View Full Version : Spookiest places in OKC

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08-18-2008, 05:48 PM
is this the house in moore? (

if so, i drove by this afternoon... i'd never noticed it before. looks (to me) like it was built mid century... maybe 40's or 50's. new streets have been liad down, the outbuildings have all been razed and the lots divided up with for sale signs... not sure why the developers left the main house.


08-18-2008, 08:29 PM
i'm such a sucker for this kind of thing. i checked out the oklahoma county assessor's website and found this image for the tract of land that roughly fits the descriptions in this thread... -M

Can anyone confirm or deny this picture? Also, there is a white sign in the picture of the gate that mmm posted. Anyone brave enough to go out and read it? I also noticed the no parking sign on the street view. It's on the nw side of the road. That might be due to all the thrill seekers parking there.

08-18-2008, 09:13 PM
can anyone confirm or deny this picture?

i can't confirm or deny whether or not this structure has anything to do with the purple church, but i can confirm its location. i'm also curious as to what's on the sign at the gate. -M

08-18-2008, 09:55 PM
That's awesome. What great pictures. Did you do that with google maps? Also, I was thinking the building in the previous photos was supposed to be the actual "church", I stand corrected.

And pardon my stupid question, but what's the deal with this assessors site? they have random pictures of buildings on various property? I guess this is the main building at that address and that's why it was photographed. I didn't even bother to look at all the other rubble around the site. This purple church just keeps getting more interesting.

And the "5th wheel of the damned" priceless. LOL

Actually shouldn't it be the remarkably clean 5th wheel of the damned? Why isn't there a couch in front of it? Or a pick-up on cinder blocks?

08-18-2008, 10:22 PM
I love the 5th wheel of the dammed, how funny. Per the assessor's records the property had sold a while back. Maybe the poor souls don't know the history of the land. I wonder if the sign reads like the one on the wizard of Oz. I'd turn back if I were you. Maybe the buildings house the flying monkeys.

08-18-2008, 10:35 PM
Hopefully if the property sold to new owner, they won't tear everything down and rebuild. If I were them I'd encourage the thrill seekers somehow and then try to turn a profit. :)

08-19-2008, 06:47 AM
did you do that with google maps?
nope... check out, zoom in to whatever you're looking for and then select "bird's eye view"... it's really handy! i composited the images, zoomed in on the last row and added the markers in a paint program called fireworks.

as for the assesor's site, the pics help to show what the improvements to a given piece of property look like over the years... if an owner adds on to their house, keeping a history of pictures shows some proof of that and therefore justifies a higher tax being levied. they've taken a picture of my house every year for the past several years. as for this property, the only brave soul who wandered onto it was in 2005... the site doesn't have pics for other years.

i ran across some more creepiness when researching the assessor's site yesterday... here's a pic of a house that sits on a lot near the northeast corner of the 'purple church' lot. good, old-fashioned nightmare fuel if you ask me. -M

08-19-2008, 07:21 AM
the house in moore looked older than the 40s and 50s, back in the 90s they used it one year for a haunted house.. about 4 years ago it sold to a family who tried to update it but they abandonded it about 2 years ago.. Did you see any ropes in the trees, abouta month ago there was some

08-19-2008, 07:46 AM
.oO(I see dead people ... playing banjos)Oo.

08-19-2008, 07:54 AM
did you see any ropes in the trees, about a month ago there was some
nope... looks like all the trees have been removed when the area was divided up for the subdivision. i could tell that somebody was recently trying to update the house but didn't finish. honestly, i'm surprised the house hasn't been torn down... it's just standing right in the middle of a brand new subdivision... kinda wierd. unfortunately, the cleveland county assessor's site isn't working quite right for the property... i can't get any information on the existing house... as if the record was wiped when the property was divided. bet that made a cool haunted house.


08-19-2008, 09:22 AM
I love ghost stories about local areas, the old highschool in moore is suppose to be haunted. I went into the gift shop they have in the old school and the owner told us some stories about noises and laughter but she was the only one in the school that late. The stores name is cosimos corner. So does anybody know of any south okc-moore legends, Griders iga grocery store suppose to have a ghost back in the butchers area. There is a house in moore off of 19th place in the east hills addition that has a rod iron gate at its patio and gargoyles at the door, it is suppose to be haunted the elderly lady who lives in that house is a median kind of like ghost whisperer if you believe all that.

