View Full Version : ESPN Poll: The entire world chooses "Outlaws" over "Thunder"

07-21-2008, 08:04 PM
Check the poll: Poll Results by State (

Bottom line is we here in OKC are not the only ones PBC is looking to market the brand name and merchandise to.

This HAS to count for something.

Even if not the Outlaws, please choose something different than Thunder.
We really can do better.

07-21-2008, 08:08 PM
Why do you suppose they prefer Outlaws?

07-21-2008, 08:16 PM
Why do you suppose they prefer Outlaws?

Please see my last post here:

It's about the same thing.

07-21-2008, 08:21 PM
No way the image-conscious NBA will allow a name like that. Remember, about a decade ago, the NBA forced the Washington Bullets to change its name.

Just can't see Outlaws ever happening.

07-21-2008, 08:23 PM
Again, even if not the Outlaws, please choose something different than Thunder.

07-21-2008, 08:25 PM
Nah, I like Thunder plenty. But thanks!

07-21-2008, 08:26 PM
ESPN has had nothing positive to say about this team being uprooted from Seattle and relocated to Oklahoma City!

Personally, I have lost respect for ESPN because they have chose to take sides in this issue.

If ESPN owned the Sonics and were losing money like Clay and PBC; you can bet that they would be singing a different tune if this team was approved to be relocated to Hartford instead of Oklahoma City.

Whatever the owners name the team, I'll be a supporter.

I can think of a 1,000 names worst than Thunder. They did respect the fact that this community choose "Thunder." If you didn't participate in the process; then, remember to get involved the next time.

Let's support OKC's NBA experience.


07-21-2008, 08:28 PM
ESPN has had nothing positive to say about this team being uprooted from Seattle and relocated to Oklahoma City!

Personally, I have lost respect for ESPN because they have chose to take sides in this issue.

If ESPN owned the Sonics and were losing money like Clay and PBC; you can bet that they would be singing a different tune if this team was approved to be relocated to Hartford instead of Oklahoma City.

Whatever the owners name the team, I'll be a supporter.

I can think of a 1,000 names worst than Thunder. They did respect the fact that this community choose "Thunder." If you didn't participate in the process; then, remember to get involved the next time.

Let's support OKC's NBA experience.


Do you understand how all media works?

Please realize that until the team left, they were SUPPOSED to support the team staying in Seattle.

Now that they are here, they're GOING TO continue growing in support of OKC succeeding with the team.

07-21-2008, 08:33 PM
The "entire world"? Wow, that' s one heck of a poll. How did the team name fair in Djibouti? Because considering how little rainfall they get (I doubt they even have any thunderstorms with just 5 inches of rain a year), I'm really concerned that their lack of experience with thunder might have skewed their vote, thus
invalidating this historic worldwide ESPN ballot.


"Visit Djibouti - Because You Haven't So Far!"
Djibouti - Tourism, travel, and recreation (

07-21-2008, 08:40 PM
This whole deal makes me remind myself how much I wish Oklahomans would just not care what the outside world thinks about them (like Texans). No matter what this team is named, people in other parts of the country are still going to think whatever they will about us. So what? The fans spoke in the Oklahoman deal and chose Thunder. I don't give a rip what ESPN or Wyoming or anyone else wants us to be called. Thunder is a winner and it fits OKC's severe weather tradition. So what? There's a ton of ways to market it and it will soak into the NBA lexicon just like Heat, Raptors and Spurs have.

Also, as far as the ESPN poll goes... OKC is still in that "team-stealing" phase, just like Baltimore was after they nabbed the Saints. But a decade later? NO ONE CARES. The reason the Outlaws won that poll so handily wasn't because they thought it sounded better, but because they're believing the crap ESPN is slinging and chose the answer seen as more of a joke.

I say call the team Thunder and give a giant middle to the rest of the country. Who gives a flip?

07-21-2008, 08:41 PM
Were there any chads involved in this worldwide vote?

07-21-2008, 08:43 PM
Ok, I'll stop here, because I really wanna keep loving this site, and all my firends here.

