07-21-2008, 09:23 PM
What do you think? Where are the haunted houses etc...?
View Full Version : Spookiest places in OKC ddavidson8 07-21-2008, 09:23 PM What do you think? Where are the haunted houses etc...? LIL_WAYNE_4_PREZIDENT08 07-21-2008, 09:50 PM the courts just ne of sw13th an penn CrimsonOberon 07-21-2008, 10:08 PM Not a house, per se, but Purple Church is supposed to be pretty spooky. Even spookier since going there is likely to get you chased off with shotguns (it's supposed to be on private property.) AFCM 07-21-2008, 10:45 PM The Witches Arrow -- located on 59th Street, near Hidden Meadow Drive, just outside Mustang. Supposedly, there was an old bed and breakfast/saloon back in the days of the Chisholm Trail. Being flat and nearly treeless, the Arrow could be seen for miles on the trail. The house/area is supposedly haunted, but is blocked by a gate. Go there at night time. Go to Google Maps and search 14316 SW 59th Street, OKC to catch a daytime photo. Then of course, there's the old Mental Home or Orphanage, can't remember which one, in Guthrie. bornhere 07-21-2008, 11:12 PM I've been to the orphanage (a Masonic home, actually). Not so spooky, but interesting from an architectural and historical POV. But I wasn't looking to be scared — I was just wandering around town with my wife and we saw it and decided to look around. As for the purple church — I'd never heard of that until just now, so I Googled it and came up with some 'first person' accounts of people who went out there all stoked up about satan worship and/or Blair Witch-type stuff, heard a sound in the woods and ran out in a blind panic. Luke 07-21-2008, 11:34 PM The slaughterhouse and the 13th floor are pretty freaky places in Norman. Ah, college... ddavidson8 07-22-2008, 12:08 AM Anyone have pictures of the Purple Church? Edmond_Outsider 07-22-2008, 06:10 PM The second floor of the Spearman building in downtown Edmond is said to be haunted. It was a hospital decades ago and is said to be haunted by somebody who died there. The old infirmary on the OU Norman Campus is said to be haunted by one of Edwin Debarr's wives who supposedly died there during the flu pandemic after WWI. Rumor was Debarr, a chemist who had a specialty in poisons, murdered her with an undecteable poison and her ghost hangs out there to try and tell people how he killed her. Or something. Anybody remember the Ma-Hu mansion in Tulsa? Toadrax 07-22-2008, 07:35 PM It sure is a good thing that there are no such thing as ghosts. We sure had a lot of fun when we were young in that abandoned mansion in west norman, I think it was just south of 24th and robinson.. though my memory would be off. It kind of stood out considering the developed areas around it. It was condemned so they tore it down like 10 years ago, we tried to raise money up to buy it and save it but we were unable to. Lots of fun, rituals, sex, and vagrants to beat up.. whee. bandnerd 07-22-2008, 07:41 PM Harding High School. I swear there is something going on in that building. The kids sense it, too lol. We've all had our "ghostly" experiences there. They even filmed a B-horror movie there a couple of years ago! kevinpate 07-22-2008, 07:47 PM I think you mean south of 36th NW and W Robinson Toad, about a 1/2 mile. Once it was finally demo'd, a bank branch went in at that spot. ddavidson8 07-22-2008, 07:49 PM Doesn't Mt. Saint Mary High School have a ghost? Curt 07-22-2008, 10:37 PM [QUOTE=Toadrax;156533]It sure is a good thing that there are no such thing as ghosts. Are you so sure about that?!?!?! Curt 07-22-2008, 10:52 PM WHAT ARE GHOSTS? A three word question. What are ghosts? It sounds simple enough, right? Wrong! Many people have contemplated the idea as to what ghosts actually are. Some will say that they are our imagination. Some will say they are guardian Angels. While others will say that they are the work of the Devil and are demonic in origin. In theory, ghosts are the remnants of what was once a human being. Someone, who at one time, had substance on this earth. They are everything that we, as living creatures, are........but without the vehicle we call the human body. They exhibit all the mental attributes that you and I have such as thought, conscience, emotions and emotional needs, morals, calculation, ego, personality and everything that makes up the human psyche. My experiences with ghosts and ghost hunting has served to reinforce this ghost theory and I am grateful. Life is energy. