View Full Version : Saving Grace back on lastnight.

07-15-2008, 06:21 AM
I didn't watch any of the show's first season, but my wife is a big fan of the show so I ended up watching the show last night. Everything happened in Bricktown it seemed, but the Paseo was mentioned a time or two. I got a chuckle when one of the actors mentioned, "our mayor's putting this city on a diet".

Since I've never seen the show before, I was surprised to see how many OKC references were included. I mean, I knew the show was based in OKC, but it seemed like lines and props were used just to remind you it was in OKC.

Like the "diet" thing, I was amazed at how many OKC references were thrown out. Maybe one day, we'll find that Grace posts on an OKC message board like this one. Who knows, she may even despise second-rate developers in Bricktown.

07-16-2008, 11:56 AM
I just wish the writer of this show had a better clue of what OKC really is and the images/adversity we've overcome. I know she visited last year after being requested to get a better feel of the city after many complaints of the too hickish portrayal on TV. But I still don't think this lady gets OKC. I am grateful though for a TV series finally about OKC.

07-16-2008, 12:22 PM
I don't know if she is a writer, but the creator, Nancy Miller, is from OKC. I'm not sure if the hickish portrayals are incorporated as a lame attempt to add flair to the characters or to remind the viewers that the show is set in OKC.

07-16-2008, 07:02 PM
I was trying to remember, but wasn't the storyline about the police dog jumping off the bridge taken from something that happened here a few years ago? Does anyone have any links to the OKC news story? Or did I just imagine it?

07-16-2008, 09:55 PM
I was trying to remember, but wasn't the storyline about the police dog jumping off the bridge taken from something that happened here a few years ago? Does anyone have any links to the OKC news story? Or did I just imagine it?

You're not imagining it. I remember that story, too. Unfortunately, I don't have a link.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
07-16-2008, 10:13 PM
I just wish the writer of this show had a better clue of what OKC really is and the images/adversity we've overcome. I know she visited last year after being requested to get a better feel of the city after many complaints of the too hickish portrayal on TV. But I still don't think this lady gets OKC. I am grateful though for a TV series finally about OKC.

lol...Oklahoma IS hickish. Even downtown. It's 100x better than it was 20 years ago...But we're a long way from shedding that.

07-17-2008, 07:28 AM
Can't shed it when every major national news worthy event that happens here (like the weather) has comments from the "locals" usually ones with teeth issues and a HUGE drawl.

07-17-2008, 07:43 AM
lol...Oklahoma IS hickish. Even downtown. It's 100x better than it was 20 years ago...But we're a long way from shedding that.

Perhaps you're correct in your statement, but how "hickish" is defined is completely subjective. I don't want to speak on metro's behalf, but I think he was referring to the deliberate drawl and mannerisms of the people on the show, most of which bear no resemblance to the citizens of OKC.

If I go to NYC, you might be able to tell I'm not from town, but I'm not going to stick out like a sore thumb. The characters on this show would stand out, even in Oklahoma.

07-18-2008, 11:45 PM
I was trying to remember, but wasn't the storyline about the police dog jumping off the bridge taken from something that happened here a few years ago? Does anyone have any links to the OKC news story? Or did I just imagine it?

Ajo a K9 Dog from the Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office jumped from an overpass and survived.

YouTube - Tribute to AJO (

07-19-2008, 01:23 PM
let's see ...
molester got away with it for ages ... check
long ago victim gets riled ... check
dead molester ... check
long ago victim knows a cop ... check
old classmate warned to skip town while the skippin's good ... check
boss of cop is strongly supportive but doesn't ask too many questions ... check
loyal concerned friends of both genders ... check
friends convinced she coulda done it but happy she did not ... check
beau who maybe can and maybe can't handle the truth of things ... check

shoot fire and save them matches, sounds like an Oklahoma story line to me.


07-19-2008, 01:51 PM
The show is silly and the storylines are a tad too contrived, but I do appreciate the attempts in dialogue to at least localize it. I think they do try too hard to put at OU pennent in every scene.

