View Full Version : Home Theater Vs. Movie Theater
traxx 07-16-2008, 02:34 PM I've heard people say more and more that with their home theater they don't go to the movies much anymore. Some people like their home theater experience better than the movie theater experience.
As much as I like my home theater with my flat screen and my digital 5.1 surround, if I really want to experience a movie I'll go to the theater and see it. For example, I intend to see the new Batman movie on the big screen. I just feel that there are some movies where the home theater just can't capture the experience. Other movies, I don't feel like it's that big of a deal. I waited and saw Blades of Glory with Will Ferrell on DVD and don't feel like I missed that much by doing so (the quality of the movie itself not withstanding). The interesting thing is, is that I don't even get out to the movie theater that much anymore but it's still my preferred method for viewing movies, good movies.
Each has it's pros and cons. With home theater you don't have to worry about other rude patrons, cell phones, texting (but you're also more likely to answer your own phone) and can pause to get a snack or go to the bathroom. I am not a big pauser, though. My wife comes from a family of pausers who'll pause a movie for 10-20 minutes and all get snacks, pop popcorn, go to the bathroom etc. For me this just ruins the experience. When we were dating I rented Braveheart and at the climax of the movie the phone rings and her dad paused it for about 30 minutes while he talked on the phone making us wait. By the time he came back William Wallace's cry of FREEDOM! had little context or meaning because of the long pause.
Although the movie theater has it's draw backs, I still love the experience when it's a good movie. I like experiencing the movie with the audience. Plus it'll still be many years until your Blu-ray, ultraviolet ray, 4K can match the quality of film. Then again it may never match the quality of film. I remember sitting in the theater cheering with everyone else when Rocky and Apollo were in the final rounds of their bout, I remember everyone gasping when Luke let fly his photon torpedoes hoping his shot would be true and destroy the Death Star, I remember clapping along with the audience when Superman saved Lois Lane. It's just not the same in front of the TV.
What brought all this about is when I watch a movie I loved when I was a kid with my own children it often doesn't hold their attention. They like Superman and Star Wars but they get bored with it easily. I was enthralled in these movies at their age. And I know that the generation gap might have something to do with it, but still a good story and a good movie is still a good story and a good movie even decades later. I really don't think it's boring compared to what they watch now because my kids don't watch the new Spiderman movies and such so they don't really have a frame of reference. The only thing I could come up with that is the difference in viewing experience. I think that if they viewed the movies of my youth on the big screen the movies would hold their attention much better and they'd probably have near the same experience I did as a child. But with a home theater, for them it's not any different from watching TV.
Sorry for the long post. But what are your thoughts? Which do you like better - movie theater? Or Home Theater?
And this thread isn't to crown a de facto superior method for viewing movies, I just think it would make an interesting discussion.
traxx 07-16-2008, 03:14 PM Not sure why this thread got posted twice. Was having Internet hiccoughs earlier so that might be the problem. Mods, feel free to delete one.
OKCisOK4me 07-16-2008, 03:53 PM Having the DLP, Blu-Ray, and 5.1/7.1 (whichever) surround sound, it's definitely an advantage to keep me at home and not spend the money (considering I spend the money and buy as opposed to rent the movies I know I'm going to enjoy).
But when it comes to the big time movies, like LoTR's (which had those huge wide angle shots of the landscapes of New Zealand) or the upcoming Dark Knight, then I'm definitely going to the movie theatre (I like the classic spelling better). Not to mention they blast you with sound where as if like me, living in a condominium, you can't quite truly enjoy your home theatre experience without threatening the peace of your surrounding neighbors.
Oh GAWD the Smell! 07-16-2008, 10:03 PM I agree with about all you said traxx...There are pros and cons of each.
I just put 2.1 more channels in at the house...Taking my HT setup to 7.2 channels (that's right wimps, TWO subs). I've got HD DVD, BluRay, a big DLP television, and I'm running some pretty good power into my Klipsch speakers. I can turn my stuff up so loud (especially on an SACD's *drool* sonic bliss) that I can't hear the exterior doors to the house rattle anymore. I'd bet that I give most theaters a run for their money on both sound quality as well as volume..Yet I STILL go to the theater for quite a few movies when I can. Even with the annoyances, I still love it. Especially with Warren. I really can't plug that joint enough. It's truly impressive from a movie lover's perspective.
I watch most movies from home for sheer convenience, but for a lot of them, you just can't touch the theater.
Of course, not having children (or a wife for that matter) make it completely different at my house too. The lights are dimmed, there's no distractions, and I've got it turned up to 11. If there's anybody else in the house, this isn't possible.
actionman 07-16-2008, 10:26 PM I've got the great room and great projector, but a piss poor walmart/sony 5.1 surround sound system. It does not sound bad, but I know there is better out there. I wired all of the my own low voltage wiring when the house was just studs. But I forgot to run the speaker wire. That is another forthcoming project.