08-19-2008, 10:54 AM
The Cate Center deal is real. Here is the police report:

08-19-2008, 11:08 AM
Further (link):

Article - Id=4064 : (

08-19-2008, 01:01 PM
nope... check out, zoom in to whatever you're looking for and then select "bird's eye view"... it's really handy! i composited the images, zoomed in on the last row and added the markers in a paint program called fireworks.

as for the assesor's site, the pics help to show what the improvements to a given piece of property look like over the years... if an owner adds on to their house, keeping a history of pictures shows some proof of that and therefore justifies a higher tax being levied. they've taken a picture of my house every year for the past several years. as for this property, the only brave soul who wandered onto it was in 2005... the site doesn't have pics for other years.

i ran across some more creepiness when researching the assessor's site yesterday... here's a pic of a house that sits on a lot near the northeast corner of the 'purple church' lot. good, old-fashioned nightmare fuel if you ask me. -M

I dare you to go find this place and knock on the door.

08-19-2008, 10:19 PM
Don't come until 5:30 or so. I'm usually not home until then.

08-19-2008, 10:57 PM
mmm go check and see if the 5th wheel of doom is still out there. We'll wait for you here.

08-20-2008, 06:02 AM

Lacking both the tradition and financial support of its better known European cousins, The Pigboils School of Redneck Wizardry could nonetheless boast of its own black lake, plush accommodations and its almost inbred ability to confuzzle the muggles and protect the secrets of the magical world .... but then came satellites and those pesky bbs rumors, and slowly, enrollment dwindled.

08-20-2008, 06:30 AM
i dare you to go find this place and knock on the door.

mmm go check and see if the 5th wheel of doom is still out there. we'll wait for you here.

y'know... one of the things i like best about me is that i'm not cut up into little pieces. i'm gonna try to keep it that way! : D

don't come until 5:30 or so. i'm usually not home until way. i've seen enough horror movies to know that this is a trap.

lacking both the tradition and financial support of its better known european cousins, the pigboils school of redneck wizardry...
something tells me they'd be more into tractor pulls than quidditch at pigboils.


08-20-2008, 05:58 PM
Man I love this stuff. I remember playing out at kitchen lake. I remember the bridge and the Witches house but at the time didnt realize the story.

Speaking of the purple church, I remember a rumor of a similar place around S 119th and county line, near Camp Kickapoo. Any one else ever here of this place??

I may have to go check out the purple church area. Me and my brother used to love to explore old abandoned house out in the middle of nowhere

08-20-2008, 07:45 PM
speaking of the purple church, i remember a rumor of a similar place around s 119th and county line, near camp kickapoo. any one else ever here of this place??

i don't know any details, but i heard the same rumor about a group that supposedly met around there... kinda similar to some of the purple church stories... dead animals, nails in the road to strand motorists, etc.


08-21-2008, 10:00 AM
My friends and I would frequent a house near 119th and Rockwell (I think Rockwell). It was very cool. It looked like an old abandoned farm house - white, wood framed, two-story, with a basement. There were two 60's-era abandoned cars out front.

The first few times we went without flashlights and we wondered what we had been stepping on inside the house, and we wondered what was in the pitch black basement.

When we went to the house brandishing flashlights we found that there were animal remains inside the house (the objects we had been stepping on), and we found the basement to be vandalized with spray paint satanic gestures and symbols.

One Sunday night my friends went without me and observed to be what looked like a Satanic ritual of some sort in the back yard, and they were chased off by some guys near the entrance. There looked to be a fire behind the house with people around the fire. They were quite freaked out and vowed to never return.

Kinda glad I was at church at the time.

08-22-2008, 09:31 PM
Speaking of the purple church, I remember a rumor of a similar place around S 119th and county line, near Camp Kickapoo. Any one else ever here of this place??

I've been to Camp Kickapoo. Pretty creepy place itself... Wasn't a body found out there a couple years ago? It's pretty much an abandoned operation, former Boy Scout Camp.

08-22-2008, 10:05 PM
My friends and I would frequent a house near 119th and Rockwell (I think Rockwell). It was very cool. It looked like an old abandoned farm house - white, wood framed, two-story, with a basement. There were two 60's-era abandoned cars out front.

The first few times we went without flashlights and we wondered what we had been stepping on inside the house, and we wondered what was in the pitch black basement.

When we went to the house brandishing flashlights we found that there were animal remains inside the house (the objects we had been stepping on), and we found the basement to be vandalized with spray paint satanic gestures and symbols.