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Science fact is that energy can only change forms. The energy that makes up our being, where does it go when we die? It must transform into something else, but what? My suggestion is that ghosts are the what, our life energy. When we die, we are still ourselves. Our life energy still exists, only it cannot reside in a body that no longer functions. Just because we do not understand this immeasurable form of energy does not mean we should deny its existence. It is strictly belief that people move on to some other destination upon death. This is something we cannot confirm or deny. However, through research, investigation and experience, we have come to know that there are instances involving phenomena that we cannot otherwise explain as being natural. Many of those instances have incorporated a demonstration of intellect, calculation and freedom of will behind the experienced phenomena. It is through research and perseverance, we can only hope to gain a better understanding. MAIN PAGE yukong 07-23-2008, 12:08 AM The East 2 wings of Hope Hall at Griffin Memorial Hospital in Norman. My agency offices there...and there aren't many employees that will go there at night because many believe it is haunted. Those 2 wings were the prison section of the hospital where they housed criminally insane people years and years ago. When we moved in there...there was a gurney in one of the rooms that had the words "help me" scratched on the underside. Many people have claimed to have heard noises and voices there late at night. It is very spooky at night. Dave Cook 07-23-2008, 12:27 AM What, are we 10 years old? Ghosts? Seriously? PennyQuilts 07-23-2008, 05:06 AM Yukong - I suspect I worked for that same agency. i believe in ghosts and they scare me... Toadrax 07-23-2008, 09:12 AM i believe in ghosts and they scare me... If I ever met a ghost, I would try to have sex with it. WHAT ARE GHOSTS? In theory, ghosts are the remnants of what was once a human being. Someone, who at one time, had substance on this earth. They are everything that we, as living creatures, are........but without the vehicle we call the human body. They exhibit all the mental attributes that you and I have such as thought, conscience, emotions and emotional needs, morals, calculation, ego, personality and everything that makes up the human psyche. My experiences with ghosts and ghost hunting has served to reinforce this ghost theory and I am grateful. BZZT, try again. Cognitive psychology proves you wrong. Our mental attributes are mechanical operations of our brain. Even remembering something burns calories. Without the brain we wouldn't even be able to perceive time. I could go on and on, but it is a fact that without the brain our experience would be limited... Life is energy. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Science fact is that energy can only change forms. The energy that makes up our being, where does it go when we die? It must transform into something else, but what? My suggestion is that ghosts are the what, our life energy. When we die, we are still ourselves. Our life energy still exists, only it cannot reside in a body that no longer functions. Just because we do not understand this immeasurable form of energy does not mean we should deny its existence. Please do not use the word science in this context. We call this, pseudoscience. However, through research, investigation and experience, we have come to know that there are instances involving phenomena that we cannot otherwise explain as being natural. Nothing has ever been scientifically recorded that is unnatural. People often experience strange things, but our perception of reality is also flawed. Almost everything we see and hear is made up by our brain, even time itself. It often makes mistakes, especially when the senses are highly excited(like when you are scared) and deprived(when it is dark and quiet). Even our memories can not be trusted. How many times must there be a car accident where the 50 witnesses all have unique and conflicting stories? Their recall of what happened is what they believe happened.. but reality often disagrees. Eye witnesses testimony is the most unreliable form of evidence there is. Many of those instances have incorporated a demonstration of intellect, calculation and freedom of will behind the experienced phenomena. It is through research and perseverance, we can only hope to gain a better understanding. Our brains are also good at making patterns from noise. Your washing machine might sound like it is pumping out the beat to a hip hop song, and you could accept that your washing machine is hip or you could accept that your brain wants to hear that song. Dreaming is a perfect example of noise that has intellect, calculation, and freedom. Even if there are weird unexplained things happening, it is closed minded to assume that it is a ghost. It is even more closed minded to assume that it is going to hurt you. More than 910,000 people will die of heart disease this year, but 0 will die from a ghost. My advice is simple. Instead of sitting around being afraid of ghosts, put down the big mac and go for a walk. Curt 07-23-2008, 12:40 PM Actually I do believe in spirits or ghosts...but not like the ones you were taught as a child, I do not believe they are out to hurt anyone. Things I would love to experience in life are tornadoes, ghosts and aliens...none of which scare me even in the least. So explain to me where exactly does our energy go when we die?...And before you say energy can be created and destroyed in my line of work I know better, we simply take one form of energy to translate it