View Full Version : Top 10 Best/Worst Movies of 2008

07-18-2008, 02:10 PM
My Top 10 of 2008:

1. 10/10 or A+

2. 9/10 or A

3. 9/10 or A

4. 9/10 or A

5. 9/10 or A

6. 8/10 or A-

7. 8/10 or A-

8. 8/10 or A-

9. 8/10 or A-

10. 8/10 or B+


11. Shelter (8/10 or B+)
12. Paranoid Park (8/10 or B+)
13. Forgetting Sarah Marshall (8/10 or B+)
14. Definitely, Maybe (8/10 or B+)
15. The Air I Breathe (8/10 or B+)
16. Savage Grace (7/10 or B)
17. Vantage Point (7/10 or B)
18. Jumper (7/10 or B)
19. You Don't Mess With the Zohan (7/10 or B-)
20. The Tattooist (7/10 or B-)

*there are no films between these lists.

Bottom Ten of 2008:

1. 10,000 B.C. (4/10 or D-)
2. Prom Night (5/10 or D+)
3. 27 Dresses (6/10 or C+)

Still need to catch: Hellboy 2: The Golden Army, The Strangers, Snow Angels, Pathology, The Incredible Hulk, 21, Get Smart, And Then She Found Me, The Promotion, The Ruins, Be Kind Rewind, Funny Games, Shutter, Stop Loss, Charlie Bartlett, The Bank Job, The Signal, The Life Before Her Eyes, Mamma Mia!

07-18-2008, 05:22 PM
Wasn't 10,000 BC the absolute Worst? I still cringe thinking about it.

I would pass on the Ruins ..

StopLoss was Okay.

Hellboy 2, you'll like it.

Love the Other Bolyn Girl.... that was intense.

How was the Happening.. Freaky scary? I want to go see that one.

In Bruges.. loved that one.

07-18-2008, 06:27 PM
you put baby mama on the list but no ironman? thats crazy

07-21-2008, 05:28 PM
Wasn't 10,000 BC the absolute Worst? I still cringe thinking about it.

I know. I thought surely it would be entertaining popcorn fare, but it wasn't even that. Awful.

How was the Happening.. Freaky scary? I want to go see that one.

I wouldn't call it freaky scary. It's more in the Twilight Zone vein. There's some shocking death scenes though. If you like Shyamalan, you'll like it.

07-21-2008, 05:29 PM
you put baby mama on the list but no ironman? thats crazy

No, the image just disappeared. I'll fix it.

My Top 10 of 2008:

1. 10/10 or A+

2. 9/10 or A

3. 9/10 or A

4. 9/10 or A

5. 9/10 or A

6. 8/10 or A-

7. 8/10 or A-

8. 8/10 or A-

9. 8/10 or A-

10. 8/10 or B+


11. Shelter (8/10 or B+)
12. Paranoid Park (8/10 or B+)
13. Forgetting Sarah Marshall (8/10 or B+)
14. Definitely, Maybe (8/10 or B+)
15. The Air I Breathe (8/10 or B+)
16. Savage Grace (7/10 or B)
17. Vantage Point (7/10 or B)
18. Jumper (7/10 or B)
19. You Don't Mess With the Zohan (7/10 or B-)
20. The Tattooist (7/10 or B-)

*there are no films between these lists.

Bottom Ten of 2008:

1. 10,000 B.C. (4/10 or D-)
2. Prom Night (5/10 or D+)
3. 27 Dresses (6/10 or C+)

Still need to catch: Hellboy 2: The Golden Army, The Strangers, Snow Angels, Pathology, The Incredible Hulk, 21, Get Smart, And Then She Found Me, The Promotion, The Ruins, Be Kind Rewind, Funny Games, Shutter, Stop Loss, Charlie Bartlett, The Bank Job, The Signal, The Life Before Her Eyes, Mamma Mia!

