to have a cost in dollars and people's health, because the eastbound interchange from I-240 to southbound I-35 is averaging right at one serious accident a day during afternoon rush hour. I drive that route every day, and I have come to expect an accident right in that area. There's just too much volume accessing I-35 for that single-lane access ramp to handle.
Thunder 08-01-2008, 05:41 PM I see no logic in Crossroads Best Buy to close due to the fact of Best Buy opening in Moore. C'mon, Moore is much further south, why is there a need to close it?! OKC has more than 1 Best Buy, so the new one is in Moore, shouldn't even affect a store closure.
If Best Buy is smart, they would try to grab that one piece of good land on the west side of Lowes in MWC. That is one hella shopping center location. There is one huge lot available next to Lowes and I wonder who the next lucky retailer.
I see no logic in Crossroads Best Buy to close due to the fact of Best Buy opening in Moore. C'mon, Moore is much further south, why is there a need to close it?! OKC has more than 1 Best Buy, so the new one is in Moore, shouldn't even affect a store closure.
If Best Buy is smart, they would try to grab that one piece of good land on the west side of Lowes in MWC. That is one hella shopping center location. There is one huge lot available next to Lowes and I wonder who the next lucky retailer.
Best Buy is already in MWC. Right there a few steps down from Lowes.
Thunder 08-01-2008, 05:58 PM Best Buy is already in MWC. Right there a few steps down from Lowes.
It is?! OMG Seriously?!
Okay, I remember now. OMG Sorry lol
I drive by that place every day to work and I can't believe I overlooked Best Buy. :doh:
Addition - Since there is a Best Buy in MWC, the Best Buy at Crossroads is still in business, so why is there a need of passing around rumor of the store closing cuz of a new one opening in Moore... Relax, it's not gonna close, unless they decide to relocate several hundred feet away.
oneforone 08-01-2008, 11:26 PM When I last spoke with a manager at BestBuy about their status at Crossroads, particularly as it related to Circuit City's move to their new location west, I got some interesting information.
I was told unequivocally at that time that the BestBuy Crossroads location was *NOT* closing even though there was a new location opening in Moore. If you've seen the size of the Moore store, it might be half that of the Crossroads location. The gentleman also said that if anything happened to that Crossorads Best Buy location, it would be for it to move farther west.
I would not bet the farm on Best Buy not moving from the Crossroads area. The latter statement is likely to be true. They will most likely move west due to the downfall of Crossroads Mall not because of I-35. It should be noted that the new concept in retail is smaller stores and more locations.
You are right about the part of Best Buy not closing until a replacement location has been built. Best Buy rarely closes a store without building a replacement.
Spartan 08-02-2008, 03:45 AM They just 'reopened' the Crossroads store.
Thunder 08-02-2008, 01:08 PM They just 'reopened' the Crossroads store.
That's right. Best Buy knew Crossroads was/is failing, but they still choose to relocate a few feet away.
soonerliberal 08-02-2008, 02:15 PM That's right. Best Buy knew Crossroads was/is failing, but they still choose to relocate a few feet away.
Where did they relocate to? They just moved less than 5 years ago across the street.
Martin 08-02-2008, 02:23 PM ^
that was the last time they moved... the crossroads best buy hasn't moved since.