Whatever, Thunder wins...We'll see.
However, it seems like the court of public opinion (that is the ones who count) have already decided our fate.
Ones who count= The stations\TV Shows that have already blasted that Thunder was the name, even though we know nothing has actually been announced officially.
Hopefully the colors are cool.

To Laramie: please yell at the games as loud as you did in your post to me.

07-21-2008, 08:56 PM
I'm trying to remember that there must have been a deafening silence at best when the New Jersey name "Nets" was announced. It could be worse, it could be worse, I keep telling myself. Thank heavens the NBA didn't dredge up Dragons from their vaults.

07-21-2008, 09:16 PM
Were there any chads involved in this worldwide vote?

They're still hanging. :)

07-21-2008, 09:20 PM
While we're at it, lets dredge up another ABA name. The OKC Amigos.

07-21-2008, 10:00 PM
Also, as far as the ESPN poll goes... OKC is still in that "team-stealing" phase, just like Baltimore was after they nabbed the Saints. But a decade later? NO ONE CARES.

I believe you meant the Browns, instead of the Saints. I got confused for a second.

07-21-2008, 11:06 PM
Wow. That was bad.

Yeah, Browns. San Antonio will steal the Saints one day. Or Los Angeles.

07-21-2008, 11:39 PM
17,000 votes.
How many votes did the Oklahoman take in when they did their poll?
Outlaws does not equal Bullets. Bullets are way to blatantly non PC. Outlaws is not on the same level as it refers to the outlaws of the old west. What's offensive about John Wayne and Clint Eastwood characters?

07-22-2008, 12:03 AM
Outlaws can be mistaken for anything remotely connected to criminal activity. The NBA won't let it fly.

07-22-2008, 12:41 AM
Outlaws can be mistaken for anything remotely connected to criminal activity. The NBA won't let it fly.

Well ESPN appears to disagree with that thought as well as the rest of the country according to that poll.
Nobody is calling for the Raiders to be renamed, and they reside in the heart of PC country.

07-22-2008, 12:44 AM
If they gave the Outlaws logo a western motif it would not likely be adopted by street gangs. Don't think a horse riding cowboy would really be popular among innercity gangs.

07-22-2008, 01:41 AM
Guys, I've thought about it.

And Thunder sounds too minor league. It is very baseless and doesn't have that kick or pump that almost any other NBA team has.

I think Barons or Outlaws are way better - and of the four Clay is apparently narrowed to (the other being Thundercats and Thunder), Barons or Outlaws should be in the top 2.

Then, if the NBA wont allow Outlaws - Barons should be it. Irregardless of the potential negative (Robber Baron is the ONLY ONE) - Barons rolls off the tongue, ends in s, and has huge marketing appeal (both here an nationwide).

Plus, we don't have any local market teams named Barons.

It's ridiculous the OKC media ran with Thunder as the name - when the ownership didn't ever confirm it nor did they have a statement planned. That just shows the immaturity of the OKC media - at least channel 5 had a source, but why did the DoK run with it - when they didn't have ownership confirmation?

It's being reported all over (all over our news up here) that it's the Thunder - when it isn't nor hasn't been decided or released yet. The DoK (and OKC) are going to look really stupid when they have to retract the stories from the last couple of days - Im sure Clay will definitely drop Thunder now!

Barons and Outlaws are much better than that!

07-22-2008, 07:42 AM
No way the image-conscious NBA will allow a name like that. Remember, about a decade ago, the NBA forced the Washington Bullets to change its name.

Just can't see Outlaws ever happening.

the NBA had nothing to due with the bullets changing their name the bullets owner wanted to change the name

07-22-2008, 08:19 AM
I really hope ESPN is onto something! I would much rather the name be Outlaws instead of Thunder!!

OU Adonis
07-22-2008, 08:21 AM
Same here Watson.

07-22-2008, 08:41 AM
who cares about it, really all that matters is that we have an NBA team, no matter what the name is people are still going to put us down, just pick a name get this over with cuz in 4 years it wont matter, we will still have a team.

and thunder isn't too bad, better than charlotte bobcats!!!