07-21-2008, 05:50 PM
JBrown, Did you see where Dark Knight now has almost 70,000 ratings on The Internet Movie Database and the average is a 9.6!! It's now #1 on the IMDB Top 250 Movies of All Time. I like your movie judgment - is it really that good, or is it being carried along into high praise by chic momentum? I want to see it, but the crowds are still huge. I am thinking I will see it maybe at a first showing and forget trying for an evening showing.

I haven't seen enough of the films in '08 to make a fair Top Ten list, but I know any list would have to include In Bruges . Did you see that?

07-21-2008, 06:30 PM
omg... we have a thread on In Bruges, I just rented it again today for my nephew.

I'm probably in such the minority here and all the guys will hate that I say this.. but I just didn't get The Dark Knight.

I felt sort of bored.

I liked Hancock, loved Transformers and Iron Man, saw it twice. I even liked HellBoy better than the Dark Knight.

I wouldn't see the Dark Knight twice. In fact, I was hoping it would end... I know, I know. I'm sorry! It was just so convoluted, so drawn out...

I'm a horrible Batman Fan.. but I'll give you this, Christian Bale is fine.

07-22-2008, 03:46 PM
You were probably expecting something different in the Dark Knight. It's not a popcorn movie like most comic book movies are. The 1989 Batman tried to go in a darker vein like The Dark Knight Returns or the Killing Joke books but missed it. Of course when Joel Schumacher took over we were right back into the campy Batman of the '60s again. I think the Chris Nolan series gets it right. It's taken from the perspective of these people (as insane as they are) could actually exist in the real world. It is so far from being like any other comic book movie, it's heavy, dark and intense.

07-22-2008, 04:08 PM
Yes, you hit the nail on the head.. I really wasn't expecting it to be like it was.

07-22-2008, 06:53 PM
Well said, Traxx.

JBrown, Did you see where Dark Knight now has almost 70,000 ratings on The Internet Movie Database and the average is a 9.6!! It's now #1 on the IMDB Top 250 Movies of All Time. I like your movie judgment - is it really that good, or is it being carried along into high praise by chic momentum?

Thanks. It really is that good. Nolan has created an amazing crime saga that puts the Batman characters in a realistic comic book world. And just as Batman Begins was a meditation on fear, the Dark Knight delves deep into that nature of man and whether we are truly good or truly evil. When order fails, does chaos win? It really is dark. As my friend said, "there's nothing happy about it."

On IMDb, it will drop off over time. Return of the King has dropped from #2 to like #10.

And no, I didn't see In Bruges. I don't really care for these slick gangster movies like that that seem to come out every few months.

07-22-2008, 07:17 PM
I didn't see In Bruges. I don't really care for these slick gangster movies

It's not like that at all.

If you can past the swear words, it is an absolutely amazing movie.

You should definitely check it out.

I think you hit it spot on when you said ' there is nothing happy about it' yeah, I think that's why I didn't like it.

There was one scene that I was touched by...

... Spoiler Alert...........

The ferries.. that was a good one.

07-22-2008, 07:30 PM
Yes. It is a pivotal moment in the movie, thematically.

07-22-2008, 07:32 PM
I just watched In Bruges again today.. I don't know why, that movie just really touched me.. jbrown.. give it a shot .. it will surprise the heck out of you.

07-23-2008, 12:17 PM
Nolan has created an amazing crime saga that puts the Batman characters in a realistic comic book world. And just as Batman Begins was a meditation on fear, the Dark Knight delves deep into that nature of man and whether we are truly good or truly evil. When order fails, does chaos win? It really is dark. As my friend said, "there's nothing happy about it."

After seeing it, I was really surprised that it achieved a PG-13 rating. I thought it should have been R because of the themes and how dark and heavy it is. I suppose that they cut just enough to get it in under the PG-13 rating.