into another which translates it into another and so on... My washing machine never sang a song to me by the way and eating a Big Mac...no way in hell will I ever touch one again in my life... AFCM 07-23-2008, 12:52 PM The Witches Arrow -- located on 59th Street, near Hidden Meadow Drive, just outside Mustang. Supposedly, there was an old bed and breakfast/saloon back in the days of the Chisholm Trail. Being flat and nearly treeless, the Arrow could be seen for miles on the trail. The house/area is supposedly haunted, but is blocked by a gate. Go there at night time. Go to Google Maps and search 14316 SW 59th Street, OKC to catch a daytime photo. Then of course, there's the old Mental Home or Orphanage, can't remember which one, in Guthrie. I apologize for the bad link. Here's an aerial view of the "Witch's Arrow". Web browser and Live Maps are incompatible (http://maps.live.com/default.aspx?v=2&FORM=LMLTCP&cp=px0yy16vhtyc&style=b&lvl=2&tilt=-90&dir=0&alt=-1000&scene=11193917&phx=0&phy=0&phscl=1&encType=1) kevinpate 07-23-2008, 04:28 PM > there aren't many employees that will go there at night because > many believe it is haunted. Times have apparently changed. Hope used to be less empty in the wee hours of the night. I guess maybe the ghosts have won. I miss Hope Hall at times, but I can't say I miss the all nighters. I do miss many of the good folks who I was honored to go elbow to elbow with from there. bandnerd 07-23-2008, 04:35 PM Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that every night janitor we've ever had at Harding is scared to be in the building alone :P They always work in pairs now, it seems. And there are these rooms in the boiler room...these little chambers with nothing but a light bulb in a low ceiling. One even had an old chair in it! Crreeeeeepppppyyyy. kmf563 07-23-2008, 04:53 PM Been to the purple church. I used to have a friend who lived in that house just before the curve the church sits on. That church was no joke. My friend begged his parents to not build there. They ended up placing like 9 dobermans in their front yard and had to put bars on the windows and doors. All kinds of creepy things happened to us there. I will never forget the milk van that used to stalk us with all the creepy writing on it's side. I have no idea if this is still active or not - I am not dumb enough to go back to find out. Haven't been there since probably 1988. I've seen the exorcist, no thank you. Also went to the old Belle Isle plant before they tore it down. Thank Geez they tore it down. Very creepy! As for ghosts and haunted places - been to plenty. Did a tour with the paranormal group on Halloween of the Overholser mansion. Awesome! Ghost stuff doesn't scare me at all. Do I believe - yep! Martin 07-23-2008, 05:22 PM this 'purple church' thing has me intrigued... when you guys say 'curve' are you talking spencer road? where is this 'purple church'? -M Toadrax 07-23-2008, 05:59 PM Actually I do believe in spirits or ghosts...but not like the ones you were taught as a child, I do not believe they are out to hurt anyone. Things I would love to experience in life are tornadoes, ghosts and aliens...none of which scare me even in the least. So explain to me where exactly does our energy go when we die?...And before you say energy can be created and destroyed in my line of work I know better, we simply take one form of energy to translate it into another which translates it into another and so on... You ever put gas in your car? That is one of the things that can happen to our "energy" when we die. Sometimes worms eat us. Stop listening to metaphysics calling themselves scientist and start listening to real scientists. kmf563 07-23-2008, 07:07 PM this 'purple church' thing has me intrigued... when you guys say 'curve' are you talking spencer road? where is this 'purple church'? -M Basically take Douglas Road North passed 63rd street. There is a curve at the end of the road. You won't miss it. The church is just around that corner on your right side. ddavidson8 07-23-2008, 08:04 PM I googled the location and got a map. I'm having trouble getting it to this message board, but I'll keep trying. EDIT: On google maps the closest I can get is Douglass BLVD. just north of 63rd. There is a curve, at that point Douglass turns into E. Wilshire. From there I'm unable to see much that would resemble a concrete slab, but google only lets me zoom in so far. Martin 07-23-2008, 09:15 PM thanks for the descriptions... i poked around on live maps' bird's eye view and google's street view and didn't see anything that stuck out. so i'm guessing that this is an old church whose foundation is left? i saw an urban spelunking site that showed some concrete drainage looking thing... not sure if this is the same place... pretty interesting stuff! drove by this evening what was earlier referred to as the "witch's arrow"... basically the thing is a 30-50 foot tall arrow made out of corrugated sheet metal... given the construction, i'd have to guess that it was built in the 50's to early 60's. the surrounding area seems to