One Sunday night my friends went without me and observed to be what looked like a Satanic ritual of some sort in the back yard, and they were chased off by some guys near the entrance. There looked to be a fire behind the house with people around the fire. They were quite freaked out and vowed to never return.

Kinda glad I was at church at the time.

Are we talking about NW 119th?

Is the house still there?

08-22-2008, 10:06 PM
I've been to Camp Kickapoo. Pretty creepy place itself... Wasn't a body found out there a couple years ago? It's pretty much an abandoned operation, former Boy Scout Camp.

Kickapoo isn't in operation anymore?

08-22-2008, 10:30 PM
If it is, I'd be amazed. About 10 years ago I did a weekend campout there and the facilities were in shambles then, and not a soul was around besides us. It was summer.

08-23-2008, 10:55 AM
Sw 119th, I believe its still in operation. I know from 2002 - 2004 it was renovated. It was pretty shabby and creepy when I was in boy scouts out there. I guess that would be around 86 or 87. I remember the white house and seeing some animals hanging from trees.

08-24-2008, 08:11 AM
Camp Kickapoo is alive and well as a mostly weekend venue. It is in use year round by Scouts and leaders in the various units in Last Frontier Council, and with permission, by non-council units and non-Scout groups.

The old abandoned dining hall from its heyday was renovated several years back (2000-01 time frame if memory serves) into a quite excellent small training building mini conference center with a mountain lodge look and two small bunkhouses with nearby M/F shower houses.

Of the two rappelling and challenge by choice - team building ropes courses operated by the council, the larger, nicer one is at Kickapoo not too far from the renovated Eagle Lodge, and has been in regular use since 98 or so.

Other infrastructure upgrades continue to take place and more physical improvements are scheduled under a new capital campaign that's been under way about 2 years for that property and the other LFC properties (which are near Arapaho, Boone, Sasakwa, Tishomingo and Lake Tenkiller.)

I've enjoyed many a weekend there in the fall and winter with lads, with lasses, with adults, and a few summers for day camps. While Camp Kickapoo is not a premier Scouting destination by any means, it is anything but abandoned.

On the body question, yes, not so very long ago there was a body found on or very near the Kickapoo property. A missing college student if I recall the story correctly. Kickapoo is an isolated area, even though it is close in to the city, and such sadness is not immune from its property line.

Other places are far better known for such sad discoveries including the also slowly improving Draper Lake area

08-24-2008, 06:43 PM
Yeah I didn't know much about it. My troop went to Slippery Falls every summer for camp, and had several places we camped regularly, but we only used Kickapoo once for a Philmont tune-up weekend. It wasn't the whole troop.

It sounds like Last Frontier Council is trying to maintain too many properties. Do they really need that many?

08-24-2008, 08:58 PM
Back to spooky places...

I found this website while searching "haunted Oklahoma" at google.

Shadowlands Haunted Places Index - Oklahoma (

08-24-2008, 08:59 PM
While 'Slip' is used for weekend events, it's primary usage, and hence its vastly superior facilities (though they are rustic, there is a lot of decent rustic on site) is as the summer camp and large event property (district or multi-district camporees)

Kickapoo, though once a more active property in its heyday, is very active serving what it does, Cub Scout day camps in the summer, weekend camping by pack families or Webelos Dens, patrols or entire troops, Venturing crews, and adult training sessions. Kickapoo also hosts several night and a day events for Cub families known as Kickapoo Kampers each fall, although last year that went to May so as not to conflict with a centennial camporee held in Lawton. Many units use Kickapoo because while it is close in, it is very primitive setting and except for the WR jets taking off, it's easy to forget how close you are to OKC in a matter of minutes. I often drove lads up the back roads from Norman so it seemed even farther out than it was, and even with that we were usually only on the road about 35 minutes.

A lot of adult outdoor training takes place there as well.

George Thomas, brought into the council when last Frontier and Black Beaver councils merged in the late 90's, is the Cub Webelos summer resident camp facility, weekend camping, home to Wood Badge and other training events for folks that way and elsewhere.

Arapaho and Sasakwa are fairly small properties and are most frequently used by folks close in to them, and by folks who just want to plop camp somewhere different. Sasakwa was once a much larger active property, back when what is now Canadian Valley district was its own council quite some time back. there's a generation of scouters in that immediate area that give untold volunteer time to taking care of that property, prefer it remain very rustic, and regard it as theirs to pass on to another generation of Scouters. Similar groups exist for all the older properties, and I see strong signs of this already for the new Diamond H as well.