When I saw it, I watched it at a late night showing at Warren. When I got out of the movie I saw a group of people which included a girl about 8 or 10 years old. I'm sorry but I think that's just too young for a movie like that. It doesn't have cartoon violence like some super hero movies, when someone dies in that movie they treat like a life has really been lost instead of just killing expendable extras and characters. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if that girl had nightmares that night. Especially since ***SPOILER*** there's one intense scene that deals with the life and death of a youngster about her age.**SPOILER END**

Apparently I'm not the only one who thinks so. I've heard and read some reviewers saying that this movie isn't for children. It's very adult in subject matter.

Great movie though. I'm going again next week to see it.

07-23-2008, 12:44 PM
Yeah definitely the most adult we've seen from a comic book movie.

07-23-2008, 09:57 PM
My wife and I saw it last Sunday evening at the Cine Capri at Harkins. The place was so full that we ended up sitting on the third row. Bad idea. It was way too close to that huge screen. Also, behind us was a family with a 3 or 4 year old girl who couldn't sit still for more than a few minutes at a time. She jumped off of her seat, inevitably hitting the backs of our seats every time. I kept wondering why they didn't utilize the child care facility in the theater.

I'm thinking of seeing it again, this time from the back row of the theater... so I can text and not bother anyone. j/k

07-24-2008, 09:20 AM
My wife and I saw it last Sunday evening at the Cine Capri at Harkins. The place was so full that we ended up sitting on the third row. Bad idea. It was way too close to that huge screen. Also, behind us was a family with a 3 or 4 year old girl who couldn't sit still for more than a few minutes at a time. She jumped off of her seat, inevitably hitting the backs of our seats every time. I kept wondering why they didn't utilize the child care facility in the theater.

I'm thinking of seeing it again, this time from the back row of the theater... so I can text and not bother anyone. j/k

See it from the balcony of the Warren, then you won't have to worry about children. Also, the Warren is hard nosed about people talking and texting.

07-24-2008, 10:09 AM
It pains me that I've only seen one of the consenus's top 10 here (Indian Jones). I gotta get to the movies more. :)

11-28-2008, 12:07 AM
My Top 10 of 2008:

1. 10/10 or A+

2. 10/10 or A+

3. 9/10 or A

4. 9/10 or A

5. 9/10 or A

6. 9/10 or A

7. 9/10 or A

8. 8/10 or A-

9. 8/10 or A-

10. 8/10 or A-


11. Pathology (8/10 or A-)
12. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (8/10 or A-)
13. Baby Mama (8/10 or A-)
14. Iron Man (8/10 or A-)
15. W. (8/10 or B+)
16. 21 (8/10 or B+)
17. Hamlet 2 (8/10 or B+)
18. The Strangers (8/10 or B+)
19. Forgetting Sarah Marshall (8/10 or B+)
20. The Happening (7/10 or B)

*there are nine films between these lists.

Bottom Ten of 2008:

1. 10,000 B.C. (4/10 or D-)
2. Prom Night (5/10 or D+)
3. 27 Dresses (6/10 or C+)
4. The Tattooist (6/10 or C+)
5. What Happens in Vegas (6/10 or C+)
6. You Don't Mess With the Zohan (6/10 or C+)
7. The Ruins (7/10 or B-)
8. Mamma Mia! (7/10 or B-)
9. Vantage Point (7/10 or B-)
10. The Air I Breathe (7/10 or B-)

Still need to catch: Milk, Slumdog Millionaire, Role Models, Blindness, Burn After Reading, Be Kind Rewind, Funny Games, Tropic Thunder, Pineapple Express, Eagle Eye, Zach & Miri Make a Porno, Passengers, Synecdoche: New York, Mirrors, Transsiberian, Hellboy 2: The Golden Army, The Incredible Hulk, Get Smart, American Teen, And Then She Found Me, Shutter, The Signal, The Life Before Her Eyes

11-28-2008, 08:18 AM
I absolutely hated The Happening. I love M.Night Shamalamadingdong...but this movie was absolutely retarded. It was a great idea, but I think he made up the ideas as he moved through the movie and then didn't know where to go with it so he just ran the credits.