View Full Version : Christmas Eve services

12-21-2004, 01:54 AM
If you don't attend church anywhere, I want to invite you to attend church for a special Christimas Eve candle light service.

Here are my recommendations:

North side: Northwest Baptist Church, 3030 NW 23rd St. (NW 23rd and Drexel), 6 PM

Far north side and Edmond: Crossings Community Church, 14600 N. Portland Ave., 4 and 6 PM.

South side: Send Keith a PM.

12-21-2004, 05:59 AM
South side.......South Lindsay Baptist Church, 3300 S. Lindsay. There will not actually be a Christmas Eve service, instead the service will be Wednesday night, Dec 22., at 6:30 PM. We did this so that those who are traveling for the holidays could enjoy a Christmas service, and then be ready to travel.

This will be a candlelight service with the singing of Christmas carols. If you need directions to the church, either call the church at 631-8681, PM me, or e-mail me at

12-22-2004, 12:32 AM
Okay, in case you guys missed the service at South Lindsay, here's an alternative for the south side.

First Baptist Church of Moore
301 NE 27th (right of I-35, just east of I-35)

& 6 PM!