I love my room because I can escape for a couple of hours to a place that is just a couple of feet away from me. I close the door, dim the lights, and can recline and take my shoes off. Can't do that at Warren. I'd get thrown out ;)
Oh GAWD the Smell! 07-16-2008, 10:30 PM I'm currently house-shopping, and while a shop is my #1 priority...A dedicated media room is a close 2nd. I'm jealous Actionman...If I had that space, I could really go balls out on it instead of worrying about what they call "WAF" on AVForums.
traxx 07-17-2008, 07:37 AM Action, I wouldn't be too down on your Sony system if I were you. It's probably a very good system. It'll do the job. Plus, you should always worry more about the quality of your display than your sound because your eyes are "smarter" than your ears. That is to say that your eyes will notice quality imperfections more so than your ears.
Personally, I have a Sony 5.1 digital component receiver that I got around 1999 or 2000. I use a set of Sony satellite speakers that I bought a year or two later and a big ol' JBL powered subwoofer with a real wood cabinet. I had some nice Cerwin Vega tower speakers with composite wood cabinets that I'd bought around 1986 that sounded beautiful and warm but my wife hated the tower cabinets and got rid of them when she could. Said they didn't go with the decor.
Don't beat yourself up too much for not having the most expensive and the "best." Higher price doesn't always mean better. Sure a pricey system may perform great on instruments like wave form monitors etc. but your ears won't be able to tell the difference for the most part. I used to work for a guy that custom built a theater room for himself and spent thousands of dollars on his speakers and system and I couldn't hear the several thousand dollars difference between his system and mine. Not to mention he had his speaker placement all wrong. The installers probably didn't know what they were doing but they also saw that they'd caught a live one so they didn't much care. Having money doesn't always mean you know better.
I think that maybe when my younger children get older, the wife and I will go to the movies more. Hopefully.
tburn 08-12-2008, 12:39 PM I think I've hit the age (37) where the movie theatre experience is overrated.
Went to Warren Theatre for the first time yesterday - for Dark Knight matinee.
$15 for two tix, + $15 for 1 MED popcorn + 2 MED drinks.gah!
I do enjoy the digital picture quality and surround sound - but it doesn't "make" the experience for me.
I can't relax with odd noises from strangers in the dark, and the stench of over-used cologne ... and dumbards with their cell phone beeps.
I haven't tried the "balcony" experience but I think the eating sounds and clatter of dishes & silverware and interruption of the waiter would not be enjoyable!
and the restroom is too far away! they should put one in each hallway!
my popcorn at home is so much better and I can utilize the facilities as well as the pause, rewind feature. the movie still ends the same for me.
BailJumper 08-12-2008, 01:01 PM I'm with tburn. While certain movies were definitely made for big screen experience, I overall enjoy my home theatre. I'm no techy and see no need for the 'best' this and that. I have a good quality projector with a decent speaker. I project to a 120" screen. We love our movie nights. I personally have no patience for the public being rude in the theatre - between cell phones going off, texting, talking and kids, I'm through with the theatre. On occasion we do take in a 10am movie because there are no other people.
Plus with a home theatre it makes playing XBOX 360 and PS3 soooooo much more entertaining!
jsibelius 08-12-2008, 02:53 PM I think I've hit the age (37) where the movie theatre experience is overrated.
Went to Warren Theatre for the first time yesterday - for Dark Knight matinee.
$15 for two tix, + $15 for 1 MED popcorn + 2 MED drinks.gah!
I do enjoy the digital picture quality and surround sound - but it doesn't "make" the experience for me.
I can't relax with odd noises from strangers in the dark, and the stench of over-used cologne ... and dumbards with their cell phone beeps.
I haven't tried the "balcony" experience but I think the eating sounds and clatter of dishes & silverware and interruption of the waiter would not be enjoyable!
and the restroom is too far away! they should put one in each hallway!
my popcorn at home is so much better and I can utilize the facilities as well as the pause, rewind feature. the movie still ends the same for me.
I don't have a home theater, I have a 32" TV and a DVD player. Even so, we only go to the theater for special movies, things that have really great special effects. The last one we saw was Get Smart. Before that, it was the latest Indiana Jones installment. Before that...We are Marshall. We can go a really long time between visits to the theater.
I completely agree with the sentiment about other people, though. We have a habit of waiting until a movie has been out a couple of weeks and then going for an early matinee. There is rarely more than one or two other groups in the room, so we never hear a peep out of them.