have electric poles going to nowhere which leads me to believe that this could have been a long since failed subdivision or something... but i don't think the arrow dates from the turn of the century or anything... at least that's not what it looked like. still really interesting, though... i'd love to figure out the history behind the arrow and who built it and why. -M ddavidson8 07-23-2008, 10:31 PM mmm Do you have a link to the urban exploration site? Martin 07-23-2008, 10:44 PM you betcha... oklahoma city ghost club ( -M ddavidson8 07-23-2008, 11:16 PM Great stuff, I love that there are actual pictures. Finally! soonerborn1958 08-05-2008, 07:03 AM Back in the 70's it was Dr Zuhdi's house @ NW140th and Portland. Looked like a big old jackolantern all lit up....spooky....anybody remember?? edball 08-05-2008, 10:52 AM The East 2 wings of Hope Hall at Griffin Memorial Hospital in Norman. My agency offices there...and there aren't many employees that will go there at night because many believe it is haunted. Those 2 wings were the prison section of the hospital where they housed criminally insane people years and years ago. When we moved in there...there was a gurney in one of the rooms that had the words "help me" scratched on the underside. Many people have claimed to have heard noises and voices there late at night. It is very spooky at night. I have a "ghost story" for you from Hope Hall. First, just to set the record straight, the criminally insane were actually housed in the west wing on the 3rd floor. I worked all those 3rd floor wings though and they were all a little scary. Anyway, they closed that unit and opened an adolescent unit up there. I was working up there one cold winter night with another man. A teenage girl was in one of the rooms and seemed to be hallucinating severely. She was screaming "Help me, there's a demon outside the window!" We were on the 3rd floor of a building in the middle of the night and we knew there was nothing outside her window. The windows all had a very thick metal screen on the inside to keep anyone from getting to the glass. My co-worker and I went to check on her and the second we opened her door the glass in the window shattered. Talk about spooky! There is no way she could have broken that glass. Besides, she wasn't even by the window. There was no one outside, it was the middle of the night in winter. We finally convinced ourselves the glass broke from pressure because it was so cold, but...... ddavidson8 08-05-2008, 09:10 PM I guess it could have been the pressure, but that's still weird. grantgeneral78 08-11-2008, 08:50 PM The Witches Arrow -- located on 59th Street, near Hidden Meadow Drive, just outside Mustang. Supposedly, there was an old bed and breakfast/saloon back in the days of the Chisholm Trail. Being flat and nearly treeless, the Arrow could be seen for miles on the trail. The house/area is supposedly haunted, but is blocked by a gate. Go there at night time. Go to Google Maps and search 14316 SW 59th Street, OKC to catch a daytime photo. Then of course, there's the old Mental Home or Orphanage, can't remember which one, in Guthrie. Is that the same house where those 2 guys took that girl and killed her a while back? Generals64 08-11-2008, 09:08 PM the courts just ne of sw13th an penn go to 28th and n. Peniel:...........then let me know. angel27 08-11-2008, 10:03 PM [QUOTE=Toadrax;156533]...there are no such thing as ghosts. Now what fun would that be. As a kid we believed. My own encounter: About 7 yrs old sleeping on the living room couch, me one end my big sister the other... door open, summer night, crickets churping, breezes coming in through the old screen door. Big trees surrounded our house on N Park Place... I could hear only those sounds, no one breathing, no floor boards creeking, no movement in the house, my sister fast asleep. Now, she did like to play tricks on me but this night I was listening intently because as I lay there my pillow was being pulled from beneath my head, slowly, steadily, pulled away. but nothing to tell me who or what. I was so scared I made myself go to sleep..! Next day no one would own up and I can't remember ever finding the pillow again. The only thing my 7yr old mind could come up with was it was a ghost. My grown up mind doesn't come up with any other answer either... Our family has lots of ghost stories, a handful my granny used to tell of my ancesters crossing the prairie, like when they heard the chains rattling outside but no one there... and she always told they were really true. ssandedoc 08-17-2008, 03:27 AM Do people really shoot at you if you try to go to the purple church? rondvu 08-17-2008, 11:11 AM Purple church is not spooky this place is evil. Here is a pic of the lake where most of the satanic activites occured. It is alleged they had a blood machine aka a chipper that was used to terrorize indivduals. Web browser and Live Maps are incompatible (http://maps.live.com/default.aspx?v=2&FORM=LMLTCP&cp=pxr68n6wkxzq&style=b&lvl=1&tilt=-90&dir=0&alt=-1000&scene=11121318&phx=0&phy=0&phscl=1&encType=1) ddavidson8 