View Full Version : Step Brothers

07-23-2008, 07:22 AM
Well, my brother and I went to the premiere of Step Brothers last night. Being a big Will Ferrell fan, I couldn't miss it. We were warned before the movie that it was a "hard R". The ushers warned if you were easily offended or don't like a lot of profanity (I don't care much for the latter), then you may want to leave and also added they weren't sure why you'd be here (knowing Will Ferrell's style of comedy sometimes).

I would say the movie is pretty hilarious and only deserved the "hard R" because of all the profanity. That and it shows Ferrell's nutsack (I won't ruin the movie and say what part of the movie). There was quite a bit from all the characters in the movie. Honestly, I think it would have been funnier if they would have left some of it out of it and replaced it with oddball words that Ferrell uses sometimes. It was a funny movie, just not as good as the previews had made it seem. Based on the previews, I thought it was going to be his funniest movie yet (it's definitely up there though). In the final cut of the movie, they cut out some of the extended scenes they showed in the previews (ala the scene where he's burying his step brother). It's still in there, just shortened. I imagine it will be in the unedited DVD though.

All and all I'd definitely recommend it if you're a Ferrel fan. It keeps you wondering what's next. Nothing better than two 40 year olds still living at home that watch cartoons and play with toys. The ending was rather quick however, and stay around after the credits, there is a short piece halfway during the credits.

07-23-2008, 12:32 PM
That's too bad because I really like Will Ferrell but I just can't take all the profanity. It seems that more and more comedies are going this way. I rented Semi-Pro and it was the same way. I had to turn it off because my wife and I just felt like we were being assaulted.

I really liked him in Old School and Talledega Nights (which both had some questionable material) and thought they were funny but since then his movies and humor have gotten pretty blue. To me it just calls so much attention to itself it takes me out of the movie.

That's why I always liked Seinfeld. He could be funny without being crude and that takes real talent. Anyone can do dirty or bathroom humor.

07-23-2008, 01:02 PM
That was mind-bottling!

07-24-2008, 09:18 AM
As a point of interest; Roger Ebert's entire review of Step Brothers is about what I talked about earlier.

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