Diamond H, the newest acquisition, has vast untapped potential. If the capital campaign goes well, it truly could become a mini version of Philmont, sans the peaks, but offering a variety of high adventure opportunities.

I don't think the council has too many properties, although not so very long ago I did feel the council was not fully cognizant of the full potential resting within the properties. I am confident that has changed and well before my baby granddaughter reaches Venturing age, all of the properties will be true gems. I just hope my health permits me to enjoy time with her and tell a few way back when stories at some of my favorite spots.

08-24-2008, 09:15 PM
Anyone know anything aboout Kitchen Lake Bridge?

08-24-2008, 09:26 PM
I located this, but it was new to me

Kitchen Lake - Ghosts - Supernatural Message Boards (

08-24-2008, 10:37 PM
I don't think the council has too many properties, although not so very long ago I did feel the council was not fully cognizant of the full potential resting within the properties. I am confident that has changed and well before my baby granddaughter reaches Venturing age, all of the properties will be true gems. I just hope my health permits me to enjoy time with her and tell a few way back when stories at some of my favorite spots.

Sorry about this diversion. Hopefully metro won't catch it. Shhhhh ;)

Yeah I went to their website and it seems that the multiple properties are serving different purposes and definitely receiving varying funding amounts. I assumed that they were all attempts at full on camps, like Kickapoo had once been. Diamond H is intriguing. That's the one at Tenkiller, correct? How large are we talking?

08-25-2008, 01:51 AM
Is this the witch's house that some of you meationed past kitchen lake?
Witch's house Live Maps ('s%20house____&encType=1)

08-25-2008, 06:16 AM
> Diamond H is intriguing. That's the one at Tenkiller, correct? How large are
> we talking?

About 6500 acres at DH, with more available depending on certain conditions met as the council progresses its plan. By contrast, Slip is 1480 acres, and the others are each under 450 acres, with Dripping Springs being a nice 80 acre slice of paradise.

Back to thread. :)
Although bodies have been located on or near two camps that were not scouting related deaths, there have been deaths at the camps over the years. I know of no haunted campsites though.

There are tales of something not quite right at the back corner of one of the smaller properties. I've never sensed anything myself. Some folks I think highly of are way more than willing for me to be the one to oversee work in that area instead of them when i've participated in work days or helped at a camp session. I'm told they won't go near that particular patch of ground, but I'm not clear why.

08-25-2008, 03:42 PM
I have to admit Purple Church is pretty scary. I've heard pretty bad stories about it.

08-25-2008, 09:39 PM
Is this the witch's house that some of you meationed past kitchen lake?
Witch's house Live Maps ('s%20house____&encType=1)

I don't know, but it looks spooky from here.

08-26-2008, 06:50 AM
i swung by douglas and wilshire last friday at lunch to see if i could get a picture of the sign at the supposed entrance to the purple church. unfortunately the sign in the google streetview is gone... no clues there. from the street, the place is pretty nondescript. it does appear, though, to be maintained.

i could see how getting there would be tough... especially at night. especially following douglas around the bend, the road narrows down to practically one lane and is quite overgrown with tall weeds and trees at the road's very edge... it'd be really spooky to drive at night. ultimately, i'd recommend taking post road to wilshire and approaching the location that way. the 'no parking' signs could just as easily be there due to the narrowness of the road... two cars could barely pass each other even when nobody is parked off by the side. -M

08-26-2008, 08:04 AM
Good shot mmm you should have took the hike down the road was there any place to park and if possible conceal your car?

08-26-2008, 08:52 AM
good shot mmm you should have took the hike down the road was there any place to park and if possible conceal your car?

there's really no place to hide the car... even still, a group of friends and i are contemplating going down there and checking it out... but if we do we're going during the day, for sure. one option is to park within a mile from this spot and bring bikes... the gate that is just to right of this shot won't block someone on a bicycle.


08-26-2008, 11:25 AM
Hey M -

If you pay attention on Douglas Blvd just South of the turn onto Wilshire, about a block or so down, there is a small hidden trail that will get you down to where the activity is on the purple church as well. It's a little easier to navigate through without being seen. Take pictures! And maybe some holy water. lol. Kidding.

08-26-2008, 11:48 AM
hmmm... will have to check that out. if we go, pictures will definitely be taken. wait a sec... this is beginning to sound a bit too much like blair witch or cloverfield.


08-26-2008, 12:09 PM
hmmm... will have to check that out. if we go, pictures will definitely be taken. wait a sec... this is beginning to sound a bit too much like blair witch or cloverfield.


hehe. even better. take video.