I'm also convinced that the big cliffhanger this year is going to involve an F4 barring down on downtown and Grace will have to save a schoolbus full of kids going to a Redhawks game. She'll commandeer the bus, drive recklessly and put the bus in the BT canal. Then, after saving all of the kids, including one who can't swim, she'll punch out a restaurant owner trying to intevene, who just happened by accident to call her "Honey."

07-19-2008, 04:54 PM
> She'll commandeer the bus, drive recklessly and put the bus in the
> BT canal. Then, after saving all of the kids, including one who can't
> swim, she'll punch out a restaurant owner trying to intevene, who
> just happened by accident to call her "Honey."

I'd watch it. But then, I've watched a lass gross out her friend by catching a fish in the lower end of the canal with her bare hand.

Hmmm, come to think of it, I know someone who would volunteer her ex to play the stunt double of resturant owner especially if the punch wasn't going to be pulled. She might even don a blondish wig and be hunter's stunt double, just to be sure.

07-19-2008, 05:50 PM
Unfortunately, the show has to live up to the Okie sterotypes or viewers outside OK won't think it is 'realistic.'

I've only seen it a couple of times and thought it was pretty lame myself. She's a bit too much of a whore for me and the dialogue and acting are pretty b-rate for my taste.

07-19-2008, 08:41 PM
Thanks for the link, oneforone. I didn't think I was totally hallucinating it.

In trying to Google the "police dog jumps off of bridge" story I discovered it happens on a somewhat regular basis all across the country. Poor K9 babies - just doing their jobs.

Has anyone seen Holly Hunter in town shooting footage? I know they only shoot a couple of days here every year, but I never hear about it when it is actually happening.

07-19-2008, 08:44 PM
and then there's the whole bit of the forensic lass being extremely intelligent and possessing a strong moral compass, traits not generally mentioned by the masses in connection with a former and now somewhat infamous forensics person.

07-22-2008, 06:10 AM
The episode last night featured Grace and another detective sipping soda out of a Johnnies Charcoal Broiler about product placement. Similar to last week's episode, I must've counted more than a dozen reminders the show was based in OKC, which seems a little forced. I guess if you're from OKC, you pick up on it more than the average viewer. To everyone else, they hear May Ave. and Shawnee and think nothing of it. Like a dog who hears his name in the midst of a conversation, my ears perked up out of sound recognition.

My wife really enjoys the show, so I've decided I'll watch it with her. It's not exactly my cup of tea, but I may find I enjoy the show more and more as the season progresses.

07-22-2008, 04:55 PM
I got a kick out of Retta meeting, but not meeting, Earl. Not even sure why.
I got a bigger kick out of the cop driving off after talking to Grace and broadcasting "Gus, your mom is looking for you."
I suppose because it reminded me of a few patrolers I've known elsewhere.

07-23-2008, 12:40 PM
The bombing-centric episode was really good. I can't believe it took this long for Hollywood to do something centered around the bombing. 9/11 got 2 movies and zillions of documentaries, but nothing heralding our heroes from Hollywood--til now I guess.

07-29-2008, 06:39 AM
Grace was wearing a Louie's Bar & Grill shirt throughout the majority of yesterday's episode to continue to OKC-owned product placement.

07-29-2008, 04:43 PM
I highly doubt it's actual product placement.

08-12-2008, 09:53 AM
Well Saving Grace is one of my favorite shows...and I love the way when they talk about some where...we know where it is...

It is a little raw and rough, and I guess maybe corny...but when you here
"Johnnies" or Boomer is fun...
And last nights episode with Barry Switzer...You gotta love it...and I think we can laugh at ourselves and still totally understand when they showed the IDOL

08-12-2008, 09:56 AM
The Barry Switzer cameo was great!

08-12-2008, 10:21 AM
Anyone else notice Paco Balderrama in the opening scene? He was only on screen for a few seconds at a time.

08-12-2008, 10:30 AM
this says "preview" of Barry Switzer cameo but it's pretty cool.

YouTube - Barry Switzer Guest Stars on Saving Grace Preview (

08-12-2008, 10:31 AM
Anyone else notice Paco Balderrama in the opening scene? He was only on screen for a few seconds at a time.

Yeah, I wondered if I was the only one who noticed him in the art gallery scenes lol.