07-22-2008, 12:39 PM
After hundreds of millions of $'s, a nasty legal fight, and name calling to boot Thunder seems a bit weak.

/just sayin'

07-22-2008, 01:29 PM
It is very baseless and doesn't have that kick or pump that almost any other NBA team has.

You mean like the "kick" and "pump" of names like:


Honestly, the NBA is home to several weak nicknames, many worse than Thunder. At least thunder is ominous and threatening on some level.

I'm not saying Thunder is a world beater, but, really, come up with a name that will satisfy a simply majority of people and I'd be impressed. Thunder may sound areana football-ish right now, but Outaws sounds like the last picked name in a club league and Barons sounds like something from an inter-corporate ego driven wanna-be-young-again league. So, they all have their downside.

In the end, just get us a true point that can play some D and I'll root for the Okie-Dokies.

07-22-2008, 01:36 PM
I would rather be the Posse than the Outlaws, just as I would rather be the hammer than the nail.

I honestly don't see Thunder as weak. It appears that weakness, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.

07-22-2008, 04:21 PM
ESPN has had nothing positive to say about this team being uprooted from Seattle and relocated to Oklahoma City!

Personally, I have lost respect for ESPN because they have chose to take sides in this issue.

You're just now losing respect for ESPN?! A little late, but welcome to the band wagon.

07-22-2008, 04:37 PM
You mean like the "kick" and "pump" of names like:


Honestly, the NBA is home to several weak nicknames, many worse than Thunder. At least thunder is ominous and threatening on some level.

I'm not saying Thunder is a world beater, but, really, come up with a name that will satisfy a simply majority of people and I'd be impressed. Thunder may sound areana football-ish right now, but Outaws sounds like the last picked name in a club league and Barons sounds like something from an inter-corporate ego driven wanna-be-young-again league. So, they all have their downside.

In the end, just get us a true point that can play some D and I'll root for the Okie-Dokies.

So what, that's the standard for us then? Just to be no weaker than everybody else?

Way to "Not care about what others outside OK think"
You guys just keep contradicting yourselves.

07-22-2008, 05:13 PM
So what, that's the standard for us then? Just to be no weaker than everybody else?

Translation: Just to be stronger than everybody else.

Sounds like a good standard to me. What's your problem with wanting to be stronger than the rest?

So with Thunder you have a name that's clearly better than at least 10 teams in the NBA and it doesn't convey criminality or elitism, as do Outlaws and Barons respectively. It's generally ominous and threatening, unlike feudal lords and fugitives.

Outlaws is about as boring as you can get, save for naming it the Tigers or Cowboys. Barons is just kind of goofy. I won't run around starting the whiners thread or even participate in any whiner threads if they're named the Barons or Outlaws, but it's ridiculous to claim that those names are the product of some sort of nickname genius consortium and are in any way far superior to Thunder, because they're not. While Thunder will not please everyone, as no name will, it at least is something strong while Outlaws is about as pedestrian as you get and Barons is about as stuffy as you can get.

I'll actually just be happy if it's not hickish or oily, as really the nickname pissing contest is one for the losing teams. As long as the front office is trying to fill that uniform with the best players it can, I'll wear my medieval lordship garb to the Ford Palace to root for the Barons. (however, I will not wear chaps to see the Outlaws, but I'll still root for them).

07-22-2008, 05:20 PM
I was thinking that Outlaws sounded awesome back IN February! If it is to never be considered then I'm content with Thunder. There's nothing wrong with it when--as it has been stated several times--other teams in the NBA have names that probably sounded a little lame when the cities first came up with them JAZZ, LAKERS, MAGIC, HEAT, SPURS.

07-22-2008, 05:26 PM
I dig what you're saying, BDP.
I didn't realize I was whining however; I believed I was offering my conversation in a thread about a team who is YET TO BE OFFICIALLY NAMED.