08-17-2008, 01:12 PM Purple church is not spooky this place is evil. Here is a pic of the lake where most of the satanic activites occured. It is alleged they had a blood machine aka a chipper that was used to terrorize indivduals. Web browser and Live Maps are incompatible (http://maps.live.com/default.aspx?v=2&FORM=LMLTCP&cp=pxr68n6wkxzq&style=b&lvl=1&tilt=-90&dir=0&alt=-1000&scene=11121318&phx=0&phy=0&phscl=1&encType=1) What is the address of the that location on the map? Martin 08-17-2008, 08:15 PM what is the address of the that location on the map?as stated earlier, this is near wilshire & douglas. here is a pic of the lake where most of the satanic activites occured.wow. evil pulls a fifth wheel... good to know. -M jbrown84 08-17-2008, 09:39 PM drove by this evening what was earlier referred to as the "witch's arrow"... basically the thing is a 30-50 foot tall arrow made out of corrugated sheet metal... given the construction, i'd have to guess that it was built in the 50's to early 60's. the surrounding area seems to have electric poles going to nowhere which leads me to believe that this could have been a long since failed subdivision or something... but i don't think the arrow dates from the turn of the century or anything... at least that's not what it looked like. still really interesting, though... i'd love to figure out the history behind the arrow and who built it and why. -M I've been to the Arrow at night. Very creepy. What I heard was that it was some kind of camp--long since abandoned. Since then it had been used for satanic rituals, torture, murder, the usual stuff, lol... ddavidson8 08-17-2008, 10:53 PM Sorry mmm. I had tried to find the area on google maps but it I couldn't figure out where it could be in relation to what I was seeing on the map. I found it again, this time looking for the lake. It's very interesting and if I was still in OKC I'd love to run by there, in the daytime of course. I can't imagine why a church would be that far off of any road. I also think that the fact that there are only a few pictures of the place from a ghost hunting website makes it even more interesting. Either it is a very dangerous place to go where strange inbreds threaten you to take no pictures or a complete urban legend. You'd think if it was simply an urban legend someone would have more photographic evidence of the "ruins". Instead we are left with a few pictures of a burned down "church" basement. edit: you are right. I didn't even notice the 5th wheel the first time a round. From the look of it it's a very well kept trailer. Interesting. rondvu 08-18-2008, 08:03 AM The word church refers to more of a location than a building per say. Just east of Douglas Blvd on NE Wilshire (south side of the road) is or was a gate (have not been there in years). It had purple painted cinderblock bases with metal bars coming out of the base and making a crossbar. There were wire noose's where birds, rabbits and other small animals would be strung up to let the knowing passerbys would get their ritual information. Grew up in that area and heard all the so called news. Moved away and haven't thought about it in years. The color purple is an important color in that realm of life. Jesseda 08-18-2008, 08:22 AM what I think is spooky in the old plantation home in moore, rumors is that slaves where hung from the oak tree and burried all over the property, the old house is still standing, the land just sold an they are building a neighborhood around it, the house is in moore between 12ths street and 4th street on bryant, closer to 4th street on the west side, i drove by the house and it is spooky, i think kids play pranks because there is ropes hanging in the trees.. But why build a neighborhood and leave a 100 plus old house standing in the midst, its kinda like edward scissorhands, new homes with a histroic home on top the hill.. very spooky.. Martin 08-18-2008, 09:08 AM what I think is spooky in the old plantation home in moore...not 100% sure that i'm looking at the same place as you... from your description i found a parcel of land on the west side of bryant between main and ne 6th. if that's the right place, the cleveland county assessor's site shows that the property has been divided into individual lots for development as part of the adjoining subdivision. -M Martin 08-18-2008, 09:15 AM i can't imagine why a church would be that far off of any road. i agree. i'm thinking that the word 'church' is just part of the story that the location is used for satanic ritual rather than being the ruins of an actual church building. it's pretty tough to sort out the fact from the fiction here. this is far from anything resembling conclusive evidence but my mom grew up north of 63rd on air depot and she doesn't remember there being a church in this area. basically just a scattering of farm homes. -M kmf563 08-18-2008, 09:47 AM I forgot about the dead animals being strung up on the fences at the purple church. Yeah, that was creepy. There were also stakes around the fence made of wood that were mostly upside