View Full Version : Gaylord Enterprises
dcsooner 07-20-2008, 06:57 AM I live in the Washington DC area and there is a New AWESOME Resort Hotel and Conference Center open on the MD side of the Potomac River. The name is Gaylord National Resort and Conference Center. I know the Gaylords of OKC is the name source, but do the Gaylords in OKC still have an interest in Gaylord Resorts whose Corporate HQ's is in Nashville?
DelCamino 07-20-2008, 09:58 AM Yes, it's the same family.
Gaylord Entertainment, Nashville, owns that hotel, along with the Gaylord in Grapevine, TX, the Gaylord Palm in Florida, and maybe some more I'm not aware of. The company also owns the Broadmore Hotel and Resort in Colorado Springs.
The family's media branch, Oklahoma Publishing Company, is still hq'ed in Oklahoma City.
mecarr 07-20-2008, 10:06 AM The one in Texas is incredibly expensive. If you go there for a business meeting, they actually charge you to turn on the electricity and then charge $600 for wi-fi use.
Toadrax 07-20-2008, 11:00 AM I wish we named the sonics after them.
The Oklahoma City Gaylords would be an awesome name, and our mascot would be on fire.... or at least really flaming.
dcsooner 07-20-2008, 11:05 AM So Clay Bennetts family is Loaded!
bornhere 07-20-2008, 04:20 PM Um, yeah.
Kerry 07-20-2008, 08:12 PM That is why just thought of Seattle trying to bleed him was laughable.
edcrunk 07-20-2008, 08:42 PM I wish we named the sonics after them.
The Oklahoma City Gaylords would be an awesome name, and our mascot would be on fire.... or at least really flaming.
the gaylord fockers would have been classy!
anyways, i have a friend that works in the bar at the one in grapevine and she makes bank!
jbrown84 07-21-2008, 06:50 PM Yes, it's the same family.
Gaylord Entertainment, Nashville, owns that hotel, along with the Gaylord in Grapevine, TX, the Gaylord Palm in Florida, and maybe some more I'm not aware of. The company also owns the Broadmore Hotel and Resort in Colorado Springs.
The family's media branch, Oklahoma Publishing Company, is still hq'ed in Oklahoma City.
The Gaylord Resorts are owned by Gaylord Entertainment of Nashville. It is a public company but I believe one or 2 Gaylords is on the board.
The Broodmoor is owned by the Gaylord Family or OPUBCO.
HOT ROD 07-21-2008, 09:05 PM why isn't gaylord entertainment hq in Oklahoma City?
If it were, we'd have another Fortune 500 company. I mean, especially since it is Gaylord and Gaylord Family resides (and works?) in Oklahoma City - we should get the credit for the public company, No?
solitude 07-21-2008, 09:13 PM why isn't gaylord entertainment hq in Oklahoma City?
If it were, we'd have another Fortune 500 company. I mean, especially since it is Gaylord and Gaylord Family resides (and works?) in Oklahoma City - we should get the credit for the public company, No?
You don't remember when the Gaylord's took their money to Nashville? It was all very controversial (of course nothing in the paper) but they decided in the early '80's that greener pastures were in Tennessee. A lot of their charitable giving followed them as well. Not that they quit giving in Oklahoma, they've given a lot. Though, you and I probably give more in proportion to our income. According to Forbes magazine, when Edward L. Gaylord died in 2003 only 235 people in the world were wealthier than him - and only 99 in the United States.
HOT ROD 07-21-2008, 09:36 PM I sdo remember Sol. Im just wishing and hoping that the Gaylords move back.
We need all the help we can get, and Nashville can go on their own. If the Gaylords moved the public hq back, that would give OKC 3 F500's (based on the 2008 list).
And I mean, since they live here - and their wealth started in OKC with the Oklahoman; and since their family controls Gaylord Entertainment anywyas - move the HQ to OKC? They could still have admin offices in Nashville yet have the corporate hq in OKC.
They need to support OKC - they are with the NBA, why not give OKC some 'high profile' corporate wise.?
bornhere 07-21-2008, 10:30 PM Or, of course, they could have all moved to Nashville and run OPUBCO as a branch office. Personally, I think the Gaylord family has, in total, done a lot more to hold Oklahoma back than it has to advance it.
Part of the reason people like Sally Kern and Brent Rinehart flourish today is because a generation of Oklahomans grew up exposed to the crazy rantings of Ed 'No n------ on the front page' Gaylord.
solitude 07-22-2008, 12:01 AM Or, of course, they could have all moved to Nashville and run OPUBCO as a branch office. Personally, I think the Gaylord family has, in total, done a lot more to hold Oklahoma back than it has to advance it.
Part of the reason people like Sally Kern and Brent Rinehart flourish today is because a generation of Oklahomans grew up exposed to the crazy rantings of Ed 'No n------ on the front page' Gaylord.
I agree. On balance, the damage that paper did to our city far outweighs any good to come from its profits.
HOT ROD 07-22-2008, 01:46 AM I don't disagree - but since the DoK has done so little to advance our city, the least they could do is have the public company's headquarters here.
I mean, they've held OKC back so much - well at least they could say they're hq in OKC. .... It would at least give OKC a F500 company and it would ALL BE OKC. ya know.
I hope those times are gone - but judging by the 'name is now Thunder' story, I see the DoK has a long way to go. They should have reported it as 'Channel 5 reports the name will be Thunder, but BENNETT'S PEOPLE HAVE NOT CONFIRMED IT.' and just left it with that.
That's all they had to do. Instead of this running around town 'what do you think about the new team's name Thunder.' and stuff.
Bennett didn't have a press conference, nor would confirm the name. So, it isn't official and there never should have been an 'official' story in the major metro paper. Didn't they realize the rest of the nation would pick that up and publish it?
metro 07-22-2008, 09:55 AM Bennett's family et all don't have as much money as you think. They didn't even make Forbes 200 list of billionaires, but Ward and McClendon did. The Gaylords wealth is more in power, not money (although they aren't hurting).
jbrown84 07-22-2008, 08:05 PM Well not all the Gaylords still live here. Someone inherited all that money and they probably live in Nashville.
The reason Gaylord Entertainment is based in Nashville is because it's main properties (originally) were The Grand Ol' Opry, Opryland, The Nashville Network (TNN), and the Nashville NHL team. They sold off TNN and the NHL team I think, but have added the hotel properties. The only Gaylord involved is E.K. II. He's on the board. He hardly has the power to move the company here when all their main properties are in Nashville.
jbrown84 07-22-2008, 08:08 PM There's also Gaylord Films, which is apparently a OPUBCO subsidiary. I'm not sure if they are still in existence though. IMDb doesn't show a credit since 2005.
Gaylord Films, Inc.: Private Company Information - BusinessWeek (
Kerry 07-22-2008, 09:25 PM One of the reason no one from the Gaylord family show up on the Forbes list is because they don't work for a publicly traded company. McClendon and Ward derive a large portion of their income from their employers and their income is public record. Bennett/Gaylords might own large portions of publicly traded companies but they don't work for them.
lparsons 07-23-2008, 07:59 PM What happend Eddie Gaylord, I heard he sold the Lazy E and moved to Arizona, did he his dad fire him from Oklahoman? What was the issue there?