08-12-2008, 01:58 PM
Anyone else notice Paco Balderrama in the opening scene? He was only on screen for a few seconds at a time.

We thought that was him! Was he supposed to be checking out Grace or Ham?? Little confused there.

08-12-2008, 02:33 PM
He was staring down Ham (I think that's the Longhorn guy), like in the old west.

08-12-2008, 05:19 PM
No, Ada's the Texas fan that Barry was staring down.

I was asking about the scene with Paco.

09-20-2008, 08:46 PM
Renewed for season 3.

"Few series on television are as daring as this one," Turner programming boss Michael Wright says of "Saving Grace," which stars Holly Hunter as a hard-living Oklahoma City cop who's watched over by a "last-chance angel" (Leon Rippy). "We're thrilled to be welcoming it back."

TNT Renews 'Saving Grace,' 'Raising the Bar' - Both shows will return in 2009 - Zap2it (,0,2904917.story)

08-15-2009, 05:14 PM
Did you guys see that Saving Grace was canceled.

08-15-2009, 07:13 PM
Saw the news. It gets about a 1/2 season for season 3 and then it'll be gone.

Color me bummed. I felt the same way when HBO Carnivale was killed off after season 2.
Sometimes I think it would be better for shows if I remained ho hum about them. I have the worst luck in getting into a show and this happening.

by the by, if anyone is reading this from HBO, True Blood is completely awful, terrible, can't imagine why it is on the airwaves (so leave it da #(%$&$#^ alone, awite?)

08-16-2009, 10:52 AM
i really really tried to get into this show and just couldnt. sometimes there would be an episode where i thought the show might be turning a corner, but most of the time it was just meh. not surprised to see it go.

08-16-2009, 11:34 AM
I'm not terribly difficult to please. I like Hunter and three other actors on the show, and their roles don't suck.

As a result, I have found it easy to forgive the parts of the show which do. One such quirk is the naming every one after towns. I kept being concened they would introduce a new informant, a chubby asian hooker affectionately called Gut, real name Hrie.

I'll miss the show, warts and all, once it is gone

08-16-2009, 02:53 PM
Hunter's performance is always great, but I had trouble getting into it as well. I would TiVo it and have it on while doing other things, just to hear all the OKC references. There were SO many.

08-22-2009, 12:40 AM
While Fox Television Studios’ decision to cancel TNT’s “Saving Grace” was unusual in that the drama was still faring well in the ratings, the move made sense financially.

Series will end its run after nine episodes scheduled for next summer.

“Saving Grace,” which stars Holly Hunter, wasn’t doing nearly as well outside the U.S., and DVD sales were weak. Plus, with season orders that were small, it seemed unlikely that enough episodes would be made to earn syndication dollars.

The skein, about an Oklahoma City detective who solves crimes while trying to keep her erratic personal life in order, was garnering 3.5 million viewers per episode.

A spokesman for Fox Television Studios, which produces the show, said: “In today’s rapidly changing television world, shows need to drive revenue off too many sources in order to be profitable for all the partners. Unfortunately, the economics of the series mandated stronger international and ancillary revenue than the show was able to generate. We thought an appropriate ending after three extremely successful seasons was the best outcome for all parties involved.”

The show faced rising production costs, as dramas in their later seasons typically face higher salaries for their primary performers. And “Saving Grace” had visual effects not typical of most procedurals.

Hunter is one of a growing number of film actresses who have made their way to cable. Kyra Sedgwick has starred in “The Closer” for five seasons, and Glenn Close won an Emmy last year for FX’s “Damages.” When the show aired earlier this spring, the ratings took a substantial hit against original broadcast fare. While fans of the show will be upset that “Saving Grace” is leaving the air, creator Nancy Miller will now have the time to give it a proper ending. Showrunners often fume at networks that cancel their shows without all the loose ends tied up.

I was sad to hear the show had been canceled. I have started a group on Facebook called Let's Save "Saving Grace". Any of you on Facebook are more than welcome to join.

10-21-2009, 09:19 PM
Only saw a few episodes and thought they were kinda "corney" but, liked the Oklahoma slant. I didn't kmow anything about the show until mentioned here.