View Full Version : Whose next to get a team?

07-17-2008, 01:46 PM
OK guys, I suppose Im on a poll fever today - since this is the 2nd one.

But since we know OKC was on the top of the list of cities for the NBA and now OKC has a team, who do you think is on the top of the list - given everything as equal:

Meaning, each city has an NBA worthy arena, committed ownership, and NBA interest - which city do you think is at the top of the list? Here are the choices:

Buffalo - could the NBA return?
Hartford - they have the WNBA, maybe now they want the real deal
Kansas City - KC has the Sprint Center and NOW committed ownership
Louisville - following OKC's model, LV has completed an arena
Omaha - they are striving to be major league
San Diego - could the Clippers be going back south?
Saint Louis - they complete a new palace, should they get a NBA return?
Seattle - they finally build a new arena and patch things with the NBA so to say
San Jose - Larry Ellison has the bucks and the city replaces HP Center
Vancouver - the NBA realizes they never should have left this big city paradise that never really got a fair chance from ownership

Ok, Ok - I know some of the choices are a stretch (Omaha, Buff, Louisville) but hey - most people would have thought OKC was a stretch too pre-2005 and look where it is today.

Keep in mind, this poll assumes all of the NBA essentials are even - that each has a competent arena fit for its market and ownership committed to it.

07-18-2008, 07:05 PM
Heard Buffalo was close to losing their NFL franchise so I wouldn't think they are next. Hartford and Omaha are even smaller than us. Louisville is a possibility but it is an unproven market and will get alot of flack like we are. Vancouver lost their team just a few years ago so I would count them out. ditto for Seattle. San Jose and San Diego are definite possibilities but I would go with either KC or StL, they would be excellent NBA markets and KC would provide another excellent regional rivalry so I will go with KC.

07-18-2008, 07:07 PM
I would throw Las Vegas on the list as well. They are prime for a franchise whether it be NBA, NFL, or MLB. One of those leagues will eventually jump on board and the rest will quickly follow suit. Las Vegas is a players dream city. Countless activities for a young rich athlete.

07-18-2008, 07:13 PM
I would throw Las Vegas on the list as well. They are prime for a franchise whether it be NBA, NFL, or MLB. One of those leagues will eventually jump on board and the rest will quickly follow suit. Las Vegas is a players dream city. Countless activities for a young rich athlete.

Yeah, I was wondering why LV was left off the list.

07-18-2008, 07:27 PM
Heard Buffalo was close to losing their NFL franchise so I wouldn't think they are next.

Really? They only thought there was an uprising in Seattle. That would be a tempest in a teapot compared to the riots if they tried to take the Bills away from Buffalo. Those are some folks you don't want to mess with.

07-28-2008, 07:30 PM
I would throw Las Vegas on the list as well. They are prime for a franchise whether it be NBA, NFL, or MLB. One of those leagues will eventually jump on board and the rest will quickly follow suit. Las Vegas is a players dream city. Countless activities for a young rich athlete.

Considering the ref scandal that's been happening I don't think that there is going to be an NBA team in Vegas anytime soon

07-29-2008, 08:16 PM
I was thinking of Las Vegas as well. Here are my choices:

1. LV
2. Seattle
3. KC

07-31-2008, 12:20 PM
Hot Rod:

You left off Norfolk-Virginia Beach-Newport News-Hampton Roads.

This City had a team in the old ABA (Virginia Squires).

They were in the running in 1997 for the last wave of NHL expansion.

This is the largest major metropolitan area without a major league franchise with about 1.7 million living in that area.