down crosses - bloody. There was a building there during the 80's and 90's in which their rituals were held, probably there earlier than that but that's the times I remember. That's why we called it a "church". It was small, not sure if it was a barn or stable, or what exactly the building was but you couldn't see it all the time. Very strange. Also, on occasion there would be a couple of guys guarding the entrance with shotguns. Not sure if these were the nights they were actually worshiping or what was going on, we just always thought it was weird. There would be an old pickup that would follow you to make sure you kept driving. Jesseda 08-18-2008, 10:40 AM I believe that is it, they now havea paved road up to the house. It is really neat to see Martin 08-18-2008, 10:49 AM i believe that is it, they now have a paved road up to the house. it is really neat to seei've driven that way a few times but i can't picture this house off the top of my head... will definitely have to check it out before the place gets demolished. -M Martin 08-18-2008, 10:54 AM i forgot about the dead animals being strung up on the fences at the purple church. like along wilshire? we drove by within a couple months ago and didn't see anything notable... definitely no animals or upside down crosses along the road. didn't drive by at night, but nobody followed us or anything. -M kmf563 08-18-2008, 11:36 AM like along wilshire? we drove by within a couple months ago and didn't see anything notable... definitely no animals or upside down crosses along the road. didn't drive by at night, but nobody followed us or anything. -M Trust me - if this place is still even remotely being used or the same as it was...you wouldn't even question where it was or if you were in the right place. You would know. Maybe I'll get brave one night and take a trip down memory lane. Then I can tell you what's missing or exactly where it used to be. I'm sure the area has somewhat changed. Martin 08-18-2008, 12:12 PM ^ not doubting... just sayin' what i saw a couple months ago. -M kmf563 08-18-2008, 12:46 PM Also, the house or whatever it was is about a mile off the road in the middle of the trees so you wouldn't see it from the road anyway. You have to jump the fence and hike in. But you could see it glowing at night (from candle light, bonfire, and/or electricity...not like supernatural glowing) from certain spots on Douglas. But yes, M, the entry to the place was on Wilshire. There should have been an iron gate on the South side of the road just around the corner off Douglas. I wasn't implying you were doubting, I meant that if you didn't see anything it either wasn't the right spot or it is no longer creepy. Martin 08-18-2008, 01:03 PM i know i was at the right spot, but don't recall an iron gate... at least not one that sticks out in my mind. the southeast corner of wilshire & douglas was farmland but as you proceeded maybe 1/4 to a 1/2 mile east the whole south side of wilshire was pretty overgrown with trees... no real evidence of activity as far as i could see. we were totally chicken and went by in the middle of the day, so it really wasn't spooky at all... but i bet that it's a totally different story at night. might have to round up a posse when it gets closer to halloween... not sure if we'll be brave enough to enter the woods, though. -M Martin 08-18-2008, 01:16 PM i'm such a sucker for this kind of thing. i checked out the oklahoma county assessor's website and found this image for the tract of land that roughly fits the descriptions in this thread... -M http://www.oklahomacounty.org/assessor/Searches/sketches/picfile/2401/R168551000001xA.jpg Jesseda 08-18-2008, 01:28 PM wow didnt realize there was people interested in this as much as I am, Has anybody heard about the witches house around kitchen lake in southeast okc? I am waiting for taps to come to okc to okc for a investigation.. what would you like to see on taps if they come out here? Me I would like to see the plantation thing in moore, and old moore highschool, that purple church area. Martin 08-18-2008, 01:42 PM has anybody heard about the witches house around kitchen lake in southeast okc? yep. link1 (http://www.strangeusa.com/ViewLocation.aspx?locationid=7934) link2 (http://centraloklahomaparanormalstudies.com/page3/page76/page76.html) link3 (http://prosinvestigations.com/kitchen_lake) link4 (http://www.witchvox.com/vn/vn_detail/dt_no.html?a=usok&id=13049) -M (okay... i'm probably gonna drive by that spooky house on bryant tonight) rondvu 08-18-2008, 02:32 PM If you google map Wilshire and Douglas and work your way to the east, you will see what the gate looked like at the beginning of the year. Sorry I tried to copy it over and could not get it to do so. I am sure nothing is happening now a days. Martin 08-18-2008, 02:46 PM is this the gate of which you speak? (http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&ll=35.553213,-97.361859&spn=0.005159,0.008218&t=h&z=17&layer=c&cbll=35.551176,-97.36213&panoid=xkWo7waoBv2SolJVKrgYcA&cbp=1,150.51048525828673,,0,9.094787749689526) -M |