My real beef is this:
Let's assume for a moment, that you (or Clay's Group) personally had an idea for a team name that hadn't been mentioned anywhere before.

And let's assume that were you to suggest your idea, ALL (meaning 90%+) would love and be completely satisfied with it.

How much of a disservice has KOCO, and through them ESPN, and a million other media outlets done us all now by basically trying to push the "Thunder" name down our throats?

And prematurely, no less.

When I say all, I mean both us fans, AND Clay's people, because how much harder is it now to overcome what most people already think is the name, even if they have something less polarizing as "Thunder"?

07-22-2008, 05:43 PM
No worries, just hold a presser, with a giant banner behind the big guy of PBC ... It says simply Thunder blunder inside a bid red circle with a slah

Then as it talks, time it so it falls and the actual name, colors and logo start flashing on a mega screen

(I may not know the name, shoot, I still really don't give a rat's as to the name, but well, that would be cool ... just laugh thunder Blunder off and go forward as though it's no big deal.

Maybe shrugging it off only works in the movies, but that's the route I'd take if i wanted to go with another name.

07-22-2008, 06:19 PM
The Nets started out as the ABA team in New York, and after the first year the Nets name was adopted because it rhymed with "Mets," the National League baseball club, and "Jets," the football team.

This went a little too far, perhaps; the New York squad in World Team Tennis was originally called the "Sets," and off-track betting locations advertised as the N. Y. Bets.

07-23-2008, 10:29 AM
I dig what you're saying, BDP.
I didn't realize I was whining however; I believed I was offering my conversation in a thread about a team who is YET TO BE OFFICIALLY NAMED.

I didn't mean to suggest you were whining. I just was trying to convey that my opinions on Barons or Outlaws, while not very supportive, are being presented in the context of the team not being officially named and should not be taken to mean that I would complain about them if they were adopted as the name.

My real beef is this:
Let's assume for a moment, that you (or Clay's Group) personally had an idea for a team name that hadn't been mentioned anywhere before.

And let's assume that were you to suggest your idea, ALL (meaning 90%+) would love and be completely satisfied with it.

Personally, I think that's impossible. I think the closest you can get to 90% in this situation would be for 90% indifference, where the majority would say "it's not what i would have picked, but I can live with." I'm pretty sure they could name it after some native aggressive animal and you wouldn't get nearly as much of a vocal negative reaction. It would just be another aggressive animal nickname.

How much of a disservice has KOCO, and through them ESPN, and a million other media outlets done us all now by basically trying to push the "Thunder" name down our throats?

And prematurely, no less.

I see your point there, but that's our media today. Speculation is discussed as fact, mainly because people seem to like discussing and hearing about speculation more than facts, for some reason, and there's too much air time to fill with just facts. It's actually more distressing to me that people can not make the distinction on their own. I believe it has been reported as Thunder with the supporting evidence as a domain name registration and an unnamed source to Mark Rogers. Let's talk about it, but I think we can all do so under the caveat that nothing is official.

And if, by chance, the source leaked to rogers in an effort to get a reaction from the fans and media on the name and use some of the negative reaction to go a different way, I would actually think that people, such as yourself, who have a strong dislike for the name would appreciate the efforts of KOCO and ESPN to give you a chance to voice that opposition before it become official.

When I say all, I mean both us fans, AND Clay's people, because how much harder is it now to overcome what most people already think is the name, even if they have something less polarizing as "Thunder"

If they do in fact have a name that only 10% of the fans dislike, then I don't think it matters what people think the name is going to be at this point, as it will be rendered inconsequential when the official name is announced. But, be wary of that 10%. A vocal 10% has a knack for sounding like 60%.

07-23-2008, 11:53 AM
Thunder's so woosy. And please don't let it have that damned bufallo with it that Kelly Ogle keeps's AWFUL!

07-23-2008, 02:43 PM
Thunder's so woosy. And please don't let it have that damned bufallo with it that Kelly Ogle keeps's AWFUL!

Is he still showing the Thunder/Buffalo concept?