I will say this, though - don't knock the balcony at the Warren. We saw both Get Smart and Indiana Jones there. You actually do most of your eating before the movie even starts. There is a little bit of movement from the waiters, but you can fix that by choosing a seat in the front corner - they'll never walk in front of you and the view is still fantastic. Clinking and clattering noises were never an issue. And actually, I figured that if I were ever to go to a movie again during peak attendance times, balcony at the Warren was the way to go. The seats are huge, so there's a lot of space between you and the next person.
traxx 08-13-2008, 11:52 AM I can't relax with odd noises from strangers in the dark, and the stench of over-used cologne ... and dumbards with their cell phone beeps.
I haven't really had this problem at the Warren. But maybe I was just so engrossed in the movie I didn't notice.
But I will agree that prices at any movie theater are out of hand. I haven't bought concessions at a movie in probably over a decade. The reason those prices are so outrageous is because that's where the theater makes its money, not from ticket sales. Most of the money from ticket sales goes to the studios.
venture 08-13-2008, 01:13 PM I like both. I'm blessed that my living room has a massive wall on one side with the high ceilings. I have 110" screen with a Dell 2400MP projection. Amazing DLP picture quality and much nicer to lounge back on the couch than in a theatre.
jsibelius 08-13-2008, 02:14 PM I haven't really had this problem at the Warren. But maybe I was just so engrossed in the movie I didn't notice.
But I will agree that prices at any movie theater are out of hand. I haven't bought concessions at a movie in probably over a decade. The reason those prices are so outrageous is because that's where the theater makes its money, not from ticket sales. Most of the money from ticket sales goes to the studios.
Concessions, I don't do either. If we're really thirsty, we'll buy a single small drink to share. But what surprised me about the Warren was the menu prices weren't on par with the concession prices. They were surprisingly normal!
Oh GAWD the Smell! 08-14-2008, 02:53 AM Yeah, it's cheaper to order a beer and a burger than it is to get a bucket-o-popcorn and a coke. :D
jsibelius 08-14-2008, 09:08 AM Yeah, it's cheaper to order a beer and a burger than it is to get a bucket-o-popcorn and a coke. :D
Tastes great AND more filling! :D
BailJumper 08-14-2008, 10:28 AM My wife has her 'movie purse.' It will hold 3 20oz Cokes and loads of goodies from 7-11. It even once held three burritos from Taco Bell and some crisps! Yeah, I'm that guy - get over it.
traxx 08-14-2008, 12:25 PM It seems the response is overwhelmingly for home theater as opposed to movie theater. I guess I just miss the old days (when I was a kid) but it'll never be like that again. It some ways that's good, but in some ways we've lost something.
jsibelius 08-14-2008, 01:22 PM My wife has her 'movie purse.' It will hold 3 20oz Cokes and loads of goodies from 7-11. It even once held three burritos from Taco Bell and some crisps! Yeah, I'm that guy - get over it.
I've done that. I took my kid brother to see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at the dollar theater and we smuggled in a bunch of grapes and some bottled Cokes from the grocery store next door. Of course, that was obviously in another lifetime. We just don't bother now. If you can't get through 2 hours of movie without eating...
jsibelius 08-14-2008, 01:23 PM It seems the response is overwhelmingly for home theater as opposed to movie theater. I guess I just miss the old days (when I was a kid) but it'll never be like that again. It some ways that's good, but in some ways we've lost something.
I'll tell you what we've lost: civility. That's one big reason why people don't like to mess with the theater anymore. We've also lost the ability to pay for it, since it's no longer reasonably affordable entertainment.
traxx 08-14-2008, 02:08 PM I'll tell you what we've lost: civility. That's one big reason why people don't like to mess with the theater anymore. We've also lost the ability to pay for it, since it's no longer reasonably affordable entertainment.
tburn 08-14-2008, 03:31 PM I've done that. I took my kid brother to see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at the dollar theater and we smuggled in a bunch of grapes and some bottled Cokes from the grocery store next door. Of course, that was obviously in another lifetime. We just don't bother now. If you can't get through 2 hours of movie without eating...
2:40 these days!
and it doesn't matter that I just had lunch, I MUST have popcorn when I see a movie.
I really wanted to enjoy the Warren experience. I envy the days of yore when it was considered an event or a "date" at the least to get dressed up and go to the movies. We will probably go again for a picturesque show ... maybe the new Bond flick and try the Balcony (matinee! $$) experience.
I don't have a home theatre for comparison, I just have a regular 36" tv without additional speakers and whatnot. we are both technically challenged.
whorton 10-31-2017, 09:21 PM I think for most of those of us who classify ourselves as baby boomer generation would agree. The theatre experience is often better, save for other patrons. I stopped attending public cinema back in the 90's when the cities theatres seemed to stop policing the auditoriums and letting the adolescents rule with no regards for anyone else.