View Full Version : BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: Clay Bennett on Sports Animal at 5pm

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07-31-2008, 11:21 AM
they caved and gave the OKC team ALL the advertising slots.

Does this mean that during games all of the ad revenues are going to the team?

I've never worked in radio but that seems crazy. Does this mean that Citadel basically did this so they can pimp themselves during games and call themselves the official station of the OKC basketball team?

07-31-2008, 11:57 AM
Does this mean that during games all of the ad revenues are going to the team?

I've never worked in radio but that seems crazy. Does this mean that Citadel basically did this so they can pimp themselves during games and call themselves the official station of the OKC basketball team?

You are correct. Plus, it keeps Al from having to work 82 nights a year!

Actually, the station model is set-up where it is low-cost to run, and high revenue coming in. An account executive who worked there told me that the station generated big money because the cost from programming and air staff was minimal, and that they could command high ad rates based on the key demographic (males 18-54) that the station has a grip on. This NBA thing was sort of a gift to the city, and allows them to "brand" themselves as a major league station.

07-31-2008, 12:22 PM
Actually, the station model is set-up where it is low-cost to run, and high revenue coming in. An account executive who worked there told me that the station generated big money because the cost from programming and air staff was minimal, and that they could command high ad rates based on the key demographic (males 18-54) that the station has a grip on.

Umm, isn't that how it is supposed to work if you want to make money. GM and Ford tried the whole low sales margin but expensive workforce and I think they found it didn't work in the long run.

OU Adonis
07-31-2008, 12:37 PM
Umm, isn't that how it is supposed to work if you want to make money. GM and Ford tried the whole low sales margin but expensive workforce and I think they found it didn't work in the long run.

Since when is it bad when your overhead is low and your revenue is high?

07-31-2008, 01:02 PM
I see Clay all the time at the Nichols Hills Starbucks. I'm always, like, "Clay, my man!!! What up, dawg?" and he's all, "Yo, bornhere. What it is, bro!!!" cause we, like, hang together, know what I mean?
And he's like getting his Frappuchoonkawino thing and I'm like with my latte and he's always like cool, y'know what I mean? He's like Jesus, okay? Or like what Jesus would be if he'd married the daughter of some bazillionaire right-winger, then covered himself with Elmer's Glue-All and rolled around in his money for a few years.

And that's cool, know what I mean?

:lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

07-31-2008, 01:04 PM
Umm, isn't that how it is supposed to work if you want to make money.

I don't think anyone ever said it wasn't supposed to work that way. But it's also not always an easy thing to achieve. That's why so many businesses operate on volume principles (i.e. just about the entire retail sector)

I think the point was simply that DUE to their success in implementing a low cost high margin business model, they can AFFORD to give this away for branding purposes. It should also be noted that doing so cuts into their margins, which are based on time, which they now have less of. So, they will charge more or take more time for ads during their regular programming and as has already been pointed out, they don't have much room to add more ad time.

07-31-2008, 01:15 PM
I don't think anyone ever said it wasn't supposed to work that way. But it's also not always an easy thing to achieve. That's why so many businesses operate on volume principles (i.e. just about the entire retail sector)

I think the point was simply that DUE to their success in implementing a low cost high margin business model, they can AFFORD to give this away for branding purposes. It should also be noted that doing so cuts into their margins, which are based on time, which they now have less of. So, they will charge more or take more time for ads during their regular programming and as has already been pointed out, they don't have much room to add more ad time.

Thanks for validating my point. It's obvious that Kerry doesn't have any skills in comprehension.

07-31-2008, 01:16 PM
(pulling up lawn chair)

07-31-2008, 02:35 PM
They pay jack squat, thier jocks do different shifts on different stations as well as holding such distinctive titles as "Program Director", "Assistant PD", and "Promotions Director". That's how they keep thier overhead low. Paying the guy that does afternoons on one station, nights on the other, and runs the promotions dept during the day 35 grand a year. Also, using minimal budget for things like station shirts, disposable banners, and other schwag. When I worked in radio, Citadel would recycle thier disposable banners. If we were at the same locale as a Citadel station we would hide thier was funny to see the interns pee down thier leg trying to find them...

07-31-2008, 09:29 PM
Why do so many people resent successful businesses and business people?

07-31-2008, 09:34 PM
In all honesty, you would think the city would be entitled to the list of season tix holders from the Hornets. After all, the Hornets were PARTNERS with the City of OKLAHOMA CITY when they were here. They shared in the profits (and risk) and had to disclose profits and revenues - it seems as though the city should be able to have the list; the Hornets doesn't need it.

And like I said, they were partners.

Actually, Bennett was a partner also - he's the reason why OKC was brought up for the Hornets. I think he was a corporate partner though, financial - but still.

Anyways, Im sure the city should have some entitlement to the list.

07-31-2008, 09:36 PM
Why do so many people resent successful businesses and business people?


07-31-2008, 10:18 PM

Yeah, those billionaires have a hard life. Having to put up with so much resentment.
I have to agree, that's a tough way to have to make it through day after day.

08-01-2008, 08:58 AM
Sorry LorgGerald - I thought you were going down the same path Solitude and others always take; capitalism is evil, power to the people, and all that jazz.

08-01-2008, 09:05 AM
In all honesty, you would think the city would be entitled to the list of season tix holders from the Hornets. After all, the Hornets were PARTNERS with the City of OKLAHOMA CITY when they were here. They shared in the profits (and risk) and had to disclose profits and revenues - it seems as though the city should be able to have the list; the Hornets doesn't need it.

And like I said, they were partners.

Actually, Bennett was a partner also - he's the reason why OKC was brought up for the Hornets. I think he was a corporate partner though, financial - but still.

Anyways, Im sure the city should have some entitlement to the list.

Wow, the correct answer is no.

08-01-2008, 09:07 AM
In all honesty, you would think the city would be entitled to the list of season tix holders from the Hornets. After all, the Hornets were PARTNERS with the City of OKLAHOMA CITY when they were here. They shared in the profits (and risk) and had to disclose profits and revenues - it seems as though the city should be able to have the list; the Hornets doesn't need it.

And like I said, they were partners.

Actually, Bennett was a partner also - he's the reason why OKC was brought up for the Hornets. I think he was a corporate partner though, financial - but still.

Anyways, Im sure the city should have some entitlement to the list.

Tell that to their IP attorneys.

OU Adonis
08-01-2008, 09:28 AM
In simplistic terms its like when a restaurant sells its location and another restaurant moves in. You wouldn't expect the new restaurant to honor any of the old restaurants gift cards would you? I am not saying its a good thing that the hornets ticket holders are getting screwed, its just business.

08-02-2008, 12:58 AM
They're hardly getting "screwed". It's not like they paid for anything they are not getting.

08-02-2008, 11:18 AM
They're hardly getting "screwed". It's not like they paid for anything they are not getting.

Exactly. It's 2 completely seperate companies.