08-26-2008, 04:47 PM
Good point kmf go at night mmm and make sure one of your friends is a female who is good at screaming we can even add in some sound effects later on we can make this even bigger then blair witch or cloverfield.
! j/k

08-26-2008, 05:20 PM
My parents used to talk about the "spook Light" anyone know where that is?

08-26-2008, 08:13 PM
Very interesting mmm. It sounds like there is someone trying to fix the place up. Maybe that's who has the 5th wheel of doom.

I almost hate to think that someone may bring an end to the Purple Church.

08-26-2008, 10:40 PM
soooo, if we don't hear from you again, and future sat shots show a collection of bikes hanging from wire by the lake, well, thanks in advance for checking it out for the rrest

08-26-2008, 11:27 PM
My parents used to talk about the "spook Light" anyone know where that is?

Couldn't find any information on one in OKC, but here's an interesting page on a "spook light" in NE Oklahoma.

The Spooklight - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (


08-27-2008, 05:22 PM
When I was looking for the witch's house east of Kitchen lake I notice there where two birds eye views of it one is an older one of it when the chimney was still you can see its shadow it was in the winter the next a newer one took in the summer when the chimney was gone.
At least we know MSN live maps update there sat shots
Newer image

08-27-2008, 11:13 PM
.oO(I see dead chimney .... still)Oo.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
08-28-2008, 02:17 AM

link1 (

link2 (

link3 (

link4 (


(okay... i'm probably gonna drive by that spooky house on bryant tonight)

Yeah....About that bridge down 119th...The ashes? The crap?

Sorry...MY BAD. We threw keggers and bonfire parties down there in the late 80's....People would drive down there and dump crap all the time. When we'd have our parties, we'd just start tossing all that crap in there. We'd also run off anybody we didn't know. I can only assume this continued long after I moved away.

Same with Kitchen Lake. One of my buddies lived on a property that was about a 10 minute walk to the water. We'd sneak out at night and scare the crap out of anybody that came around. Frisbees and slingshots loaded with 1" washers that make quite the weird noise when zinging by will scare the everlovin' pi$$ out of people around a dark creepy lake at night.

So yeah....

*points at self****PART OF THE PROBLEM

08-30-2008, 12:21 PM
is this the house in moore? (

if so, i drove by this afternoon... i'd never noticed it before. looks (to me) like it was built mid century... maybe 40's or 50's. new streets have been liad down, the outbuildings have all been razed and the lots divided up with for sale signs... not sure why the developers left the main house.


Sure you had the right place I was told they tour down the place down 2 years ago?

I also made a trip down to the gate to the purple church it looked spooky just driving down Douglas BLVD
These are pictures of the gate.
I zoomed in down the road its the closes I could get to the puple church by my self.
Two people drove by me when I was out by the gate they didnt seem to mind me being there one person waved at me.

08-30-2008, 05:33 PM
We're getting closer and closer to the actual "Purple Church".

08-31-2008, 11:12 AM
We're getting closer and closer to the actual "Purple Church".

I had some concerns over the this sign posted by the gate but I do plan on making a trip in there but it will take some research first.

08-31-2008, 12:14 PM
At least it doesn't say trespassers will be subjected to banjo music and 'entertained' in the <low booming voice with echo> Fifth Wheel (wheel wheel wheel) of the Damned (damned damned)</low booming voice with echo>

08-31-2008, 06:29 PM
I heard today that the ninth floor of the Colcord Hotel is haunted, from some ladies that used to work on the 12th floor when it was an office building. Funny that they told us this on the same day that an elevator mysteriously got stuck on the 9th floor and caused all other elevators to freeze.

09-01-2008, 12:10 AM
There used to be a very creep house ala "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" style on 150th and N. Council, on the NW side of the intersection. They closed it down, but my friends always wanted to look around inside of it. Anyone else have a clue what im talking about? I thnk theyre trying to sell that land to build some houses...i wouldnt wanna live there....ooooooooo scary haha

09-03-2008, 08:00 AM
Get get get get get out out out out out

09-03-2008, 08:10 AM
great pics, guyb! douglas is way creepy... i'll probably go post road if i were to go again.


09-05-2008, 02:11 PM
These are more pictures from my spooky places photo shoot Kitchen lake and the witch's house.
This leads to the flooded out bridge
I could just imagine how this place would look at night
Whats left of the chimney at the witch's house
I found the remains of one of Oh GAWD the Smell's bomb fire partys! j/k